A sympathetic ear, a kind word or a walk together: these things cost nothing but time and are often very valuable, especially for patients who have to be in hospital and cannot have visitors very often. The volunteers of the "Green Ladies and Gentlemen" visiting and companion service, which was launched at the University Hospital in October 2017, want to give away a lot of their time.
If you are a patient and would like a visit, please contact the nurses and carers on your ward.

The visiting and accompanying service is currently available at Michelsberg in the University Hospitals for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine, Head and Neck Surgery and Ophthalmology. At Oberer Eselsberg, the Green Ladies and Gentlemen offer visits to the urology department and two wards of the Department of Internal Medicine III: the palliative care ward M3p and the haematology ward M4cd.

More about the project:

The "Grüne Damen und Herren" ("Green Ladies and Gentlemen") of the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Katholische Krankenhaus-Hilfe und Evangelische Kranken- und Altenhilfe e.V. are a voluntary service that supplements the nursing service in a hospital or care facility. The volunteers do not take on any nursing or housekeeping tasks, but instead support patients and their relatives with attention and human closeness. The service was revived at Ulm University Hospital in August 2017. The volunteers need reinforcements so that they can soon offer visits to many other wards at the university hospital.

Reinforcement for the "Green Ladies and Gentlemen"

Would you also like to be there for patients with an open ear and a kind word?

The "Green Ladies and Gentlemen" are always happy to welcome new colleagues who would also like to volunteer.
All you need to bring along is a love of working with patients and their relatives, empathy and discretion.

Have we piqued your interest?
Then send a short application to:

Ulm University Hospital
Hospital Administration | Human Resources
Albert-Einstein-Allee 29
89081 Ulm
E-mail: gruene.damen@uniklinik-ulm.de

Profilbild von  Robert Jeske

Robert Jeske
