Research and publications

The two main scientific focuses of our clinic are, firstly, orthodontic biomechanics in fixed orthodontic appliances and aligners and, secondly, basic and clinical studies in the area of masticatory and facial musculature.

We also deal with issues in the fields of digital orthodontic diagnostics, the biomechanics of facial soft tissues and the relationship between playing wind instruments and teeth.

Original publications with first and/or last authorship

  1. Schmidt F., Kilic F., Piro N.E., Geiger M.E., Lapatki B.G.: Novel Method for Superposing 3D Digital Models for Monitoring Orthodontic Tooth Movement. Ann Biomed Eng 46(8), 1160-1172, 2018 (IF: 3.41).

  2. Elkholy F., Mikhaiel B., Schmidt F., Lapatki B.G.: Mechanical load exerted by PET-G aligners during mesial and distal derotation of a mandibular canine: An in vitro study. J Orofac Orthop. 78 (5), 361-370, 2017 (IF: 0.91).

  3. Elkholy F., Schmidt F., Jäger R., Lapatki B.G.: Forces and moments applied during derotation of a maxillary central incisor with thinner aligners: An in-vitro study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 151, 407-415, 2017 (IF: 1.84).

  4. Elkholy F., Schmidt F., Jäger R., Lapatki B.G.: Forces and moments delivered by novel, thinner PET-G align-ers during labiopalatal bodily movement of a maxillary central incisor: An in vitro study. Angle Orthod 86, 883-890, 2016 (IF: 1.37).

  5. van Dijk J.P., Eiglsperger U., Hellmann D., Giannakopoulos N.N., McGill K.C., Schindler H.J., Lapatki B.G.: Motor unit activity within the depth of the masseter characterised by an adapted scanning EMG technique. Clin Neurophysiol 127, 3198-204, 2016 (IF 3.87).

  6. Schmidt F., Geiger M.E., Jäger R., Lapatki B.G.: Comparison of methods to determine the centre of resistance of teeth. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin 19, 1673-82, 2016 (IF: 1.91).

  7. Elkholy F., Panchaphongsaphak T., Kilic F., Schmidt F., Lapatki B.G.: Forces and moments delivered by PET-G aligners to an upper central incisor for labial and palatal translation. J Orofac Orthop 76, 460-475, 2015 (IF: 0.7).

  8. Vogel A.B., Kilic F., Schmidt F., Rübel S., Lapatki, B.G.: Optical 3D scans for orthodontic diagnostics per-formed on full-arch impressions. Completeness of surface structure representation. J Orofac Orthop 76, 493-507, 2015 (IF: 0.7).

  9. Vogel A.B., Kilic F., Schmidt F., Rübel S., Lapatki, B.G.: Dimensional accuracy of jaw scans performed on alginate impressions or stone models: A practice-oriented study. J Orofac Orthop 76, 351-65, 2015 (IF: 0.7).

  10. Radeke J., von der Wense C., von Neubeck H., Lapatki B.G.: Comparability in the acquisition of metrical values on dental plaster casts and 3D-scans. J Orofac Orthop 75, 264-74, 2014 (IF: 0.7).

  11. Schindler H.J., Hellmann D., Giannakopoulos N.N., Eiglsperger U., van Dijk J.P., Lapatki B.G.: Localised task-dependent motor-unit recruitment in the masseter. J Oral Rehab 41, 477-85, 2014 (IF: 2.344).

  12. Geiger M.E., Lapatki B.G.: Locating the centre of resistance in individual teeth via two- and three-dimensional radiographic data. J Orofac Orthop 75, 96-106, 2014 (IF: 0.7).

  13. Radeke J, van Dijk J.P., Holobar A., Lapatki B.G.: Electrophysiological method to examine muscle fibre architecture in the upper lip in cleft-lip patients. J Orofac Orthop 75, 51-61, 2014 (IF: 0.7)

  14. Rues S., Panchaphongsaphak B., Gieschke P., Paul O., Lapatki B.G.: An analysis of the measurement principle of smart brackets for 3D force and moment monitoring in orthodontics. J Biomech 44, 1892-1900, 2011 (IF: 2.657).

  15. Lapatki B.G., van Dijk J.P., van de Warrenburg B.P.C., Zwarts M.J.: Botulinum toxin has an increased effect when targeted toward the muscle's endplate zone: a high-density surface EMG guided study. Clin Neurophysiol 122, 1611-1616, 2011 (IF: 3.122).

  16. Lapatki B.G., Oostenveld R., van Dijk J.P., Jonas I.E., Zwarts M.J., Stegeman D.F.: Optimal placement of bipolar surface EMG electrodes in the face based on single motor unit analysis. Psychophysiol 47, 299-314, 2010 (IF: 3.349).

Original publications with co-authorship

  1. Becker F., Lapatki B., Paul O.: Miniaturised Six-Degree-of-Freedom Force/Moment Transducers for Instrumented Teeth with Single Sensor Chip. IEEE Sensors Journal 18(6), 2268-77, 2018 (IF: 2.62).

  2. Becker F., Jäger R., Schmidt F., Lapatki B., Paul O.: Miniaturised Six-Degree-of-Freedom Force/Moment Transducers for Instrumented Teeth. IEEE Sensors Journal 17(12), 3644-55, 2017 (IF: 2.62).

  3. Meyers N., Sukopp M., Jäger R., Steiner M., Matthys R., Lapatki B., Ignatius A., Claes L.: Characterisation of inter-fragmentary motion associated with common osteosynthesis devices for rat fracture healing studies. PLoS One. 12(4), e0176735, 2017 (IF: 3.54).

  4. Delnooz C., Veugen L., Pasman J., Lapatki B., van Dijk J., van de Warrenburg B.: The clinical utility of botulinum toxin injections targeted at the motor endplate zone in cervical dystonia. Eur J Neurol 21, 1486-e98, 2014 (IF: 3.852).

  5. Kuhl M., Gieschke P., Rossbach D., Hilzensauer S.A., Panchaphongsaphak T., Ruther P., Lapatki B.G., Paul O., Manoli Y.: A wireless stress-mapping system for orthodontic brackets using CMOS-integrated sensors. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 48, 2191-2202, 2013 (IF: 3.23).


Review article

  1. Lapatki B.G., Radeke J.: Opening a gap or closing a gap? Therapeutic options for aplasia of the maxillary lateral incisors and basic options for multiple non-unions (Part 2). ZBW 8/2015: 39-47. 2015.

  2. Lapatki B.G., Radeke J.: Opening a gap or closing a gap? General aspects and treatment concepts for aplasia of the second premolars in the lower jaw (Part 1). ZBW 7/2015: 30-35. 2015.

  3. Lapatki B.G., Radeke J.: What moves teeth - Biomechanical aspects of tooth position and tooth movement. knowledge compact 8:3-17.2014

  4. Stegeman D.F., Kleine B.U., Lapatki B.G., van Dijk J.P.: High-density surface EMG: Techniques and applications at a motor unit level. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 32, 3-27, 2012 (IF: 0.234).

Book contributions

  1. Lapatki B.G., Dental and orthodontic problems in wind instrumentalists. pp. 228-250. in: Claudia Spahn, Bernhard Richter, Eckart Altenmüller (Eds.). Diagnostics, prevention and therapy of musician-specific disorders, Schattauer Verlag, 2010. ISBN: 978-3-7945-2634-5.

  2. Lapatki B.G., The Facial Musculature - Characterisation at a Motor Unit Level. In: Donders Series, Vol. 33. Ipskamp, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2010. ISBN: 978-3-00-030907-4.