Utilising the eruption of teeth
As soon as the first milk tooth is lost in the area of the side teeth and the permanent successor erupts, the so-called late mixed dentition phase begins. During this phase, the permanent teeth can be guided into the correct position using removable braces. In this way, later tooth movements with fixed appliances can be reduced in their extent, which shortens the treatment time with fixed braces.
Gaining space during tooth replacement
In our population, it is often the case that the teeth are too large in relation to the jaw. In this case, the teeth have too little space to align straight next to each other. Incisors and canines in particular are often twisted or interlocked. If the change of teeth is not yet complete, the space conditions can be improved by simple orthodontic measures and the extent of crowding can be reduced. In borderline cases, it may be possible to avoid having to extract permanent teeth for space reasons. For these reasons, it is important that treatment is started during the tooth replacement phase and not only after all permanent teeth have erupted.
Control of growth processes
The so-called pubertal growth spurt takes place at around the same time as the change of teeth in the posterior region. During this phase, a lot of growth takes place in a relatively short period of time. This is also a good time to positively influence growth through orthodontic measures. For example, the forward growth of the lower jaw can be supported or inhibited and the lower jaw can be brought into a correct position in relation to the upper jaw.