Tooth misalignment corrections before new dentures
Dental restorations include the provision of fillings, crowns, bridges, implants and dentures. In some cases, it makes sense to correct existing misaligned teeth before a restoration. In this case, close consultation with your family dentist is advisable.
These so-called pre-prosthetic orthodontic measures often involve optimising the width of an existing gap or smaller movements of a single tooth in order to optimise the conditions for its restoration.
Orthodontic pre-treatments often serve the purpose of
- to optimise the structure of a tooth with plastic or a ceramic veneer; this may require adjusting the width of the gap to the front and rear neighbouring tooth
- To enlarge or reduce gaps in the area of missing teeth so that they correspond to the width of one or more teeth; often a gap can only be optimally restored with an implant after it has been widened
- to straighten severely tilted abutment teeth of planned bridges so that the abutment can better absorb mechanical loads when chewing; straightening bridge abutment teeth usually also improves their cleanability
- to increase the distance between a tooth to be restored and the teeth in the opposite jaw; in this way, for example, ceramic restorations can be designed by the dental technician in such a way that they have sufficient material thickness and thus mechanical stability without the tooth to be restored having to be ground down too much.
- to move the restoration margin of a severely damaged or fractured tooth to the area above the gums that is accessible to the dentist
Whereas in the past, larger fixed orthodontic appliances with brackets were usually used on all teeth for such measures, it is now possible in many situations to limit the appliance to just a few teeth by additionally using so-called "LINK mini implants". For example, brackets in the area of the incisors can be dispensed with if movement is required in the posterior region, which brings considerable aesthetic benefits for the patient.