Prof. Dr rer. nat. Gerhard Glatting

University Professor

Ulm University Hospital, Nuclear Medicine
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23, 89081 Ulm, Germany
Building/Fixed Point N22
Room 2115

Phone: 0731 500-61340
Fax: 0731 500-61302


"ORCID ID 0000-0001-7916-1576"
"Web of Science ResearcherID ABF-2506-2020"


Diploma in Physics, University of Ulm
Diploma thesis: "Theoretical investigations on the temperature dependence of optical linewidths in glasses"


Doctorate, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Ulm
Dissertation: "On the theory of the rubber-elastic behaviour of polymer networks"


Research assistant, Clinic for Nuclear Medicine, University of Ulm


Distance learning programme "Medical Physics and Technology", TU Kaiserslautern


Specialist certification for medical physics (DGMP)


Specialist qualification in radiation protection (medical physics expert)
Authorisation for further training in medical physics (DGMP) in nuclear medicine


Habilitation/authorisation to teach in the field of "Medical Physics", University of Ulm
Topic: "On image reconstruction in positron emission tomography"


Apl. professor, University of Ulm


Science Prize of the DGMP 2008


University Professor "Medical Radiation Physics / Radiation Protection", Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg

Since 2016

University Professor "Medical Radiation Physics", Faculty of Medicine, University of Ulm

2002 - 2019

Co-editor of the Journal of Medical Physics

Since 2005Member of the Advisory Board of the German Society for Medical Physics (DGMP)

Since 2013

Member of the Editorial Board EJNMMI Physics

2015 - 2018

Member of the EANM Physics Committee

2016 - 2020

Member of the EANM Radiation Protection Committee
Founding member of the EANM Radiation Protection Committee
Representative of the EANM in EURAMED

Since 2016Member of the Medical Physics Committee of the German Society for Nuclear Medicine (DGN)
2017 - 2022Member of the MEDIRAD Stakeholder Board
2018 - 2019Member of the Dosimetry Committee of the German Society of Nuclear Medicine (DGN)
Since 2020Member of the Editorial Board Cancers
Since 2020Member of the DFG Review Board Subject 205-32 Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering
Since 2021Member of the Steering Committee of the "EFOMP Special Interest Group for Radionuclide Internal Dosimetry"
Since 2024Member of the Dosimetry Committee of the German Society of Nuclear Medicine (DGN)

You can find all updated publications here

Further publications:

  • G. Glatting, R.G. Winkler, P. Reineker. Functionality dependence for molecular nonaffine deformation of polymer networks. Polymer 38: 4049-4052, 1997
  • G. Glatting, R.G. Winkler, P. Reineker. Microscopic Nonaffine Deformation of Polydisperse Polymer Networks. Macromolecules 28: 5906-5909, 1995
  • G. Glatting. Polymer chains with correlations between adjacent segments: Qualitative differences to the freely joined chain. J Chem Phys 102: 3448-3451, 1995
  • G. Glatting, R.G. Winkler, P. Reineker. Freely jointed chain with variable segment number and length. Colloid Polym Sci 273(1): 32-37, 1995
  • G. Glatting, R.G. Winkler, P. Reineker. Are the continuum and the lattice representation of freely joined chains equivalent? Macromol Theory Simul 3: 575-583, 1994
  • G. Glatting, R.G. Winkler, P. Reineker. Influence of microscopic non-affinity and functionality on the deformation of polymeric networks. Macromol Symp 81: 129-137, 1994
  • G. Glatting, R.G. Winkler, P. Reineker. Analytical model for the microscopic nonaffine deformation of polymer networks. J Chem Phys 101: 2532-2538, 1994
  • G. Glatting, R.G. Winkler, P. Reineker. Partition function and force extension relation for a generalised freely joined chain. Macromolecules 26: 6085-6091, 1993