Registration / Appointments

Registration Nuclear Medicine

Opening hours

Monday - Thursday

07:30 - 16:00

Friday - Friday

07:30 - 14:00




Appointments for PET/CT and PET/MRI

Telephone: 0731 500 - 61314 (1 in the announcement menu)
Fax: 0731 500 - 61303

Telephone availability

Monday - Thursday08:30 - 15:00
Friday - Friday08:30 - 13:30

Download registration forms for referrers


Appointments for conventional nuclear medicine and thyroid outpatient clinic

Telephone: 0731 500 - 61310 (2 in the announcement menu)
Fax: 0731 500 - 61309

Telephone availability

Monday - Thursday

08:30 - 15:00

Friday - Friday

08:30 - 13:30

Therapy management and findings

Telephone: 0731 500 - 61304 (3 in the announcement menu)
Fax: 0731 500 - 61302

Telephone availability

Monday - Thursday

08:30 - 15:00

Medical Director Prof. Dr Ambros J. Beer

Phone: 0731 500 - 61300
Fax: 0731 500 - 61302

Ulm University Hospital
Clinic for Nuclear Medicine
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23
89081 Ulm