On 1 July 2016, the "Peripheral Nerve Surgery" section was founded within the Neurosurgery Clinic of the University of Ulm at Günzburg District Hospital. The Günzburg Neurosurgery Department has been performing operations on peripheral nerves for over forty years. Due to its high level of expertise, the clinic is regarded as a reference centre for the whole of Germany.
With over 500 operations on peripheral nerves every year, the clinic is one of the largest of all university and municipal centres in Germany. The establishment of the section means that patients with compression syndromes, traumatic nerve and brachial plexus lesions as well as nerve tumours can be diagnosed and treated more effectively.
The renowned nerve courses and electrophysiological seminars for neurosurgeons from German-speaking countries and abroad, which have been held since 2000, will continue to be offered. This enables us to pass on our experience.
We look forward to continuing to be at your side as a reliable and competent partner.

Outpatient clinic

Phone +49 8221 96-2260

Fax +49 08221 96-28257

The consultation hours of the "Peripheral Nerve Surgery" section take place every Monday from 7.30 am to 3.00 pm.

Günzburg District Hospital
Lindenallee 2
89312 Günzburg

Flyer contact details (German)
Flyer contact details (English)

Mrs Silke Lau


Information on events can be found on the Peripheral Nerve Surgery Section page of the Günzburg District Hospital.

Disease patterns

An essential part of the neurosurgical spectrum is the surgical treatment of diseases of the peripheral nerves. The peripheral nervous system includes all nerves in the extremities and the nerve plexuses in the arm (brachial plexus) and leg (lumbosacral plexus).
Peripheral nerve surgery is an important focus of the clinic. The spectrum ranges from the treatment of all constriction syndromes of peripheral nerves (e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome) to reconstructive nerve surgery, e.g. following accident injuries, in particular of the brachial plexus, and the treatment of tumours of peripheral nerves.
Due to its special expertise, the clinic organises annual training courses for peripheral nerve surgery and electrophysiological diagnostics (see events).


Profilbild von PD Dr. med. Teresa Pedro

PD Dr. med. Teresa Pedro

Sektionsleiterin Periphere Nervenchirurgie am Standort Günzburg