Our Department of Neurosurgery offers the entire spectrum of surgical treatment for brain tumours in children and adults.
The aim of tumour surgery is to remove the tumour tissue as completely as possible without impairing the function of the individual areas of the brain. Modern intraoperative imaging techniques using magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and intraoperative monitoring (functional monitoring using electrodes or probes) are used for this purpose. This allows the size of the tumour to be better identified and subsequently resected without causing new neurological restrictions. Neuronavigation makes it easier to orientate and plan an operation.
Close interdisciplinary cooperation within our clinic ensures complex treatment and aftercare in conferences with doctors from different disciplines (tumour board).
The most common types of tumour treated include brain metastases, meningiomas (tumours of the meninges) and gliomas (tumours of the brain).
A brain tumour can manifest itself either through a functional disorder of the individual areas of the brain (focal symptom), such as paralysis (loss of strength), visual impairment, or through signs of increased pressure inside the skull. The latter are associated with nausea, headaches or vomiting unrelated to food intake. It is also possible that local or generalised seizures may occur due to irritation of the brain surface. Neuroradiological clarification of suspected brain tumours is carried out by means of magnetic resonance imaging. In the acute phase, a computerised tomography scan may be necessary for differential diagnosis.
These are so-called brain tumours that grow from the brain's own cells. As the actual brain cells, so-called neurons, can no longer divide, the brain supporting tissue cells or glia are responsible for the development of gliomas. Depending on which glial cells contribute to tumour formation, a distinction is made between astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas and ependymomas.
Astrocytomas are the largest group of gliomas (80%). They include a complete spectrum from well-differentiated (little alienated from the healthy cell) to completely anaplastic (very strongly alienated from the healthy cell) tumour types. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) classification, astrocytoma grade I refers to slow-growing pilocytic astrocytomas and grade IV to fast-growing glioblastomas.
Oligodendrogliomas occur predominantly in adults in the cerebral hemispheres, particularly in the frontal lobe of the brain. They are often characterised by calcifications. A distinction is made between oligodendrogliomas WHO grade II and anaplastic oligodendrogliomas WHO grade III.
Ependymomas grow primarily in the vicinity of the ventricular system of the entire central nervous system. As with oligodendrogliomas, a distinction can be made between WHO grade II and III ependymomas.
The treatment of gliomas usually involves surgery and, if necessary, postoperative radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy for fast-growing forms.
Meningiomas are usually benign brain tumours that grow very slowly from cells in the meninges and displace the brain tissue. Depending on their location, this causes various neurological disorders such as hemiplegia or sensory disturbances. In most cases, the boundary between the surface of the brain and a meningioma can be easily separated surgically and a connection to the meninges can be found. The aim is therefore to remove the tumour completely, after which additional treatment is usually no longer necessary. If complete resection is not possible due to the location of the tumour, regular check-ups or, if the tumour has grown in size, follow-up radiotherapy will be necessary.
These are metastases of tumours from other organ systems that can develop in various areas of the brain. Metastasis occurs via the bloodstream. The most common malignant tumours that metastasise to the brain include malignant melanoma, bronchial carcinoma and breast carcinoma. Sometimes the symptoms of a brain metastasis precede the consequences of a primary tumour. The complex treatment of brain metastases usually requires a combination of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.