Forschungsförderung für jun. Prof. Markus Breunig

Forschung zur Krankheitsentstehung in der Bauchspeicheldrüse bei Mukoviszidose: Unterstützung durch den Bundesverband Mukoviszidose
Das Forschungsteam um Jun.-Prof. Dr. Markus Breunig (Institut für Molekulare Onkologie und Stammzellbiologie (IMOS), Universitätsklinikum Ulm) erhält eine Förderung von 149.495 Euro durch den Bundesverband Mukoviszidose e.V. Ziel der Studie ist es, die molekularen Mechanismen zu verstehen, die zur Entstehung von Verdauungsproblemen und CF-assoziiertem Diabetes bei Mukoviszidose-Patienten führen. Mithilfe eines Pankreas-Organoid-Modells wird die Rolle des CFTR-Proteins in der Entwicklung der Bauchspeicheldrüse untersucht.
Rund 80% der Mukoviszidose-Patienten leiden an Pankreasinsuffizienz und benötigen Enzympräparate. Darüber hinaus entwickeln viele Patienten mit zunehmendem Alter einen Diabetes, der in der Regel Insulinbehandlungen erfordert. Das Projekt verfolgt die Hoffnung, durch ein besseres Verständnis der Krankheitsentstehung neue Therapieansätze entwickeln zu können, die die Pankreassymptome und den Diabetes behandeln.
Durch die Förderung des Bundesverbands Mukoviszidose e.V. kann das Team um Markus Breunig seine Arbeit fortsetzen, um neue Wege in der Behandlung von Mukoviszidose zu erforschen und die Lebensqualität der Betroffenen zu verbessern. Weitere Informationen zur Forschungsförderung finden sich hier
Publication Cell Reports
Congratulations to Sarah Merz and Sandra Heller!
"A ONECUT1 regulatory, non-coding region in pancreatic development and diabetes"
published in Cell Reports
Press UKU: Diabetes-Schalter in der DNA

UEG Week 2024 Vienna

Congratulations to Menar Ekizce for receiving the prestigious National Scholar Award for her groundbreaking work on pancreatic cancer organoids!

Medical student Julia Ragg brilliantly defended her poster reporting data on ATM deficient pancreatic cancer.

Leon Reichardt talked on his PhD project on JBS and received the best talk award in his session.

Best session prize for Paul Lopatta for his PhD work employing pluripotent stem cell derived duct like organoids to study early carcinogenesis in the pancreas.
25 years at UKU
Viszeralmedizin Leipzig
Chantal Allgöwer and Sandra Heller received the Otto-Porges-Abstractprize for their work on "KRAS-dependent activation of the preneoplastic niche in the pancres".

Research funding: Alternative methods for animal experiments
Every year, the Ministry of Food, Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection BW funds work on the development of alternative and supplementary methods to animal testing.
In 2024, IMOS received this funding for the research program for the development and validation of animal-free protocols for the cultivation of organoids.
This will enable further expansion of research into replacing animal culture conditions for pancreatic and tumor organoids as well as biotechnologically produced tissues.

Visit by Scott Lowe at IMOS
We are pleased to publish an impression of the recent visit of our esteemed guest Scott Lowe to the IMOS.
Throughout his visit, Scott Lowe engaged with our Team in Seminars, Presentations and Discussions. He generously shared his expertise, sparking thought-provoking conversations and inspiring new ideas.
We also had a lot of fun with an extraordinary personality.

UEG Week 2023 Kopenhagen

Top Abstract Award
Congratulations to Paul Lopatta
" Oncogenic KRAS und GNAS signalling collectively drive dysplasia in an iPSC-derived organoid model for cystic pancreatic neoplasia."

Congrats to
Dr. Elodie Roger: best presentation award in the moderated poster session titled "Mechanisms of pancreatic cancer"
Dharini Srinivasan:best presentation award in the moderated poster session titled "Pancreatic Cancer: From bench to bedside"
Dr. Sandra Heller: National Scholar Award for Germany, for promising investigators at a junior level with the highest scoring abstract accepted for presentation at UEG Week from Germany.
11th GSCN Annual Conference 2023 Ulm
Public outreach event
Public event in Ulm, vhs Ulm, Einsteinhaus.
Short films present the research of the scientists, and the discussion revolves around the status and future of stem cell research and new treatment options.
Congrats to Jana Krüger publishing
in Journal of Pathology
Congratulations, Sarah Merz, to your paper
published in Theranostics
Press UKU: Ulmer Forscher gewinnen Pankreas-Organoide aus Stammzellen

The German Cancer Award is one of the highest honors in oncology and is awarded annually in the categories "Clinical Research", "Translational Research" and "Experimental Research" for outstanding work in the German-speaking world.
For his pioneering and innovative research approaches in cancer medicine,
Prof. Dr. Alexander Kleger receives the
German Cancer Award 2023 in the category "Experimental Research".
The team of Alexander Kleger's Institute of Molecular Oncology and Stem Cell Biology was one of the first to succeed in culturing exocrine pancreatic organoids, i.e. cell structures consisting exclusively of cells of the pancreatic duct or glandular tissue, from human pluripotent stem cells. These are used to better observe the development of precancerous tumors and to create customized model tumors for further research. Since pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggressive forms of tumor, this experimental work is also highly relevant clinically.
For further information, please visit the website of the German Cancer Award

Congratulations to Fatemeh Navaee, our bioprinting specialist to the publications of her papers in the international Journal of molecular sciences, cells and bioengeneering.

IMOS Director Alex and Rüdiger Groß, our collaboration partner on SARS CoV2 from molecular virology, summarize the current knowledge on covid-19 and diabetes in nature metabolism.

Foundation of the
Institute of Molecular Oncology and Stem Cell Biology (IMOS)
Dr. med. Michael Melzer received Ursula M. Händel-Tierschutzpreis 2022
DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - Ursula M. Händel-Tierschutzpreis 2022
IMOS members participate at the NEONAX trial examining perioperative or adjuvant chemotherapy with gemcitabine plus nab-paclitaxel in respectable PDAC
published in Annals of Oncology
Congrats to the Study Leaders Thomas Seufferlein and Thomas Ettrich (Internal Medicine 1).
Organoids at the PUB:The Porcine Urinary Bladder Serves as a Pancreatic Niche for Advanced Cancer Modeling
Congrats to Michael Melzers most recent paper. The PUB becomes a new standard model at IMOS
Hans-Chiari award from the German Pancreas Club to Johann
At the 41st Annual Meeting of the German Pancreas Club in Lübeck, Germany (virtual), Johann Gout was awarded with the prestigious Hans-Chiari award for experimental pancreas research. Johann presented there the latest progresses on our project “Autonomous roles of ATM and P53 during pancreatic cancer carcinogenesis”. Congratulations!
Check out our latest article "Transcriptional changes and the role of ONECUT1 in hPSC pancreatic differentiation" published in Communications Biology.

An international team led by French and German researchers has uncovered that mutations in the ONECUT1 gene can trigger forms of diabetes.
Press release SWP
Publication in Nature Medicine
"Mutations and variants of ONECUT1 in diabetes"

Pancreatic tumors from the laboratory
Organoids help to understand cancer development
Publication in Cell Stem Cell

Video shooting
We shot today our first video abstract highlighting our recently published article in Gut.
"DNA damage repair as a target in pancreatic cancer: state-of-the-art and future perspectives".
Big thanks to our photographer Jan Haselhofer! And to the new movie stars!
Watch our Video Abstract on youtube

Ulm study proves that SARS-CoV-2 also infects the pancreas
The results were published in Nature Metabolism
"SARS-CoV-2 infects and replicates in cells of the human endocrine and exocrine pancreas“
Jessica Merkle (M.Sc.) receives Travel Grant and Abstract Prize at the DPC congress in Halle (Saale).

United European Gastroenterology Week in Barcelona:
Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Heller and Frank Arnold (M.Sc.) receive Travel Grant/Poster Prize.

Deutscher Pankreas Club (DPC) congress:
Markus Breunig (M. Sc.) and Dr. rer. nat. Karolin Walter receive Travel Grant/Abstract Prize.
Dr. Johann Gout, Jessica Merkle (M.Sc.) and Frank Arnold (M.Sc.) receive Travel Grants at the United European Gastroenterology Week.

Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten (DGVS).
Jessica Merkle (M.Sc.) receives Otto-Porges Prize.
Markus Breunig (M.Sc.) receives Rudolf-Schindler Abstract Prize.
Frank Arnold (M.Sc.) receives Travel Grant.

Annual Meeting of the German Pancreatic Club in Ulm.
M. Sc. Frank Arnold receives Abstract Prize and Dr. rer. nat. Meike Hohwieler receives Poster Prize.
Tailored therapies for ATM-mutated cancer, Perkhofer et al. “ATM Deficiency Generating Genomic Instability Sensitizes Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cells to Therapy-Induced DNA Damage” goes online.
Kleger lab receives 3 Travel Grants 1.000 € for abstracts of Dr. rer. nat. Meike Hohwieler, Markus Breunig
and Dr. med. Lukas Perkohofer.
Dr. med. Lukas Perkhofer receives prestigious Martin Gülzow-Award at the DGVS.
The professional society awards the Martin Gülzow Prize for fundamental and pioneering work in the field of clinical gastroenterology. In 2017, it goes to Dr. Lukas Perkhofer from Ulm for his work entitled "Loss of ATM generates genomic instability and enables new therapeutic strategies for pancreatic ductal carcinoma". The award is kindly supported by MSD SHARP & DOHME GMBH.

Dr. rer. nat. Meike Hohwieler receives Otto-Porges Preis at72. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten (DGVS).

New publication Hohwieler et al.
“Human pluripotent stem cell-derived acinar/ductal organoids generate human pancreas upon orthotopic transplantation and allow disease modelling”
at the Cover of GUT.

Sandra Heller receives the 10.000 £ Lush Prize for Animal-free diabetes modelling on an iPSC chip platform.

Markus Breunig receives Poster Prize when attending the Stem Cell Society Singapore Meeting.
Liebau and Kleger lab dissect the process of reprogramming toward induced pluripotency.
Dr. rer. nat. Meike Hohwieler receives best poster ward at the 4th Annual Conference of the GSCN in Hannover.
Kleger lab publishes key work on liquid biopsies and benign pancreatic tumours.
Alexander Kleger receives Top Abstract Award at the UEG week endowed with 10.000 €.