Misophonia in children and youth – a multicenter study

Misophonia, psychopathology, diagnostics, psychotherapeutic care, children, youth
Project Management
Cooperation Partners

Universität Bielefeld, Abteilung Psychologie, Klinische Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychologie und Psychotherapie, Psychotherapeutische Hochschulambulanz für Kinder, Jugendliche & ihre Familien (HaKiJu)
Prof. Dr. Nina Heinrichs, Dr. Anne Möllmann

Klinik für Kinder- & Jugendpsychiatrie & -psychotherapie Böblingen bzw. Psychiatrische Institutsambulanz für Kinder- und Jugendliche des ZfP Calw
PD Dr. Ulrike Schulze, Uschi Braun

Universitätsklinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie an der Medizinischen Universität Wien
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Paul Plener, MHBA
Project Term
September 2022- August 2023
Background & Aim of the Project
Misophonia is a phenomenon characterized by negative physical and emotional reactions to specific („misophonic“) stimuli. The aversive stimuli („misophonic sounds“) include for example eating sounds, nasal/breathing sounds or repetitive movements. The emotional reaction to the stimuli includes a variety of feelings. In the mental health care for children and adolescents, misophonia was hardly considered so far. The aim of „MiJu“is therefore a systematic investigation of misophonic stimuli and misophonic symptoms in a population of children and adolescents in psychiatric/ psychotherapeutic care. In addition, comorbid symptoms and the quality of life will be investigated and the misophonia questionnaire (SMS-Adolescent) for children and adolescents will be validated in German.
Description of the Project
The „MiJu“ project is a multicenter study taking place at a total of 4 locations in Germany and Austria. Children and adolescents aged 10-21 years who are in child and adolescent psychiatric/ psychotherapeutic care in one of the participating clinics can participate in the project. As a first step of the investigation, the children and adolescents participating in the project and their parents/custodians are informed about the project. The children and adolescents then answer a total of nine questionnaires on the topics misophonia, quality of life, depression, anxiety, PTSD, compulsions, irritability and functional impairments in everyday life. The investigation period is 10 months. After the investigation, the data will be merged and evaluated in order to create publications and to validate the misphonia questionnaire.
Publications and created materials
Pfeiffer, E., Allroggen, M., & Sacher, C. (2022) Misophonie im Kindes- und Jugendalter: Eine narrative Übersichtsarbeit. Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie/ Psychotherapie.
Contact Address
Primary investigator:
Project team in Ulm:
Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie/Psychotherapie, Uniklinik Ulm, Steinhövelstr. 1, 89075 Ulm