Prof. Dr. med. Beate Grüner
Leiterin der Sektion Klinische Infektiologie, des Infektiologieboards und infektiologischer Konsildienst (CIDC)
Klinisches Management, Behandlung und Beratung von Patienten mit alveolärer und zystischer Echinokokkose, sowie bei immunkomprimierten Patienten mit Infektionen, inkl. HIV und Aids und komplexer Tuberkulose
Mitglied der WHO Arbeitsgruppe Echinokokkose WHO IWGE (Informal working group on Echinococcosis) Link
Contact us
Section of Clinical Infectiology
Internal Medicine III
University Hospital Ulm
Medical Clinic Oberer Eselsberg
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23
89081 Ulm
Tel: 0731-500-45551
Fax: 0731-500-45525
Medical staff
Specialised consultation hours for infectious diseases
Outpatient visits, appointment request, how to reach us, ...
⇒ Registration for special consultation hours
Presentation of patients with (suspected) echinococcosis
Dear Colleagues,
Dear Sir or Madam
We ask for your understanding that appointment requests for new patients can only be made via the attending general practitioners/specialists in order to assess the medical necessity and urgency of an appointment in our outpatient clinic.
The following medical information, which can be sent by fax to the Infectious Diseases Outpatient Clinic of the Department of Internal Medicine III (fax: 0731 500 44071), is important for making an appointment:
- Medical history (when was echinococcosis suspected/diagnosed, how was the disease diagnosed, previous diagnosis and treatment).
- Original echinococcal serological findings (e.g.: Screening test for Echinococcus species and specific tests for Echinococcus multilocularis or Echinococcus granulosus, immunoblot/Western blot examination if necessary).
- Sonography and cross-sectional imaging findings (CT, MRI, PET-CT if applicable) as well as a CD of the imaging performed (please always with image in electronic form and findings), QR code.
To view the findings and assess the imaging already performed,
a) a referral slip for the current quarter,
b) the patient's written consent to the transfer of personal data and
c) the patient's contact details are required.
Appointments can only be made after these preliminary findings have been reviewed. Appointments are allocated according to medical urgency. If no sufficient evidence of echinococcosis is recognisable or the required data is not available, no appointments can be made.
Private patients or self-paying patients can be seen by Prof. Dr Grüner in the private outpatient clinic of the Department of Internal Medicine III, Medical Director Prof. Dr H. Döhner (appointment allocation: 0731-500-45510). Here too, appointments can only be made once all the necessary documents have been submitted.
Please send the findings with referral slip to:
Infectious Diseases Outpatient Clinic, Internal Medicine 3
Subject: Echinococcosis
University Hospital Ulm, Medical Clinic Ob. Eselsberg
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23
89081 Ulm
Phone: 0731 500 44070
Fax: 0731 500 44071
Special issue of Pathogens (ISSN 2076-0817): "Alveolar echinococcosis: Together against a deadly parasitosis"
to the website: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/pathogens/special_issues/alveolar_echinococcosis
Press article on fox tapeworm

Tagesschau - Health from 13.08.2024
Who should protect themselves from fox tapeworm
SWR - Knowledge from 06.08.2024
Risk of fox tapeworm - infection through picked berries?
Apotheken Umschau from 08.05.2023
ZOONOSEN, What you should know about the fox tapeworm
Self-help forum fox tapeworm
This self-help forum is aimed at patients suffering from fox tapeworm and their relatives. Doctors and scientists involved in the treatment and research of echinococcosis can also use the forum. An important concern of the self-help forum is that those affected can share their personal experiences and problems in connection with the disease and ask questions about echinococcosis. The self-help forum has existed since 2005 and is run by two moderators who have fox tapeworm themselves.
It is important to the two moderators that only the above-mentioned group of people may use the members' area.
If you are interested in a free membership, please introduce yourself by e-mail so that your enquiry can be processed:
Thank you for your understanding and the admission formalities.
The moderators Karin and Silvia
We have set up a donation account for the Echinococcosis Research Infectiology focus.
Donation account:
Ulm University Hospital
DE16 63050000 0000 1064 78
Swift-BIC: solades1ulm
Sparkasse Ulm, 89073 Ulm, Germany
Intended use
Donation account "Spenden Echinokokkose Forschung Infektio"
Project No. D.7038
For a donation receipt, please state your address directly in the purpose of the transfer. (Note: Donations of less than €300 do not require a donation receipt for your tax return; a bank statement is sufficient).