As a scientific institute of Ulm University Hospital, the Chair of Immunology, which has been held by Prof. Dr Hassan Jumaa since September 2013, aims to support the teaching of human, dental and molecular medicine degree programmes with various lectures, seminars and practical courses, in addition to a variety of research focuses.
In addition, the Institute of Immunology has a strong commitment to the training of students with regard to the preparation of their final theses by supervising bachelor, master and doctoral theses by students from different degree programmes (e.g. Biology, Molecular Medicine at Ulm University, as well as Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at Biberach University or Erasmus students from the Medical Biotechnology programme at the University of Padua).
The work ofProf. Dr Jumaa's research group at the Institute of Immunology concentrates primarily on the research focus "Developmental and Tumour Immunology", in which the signalling pathways that control the proliferation, differentiation and malignant transformation of B lymphocytes are investigated.
In the working group of Mr Prof Dr Fehling the focus is on "Molecular Immunology".
Another working group within the Institute of Immunology, led by Dr Hobeika Dr Hobeikainvestigates the survival of mature B lymphocytes and their signalling in the absence of individual components of the B cell antigen receptor (BCRs). Furthermore, Dr Hobeika's research group is working on the transfer of the knowledge gained so far - via established mouse models for malignant B cell development and human patient samples with lymphatic disorders - to leukaemic B cells to identify the signalling pathways that contribute to the maintenance and development of leukaemic cells, with the hope of implementing this in the clinic.
Institute Director
Prof Dr Hassan Jumaa
Phone: 0731 500-65200
Fax: 0731 500-65202
Nicole Gust & Juliane Messerschmidt
Phone: 0731 500-65201
Fax: 0731 500-65202