Senior Physician (m/f/d) in the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy
The position is to be filled on a full-time or part-time basis.
The treatment spectrum of the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy includes all serious child and adolescent psychiatric illnesses. Patient care is provided in the areas of inpatient, day-clinic and outpatient treatment. Our clinic covers the full spectrum of paediatric and adolescent psychiatric care. We also offer a trauma focus and various specialised services (including DBT, transgender, early childhood consultation).
Your tasks:
- Specialist management of a ward
- Guidance and supervision of doctors (f/m/d) and psychotherapists (f/m/d)
- Cross-clinic further development of the treatment concept
- Participation in research and teaching
What we offer you:
- Opportunity to do a doctorate and habilitation
- Development of your own clinical and research specialisms
- Payment according to TV-Ä and company pension scheme
- Support in balancing work and family life
- Staff residence and job ticket
- Wide range of training and development opportunities and company health promotion programme
- Staff residence and job ticket
- A good working atmosphere in an open-minded and interdisciplinary team
What you bring with you:
- Enjoy working with mentally ill children and adolescents and their families
- Specialist (f/m/d) in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy
- Ability to work in a team and interest in interdisciplinary cooperation
Type of employment: full-time/part-time
If you have any questions about the position and your personal development opportunities, please contact Dr Franziska Köhler-Dauner, Office Manager of the Medical Director Prof. Dr Jörg. M. Fegert is at your disposal.
Tel: 0731/500-61603 Mail: franziska.koehler-dauner[at]
We are continuously looking for a
Assistant doctor (f/m/d) in the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy
Vacant positions are generally full-time or part-time and initially temporary.
The treatment spectrum of the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy includes all serious child and adolescent psychiatric illnesses. Treatment is provided on an inpatient, day-clinic and outpatient basis. Our clinic covers the full spectrum of paediatric and adolescent psychiatric care. We also offer a trauma focus and various specialised services (including DBT, transgender, early childhood consultation).
Your tasks:
- Medical care in the outpatient and inpatient sector
- Child and adolescent psychiatric and psychotherapeutic diagnosis and treatment
- Collaboration in clinical and / or experimental research projects
- Participation in student teaching and further training
Your profile:
- Completed studies in human medicine
- Professional experience in the field of paediatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry, paediatric surgery or forensic medicine desirable
- Interest in working in a multi-professional team
- Interest in research
- Ability to work in a team, flexibility and resilience
Our offer:
- Opportunity to do a doctorate
- Extensive training and further education programme
- A collegial and interdisciplinary team
- Payment according to TV-Ä and company pension scheme
- Support in balancing work and family life
- Company health promotion programme
Please send your application as a pdf document to franziska.koehler-dauner[at]
Student assistant (approx. 40h/ month)
To support the Chief Secretariat of the Medical Director
Starting immediately
Your tasks:
- Organisational support for the secretariat
- Office support activities such as literature management, research, archiving etc.
- Support in teaching, e.g. setting up projectors
What you need:
- Flexibility, ability to work independently and good comprehension skills
- Friendly demeanour and reliability
- Organisational skills and good Office skills.
What we offer you:
- An interesting range of tasks
- Induction training and work in a supportive team
If you are interested, please send your cover letter, CV and references by email to Mrs Köhler-Dauner:
Research assistant / student assistant wanted
The "Research Methods" working group at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy at Ulm University Hospital is looking for a research assistant/student assistant with immediate effect. In a new project, the use of social media by adolescent patients and its influence on their well-being is to be investigated.
We are looking for:
- Degree in psychology
- Experience with / interest in empirical research work on innovative questions of clinical relevance
- Experience in handling research data, knowledge of SPSS and/or R and Excel desired
- Preferably English-speaking
We offer:
Detailed insight into the design and implementation of a practical research project Research project at the interface between psychology and computer science
Co-creation of a new research team
Start at the earliest possible date, longer-term employment if possible
Flexible working hours
Tasks and general conditions:
- Data entry and management
- Literature work
- Working hours 20 hours / month
If you are interested, please send a cover letter, CV and references(also in English) by email to Dr Ann-Christin Haag:
Stellenausschreibung Studentische Hilfskraft/-kräfte (m/w/d)
Das Ausbildungszentrum für Verhaltenstherapie (AZVT) der Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie am Universitätsklinikum Ulm sucht ab sofort eine oder mehrere studentische Hilfskräfte zur Unterstützung unserer Verwaltung.
Der Stundenumfang kann flexibel vereinbart werden und beträgt 8 bis 15 Stunden/Woche.
Ihre Aufgaben:
Unterstützung der Geschäftsstelle des Ausbildungsinstituts:
- Unterstützung und Durchführung der Lehr- und Vertragsplanung
- Terminkoordination
- Korrespondenz mit Auszubildenden, Bewerber*innen, und Kooperationspartner*innen
- Mitorganisation von Prüfungen und Vorstellungsgesprächen
- Pflege der Homepage
- Pflege der Bestandsbibliothek
- Vertretung des Ambulanzsekretariats
Unterstützung des Sekretariats der Psychotherapieambulanz:
- Entgegennahme von Telefonanrufen
- Koordination von Terminen (z.B. Termine vereinbaren und prüfen)
- Verwaltung der Warteliste
- Verwaltung von Therapiematerialien
- Bestandsaufnahme von Formularen
- Unterstützung bei diagnostischen Auswertungen
- Vertretung der Geschäftsstelle
Ihr Profil:
- Verlässlichkeit
- Freude an organisatorischen Aufgaben
- ein strukturierter Arbeitsstil
- Eigenverantwortliche und lösungsorientierte Arbeitsweise
- kommunikatives Auftreten und Einsatzbereitschaft
- Teamfähigkeit (enge Zusammenarbeit mit der Geschäfts- und Ambulanzleitung)
Unser Angebot:
- interessante Einblicke in die Abläufe einer Psychotherapieambulanz und der psychotherapeutischen Aus- und Weiterbildung
- Einarbeitung sowie Arbeit in einem unterstützenden Team
- abwechslungsreiches Aufgabengebiet in einem teamorientierten, offenen Arbeitsumfeld
- gutes Arbeits- und Betriebsklima
Bei Rückfragen wenden Sie sich gerne an die Geschäftsstelle (Tel. 0731 500 61768 oder, Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen senden Sie bitte in einer PDFDatei an (Betreff: Stellenausschreibung HiWi).
- Vertragsart: befristet
- Beschäftigungsart: Studentische Hilfskraft
- Bewerbung bis: 28.02.2025
Internship opportunity for psychology students at the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy Ulm
From September 2024, internships (BQT-III) will be allocated exclusively via the Master's degree programme in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (KliPP) at the University of Ulm. In addition, we accept a limited number of applications for three-month internships (not BQT-III) in our institute's outpatient clinic from psychology students.
We offer:
- Work shadowing opportunities in the outpatient/inpatient area of our clinic (case management, medical-psychological diagnostics, group and individual therapies, interdisciplinary rounds with e.g. involvement of youth welfare, school, etc.).
- Familiarisation with the entire spectrum of disorders in childhood and adolescence and their multidisciplinary and multimodal treatment
- Familiarisation with and, if necessary, involvement in psychodiagnostics under supervision
- Participation in in-house multidisciplinary ward rounds and further training events
- Familiarisation with the professional field of a child and adolescent psychotherapist (taster of training as a child and adolescent psychotherapist as part of the in-house AZVT Institute)
- Experienced trainee support through supervision by a licensed child and adolescent psychotherapist and weekly trainee meetings with senior psychologists
We are looking for:
- Psychology students with an interest in clinical work with children and adolescents and enjoy teamwork
- Psychology students in advanced studies (at least 4th semester or Master's programme)
- Minimum period 3 months, preferably longer
Your tasks:
- Work shadowing (see above), familiarisation with the professional field of clinically active psychologists in child and adolescent psychiatry
- Support with psychodiagnostics if necessary
- Support in maintaining the test archive and updating the psychological diagnostics in cooperation with the head psychologist
Please note: There are currently no more internships available for 2022. Applications for 2023 will be possible again from June 2022.
Please contact:
Job advertisement for an internship
The working group "Epidemiology and Follow-up Research in Child Protection" of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy at Ulm University Hospital is looking for interns with immediate effect.
We are looking for:
- Students in the fields of psychology, medicine, educational science and/or related disciplines from the 4th semester onwards
- good computer and statistical skills (Office, SPSS)
- Good knowledge of literature research
- Independent, responsible and reliable working style
We offer:
- close-up research: working in an interdisciplinary team (psychologists, social and educational scientists, educationalists, doctors)
- In-depth insight into the organisation and implementation of studies with practical relevance
- Collaboration in studies on epidemiology, interdisciplinary research and decision-making processes in institutionalised child protection
Your tasks:
- Support in the implementation of various studies
- Preparation of data and results
- Assistance with the organisation (e.g. database maintenance, literature research, preparation of a monthly journal watch)
If you are interested, please send us a convincing letter of motivation, your CV and references to the following contact:
The Research Centre for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Ulm University Hospital is looking for several interns with immediate effect.
We are looking for:
- Students of psychology, medicine, educational science and/or related disciplines who would like to complete a semester-long internship or full-time internship (at least 150-200 hours)
- Good computer and statistical skills (Office, SPSS)
- Good knowledge of literature research
- enjoy working with children and adults in a clinical context
- Independent, responsible and reliable working style
We offer:
- Close-up research: working in an interdisciplinary team (psychologists, educational scientists, paedagogues, doctors)
- In-depth insight into the organisation and implementation of studies with practical relevance
- Collaboration in studies on clinical attachment research and developmental psychopathologies
Your tasks:
- Support in the implementation of various studies
- Preparation of data and results
- Assistance with the organisation (e.g. database maintenance, literature research, interview appointments)
Research secretariat: Rosa Kunz
Tel: 0731 500-61612
Student assistants and interns wanted!

The Research Centre for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Ulm University Hospital
is looking for several student assistants and interns for the study "My Childhood - Your Childhood".
We are looking for
- Psychology students (Master's or higher Bachelor's semester) who would like to complete an internship during the semester (approx. 150-200 hours) or work as a student assistant
- Enjoy working with people in a clinical context
- Ability to work independently and reliably
We offer:
- Close-up research: working in an interdisciplinary team (psychologists, biologists, doctors, educationalists)
- In-depth insight into the organisation and implementation of a large clinical study
Your tasks:
- Support with psychological and biological examinations of mothers and their children as part of the project
- Carrying out home visits (diagnostics of mother-child interaction)
- Assistance with the organisation (e.g. database maintenance, literature research) of the study
Psychology students (Master)

The Research Centre for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Ulm University Hospital is now looking for female psychology students (Master) for the study "My Childhood - Your Childhood".
We are looking for:
- Psychology students (Master) who would like to work as a student assistant
- Enjoy working with people in a clinical context
- Ability to work independently and reliably
We offer:
- Close-up research: working in an interdisciplinary team (psychologists, biologists, doctors, educationalists)
- In-depth insight into the organisation and implementation of a large clinical study
Your tasks:
- Support with data cleansing and data analysis (very good knowledge of statistics and SPSS is required)
- Support with psychological and biological examinations of mothers and their children as part of the project
Contact us
Research assistant in the Trauma & MINT group at the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy wanted (50-60%)
The Trauma & MINT group at the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy is offering a position as a research assistant. One focus of the research is the investigation of the influence of digital media on the development of children and adolescents using advanced examination and analysis methods, including machine learning and AI.
Your tasks:
- Project coordination
- Recruitment and supervision of study participants
- Data entry
- Statistical data analyses
- Literature work
We offer you:
- Employment as a research assistant at 50-60%, payment according to TV-L
- Close cooperation with the group leader
- Possibility of a doctorate
- Working environment at the interface between research and clinical practice
- In-depth insights into the development of a new working group and innovative studies as well as the acquisition of third-party funding
- Start as soon as possible
- Flexible working hours
What you bring with you:
- Successfully completed university degree in psychology, sociology, health sciences or health informatics
- Interest in a doctorate is desirable
- Experience in and interest in quantitative research, data analysis and working with complex data sets
- Ability to work independently
- Good knowledge of R, SSPSS, Excel, possibly own programming experience (e.g. Python)
- Experience in study design and subject recruitment is desirable
- Strong analytical skills, high degree of independence, technical affinity
Have we piqued your interest? Then apply by email to:
Junior Professor Dr Ann-Christin Haagann-christin.haag[at]