Patients from a large catchment area are seen in our outpatient clinic. We also treat patients from other departments of the University Hospital and emergencies.
Please bring all relevant preliminary findings (e.g. hearing tests, x-rays etc. on CD) and your insurance card to the examination so that we can provide you with the best possible care. Please make an appointment in advance.
The treatment and planning process is efficiently controlled via an electronic patient file. We endeavour to keep your waiting times as short aspossible.
You will receive detailed diagnostics and counselling.
Treatment takes place in modern examination rooms with the option of microscopic examination of the ear and endoscopic assessment of the nose, throat and larynx. Complex clinical pictures are subject to interdisciplinary clarification. We endeavour to schedule all necessary examinations. The subsequent consultation is carried out by a motivated team of doctors.
In order to meet your specific needs, we also offer special consultation hours for certain clinical pictures.