Specialist dermatologist / attending physician
Mon - Fri 08:00 h to 12.00 h
13:30 h to 16.00 h
Registration is only possible via your dermatologist or attending physician using the registration form.
FAX: 0731 / 500-57565
Specialist dermatologist / Supervising physician
Patients - Requests for findings
Mon - Fri 08:00 h to 12.00 h
13:30 h to 16.00 h
Registration is only possible via your dermatologist or attending physician using the registration form:
FAX: 0731 / 500-57565
Mon - Thu 13:00 h to 15:00 h
Phone: 0731 / 500-57515
Specialist dermatologist / attending physician
Mon - Fri 08:00 h to 12.30 h
13:00 h to 15.30 h
Tel.: 0731 / 500-57508
FAX: 0731 / 500-57565
Specialist dermatologist / attending physician
Mon - Fri 08:00 h to 12.00 h
13:30 h to 16.00 h
please only through a dermatologist or attending physician
Tel.: 0731 / 500-57536
FAX: 0731 / 500-57565
Statutorily insured persons
Specialist dermatologist / attending physician
Patients - Requests for findings
Outpatient consultation hours
Mon - Fri 08:00 h to 12.00 h
13:30 h to 16.00 h
Registration is only possible via your dermatologist or attending physician using the registration form:
FAX: 0731 / 500-57565
Mon - Thu 13:00 h to 15.00 h
Phone: 0731 / 500-57515
Specialist dermatologist / Supervising physician
Patients - Requests for findings
Mon - Fri 08:00 h to 12.00 h
13:30 h to 16.00 h
Registration is only possible via your dermatologist or attending physician using the registration form:
FAX: 0731 / 500-57565
Mon - Thu 13:00 h to 15.00 h
Phone: 0731 / 500-57515
Specialist dermatologist / attending physician
Mon - Thu 08:00 h to 11.30 h
13:00 h to 15.30 h
Fri 08:00 h to 14:00 h
please only through a dermatologist or attending physician
Tel.: 0731 / 500-57525
FAX: 0731 / 500-57528
(Please use the e-mail address only for cancellations.)
Specialist dermatologist / attending physician
Mon - Thu 08:00 h to 11.30 h
13:00 h to 15.30 h
Fri 08:00 h to 14:00 h
please only through a dermatologist or attending physician
Tel.: 0731 / 500-57525
FAX: 0731 / 500-57528
Specialist dermatologist / attending physician
Mon, Tue, Thu 13:30 h to 16.00 h
please only through a dermatologist or attending physician
Tel.: 0731 / 500-57542
FAX: 0731 / 500-57565
Specialist dermatologist / Supervising physician
Patients - Requests for findings
Tue - Thu 13:30 h to 16.00 h
Tel.: 0731 / 500-57649
FAX: 0731 / 500-57565
Mon - Thu 13:00 h to 15:00 h
Tel.: 0731 / 500-57515
Specialist dermatologist / attending physician
Mon - Thu 07:30 h to 12.00 h
13:00 h to 16.00 h
Fri 8:30 h to 14.30 h
please only through a dermatologist or attending physician
Tel.: 0731 / 500-57536
FAX: 0731 / 500-57565