Practical year at the Department of Dermatology and Allergology
The University Clinic for Dermatology and Allergology is located on the Clinic Campus at Oberer Eselsberg in the new Surgery / Dermatology Centre and is equipped with modern facilities. Its central location provides the best conditions for interdisciplinary university networking with the other clinics of the UKU.

Dermatology is a broad conservative and surgical speciality that covers all areas of the skin as well as allergology.
The following areas of specialisation are an essential part of the University Clinic for Dermatology and Allergology, Ulm, which covers the entire spectrum of the discipline:
- Skin tumours/oncology
- Allergology
- Immunodermatology
- Photodermatology
- Complex wounds
- Infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes
- Dermatopathology
- Laser therapy
The University Clinic for Dermatology and Allergology has the following departments: University outpatient clinic with special consultation hours, dermatological ward, day clinic, outpatient and inpatient allergology, phototherapy and extracorporeal photopheresis. Clinical dermatological laboratories: dermatopathological laboratory, serology and fungal laboratory.
The skin
The skin interacts directly with the environment. Skin diseases lead to severe health and social restrictions. Dermatology treats a broad spectrum of diseases. You can expect a varied PJ tertial with insights and rotation in all areas of the speciality.
Engram of the most important skin diseases
Skin diseases affect all age groups from infants to elderly patients and are associated with various diseases of other organs. Skin diseases are common among general practitioners. A PJ in dermatology creates a solid basis for correctly recognising skin diseases, especially if you later work as a GP or internist.
Acquire an engramme of the most important skin diseases. Learn the basics of the most important diagnostic procedures.
Inflammatory and autoimmune dermatoses
Psoriasis vulgaris of the plaque type: Recognising and treating inflammatory dermatoses.

Dermato-oncology and dermatopathology
See the findings you have operated on in dermatohistology. Gain an insight into the oncology of malignant melanoma, one of the most malignant tumours, and its new treatment options.

Allergic diseases are on the rise. Learn about the basics of allergology and the possibilities of shaping the immune system.

Dermatological surgery
Learn how to perform simple dermatological procedures. Assist with major plastic surgery.

Infectious diseases of the skin
Fungi, bacteria or viral infection? In this case, the "hand eczema" was caused by fungi.

Extracorporeal photophoresis (ECP)
Find out how state-of-the-art therapies improve the quality of life of patients with chronic skin conditions and how you can guide these patients.

Lasers in dermatology
Find out how state-of-the-art therapies improve the quality of life of patients with chronic skin conditions and how you can guide these patients.

PJ Curriculum
All important entities are covered in depth by the broad teaching curriculum. As a family department, Dermatology offers individualised PJ support with daily teaching rounds, PJ seminars, a personal mentor, direct interaction between PJs, assistants and senior physicians and integration into the everyday life of the department.

Our offer for a successful PJ:
The aim of the entire PJ is to rotate through all areas of dermatology/allergology. Rotation locations are the dermatology ward with conservative and surgical patients, the day clinic, inpatient and outpatient allergology, the outpatient clinic and the special consultation hours.
Rotation in the individual areas takes place according to the rotation plan, which is drawn up at the beginning of the tertial. There is the option of specialising in individual areas of dermatology by arrangement.
Areas of work:
After an introduction to the procedures, independent care of patients under the supervision of a mentor, including writing medical notes.
PJ students are fully integrated into the daily routine of the ward.
Daily routine:
- Rounds with patient presentations
- Admission of patients with anamnesis and preparation of a treatment plan
- Learning diagnostic measures and carrying them out under supervision
- Development of diagnostics and treatment plans
- Completion of treatment with doctor's letter, discharge discussion and discharge management
- Assisting with the operation during the care of surgical patients
- Writing medical letters in the afternoon
- If interested, participation in night and weekend shifts from the start of the shift until 10.00 p.m.
Outpatient clinic:
Introduction to the procedures by the mentor. Independent collection of dermatological anamnesis, documentation, presentation of patients to the accompanying assistant physician and senior physician with development of diagnostics and therapy plans. Completion of care with medical report.
Participation in special consultation hours: Immunodermatology, allergology, neurodermatitis/atopy, occupational dermatoses, skin tumours, urticaria, laser.
Functional diagnostics:
- Introduction to the basics of dermatopathology
- Dermatological mycological diagnostics. Preparation of native preparations and fungal cultures and their reading
- Allergological diagnostics with skin tests and laboratory diagnostics
- Sonography in dermatology
- Phlebological examination procedures
Teaching/teaching rounds:
- Tertial introduction by the PJ supervisor on the 1st PJ day, guided tour of the department and tertial planning for the various functional areas
- PJ seminars according to the curriculum with the central topics of dermatology/allergology (a schedule is handed out at the beginning of the tertial)
- Teaching rounds in the outpatient clinic every weekday at 12.30 pm
- Chief ward round with teaching ward round on Wednesdays at 8.15 am
- Bedside teaching takes place during ward hours and in the day ward area
- Mid-term/final interviews by appointment in the middle and at the end of the tertial with the PJ supervisor
- Mock exam: at the end of the tertial, case acceptance with written elaboration and mini-exam.
- Internal training events after announcement
Allocation of PJ places:
PJ places at the Department of Dermatology and Allergology are allocated centrally by the Student Secretariat at Ulm University (contact: Daniel Schäfer). Students from other German universities also have the opportunity to complete part of their practical year with us as part of the PJ mobility programme. Please send your application to the University of Ulm.
General information on the practical year at Ulm University Hospital can be found here.
PJ contact person at the Department of Dermatology and Allergology:
Prof. Dr Johannes Weiss
For further information, please make an appointment.
Tel.: 0731/500-57553 (secretary's office)