Day clinic






Nursing staff:







Prof. Dr med. J. Weiss

Mrs PD Dr med. A. Sindrilaru

Dr V. Hall

Dr E. Tarnowietzki, MD

Mrs L. Sawin

Mrs A. Andrasch

Mrs J. Schwell

Mrs C. Heißler

Mrs S. Weidenlener

Mr D. Jacob

Mrs M. Buschhüter



daily via the university outpatient clinic

from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.



Referral to the day clinic is arranged via the senior physician of the university outpatient clinic or from the private consultation.


Dear patients

We would like to inform you about how you can come to us.

It is not possible to make appointments by telephone in the dermatological outpatient clinic. We would like to ask you to contact your dermatologist, general practitioner or the emergency medical service. These doctors can then make an appointment for you by fax on 0731/500-57565 using the form to be downloaded here(registration form).

In urgent emergencies, outside consultation hours, you can present yourself at our university outpatient clinic. Please understand that we will have to refer you to a statutory health insurance doctor if no threatening illness is diagnosed from a medical point of view.

Thank you for your understanding.



Consultations with senior physicians:

by appointment


Chief physician rounds:

by appointment