Dermatological university outpatient clinic
OÄ PD Dr. med. Anca Sindrilaru
Dr. med. univ. Clemens Bechter
Dr. med. Lukas Bernhard
Dr. med. Sören Harms
Mrs PD Dr med. A. Sindrilaru
Dr L. Bernhard
Dr S. Harms, MD
Dr med. univ. C. Bechter
Nursing staff:
Intervention room:
Mrs A. Hetzelberger
(Head of Outpatient Care)
Mrs I. Menzel
Mrs N. Pinska
Mrs H. Sabanovic
Mrs M. Schnittker
Mrs J. Schwell
Mrs P. Hengstberger
Mrs L. Henseler
Mrs M. Wiest
Dear patients
We would like to inform you about how you can come to us.
It is not possible to make appointments by telephone in the dermatological outpatient clinic. We would like to ask you to make an appointment with your dermatologist, family doctor or the emergency medical service. These doctors can then make an appointment for you by fax on 0731/500-57565 using the form to be downloaded here(registration form).
In urgent emergencies, outside consultation hours, you can present yourself at our university outpatient clinic. Please understand that we will have to refer you to a statutory health insurance doctor if no threatening illness is diagnosed from a medical point of view.
Thank you for your understanding.
Consultation hours of the dermatological university outpatient clinic:
Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 11:30 a.m. by prior appointment
Please bring your referral slip and your insurance card with you to your appointment. It is essential that you also bring any existing examination results and diagnostic reports (please collect these from the referring doctor or GP beforehand), as well as a list of the medication you are taking.
The dermatological university outpatient clinic primarily, but not exclusively, treats serious dermatological diseases for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. This takes place either in the outpatient clinic or in one of the numerous specialised consultation hours. If more intensive diagnostic or therapeutic procedures are required, treatment is planned in the day clinic or as part of a temporary inpatient stay.
As a rule, patients are referred to the dermatological outpatient clinic by dermatologists in private practice with a referral slip.
Patients who have not previously been seen by a dermatologist may have to expect longer appointment times, as only a limited number of appointments can be allocated per day. Patients from other departments of the University Hospital are also treated in the dermatological outpatient clinic. We naturally endeavour to keep waiting times to a minimum.
The majority of patients are presented to the senior physician; more difficult conditions are also discussed with the medical director of the clinic or her deputy during lunchtime rounds.
Serious skin diseases are treated by the university dermatology outpatient clinic. There is also close cooperation with other specialist disciplines at the university hospital. If necessary, patients are cared for within the hospital. In the case of - in our view - uncomplicated skin diseases, a report with a statement on diagnosis and treatment is sent to the referring doctor or an immediate telephone consultation with this colleague takes place.