Transfer concepts for the prevention and intervention of sexualised violence in sports clubs (SafeClubs) - Sub-project 3 of Ulm University Hospital: Transfer modules for prevention in sports clubs - workshops for coaches and other people from the club environment to promote empowerment
Sports clubs, child and youth protection, sexualised violence, prevention, empowerment, coaches, workshop, evaluation
Project management
Co-operation partner
Dr Jeannine Ohlert, Head of the research area "Sexualised and interpersonal violence in sport", Institute of Psychology, German Sport University Cologne
Prof. Dr Bettina Rulofs, Deputy Head of Institute, Institute for Sociology and Gender Research, German Sport University Cologne
Project duration
01.01.2022 until 31.12.2024
Project description
Studies have shown that athletes often experience sexualised violence in the context of a sports club, but that there is a lack of implementation of protection concepts there. The aim of the overall "SafeClubs" project is to develop sustainable measures in the fields of analysis, intervention and prevention of sexualised violence, then evaluate them and make them available to sports clubs as transfer concepts.
The overall project is divided into five sub-projects, which are split between the participating co-operation partners. Ulm University Hospital is leading sub-project 3, in which workshops on the prevention of sexualised violence for the target group of adults in sports clubs (coaches, club managers and parents) are being developed and tested. With the help of the workshops, the existing culture in sports clubs on the topic of sexualised violence is to be changed towards a climate that promotes empowerment and a culture of looking.
Another task is to evaluate the measures developed by the cooperation partners to analyse clubs (sub-project 1) and workshops for athletes (sub-project 2). In addition, under the leadership of the German Sport University Cologne, sub-project 4 will develop a recommendation for action and a training tool for dealing with suspected cases in sports clubs and sub-project 5 will ensure the transfer of the project results into sports practice, e.g. through tutorials, symposia, etc. Information on these sub-projects and the overall project can be found at:
All materials and concepts developed in the project will be made available to all sports clubs in Germany at the end of the project via participating practice partners such as the German Sports Youth (dsj) and various state sports associations in order to support them in developing sustainable strategies for the protection of sports club members against (sexualised) violence in sport. Furthermore, the results will be presented at the Forum against Sexualised Violence of the German Sports Youth and thus transferred into practice. The training of multipliers taking place in the sub-projects will further support the dissemination of the results into sports practice. Scientific publications in national and international journals and at various congresses are also planned.
Contact address
Supported by:

Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF