Youth welfare programmes: Learning from experience

Home education, transition, psychopathology, trauma, juvenile delinquency, e-learning
Project management
Dr Marc Schmid
Head Psychologist Research, Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinic
University Psychiatric Clinic Basel
Co-operation partner
Prof Dr Jörg M. Fegert
Medical Director of the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy
Ulm University Hospital
Project duration
01.10.2016 - 31.12.2024
Project website
Project background & aim of the project
In Switzerland, 1% of all children, young people and adolescents live in socio-educational residential groups. A large proportion of these adolescents require educational support in several areas of their lives and usually already have a history of outpatient and inpatient support measures.
Between 2007 and 2012, a research project entitled "MAZ - Modellversuch Abklärung und Zielerreichung"(www.jael-portal.ch/de/maz_de/) analysed almost 600 adolescents from over 60 socio-educational institutions in various regions of Switzerland. The results showed a clearly above-average level of psychosocial stress among the children and young people.
These young people are now to be analysed again in the follow-up project JAEL. The aim of the study is to determine which factors have a positive influence on the course of inpatient socio-educational measures and the transition to independence and which factors have a negative impact. The factors identified will be analysed in an online course designed to train professionals who work with children and young people in an inpatient context. The aim is to teach professionals what they need to consider when planning support for young people with risk factors and how factors that lead to favourable outcomes can be promoted.
Project description
In recent years, these now young adults have been surveyed again about their current life situation. The study design makes it possible, on the one hand, to describe the longer-term developmental trajectories of the transition into young adulthood and, on the other hand, to gain insight into how the children and young people who were formerly placed outside the family experienced this time themselves. The findings of JAEL are now being processed in an e-learning programme. This should enable practitioners to gain more confidence in dealing with risk and protective factors in order to ensure the positive development of children and young people. This e-learning concept is being externally evaluated by the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry team at Ulm University Hospital.
The e-learning programme is currently being developed. The first prototype was extensively tested in March 2021. Following content and formal revisions, a further test run was launched in German-speaking Switzerland in March 2022. Further test runs in French- and Italian-speaking Switzerland are planned for 2023. The e-learning concept will then be finalised in 2024.
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Sponsored by:
Swiss Federal Office of Justice