Protection and help in cases of domestic violence - an interdisciplinary online course
E-learning programme for specialised institutions and services as well as other actors involved in protection and assistance on the topic of violence in couple relationships
E-learning, domestic violence, violence in couple relationships, women's refuge, child and youth services
Project management
Network partner or co-operation partner
Prof Dr Barbara Kavemann, SoFFi.F, Berlin
Dr Thomas Meysen, SOCLES International Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Heidelberg
Prof Dr Andreas Jud, University Hospital Ulm
Prof. Dr phil. Ute Ziegenhain, Ulm University Hospital
Project duration
Project website
Project description
Violence in couple relationships is a common problem that has massive individual and social consequences. Women and their children who are under particularly severe strain sometimes find refuge in women's refuges, where they experience safety and protection and receive various support options from the women's refuge staff. The aim of this project was to develop an interdisciplinary e-learning curriculum in order to (further) qualify these women's refuge staff, as well as other professionals working to protect and help in cases of domestic violence, for their demanding work.
The online training course provides comprehensive (practical) knowledge for the specialised support and care of women and their children who have experienced violence. The interdisciplinary nature of the training can also help to improve cooperation between the various actors involved in protection and support processes by, for example, promoting knowledge about each other, developing a "common language" and adopting integrated professional and ethical perspectives.
In total, two test cohorts with a total of 5,294 participants completed the course between 2019 and 2022. Of these, 2,470 participants (46.6%) completed the course with a certificate. The research accompanying the course shows a high level of satisfaction with the course and its content and a significant increase in knowledge and skills.
The revised and optimised course will be offered free of charge from 18 July 2022 on the platform
Contact address
Supported by:
Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)