Development of protection concepts against (sexualised) violence in hospitals

E-learning, training, protection concept, hospital, (sexualised) violence
Project management
Project duration
If you are interested in taking part in the online course, you can register for the course via the project website. Participation in the course is free of charge for the duration of the project. The course is 16.5 hours long and can be completed within a maximum of 180 days.
The course has been certified by the Baden-Württemberg Medical Association with 44 CME points. Nursing staff receive 12 continuing education points as part of the registration of professional carers. Occupational therapists and physiotherapists receive 22 and speech therapists 11 continuing education points.
Project description
In clinical facilities, conscious or unconscious professional misconduct, (sexual) boundary violations, (sexual) assaults and (sexual) violence by healthcare professionals can lead to dangerous situations for patients. The aim of clinical facilities must be to become a place of protection for the patients entrusted to them. Since the inclusion of protective measures against (sexualised) violence in the quality management guideline of the Joint Federal Committee, which came into force on 17 November 2020, hospitals must specifically address the prevention of and intervention in cases of (sexual) violence and abuse.
In order to support hospital staff in ensuring that their facilities become or remain safe places for all patients and especially for children and adolescents, a compact course has been designed to teach the basics of protection concepts and provide information on practical implementation, further development and documentation. It focusses on the elements that are prescribed by the quality management guideline and are therefore mandatory to implement.
The target group for the online course is all professionals working in hospitals.
In order to evaluate and subsequently revise the course and the learning materials, two online questionnaires are integrated into the course (survey before the start of the course and after completion of the course). In addition, 1) how often employees in clinical facilities have noticed various types of professional misconduct by colleagues; 2) how often they have addressed such behaviour or remained silent about it; 3) what their reasons were for not addressing such behaviour; 4) how they generally assess communication regarding patient protection in their working environment and 5) how likely they consider it to be that they will address misconduct in such situations in the future.
Contact address
Supported by:
German Hospital Federation