Psychosocial topics, general medicine, e-learning
Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy
Prof. Dr. Vera Clemens
Prof. Dr. Miriam Rassenhofer
Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeutin (VT)
Leitung Sektion Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie und Verhaltensmedizin
Mitglied im Ausbildungsausschuss des AZVT
Prof. Dr. med. Jörg M. Fegert
Ärztlicher Direktor der Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie
PD Dr Eva Rothermund
Prof Harald Gündel
Prof Dr Nathalie Oexle
Prof Thomas Becker
Network partners
In cooperation with Prof Dr Anne Barzel(Institute of General Medicine, University of Ulm).
Part of the Mental Health Prevention competence area in the Baden-Württemberg Preventive Medicine Competence Network
Project duration
Project description
Psychosocial issues such as work-related problems, suicidal behaviour, child protection, relationships, sexuality and violence in relationships often lead to consultations in GP surgeries. However, due to the social taboo and stigmatisation of such issues, they are often concealed and thus insufficiently taken into account in the diagnosis and treatment plan. Important prerequisites for recognising vulnerable people at risk are an open attitude on the part of professionals combined with the ability to act. Primary carers have a key role to play here.
The aim of the BASE project is therefore to develop and evaluate an e-learning curriculum focussing on dealing with the above-mentioned topics. The components are an online course and subsequent case discussions in groups via video conference. The online course is being developed in a version for general practitioners (BASEpro) and a version for medical students (BASEstud).
Project description:
The BASE project is divided into four sections.
In the first project phase, the need for further education and training for general practitioners and for knowledge transfer for medical students with regard to the above-mentioned psychosocial topics will be investigated. Semi-structured, topic-centred interviews will be conducted for this purpose.
In the second section, awareness, knowledge and previous experience of these psychosocial topics among general practitioners will be analysed quantitatively using an online questionnaire.
In the third phase, the content of the curriculum for general practitioners (BASEpro) and medical students (BASEStud) will be developed and technically implemented.
The effectiveness of the curricula will be analysed in the fourth and final phase. To this end, participants' self-efficacy before and after participating in the course will be compared. In addition, awareness and competence will be assessed and participants' satisfaction with the curriculum will be recorded.
Contact address
Supported by:
Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg