School counsellor project
Inclusion, school support, school assistance, UN CRPD, integration assistance
Project management
Co-operation partner
German Institute for Youth Welfare and Family Law (DIJuF)
SOCLES International Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Heidelberg
Project duration
2013 - 2024
Project description
As a result of the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its impact on the school sector, more and more school counsellors are being deployed. They accompany and support children and young people with various disabilities in everyday school life. Practical experience shows that the existing school structures are not (yet) sufficient to implement inclusive teaching without additional external staff support. School counsellors operate in difficult terrain. On the one hand, the work is very demanding and requires further qualification, while on the other hand, the working structures are often inadequate.
With funding from the Baden-Württemberg Foundation, the Ulm Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy has developed, tested and evaluated a curriculum for the further training of school counsellors. In 12 modules of 90 minutes each, theoretical and technical content is taught and practical aspects are discussed and practised using the multimedia and interactive course material. The focus of the "school counsellor" training course is on the children and young people receiving support.
The curriculum has been available since 2017. A version of the curriculum adapted for online training has also been available since 2022.
Data collection on school support, development of the curriculum and continuation
A comprehensive survey was conducted at all general education schools in Baden-Württemberg to collect data on school counsellors, their activities and the children they look after. In addition, around 50 expert interviews were conducted with those involved in school counselling. Based on this information, the above-mentioned training curriculum was developed and the "school support" training programme was designed in close cooperation with practitioners, including through focus groups, trial training sessions and the project's practical and scientific advisory board.
In order to make the qualification programme for school counsellors available to a broad public and to make it permanent, so-called multipliers have been trained in specific training courses every year since 2016. They offer the "School Support" training course independently at various locations across the country. All participating school counsellors receive a "school counsellor multiplier" certificate after successfully completing the training.
Further training courses that take place in Baden-Württemberg are also advertised on the above-mentioned homepage under the "Further training dates" tab.
Publications and materials produced
Fegert, JM, Henn, K. & Ziegenhain, U. (2015). The current situation of school counsellors and their improved training and further education. In: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (ed.), Put to the test: Inclusion in the German school system (pp. 21-24). Verfügbar unter:
Fegert, JM. & Ziegenhain, U. (2016). School support as a contribution to inclusion. Stocktaking and legal expertise. Publication series of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation, Society and Culture, 81.
Henn, K., Schönecker, L., Lange, S., Fegert, JM., Ziegenhain, U. (2020). Support from school counsellors (m/f/d) despite corona-related school closures Insights into practice. THE YOUTH WELFARE OFFICE (10), 482-488.
Henn, K., Himmel, R., Ziegenhain, U., Fegert, JM. (2017). Curriculum for school counsellors - training concept for the qualification of school counsellors. Edited by: Baden-Württemberg Stiftung gGmbH. (Note: Only available for multipliers or participants in the "School support" training programme)
Henn, K., Himmel, R., Ziegenhain, U., Fegert, JM. (2017). Materials for school counsellors - accompanying materials for the school counsellor curriculum. Edited by: Baden-Württemberg Stiftung gGmbH. (Note: Only available for participants in the "School support" training programme)
Henn, K., Thurn, L., Besier, T., Künster, AK., Fegert, JM. & Ziegenhain U. (2014). School companions as support for inclusion in the school system: Survey on the current situation of school counsellors in Baden-Württemberg. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 42(6), 397-403.
Henn, K., Himmel, R., Fegert JM. & Ziegenhain U. (2017). Implementation of the right to participation in inclusive schooling using the example of school support. Journal of Neurology, 36(3), 119-126.
Henn, K., Thurn, Himmel, R., Mörtl, K., L., Fegert, J.M. & Ziegenhain, U. (2022).The view of pupils with school support on their social situation:"With my class it's like with a marriage. It works sometime" - Analysis and implications of a qualitative study.Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, (3), 408 - 428.
Henn, K., Thurn, L., Fegert, J.M., Ziegenhain, U., Mörtl, K. & Steinicke, K. (2019). "One is always more or less a lone fighter. School support as a challenge for interdisciplinary cooperation. A qualitative study. Vierteljahresschrift für Heilpädagogik und ihre Nachbargebiete, (2), 114 - 127.
Himmel, R., Möhrle, B., Fegert, JM., Ziegenhain, U. (2019). Information brochure on school support - guidance for schools and integration assistance. Publication series of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation, Society and Culture, 89. Available at:
Schönecker, L., Himmel, R., Henn, K., Fegert, JM. & Ziegenhain, U. (2021). School support as a contribution to inclusion. Legal expertise (2nd revised edition). Publication series of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation, Society and Culture, 81.
Ziegenhain, U., Meysen T. & Fegert, JM. (2012). School support: A service between integration, special status and default citizenship. Das Jugendamt - Zeitschrift für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht, 85(10), 500-504.
Contact address
Supported by:

Baden-Württemberg Foundation
Dates: 11th / 13th / 15th / 18th / 20th & 22nd November 2024 18:00 -21:30 in each case Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Anette Kampe Contact:e-mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 18/21/26/27 & 28/11/2024 18:00 -21:30 each day Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Fabian Räffle Link/flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 30.12.2024 & 02 - 03.01.2025 09:00 - 16:30 each day Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Anette Kampe Contact:Email:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 13th / 15th / 17th / 20th / 22nd & 24th January 2025 each 18:00 -21:30 Training location: Online via ZOOM Course leader: Anette Kampe Contact:e-mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 10 / 12 / 14 / 17 / 19 & 22 February 2025 18:00 - 21:30 in each case Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Anette Kampe Contact:e-mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 10 / 12 / 14 / 17 / 19 & 21 March 2025 18:00 - 21:30 in each case Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Anette Kampe Contact:e-mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 31.03./ 02./ 04./ 07./ 09. & 11.04.2025 18:00 - 21:30 each day Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Anette Kampe Contact:e-mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 23 - 25 April 2025 09:00 - 16:30 each day Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Anette Kampe Contact:e-mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 12 / 14 / 16 / 19 / 21 & 23 May 2025 18:00 - 21:30 in each case Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Anette Kampe Contact:e-mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 11 - 13 June 2025 09:00 - 16:30 each day Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Anette Kampe Contact:e-mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 23 / 25 / 27 / 30 June & 02 / 04 July 2025 18:00 - 21:30 in each case Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Anette Kampe Contact:e-mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 14./ 16./ 18./ 21./ 23. & 25.07.2025 each 18:00 - 21:30 Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Anette Kampe Contact:e-mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 04 - 06 August 2025 09:00 - 16:30 each day Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Anette Kampe Contact:e-mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 08 - 10 September 2025 09:00 - 16:30 each day Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Anette Kampe Contact:e-mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 22/24/26/29/30/09 & 01/10/2025 18:00 - 21:30 in each case Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Anette Kampe Contact:E-Mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 13 / 15 / 17 / 20 / 22 & 24 October 2025 18:00 - 21:30 in each case Training location: Online via ZOOM Course leader: Anette Kampe Contact:e-mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 27 - 29 October 2025 09:00 - 16:30 each day Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Anette Kampe Contact:e-mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
Dates: 10 / 12 / 14 / 17 / 19 & 21 November 2025 18:00 - 21:30 in each case Training location: Online via ZOOM Course instructor: Anette Kampe Contact:e-mail:anette.kampe[at] Link/Flyer:Flyer |
No multiplier training currently scheduled. We would be happy to add you to a list of interested parties. Please send an e-mail to:
In order to make the "school counsellor" training course available to a broad public and to make it permanent, so-called multipliers were trained. They were prepared for their task theoretically, practically and didactically in a two-day training course based on the "school counsellor" training curriculum and received a certificate after successfully completing the course.
As part of quality assurance, the "school counsellor" training course is only offered by certified multipliers. There are currently 38 multipliers available in Baden-Württemberg who regularly (or as required on site) offer the "school counsellor" training course on a freelance basis or as part of their professional activities (e.g. at an organisation). All of them can also be contacted for in-house training courses on request.
You can view a list of the multipliers currently available here:(pdf)
If you have specific questions for a multiplier, you are welcome to contact him or her.
So-called "trainers" were trained as part of the continuation of the project. They ensure that sufficient multipliers are available for Baden-Württemberg in the long term by offering regular multiplier training sessions. A multiplier training course takes place approximately once a year and additionally when the need for new multipliers increases.
If you are interested in becoming a multiplier, you must have taken part in the "School counsellor" training course. A copy of your certificate will be requested when you register for the multiplier training course.
If multiplier training courses are planned, you can find them here(Training dates ⇒ Multiplier training)
You can find the dates for all freely accessible "school counsellor" training courses here(training dates ⇒ "school counsellor" training courses).
- Fegert, JM. & Ziegenhain, U. (2016). School support as a contribution to inclusion. Stocktaking and legal expertise. Publication series of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation, Society and Culture, 81. Available at:
- Fegert, JM, Henn, K. & Ziegenhain, U. (2015). On the current situation of school counsellors and their improved training and further education. In: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (ed.), Put to the test: Inclusion in the German school system (pp. 21-24). Verfügbar unter:
- Henn, K., Thurn, L., Besier, T., Künster, AK., Fegert, JM. & Ziegenhain U. (2014). School companions as support for inclusion in the school system: Survey on the current situation of school counsellors in Baden-Württemberg. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 42(6), 397-403.
- Henn, K., Himmel, R., Fegert JM. & Ziegenhain U. (2017). Implementation of the right to participation in inclusive schooling using the example of school support. Journal of Neurology, 36(3), 119-126.
- Ziegenhain, U., Meysen T. & Fegert, JM. (2012). School support: A service between integration, special status and default citizenship. Das Jugendamt - Zeitschrift für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht, 85(10), 500-504.
Presentations at the online symposium "Wohin steuert Schulbegleitung? - Interim assessment after Corona and SGB VIII reform" on 2 December 2021
Fegert, J.M.: "Children with participation impairments: Effects of the corona pandemic"
Schönecker, L., Meysen, T.: "BTHG and SGB VIII reform - perspectives for school counselling"
Presentations at the symposium "School support - motor or brake of school inclusion?" on Tuesday, 5 July 2016 in Berlin
- Dworschak, W.: "School support - the tool of choice for inclusion at school?"
- Fegert, J.M.: "Inclusion and participation reform from a medical-psychotherapeutic perspective"
- Meysen, T./Schönecker, L.: "Legal issues in the practice of school support"
- Ziegenhain, U.: "Project "SCHULBEGLEITER" Development of an interdisciplinary curriculum as a contribution to inclusion"
Lectures as part of the symposium "Schulbegleitung" on 25.2.19 in Stuttgart.
- Fegert, J.M.: "The future of school counselling in Baden-Württemberg"
- Lang: "School support - an offer from Reha Südwest für Behinderte gGmbH"
- Haaga: "SBBZ for pupils undergoing prolonged hospital treatment..."
- Schönecker, L.: "Legal framework conditions for school counselling"
- Henn, K.: "What do we know about pupils with school support?"
- Ministerial Counsellor Sönke Asmussen, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, Baden-Württemberg,
- Erwin Berger, Trade Union for Education and Science (GEW)
- Former Managing Director Hansjörg Böhringer, Der Paritätische,
- Dr Wolfgang Dworschak, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich,
- Nadine Brock and Christina Fischer, Ministry of Social Affairs, Labour, Health and Demography, Rhineland-Palatinate,
- Professor Dr Hans Peter Füssel, German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF), Frankfurt am Main,
- Professor Dr Judith Hollenweger Haskell, Zurich University of Teacher Education,
- Professor Dr Jo Jerg, Ludwigsburg Protestant University of Applied Sciences,
- Head of Department Roland Kaiser, Baden-Württemberg Municipal Association for Youth and Social Affairs (Youth Department - State Youth Welfare Office),
- Professor Dr Rüdiger Kißgen, University of Siegen,
- Managing Director Frank Kissling, Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Selbsthilfe für behinderte Menschen,
- Professor Dr Daniel Mays, University of Siegen,
- Dr Thomas Meysen, German Institute for Youth Welfare and Family Law (DIJuF) e. V., Heidelberg,
- Ms Gabriele Lagger, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Families, Women and Senior Citizens, Baden-Württemberg,
- Dr Andreas Oberle, Klinikum Stuttgart, Social Paediatric Centre Olgahospital,
- Managing Director Jutta Pagel-Steidl, State Association for People with Physical and Multiple Disabilities,
- Professor D. Lisa Pfahl, University of Innsbruck,
- Lydia Schönecker, German Institute for Youth Welfare and Family Law (DIJuF) e. V., Heidelberg,
- Head of Department Franz Schmeller, Municipal Association for Youth and Social Affairs Baden-Württemberg (Department of Social Affairs),
- Bernhard Scholten, Ministry of Social Affairs, Labour, Health and Demography Rhineland-Palatinate,
- Head of Department Gerhard Semler, City of Ulm, Department of Education and Sport,
- Eberhard Strayle, Office of the State Commissioner for the Disabled,
- State Disability Commissioner Gerd Weimer, Commissioner of the State Government of Baden-Württemberg for the Interests of People with Disabilities (2011-2016).