Family visitor action programme

Family visitors
Project management
Project duration
January 2008 - June 2012; 01.10.2017 to 31.9.2018
Project website
Project description
The Family Visitor is a curriculum for training professionals (such as nursery teachers, social pedagogues, midwives or nurses) who carry out home visits to parents with a newborn baby as a primary preventive offer of support for young parents. In order to prepare the professionals from the respective local youth welfare or healthcare system for their role as future family visitors, a further training curriculum was designed to impart the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge. The Family Visitors Action Programme thus anticipated a development that was provisionally concluded in the 2012 Federal Child Protection Act. The Federal Child Protection Act enshrined the concept of family visits as information for parents on issues relating to pregnancy, birth and the first year of life (Section 2KKG, BKiSchG).
The further training curriculum was trialled and successfully evaluated with 39 course participants. The home visits were then carried out by the trained family visitors at eight selected model locations and scientifically evaluated. Since 2017, the curriculum has been revised with funding from the Kinderland Baden-Württemberg Foundation to specifically take into account young families with special burdens and high support needs. These include young children with mentally ill or addicted parents, young children affected by intimate partner violence or who (repeatedly) flee to women's shelters with their mothers, children of prisoners, children of teenage mothers, children from psychosocially stressed families with a migration background or children in refugee families.
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