Refugee children from Ukraine: information, counselling and training Digital platform for interdisciplinary professionals, affected families and volunteers
Project management
Prof Dr Ute Ziegenhain
Ulm University Hospital, Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy
Prof Dr Michael Kölch
Rostock University Hospital, Clinic for Psychiatry, Neurology, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy in Childhood and Adolescence
Project description
The refugee situation of children and their families from Ukraine to Germany poses a variety of challenges for professionals who support and care for children from Ukraine and their families in different contexts. The overarching aim of this digital platform is to recognise and alleviate psychological stress in children and their families, as well as volunteers, at an early stage and to support both professionals and volunteers in providing or arranging offers of help at various levels.
Prof Dr Michael Kölch, Medical Director of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Neurology, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy at Rostock University Hospital, is offering various interdisciplinary formats as part of a digital platform in cooperation with Prof Dr Ute Ziegenhain, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Ulm University Hospital from the end of September 2022 up to and including January 2023.
Digital consultation hours
From 22 September 2022, topic-specific consultation hours will be offered once a week on Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. with experts who have specific expertise in supporting and caring for refugee children and families. The aim is to cover all topics that are encountered in day-to-day work with refugees. This includes aspects of psychosocial care as well as legal issues.
The digital consultation hours will take place online via the ZOOM platform. Firstly, the experts will give a 30-40 minute input, which will be recorded. Afterwards, participants can ask questions and there may be a need for further counselling, which will then be discussed in individual appointments. The recording of the presentation will be published on the homepage of the NZFH (National Centre for Early Intervention).
Individual and ad hoc counselling
From October 2022, experts from various disciplines and specialist skills will also be offering individual counselling for professionals, volunteers and affected families. On this platform, you will find "profiles" with the respective expertise and available times of the experts. If you are interested, interested parties from interdisciplinary professional practice as well as volunteers can register centrally with a request and express a wish for an expert.
Modular training curriculum
This platform provides videos of presentations by various experts from academia and practice, as well as expert interviews on relevant aspects.
The aim is to provide in-depth and wide-ranging basic and practical knowledge in developmental psychology and clinical practice within the framework of various modules.
In addition, we provide you with "good practice experiences" in the support and care of children after war and displacement on this platform. This compilation is organised in cooperation with Heinz Müller of the Institute for Social Pedagogical Research Mainz (ism).