Cognitive-behavioural, web-based disease management support for young adult cancer patients - a randomised controlled trial
young cancer patients, AYA-Survivor, online writing therapy, anxiety symptoms, progressive anxiety, post-traumatic stress symptoms, cognitive-behavioural, web-based support service, randomised controlled trial
Project management
Scientific study management:
Dr rer. med. Dipl.-Psych. Kristina Geue (PI until the end of April 2022)
Prof. Dr phil. Dipl.-Psych. Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf (Co-PI until the end of April 2022; PI from May 2022)
Leipzig University Hospital, Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology, Division of Psychosocial Oncology
Clinical study management:
Prof Dr Jörg Fegert (CO-PI)
Prof Dr Miriam Rassenhofer (as deputy)
Ulm University Hospital, Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy
Co-operation partner
- Regional Clinical Cancer Registry Leipzig (RKKRL)
- Clinic Bad Oexen
- Paracelsus Clinic Am Schillergarten Bad Elster
- German Paediatric Cancer Registry
- Prof Dr Rainer Muche, University of Ulm, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Epidemiology and Medical Biometry
Project duration
01.07.2020 - 30.06.2023 (possible extension by 12 months 01.07.2023 - 30.06.2024)
Project website
Project description
Young cancer patients have an above-average chance of recovery compared to older patients. The psychological burden of young adults with cancer is particularly evident in the form of anxiety (especially post-traumatic stress disorder), fatigue and depression. Specific support needs have also been identified in recent years, but these have not been met adequately or at all. There is a consensus on the need to design, implement and evaluate specific psycho-oncological care concepts for this patient group. However, to date there are hardly any evidence-based interventions for the psychosocial care of AYA survivors. As part of a pilot study, the web-based support programme Onko-STEP was developed to reduce anxiety in young cancer patients and successfully evaluated in a pre-post design. Onko-STEP contains two modules (1. "Looking back" focussing on traumatic illness experiences; 2. "Looking forward" developing coping strategies for dealing with anxiety), each with five writing tasks.
The aim is to prove the effectiveness of Onko-STEP by means of a prospective randomised controlled study. The support programme is aimed at people between the ages of 18 and 39 who have been diagnosed with cancer in adolescence and young adulthood (15-39 years). Prerequisites for participation in the study are the presence of a cancer diagnosis within the last 10 years and the completion of primary medical treatment for at least six months. Furthermore, internet access should be available for the duration of the study and the participant should demonstrate a willingness to work on writing tasks on a weekly basis. A total of 172 patients (intervention vs. control group) with increased anxiety are to be included in the study. The study includes 4 measurement points (t0: screening; t1: baseline - before study inclusion/intervention; t2: after completion of the intervention/waiting period; t3: follow-up (3 months after t2). Patients are recruited via cancer registries, rehabilitation clinics, follow-up consultations and established social networks. The survey is conducted online using standardised procedures. At the end of the study, an adequate psycho-oncological care programme for this patient group will be available, based on proof of efficacy. The creation of structures for the permanent implementation of Onko-STEP as an economical and location-independent web-based support service is planned. In the long term, this should contribute to improving the psychosocial care of young adult cancer patients.
Publications and materials produced
- Tutus D, Plener PL, Niemitz M. Quality criteria of internet-based cognitive-behavioural interventions for children and adolescents and their parents - A systematic review. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. 2018, 1-17.
- Tutus, D, Plener, PL, Niemitz, M. Ulmer Onlineklinik Eine Plattform der Universitätsklinik Ulm für internetbasierte Psychodiagnostik und psychologische Onlineinterventionsprogramme. Psychotherapy in dialogue. 2018: 19, 71-75.
- Leuteritz K et al. Life situation and psycho-social care of adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients - study protocol of a 12-month prospective longitudinal study. BMC Cancer. 2017:17, 1-9.
- Breuer N et al. How do young adults with cancer perceive social support? A qualitative study. J Psychosoc Oncol. 2017:35, 292-308.
- Esser P et al. Posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology in the course of allogeneic HSCT: a prospective study. J Cancer Surviv. 2017: 11, 203-210
- Sachser C et al. Complex PTSD as proposed for ICD-11: validation of a new disorder in children and adolescents and their response to Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2017:58(2), 160-168.
- Faller H et al. Perceived need for psychosocial support depending on emotional distres and mental comorbidity in men and woman with cancer. J Psychosom Res. 2016:81, 24-30.
- Goldbeck L et al. Effectiveness of Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Tf-CBT) for Children and adolescents: a randomised controlled trial in eight German mental health clinics. Psychother Psychosom. 2016:85, 159-170.
- Schmidt R et al. Motivations for having children after cancer - a systematic review of literature. Eur J Cancer Care. 2016:25, 6-17.
- Fidika A et al. A web-based Psychological Support Programme for Caregivers of Children with Cystic Fibrosis. A Pilot Study. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2015:13:11.
- Geue K et al. Sexuality and romantic relationships in young adult cancer survivors: satisfaction and supportive care needs. Psycho-Oncology. 2014:24(11), 1368-1376.
- Richter D et al. Psychosocial interventions for adolescents and young adult cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2015:95(3), 370-386.
- Geue K et al. Gender-specific quality of life after cancer in young adulthood: a comparison with the general population. Qual Life Res. 2014:23(4), 1377-1386.
- Mehnert A et al. Four-week prevalence of mental disorders in patients with cancer across major tumour antities. J Clin Oncol. 2014:32(31), 3540-3546.
- Seitz DCM et al. Internet-based psychotherapy in young adult survivors of paediatric cancer: Feasibility and participants' satisfaction. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2014:17, 624-629.
- Seitz DCM et al. Efficacy of an internet-based cognitive behavioural intervention for long-term survivors of pediatric cancer: A pilot study. Support Care Cancer. 2014:22, 2075-2083.
- Mehnert A et al. Prevalence of adjustment disorder, acute and post-traumatic stress disorder and somatoform disorders in cancer patients. A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Psychother Psych Med. 2013:63(12), 466-472.
- Geue K et al. Family planning of young oncological patients - role in medical dialogue. Psychotherap. 2011:56(5), 371-378.
- Ladehoff N et al. Physical and psychosocial stress in adolescents and young adults with cancer. Z Gesundheitspsychol. 2011:19(1), 43-64.
- Seitz DCM et al. Life satisfaction in adult survivors of cancer during adolescence: What contributes to the latter satisfaction with life? Qual Life Res. 2011:20, 225-236.
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DKR Processing numbers: 70113141 and 70113158