Quality of life monitoring online
chronic diseases; comorbid psychological stress; health-related quality of life (gLQ); rehabilitation; patient-reported outcomes (PRO)
Project management
Co-operation partner
Aftercare Clinic Tannheim non-profit organisation
Gemeindewaldstr. 75
D-78052 Tannheim
Management: Roland Wehrle; Thomas Müller
Medical management: Dr Tilman Eberle
Head of psychosocial services: Jochen Künzel
Telephone: 07705 - 92 00
E-mail: info[at]tannheim.de
Project duration
01.07.2014-31.12.2018 and 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2024
Project website
A new project website is currently under construction. The following link will take you to our current project website:
Project description
Maintaining and improving the QoL of paediatric patients and their parents is a central task of healthcare. It is important to record the QoL using simple means in everyday clinical practice and to take it into account when planning and evaluating treatment. Conventional paper-and-pencil surveys are often too time-consuming and not sufficiently integrated into the communication between practitioner and patient or family. The aim is therefore to provide patients at the Tannheim Aftercare Clinic with an internet-based assessment of their QoL and to analyse and present the results directly and over time. The aim is to achieve better integration of the QoL evaluation into the care routine as well as treatment tailored to the individual needs of patients.
After testing the feasibility of the concept in the orphan rehab group, it is to be implemented in the process and extended to all treated patient groups in a second phase. Systematic group statistical analyses will be carried out for quality assurance purposes and user satisfaction and effects on doctor-patient communication will be examined.
In cooperation with the Tannheim Aftercare Clinic, the internet-based LQM will be prepared for routine use in family-orientated rehabilitation (FOR) based on the results of the preliminary project (LQM at the Ulm Online Clinic) and tested with regard to feasibility and acceptance by users (FOR participants and practitioners). The principle of combining generic and disease-specific instruments is being pursued in order to enable cross-diagnosis analyses and comparisons as well as to map the diagnosis-specific aspects of rehabilitation.
Building on the experiences of the political phase, the internet-based QLM will be gradually established in this phase for the other patient groups in the FOR (oncology, cardiology, cystic fibrosis) as well as with the participants in the Young Rehab and Rehab 27+ programmes. It is planned to evaluate a (cohort) of FOR participants and to prepare quality reports to evaluate the process quality. In addition, scientific publications and the final project report with proposals for the project-independent continuation of the system will be prepared.
Publications and materials produced
A new project website is currently under construction. The following link will take you to our current project website:
Baumann, I., Künzel, J., Goldbeck, L., Tutus, D., & Niemitz, M. (2020). Prolonged Grief, Posttraumatic Stress, and Depression Among Bereaved Parents: Prevalence and Response to an Intervention Programme. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying.
Tutus, D. (2019). Psychological Symptoms among Bereaved Parents: Prevalence and Response to an Inpatient Rehabilitation Programme. Poster presented at the ISTSS 35th Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Abstract retrieved from
Tutus, D. , Plener, P. L., & Niemitz, M. (2018). Ulmer Onlineklinik - a platform for internet-based psychodiagnostics and online psychological intervention programmes. PiD - Psychotherapie im Dialog, 19(04), 71-75.
doi: 10.1055/a-0592-0230
Contact address
Supported by:
Deutsche Kinderkrebsnachsorge - Foundation for the chronically ill child Tannheim
Gemeindewaldstraße 75, 78052 Villingen-Schwenningen