Evaluation project letters from the term of office of the first Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse of the Federal Government, former Federal Minister Dr Christine Bergmann
Sexual abuse, victim reports, reappraisal process, UBSKM, letters, participation, qualitative research
Project management
Prof Dr Jörg M. Fegert, Medical Director of the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy (KJP) at Ulm University Hospital
Prof Dr Cornelia Helfferich, Social Science Research Institute for Gender Issues / FIVE Freiburg (SoFFI F.) Freiburg/Berlin
Prof Dr Barbara Kavemann, Social Science Research Institute for Gender Issues / FIVE Freiburg (SoFFI F.) Freiburg/Berlin
Network partner or co-operation partner
Former Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues Former Federal Minister Dr Christine Bergmann
Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues Mr Johannes-Wilhelm Rörig
Social Science Research Institute for Gender Issues / FIVE Freiburg (SoFFI F.)
Project duration
Feasibility study: Oct 2017 to Sept 2018
Project phase: March 2019 to March 2021
Project description
Project background
As part of the "Speaking up helps" campaign initiated in 2010 by the then Independent Commissioner for the Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse (UBSKM), Dr Christine Bergmann, over 3,000 letters and emails were received from victims of sexual abuse. Together with victim reports from the telephone contact centre set up at the same time (today's sexual abuse helpline), these documents have only been analysed cursorily to date (e.g. Fegert et al. 2013; Rassenhofer et al. 2013). In our current reappraisal project, which follows on from a previous feasibility study, these documents are being analysed in depth, both quantitatively and qualitatively, in order to better describe the groups affected and the contexts of the offences and to expand our knowledge of the processing of sexual violence. The results will also be used to make recommendations to the current Independent Commissioner Johannes-Wilhelm Rörig on how to improve the situation of those affected. The public should also be sensitised to the topic of sexual abuse and the (long-term) consequences.
Fegert, J. M., Rassenhofer, M., Schneider, T., Seitz, A. & Spröber, N. (2013). Child sexual abuse - testimonies, messages, consequences: Results of the accompanying research for the contact point of the Independent Commissioner of the Federal Government for the Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse, Dr Christine Bergmann. Beltz Juventa.
Rassenhofer, M., Spröber, N., Schneider, T., & Fegert, J. M. (2013). Listening to victims: use of a critical incident reporting system to enable adult victims of childhood sexual abuse to participate in a political reappraisal process in Germany. Child abuse & neglect, 37(9), 653-663.
Project description
As part of the final conference "Talking helps? Review of the campaign of the first UBSKM after 10 years" on 9 March 2021, the results of the evaluation project were presented with a focus on the campaign at the time, the lifetime achievements of those affected and fulfilled and unfulfilled demands on the care situation and the help system in Germany. The developments of the last ten years - ten years after the letters and emails were written - were reflected on and discussed with the participation of those affected. The presentations from the event and the press release can be found under "Documents". The final report will also be available here once it has been finalised.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact briefe.projekt(at)uniklinik-ulm.de.
- Persons involved (PDF)
- Publications (PDF)
- Data protection concept of the letter project (PDF)
- Data protection concept UBSKM (PDF)
- Brochure letter project (PDF)
- Final conference programme "Talking helps? Messages and demands from the letters to the former UBSKM after 10 years" (PDF)
- Factsheet final conference (PDF)
- Press release Final conference of the letters project "Speaking helps?" on 9 March 2021 (PDF)
- Quotes from letters to the former Independent Commissioner for the Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse, Dr Christine Bergmann, former Federal Minister - a selection (PDF)
- Miriam Rassenhofer: The letter project " Participants and genesis (PDF)
- Fredericke Beck: The "Talking helps!" campaign (PDF)
- Kathrin Lipke: Talking helps? Review of the campaign of the first UBSKM after 10 years (PDF)
- Barbara Kavemann: Perception of the "Speaking helps" campaign (PDF)
- Cornelia Helfferich: The power to live - Qualitative results of the study and a commentary from the perspective of those affected (PDF)
- Jelena Gerke: Quantitative evaluation of experiences in the help and support system (PDF)
- Adrian Etzel: Experiences with and demands for support (PDF)
- Video recording of the final conference (MP4)
Contact address
Supported by:
Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues