Making schools strong against suicidal and self-harming behaviour

4S Online
E-learning programme for school staff on dealing with suicidal and non-suicidal self-harming behaviour (NSSV)
Suicidality, non-suicidal self-harming behaviour, NSSV, e-learning, school
Project management
Prof. Dr. med. Jörg M. Fegert
Ärztlicher Direktor der Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie
Prof. Dr. Miriam Rassenhofer
Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeutin (VT)
Leitung Sektion Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie und Verhaltensmedizin
Mitglied im Ausbildungsausschuss des AZVT
Project duration
Until 31.12.2023
Project website
Project description
Suicidal and non-suicidal self-harming behaviour (NSSH) are widespread phenomena among German adolescents. It can be assumed that around a third of all adolescents have experienced self-harming behaviour at least once, and around a third of German adolescents have also reported suicidal thoughts in studies. School is often the first place where self-harming behaviour or suicidal behaviour becomes apparent, for example when classmates find out about it in conversations or teachers identify young people with problems. Teachers are therefore in an important position when it comes to making initial contact with affected pupils and initiating further steps.
The project "Making schools strong against suicidal and self-harming behaviour (4S)" is aimed at all schools in Baden-Württemberg. It aims to equip teachers and counsellors who work in schools with the skills they need to act and to strengthen them as contact persons for young people. It is being implemented by the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Ulm University Hospital on behalf of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation as part of the "Youth Mental Health Action Programme". As part of the project, monthly multiplier training sessions were held at different locations in Baden-Württemberg until the end of 2020. In addition, on-site school protocols were carried out for schools. A total of around 1,200 multipliers have been trained so far.
4S Online
Since October 2021, the content of the training courses and workshops has been available as an e-learning course. This programme has already generated 2899 users (as of October 2023). The programme is aimed at anyone who works in schools and is or may be confronted with NSSV and suicidality in their everyday work. The aim of the e-learning course is to equip school staff with the skills to deal with NSSA and suicidality and to strengthen them as contact persons for pupils. In addition to the online course, participants are offered in-depth training sessions once a quarter, which take place in person. In addition to imparting knowledge, the focus is on practical group exercises and the opportunity to exchange ideas.
Publications and materials produced
Brown RC, Straub J, Bohnacker I, Plener PL (2018). Increasing Knowledge, Skills, and Confidence Concerning Students' Suicidality Through a Gatekeeper Workshop for School Staff. Frontiers in Psychology. 9. 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01233.
Groschwitz RC, Straub J, Bohnacker I, Munz LM, Plener PL (2017). Strong Schools against Suicidality and Self-Injury - Evaluation of a workshop for school staff. School Psychology Quarterly 32: 188-198.
Ullrich J, Walter T, Fegert JM, Rassenhofer M (2023). Prevention of non-suicidal self-injurious behaviour and suicidality in schools. An online course for school staff. Neurology 2023; 42: 715-720.
Contact address
Supported by:
Baden-Württemberg Foundation