Immediate psychological support measures for refugees from Ukraine
Emergency measures; Ukraine; war of aggression; refugees; psychological support; trauma; grief, Baden-Württemberg
Project management
Project duration
August 2022 until April 2023
Project background
The war of aggression in Ukraine forced many people, including mothers, children and young people, to flee their homes. Some of the refugees are suffering from the consequences of war and flight as well as separation from fathers and relatives who stayed behind during the war. The considerable psychological strain on those affected by traumatic experiences is to be alleviated through a graduated, indicated preventative approach.
The project comprises a package of immediate measures to support refugee mothers, children and young people as well as unaccompanied children. The aim is to relieve the burden on refugees through stabilisation and psychoeducation as early as possible.
Knowledge about the consequences of trauma as a normal reaction to an abnormal situation as well as targeted information about age-appropriate trauma reactions can help to better understand and support those affected. It is important to primarily provide affected families, children and adolescents with a sense of security, to give them the opportunity to talk about and categorise what they have experienced and to find an anxiety-free, regular daily routine.
Project description
The project is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration and comprises several modules, which are briefly presented below.
- Information materials are currently being produced in several languages for carers of Ukrainian children, professionals, healthcare professionals, teachers and volunteers who work with refugees from Ukraine. These address how to talk to children about war, what age-appropriate trauma and grief reactions look like and how children can be helped in the acute phase. You can download the materials at the bottom of this page.
- Webinars are also offered for professionals and volunteers who work with refugees. These provide information on psychological support for refugees(flyer). Webinars are currently being held on 7 November 2022, 19 December 2022, 16 January 2023, 8 February 2023, 28 February 2023 and 8 March 2023.
- The screening tool PORTA, which offers a screening for psychological abnormalities and traumatisation, and the e-learning portal SHELTER with courses on trauma reactions and protection concepts will be adapted and made available.
The projects are scientifically monitored. The webinars are evaluated through a survey of participants and continuously improved. The PORTA screening portal enables anonymous data collection for future research into the stress experienced by refugees.
Publications and materials produced
- Information for parents and professionals to support children and young people affected by war
- Information for parents and professionals to support children and adolescents affected by war
- Інформація для батьків та спеціалістів щодо підтримки дітей та підлітків, постраждалих від війни
- Информация для родителей и специалистов по подддержке детей и подростков, пострадавших от войны
Contact address
University Hospital Ulm
Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry & Psychotherapy
Steinhövelstr. 1
89075 Ulm
Project staff: Maike Garbade, Selina Gehring & Maria Hrynova
Supported by:
The project "Immediate measures for psychological support for refugees from Ukraine" is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration.