CBITS - Treat Child Trauma in Child Welfare

CBITS - Evaluation of the "Cognitive Behavioural Intervention for Trauma in Child and Youth Services in Germany" - A randomised controlled trial



Trauma, trauma-related disorders, youth welfare facilities, cognitive behavioural interventions, psychotherapeutic and psychiatric primary care, group intervention

Project management

  • Profilbild von Prof. Dr. M.Sc.-Psych. Elisa Pfeiffer

    Prof. Dr. M.Sc.-Psych. Elisa Pfeiffer

    M. Sc.-Psych., Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeutin (VT)

  • Profilbild von Prof. Dr. Cedric Sachser

    Prof. Dr. Cedric Sachser

    M.Sc.-Psych., Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut (VT)

Project staff

Project duration

3 years (01.05.2023-30.04.2026)

Project background

Around 75% of children and young people in child and youth welfare centres report having experienced at least one traumatic event, such as physical violence, abuse or neglect. One possible consequence of this can be that the children develop trauma-related disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder or exhibit other psychological stresses such as sadness, anxiety or insecurity. Early treatment can help to prevent further problems and reduce the children's psychological stress in the long term. In reality, however, affected children have limited access to evidence-based trauma therapies. The research project "CBITS -Treat Trauma in Child Welfare" therefore aims to provide traumatised children and adolescents in youth welfare facilities with access to treatment for their trauma-related disorders. The project aims to scientifically evaluate the trauma-focussed group intervention CBITS and integrate it into regular primary care in the long term.

Project description

The effectiveness and feasibility of the CBITS group intervention is being tested in a randomised controlled trial (RCT) at three locations (Marburg, Bochum, Ulm) with a total of 9 cooperating child and youth welfare facilities and 3 study centres (training centres for behavioural therapy). The primary objective is a reduction in post-traumatic stress symptoms, which will be recorded before and after the intervention and after a further 6 months using standardised screenings on site. A total of 90 children and adolescents between the ages of 8 and 16 who are in a youth welfare centre and exhibit corresponding trauma symptoms will be included in the study. A total of 24 therapists will be trained and closely supervised for the implementation of the intervention in cooperation with the authors of the intervention from the USA.

The group therapy comprises a total of 10 group sessions of 45 minutes each and 1-3 individual sessions per participant. In addition, there are at least 1-3 sessions for the youth welfare workers. All children and adolescents registered for the study receive feedback on their psychopathological abnormalities (including depression, PTSD, anxiety).

Contact address

Supported by:

German Research Foundation