Development, implementation and evaluation of an advanced training programme on dealing with child sexual abuse for pedagogical professions based on the documentary film "And we are not the only ones" using the example of boarding schools
sexual abuse in institutions, child protection, further training, prevention
Project management
Project duration
Project description
In 2010, cases of sexual abuse at boarding schools became known to the general public. In addition to the offences themselves, the failure to recognise them, the failure to look the other way and the lack of response from professionals were particularly shocking. In order to protect children and young people from sexual abuse in institutions in the future, there is therefore a need to strengthen the skills of professionals working in such institutions.
The central aim and result of the research project was the development and provision of an evaluated and standardised training concept for dealing with child sexual abuse based on the documentary film "Und wir sind nicht die Einzigen" by director Christoph Röhl using the example of boarding schools.
The three main objectives of the project included the establishment of a standardised and evaluated training concept for dealing with child sexual abuse, the integration of the training concept in selected educational institutions for educational professionals in the field of boarding school education and the sensitisation of educational professionals for dealing with child sexual abuse. As part of the project, a training concept was developed that includes video sequences from the film as well as PowerPoint presentations for in-depth knowledge transfer. The concept was subsequently evaluated at seven locations with a total of 99 participants. The survey results showed an increase in dealing with one's own feelings when confronted with child sexual abuse as well as improved confidence to act. It was shown most clearly that the learning gain was greatest with regard to the correct assessment of one's own competences and their limits.
Publications and materials produced
Allroggen, M. & Rau, T. (2017). What would you advise? The evaluation of contact points for experiences of sexualised violence by young people in institutional education. Our youth. The Journal for the Study and Practice of Social Pedagogy, 69, 479-488.
Allroggen, M., Fegert, J. M. & Rau, T. (2017). Mental stress of professionals in (social) pedagogical fields of work. An overview of prevalence, developmental conditions, consequences and support options. Sozial Extra, 41 (5), 49-53.
Allroggen, M., Dohmann, S., Strahl, B., Schloz, C., Fegert, J.M., & Kampert, M. (2016). How much insecurity does security need? - The discrepancy in assessing the sense of security of children, adolescents and caregivers in institutions. Child & Youth Services, 37, 4, 381-397. DOI10.1080/0145935X.2016.1210447.
Domann, S., Eßer, F., Kampert, M., Rusack, T., Schloz, C. & Rau, T. (2014). Safety and protection from sexualised violence in residential educational support facilities, Forum Erziehungshilfen, 20th year 2014, issue 2, 97-98.
Domann, S., Eßer, F., Kampert, M., Rusack, T., Schloz, C. & Rau, T. (2014). "I am safe!" - Protection concepts from the perspective of young people and carers - an interdisciplinary research project introduces itself. Educational support dialogue, 1-2014, 54-55.
Rau, T., Ohlert, J., Seidler, C., Fegert, J. M. & Allroggen, M. (2017). Stress levels of professionals in inpatient facilities for children and adolescents. Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics, Medical Psychology, 67 (8), 331-337.
Schloz, C. (2015). Who should I turn to?, Sozial Extra, 5, 34-37.
Seidler, C., Rau, T. & Allroggen, M. (2017). Relationship between feelings of safety and mental health problems among adolescents in boarding schools and youth welfare centres. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 1-8.
Wolff, M., Schröer, W., Fegert, J. M. (eds.) (2017). Protection concepts in theory and practice. A participation-orientated workbook. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
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Supported by:
Robert Bosch Stiftung and Heidehof Foundation