Accompanied and unaccompanied refugee minors - framework conditions and protection in organisations, understanding the consequences of trauma and psychological stress
(Safety&Help forEarly adverse Life events andTraumaticExperiences in minor Refugees)
Refugees, minors, umF, trauma, PTSD, self-harm, suicide, external endangerment, aggression, protection concept, e-learning
Project management
Co-operation partner
Prof Dr Frank Neuner, University of Bielefeld
Prof Dr Michael Kölch, Rostock University Medical Centre
Prof Dr Paul L. Plener, Medical University of Vienna
Prof Dr Mechthild Wolff, Landshut University of Applied Sciences
Prof Dr Wolfgang Schröer, University of Hildesheim
Project duration
Project description
In practice, there is often a lack of specific qualifying training courses for professionals and volunteers who are entrusted with working with traumatised young refugees.
The aim of the joint project was to develop three online courses on the consequences of potentially traumatising stress, dealing with self-endangerment and endangerment by others and the development of protection concepts in institutions in the context of flight and asylum. The online courses were intended to contribute to improving the support and care of young refugees in practice.
Two test cohorts completed the online courses during the project period. The maximum completion time for each course was five to six months. Both test cohorts were scientifically monitored in terms of their effectiveness.
The first test run was completed at the end of 2017. The online courses were then revised and updated in the first half of 2018, partly on the basis of feedback from participants. The second test run started in July and November 2018 and was completed in April 2019. A final conference on the project was held in Berlin in May 2019.
The SHELTER Emergency and SHELTER Protection Concepts courses will no longer be offered. We are currently endeavouring to revise or integrate the content of the two SHELTER Trauma courses into other online courses.
Publications and materials produced
Fegert, J. M., Kölch, M., Neuner, F., Hoffmann, U., Plener, P. L., Schröer, W., & Wolff, M. (2017). SHELTER-Development of an interdisciplinary e-learning curriculum for working with unaccompanied refugee minors. Das Jugendamt-Zeitschrift für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht, 90(5), 224-226.
Hoffmann U., Sukale T. & Pfeiffer, E. (2019). LISTENING. Research and Care Services of the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy in the Context of Assistance for Refugee Minors. Brochure.
Kampert, M., Rusack, T., Schröer, W. & Wolff, M. (2020). Textbook Designing Protection Concepts and Diversity in Organisations. Focus: Young people with refugee experiences. Beltz Juventa.
Kampert, M., & Rusack, T. (2018). Protection concepts in organisations for young people with refugee experience-Participation as an opportunity for self-efficacy. Educational and participation opportunities for refugees: Critical discussions in social work, 79.
Schloz, C., Hoffmann, U., Fegert, J.M. (2018). Joint project SHELTER - Qualification of professionals and volunteers in dealing with refugee children and adolescents. BzgA. Federal Centre for Health Education.
Thiele, J., Hoffmann, U., König, E., Schloz, C., & Fegert, J. M. (2018). Online courses for dealing with refugee children and adolescents - SHELTER joint project. Vocational education and training: Journal for theory-practice dialogue.
Contact address
Supported by:
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)