Online course: ProTransition -
An online course for professionals to optimise care for young people with mental disorders in the transition between adolescence and adulthood

Adolescence, transition, young adulthood, e-learning, e-mental health
Project management
Network partners
Prof Dr Harald Baumeister, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Ulm:
Online training: Development and evaluation of an app for young adults in the transition from paediatric and adolescent psychiatry/psychotherapy to adult psychiatry
Project duration
01.07.2020 - 31.03.2022
Project website
Collaborative project:
Online course for professionals:
Online training for affected young adults:
Project description
The transition from adolescence to adulthood is a major developmental challenge. It is also a particularly vulnerable phase for the development or chronification of mental disorders. However, transition-related aspects are still often neglected in the clinical care system. For this reason, the Baden-Württemberg psychiatric planning programme considers the introduction of appropriate care in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy and adult psychiatry to be urgently required.
The project is part of the joint project "ProTransition: Digitally supported care optimisation for young people with mental disorders in the transition between adolescence and adulthood". The Centre for Psychiatry (ZfP) Calw and the ZfP Südwürttemberg act as valuable cooperation partners. In addition to the online course, an online training programme (app) for young adults in transition from child and adolescent psychiatry/psychotherapy to adult psychiatry is also being developed as part of this project.
The online course is aimed at healthcare professionals. It is intended to provide specialist knowledge and practical implications for transitional psychiatry and the implementation of appropriate care models. The aim is to train professionals appropriately with regard to the challenges and difficulties of transitional psychiatry, to sensitise professionals to the special needs of young people in the transition phase and to develop uniform standards of care and a common language.
Before and after completing the course, a survey was carried out on the subjective assessment of the course participants with regard to their own competences, practical transfer and satisfaction with the online course (N = 703). This revealed an increase in competences and interdisciplinary understanding. Around 50% stated that the course had contributed to the establishment of transition-specific care models. Satisfaction with the online course was very high. In addition, a dropout survey was conducted (N = 283), in which a lack of time proved to be by far the most important factor for dropping out of the course.
To summarise, it can be said that the online course developed is a well-accepted and high-quality training course on the subject of transitional psychiatry.
The project has been finalised and we are working on a continuation perspective for the course.
Publications and materials produced
König E, Stahl C, Reetz S, Schulze UME, Fegert JM & Hoffmann U (2022). ProTransition - an online course for professionals to optimise care for young people with mental disorders in transition between adolescence and adulthood. Neurology 2022; 41 (09): 551-559. DOI 10.1055/a-1891-5074
Ilgaz A, Fegert JM, Schulze UME & Baumeister H (2022). Support options for young adults with a mental illness and challenges during transition. Neurology 2022; 41 (09): 560-568. DOI 10.1055/a-1824-7839
Contact address
Supported by:
Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration Baden-Württemberg
Forum Health Location Baden-Württemberg