Online courses on developing protection concepts in hospitals in cooperation with the DKG
E-learning, protection concepts, child protection, management knowledge

Project management
Co-operation partner
German Hospital Federation e.V.
Project duration
01/2019 - 12/2022
Project description
Hospitals have a duty to ensure that they are a place of protection and competence for the children and young people entrusted to them. On the one hand, this means that institutional structures and processes are designed in such a way that transgressions of boundaries are recognised, identified and measures are taken to stop or prevent them ("not becoming a crime scene" = place of protection) and, on the other hand, that children and young people affected by sexual violence are offered support and help within the institution (= place of competence). Protection concepts are a central building block for this. The German Hospital Federation (DKG) had reached an agreement with Mr Rörig, the then Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues, to support the nationwide introduction and implementation of protection concepts within the structures available to it. Against this background, as part of the project, the DKG made it possible for hospital employees who are members of a DKG member association to participate free of charge in the online courses "Protection concepts in organisations - designing protection processes in a participatory and mindful manner" and "Leadership knowledge for child protection in institutions - an online course for managers". The two courses were developed as part of the BMBF-funded ECQAT project.
As part of the project, 277 people successfully completed the course "Protection concepts in organisations - designing protection processes in a participatory and mindful way" and 202 people successfully completed the course "Leadership knowledge for child protection in institutions - an online course for managers".
The two online courses are still available for participation via the Saarland Child Protection Platform( for a fee.