Development of a charity-specific child protection concept
Protection concept, prevention, sexual abuse, Caritas Association of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart (DiCV RS)
Project management
Co-operation partner
Caritas Association of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart (DiCV RS)
Project duration
Project description
As part of the Caritas guidelines process for the prevention of sexual abuse, the Dreiländerinstitut Jugend Familie Gesellschaft Recht GmbH, together with the University Hospital Ulm, Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy, prepared an expert report on the guidelines of the Caritas Association of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart e.V.. One of the findings of this report was that the Caritas Association is working intensively on the problem of sexual abuse, but that there is a lack of concrete concepts for practical application.
The aim of the project was therefore to remedy these deficits and to develop an association-specific, Caritas-specific protection concept and implement it in practice.
At the beginning of the project, an online survey was conducted among the managers of the facilities and services of the Caritas Association of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart (DiCV RS) in order to determine the status quo with regard to institutional protection against sexual abuse, protection concepts and the resulting prevention gaps in the various types of facilities. Selected partner institutions were then trained in the development and implementation of protection measures and supported in their realisation on site in the respective institution or working environment.
Publications and materials produced
Crone, G. & Liebhardt, H. (Eds.). (2015). Institutional protection against sexual abuse - Acting mindfully and responsibly in Caritas organisations. Juventa: Beltz.
Contact address
Supported by:
Caritas Association of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart (DiCV RS), Caritas Foundation "Lebenswerk Zukunft", Veronika Foundation