Coaches as key players in the prevention of sexualised violence: Dealing with closeness and distance in the network system of youth competitive sport
Sexualised violence; competitive sport; young athletes; coaches; interview; survey; intervention
Project management
Co-operation partner
German Sport University Cologne
German Basketball Federation (DBB)
German Equestrian Federation (FN)
German Swimming Association (DSV)
German Gymnastics Federation (DTB)
Project duration
Project description
Coaches in youth competitive sport are currently very unsettled by the explosive social discussions surrounding sexual harassment and assault in sport. They are faced with the question of how much closeness is appropriate and permissible, how coaches can strengthen adolescent athletes and safeguard their integrity, and how they can protect themselves from false allegations. However, most prevention strategies to date have either focused on the level of the organisation as a whole or on the athlete level. The aim of the project is therefore to analyse the handling of closeness and distance from the perspective of both coaches and athletes by surveying coaches and athletes from the youth performance sector and, based on this, to develop coach training courses on the topic of closeness and distance in sports groups and then to implement and evaluate them.
The project consists of a total of 3 modules, which are differentiated into 6 sub-projects. In Module 1, coaches in youth competitive sports are first asked in telephone interviews about their experiences with the problem of closeness and distance in sport and their hypotheses are verified using a quantitative coach survey. Module 2 will proceed in the same way with the athletes in order to be able to include their point of view. The results of the surveys will be used in Module 3 to develop a workshop concept for coaches in youth competitive sports, which will then be implemented and evaluated. At the end of the project, a multiplier training course will be held to ensure an initial transfer into the structures of organised sport within the project; further transfer measures will be carried out by the participating cooperation partners following the project.
Publications and materials produced
Contact address
Supported by:
Federal Institute for Sports Science (BISp)