Safe Sport
Protecting children and young people from sexualised violence in organised sport in Germany. Analysis of causes, prevention and intervention approaches in cases of sexualised violence.
Sexual violence, sport, elite athletes, elite sport, prevention, online survey
Project management
Co-operation partner
German Sport University Cologne
German Sports Youth in the German Olympic Sports Confederation (dsj)
Project duration
Project description

In recent years, the topic of child protection and sexual violence in organised sport has become increasingly important. However, there was a lack of knowledge about the frequency, forms and conditions of sexualised violence in sport and the effectiveness of preventative training measures. The aim of the project was to gain more knowledge about the conditions, prevalence, forms and prevention options of sexualised violence in sport by taking a multidisciplinary approach and pooling expertise from the sociology of sport and child and adolescent psychiatry. Building on this, the measures for child protection in sport are to be optimised in close cooperation with organised sport.
The research project was divided into five modules with quantitative and qualitative surveys. On the one hand, the target group was the central sports associations and organisations, which were surveyed on the implementation status of prevention and intervention measures and the occurrence of sexual violence. On the other hand, athletes in elite sport were asked about their experiences with sexual violence in an online survey. An evaluation of the German Sports Youth (dsj) qualification module for sports officials was also carried out.
Publications and materials produced
Allroggen, M., Ohlert, J., Gramm, C. & Rau, T. (2016). Experiences of sexualised violence by cadre athletes. In B. Rulofs (Ed.), "Safe Sport" - Schutz von Kindern und Jugendlichen im organisierten Sport in Deutschland: Erste Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes zur Analyse von Häufigkeiten, Formen, Präventions- und Interventionsmaßnahmen bei sexualisierter Gewalt (pp. 9-12). Cologne: German Sport University Cologne.
Allroggen, M., Ohlert J., & Rulofs, B. (2018). More safety in sports clubs. In Evangelischer Pressedienst, Childhood injuries (pp. 72-81). Frankfurt: Gemeinschaftswerk der Evangelischen Publizistik.
Belz, J., Kleinert, J., Ohlert, J., Rau, T. & Allroggen, M. (2018). Risk for Depression and Psychological Well-Being in German National and State Team Athletes - Associations with Age, Gender, and Performance Level. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 12, 160-178. DOI:
Ohlert, J., Sulprizio, M., Rau, T. & Allroggen, M. (2016). Utilisation of sport psychological, psychotherapeutic and psychiatric services by German elite athletes. Journal of Sport Psychology, 23 (4), 121-130.
Ohlert, J., Rau, T., Rulofs, B., & Allroggen, M. (2017). Prevalence and characteristics of sexualised violence in elite sport in Germany. Competitive Sports, 47(3), 44-47.
Ohlert, J., Seidler, C., Rau, T., Rulofs, B., & Allroggen, M. (2018). Sexual violence in organised sport in Germany. Ger J Exerc Sport Res,48, 59-68.
Rulofs, B., Hartmann-Tews, I., Bartsch, F., Ohlert, J., Rau, T., Schröer, M., Seidler, C., Wagner, I., & Allroggen, M. (2017). Sexualised violence in organised sport. The research project >>Safe Sport<<. Competitive sport, 47(2), 22-23.
Rulofs, B., Hartmann-Tews, I., Bartsch, F., Breuer, C., Feiler, S., Ohlert, J., Rau, T., Schröer, M., Seidler, C., Wagner, I., & Allroggen, M. (2019). Sexualised violence in sport. Prevalence and structures of prevention in organised sport in Germany. In M. Wazlawik, H.-J. Voß, A. Retkowski, A. Henningsen, & A. Dekker (Eds.), Sexual Violence in Educational Contexts. Current research and reflections (pp. 71 - 87). Wiesbaden: Springer.
Rulofs, B., Ohlert, J., & Allroggen, M. (2018). Experiences of violence in sport. Normal or problem case? Pupils - Knowledge for teachers, 1, 100 - 102.
Further information on the results can be found at
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Supported by:
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)