Schuko (BMBF), better known as the "I'm safe!" study
Protection concepts against sexual violence in residential care from the perspective of adolescents and group educators. An interdisciplinary joint project to research the perspective of the addressees and the development of a "culture of looking"
Safety, protection, protection concept, young people, youth welfare centre, boarding school, clinic, sexual violence
Project management
Co-operation partner
University of Hildesheim Foundation, Institute for Social and Organisational Pedagogy
Landshut University of Applied Sciences
Project duration
Project website
Project description

After numerous cases of abuse in educational institutions in Germany came to light, the question arose as to the appropriate protection of children and young people in institutions. As a result, prevention and intervention concepts (so-called protection concepts) were developed for more safety in the institution. In many cases, however, these were prescribed "top down" by the management level rather than being developed together with the children and their carers. How a safe facility is defined from the perspective of the children and young people living there and their carers therefore remained largely unconsidered. The aim of the project was to investigate the implementation of protection concepts as well as the organisational procedures and contexts and the perceived changes and wishes of the addressees in the implementation of protection concepts.
As part of the project, children and young people aged between 11 and 18 and their carers in group services in residential child and youth welfare facilities and in comparable organisations such as boarding schools, clinics and convalescent homes were surveyed using an anonymous online survey, a paper-based survey and group discussions. At the end of the surveys, 233 young people and 490 carers had completed online questionnaires and 279 young people and 147 carers had completed paper-based questionnaires. 87 children and young people and 73 carers took part in the group discussions. The young people surveyed stated that they generally felt rather safe in the centre. This feeling of safety was linked to positive relationships between the carersand young people. At the same time, however, there were also indications that dangerous situations within the centre were underestimated. See further in the final report.
Publications and materials produced
Allroggen, M. & Rau, T. (2017). What would you advise? The assessment of contact points for experiences of sexualised violence by young people in institutional education. Our youth. The Journal for the Study and Practice of Social Pedagogy, 69, 479-488.
Allroggen, M., Fegert, J. M. & Rau, T. (2017). Mental stress of professionals in (social) pedagogical fields of work. An overview of prevalence, developmental conditions, consequences and support options. Sozial Extra, 41 (5), 49-53.
Allroggen, M., Dohmann, S., Strahl, B., Schloz, C., Fegert, J.M., & Kampert, M. (2016). How much insecurity does security need? - The discrepancy in assessing the sense of security of children, adolescents and caregivers in institutions. Child & Youth Services, 37, 4, 381-397. DOI10.1080/0145935X.2016.1210447.
Domann, S., Eßer, F., Kampert, M., Rusack, T., Schloz, C. & Rau, T. (2014). Safety and protection from sexualised violence in residential educational support facilities, Forum Erziehungshilfen, 20th year 2014, issue 2, 97-98.
Domann, S., Eßer, F., Kampert, M., Rusack, T., Schloz, C. & Rau, T. (2014). "I am safe!" - Protection concepts from the perspective of young people and carers - an interdisciplinary research project introduces itself. Educational support dialogue, 1-2014, 54-55.
Rau, T., Ohlert, J., Seidler, C., Fegert, J. M. & Allroggen, M. (2017). Stress levels of professionals in inpatient facilities for children and adolescents. Psychotherapy, psychosomatics, medical psychology, 67 (8), 331-337.
Rusack, T., Eßer, F., Allroggen, M., Domann, S., Fegert, J.M., Kampert, M., Schloz, C., Schröer, W., Rau, T., & Wolff, M. (2019). The organisation of protection as an everyday practice. Sexuality and protection concepts from the perspective of adolescents in residential care centres. In M. Wazlawik, H.-J. Voß, A. Retkowski, A. Henningsen, & A. Dekker (Eds.), Sexual violence in pedagogical contexts. Current research and reflections (pp. 9 - 24). Wiesbaden: Springer.
Schloz, C. (2015). Who should I turn to?, Sozial Extra, 5, 34-37.
Seidler, C., Rau, T. & Allroggen, M. (2018). Relationship between feelings of safety and mental health problems among adolescents in boarding schools and youth welfare centres. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 46, 230-237.
Wolff, M., Schröer, W., Fegert, J. M. (eds.) (2017). Protection concepts in theory and practice. A participation-orientated workbook. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
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Supported by:
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)