Evaluation of the project "My club & I - Active together!". Survey of sports club members on the topic of sexual abuse and evaluation of a qualification module for coaches, parents and young people from Amyna e.V.
Safety, protection, protection concept, young people, youth welfare centre, boarding school, clinic, sexual violence
Project management
Co-operation partner
Institute for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse, Munich, Amyna e.V.
Project duration
Project description
Numerous measures were implemented in sports clubs to prevent cases of sexual abuse, most of which were prescribed by the management. Particularly in large associations, such implementation strategies often reach their limits and it is difficult for important assistance to reach the club members. Amyna e.V. initiated a project focussing on the qualification of teams of three, consisting of a coach, parent and young person, in order to also become active against sexual violence on the part of the members. With the help of compact training, such a team was to be supported in addressing the topic of "sexual abuse" in the club and be available as contact persons in cases of borderline offences. The aim of the project was to prove the effectiveness of this training programme with regard to the development of the sports club and the participants' ability to act.
A total of representatives from seven sports clubs took part in the Amyna e.V. training programme and were asked to take part in a questionnaire survey as part of the training.
12 people answered a questionnaire immediately before and directly after the training programme and again approximately six months later. The results show that the participants' self-efficacy expectations (SWE) were increased when the team factors were included. The SWE is seen as an indirect measure of the effectiveness of prevention measures aimed at the behavioural level.
Publications and materials produced
Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy (ed.) (2015). Final report on the accompanying research of the project for the prevention of sexual abuse in sports clubs. Ulm.
Seidler, C., Ohlert, J., Rau, T., Fegert, J. M., & Allroggen, M. (2017). Changing self-efficacy expectations through prevention work in a team. A pilot project. Leistungssport, 47 (2), 24-26. https://leistungssport.net/fileadmin/user_upload/lsp17_02_Seidler_Lit.pdf
Contact address
Supported by:
Hansel+Gretel Foundation
Co-financing by Tribute to Bambi Foundation