Basic knowledge for healthcare professionals to identify radicalisation processes as a risk for acts of targeted violence
Radicalisation, medical professions, psychotherapists, doctors, extremism, terrorism
Project management
Project duration
01.10.2017 - 30.09.2020
Project description
Young people seem to be particularly at risk of being inspired by radical ideas, which in some cases can also lead to acts of terrorist violence. These young people do not live in isolation - they are integrated into a family, have contact with neighbours and other people in their environment, sometimes still attend school or appear in public authorities as recipients of benefits. Some of them show abnormal behaviour and some of the young people at risk may have mental illnesses.
This is where the research project of the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy comes in. This project focuses on the role of the health professions in the process of identifying risk groups and in dealing with radicalisation tendencies. The aim is to provide representatives from the health professions with the skills they need to recognise and assess radicalisation tendencies in good time and then act accordingly.
Further information on the project (factsheet)
Publications and materials produced
Recommended action for radicalisation processes
International project report
Rau, T., Heimgartner, A., Fegert, J.M. & Allroggen, M. (2020). Do radicalised individuals have access to psychotherapeutic support? Psychotherapist (online first).
Rau, T., Kliemann, A., Ohlert, J., Allroggen, M., & Fegert, J. M. (2019). Risk factors in connection with religiously motivated radicalisation - Recommendations for action for (socio-)educational professionals. Journal for Child Law and Youth Welfare. (4/2019), 128-136.
For more detailed information:
Contact address
Supported by:

Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community
Project organiser: Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)