Research and working groups

Research activities are an important component of university activities. The Central Ultrasound Department at Ulm University Hospital has specialised in particular in research into ultrasound and fox tapeworm disease. Our interdisciplinary team has been researching and working on these topics for many years.

Current research project

Energy consumption in sonography

A survey questionnaire on the topic of energy consumption in diagnostic ultrasound is currently being sent to selected German hospitals as part of a doctoral thesis. You can view the cover letter, data protection guidelines and conditions of participation for this project here.

Main research areas

Research contact

  • Profilbild von Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kratzer

    Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kratzer



    Elastografische Verfahren


    Sonographie der zystischen- und alveolären Echinokokkose

  • Profilbild von Dr. Mark Hänle

    Dr. Mark Hänle



    Kontrastverstärkte Sonographie

    Sonographische Normwertbestimmungen

  • Profilbild von  Patrycja Schlingeloff, B.Sc.

    Patrycja Schlingeloff, B.Sc.


    Medizinische Dokumentation

    Alveoläre Echinokokkose
