Gaseous mediators

Although the colourless gas hydrogen sulphide (H2S) with its characteristic smell of rotten eggs is primarily associated with a toxic substance, it is one of the "gaseous mediators" alongside nitrogen monoxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO). "Gaseous mediators are synthesised in low concentrations by the organism itself and, as signalling molecules, regulate important biological processes such as inflammation, ROS production and apoptosis.
The scientific objective of our research group is to further characterise and analyse the mechanisms of action of the "gaseous mediators". To this end, we use sepsis in vitro models in immortalised and primary cell cultures (cardiomyocytes, renal tubule cells, hepatocytes, neuronal cortical primary culture), which represent organs primarily affected by traumatic haemorrhage or sepsis.
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) has been shown to improve mitochondrial ultrastructure and respiratory chain activity. In addition, the expression of H2S-formingenzymes is reduced, especially in pre-existing cardiovascular diseases. The narrow therapeutic range of conventional H2S-releasingtherapeutics represents a therapeutic limitation here. Sodium thiosulphate, which is already used clinically (cyanide poisoning), could also be used in the context of trauma with blood loss as an H2S-releasingtherapeutic agent with a wide therapeutic range, particularly in the case of pre-existing arteriosclerosis. The current research work is intended to show whether its use in patients can be recommended.