Voluntary social year at Ulm University Hospital

Employment opportunities at Ulm University Hospital:

- Surgery

- Internal Medicine

- Gynaecological Clinic

- Paediatric Clinic

- Urology Clinic

- Eye Clinic

- ENT Clinic

- Dermatology

- Paediatric and adolescent/adult psychiatry

- Psychosomatics

- Cystic fibrosis outpatient clinic

- Social Paediatric Centre


If you are interested in an FSJ position in the care sector, please send us your application by email to Freiwilligendienste-Ulm@internationaler-bund.de

Contents of the application:

- Application form

- Cover letter

- Curriculum vitae

- Copy of your last certificate

- If a visa is required: Copy of the current visa


Further information at: Internationaler Bund e.V. - Volunteer Services Ulm.

We are also happy to answer any questions you may have by telephone on 0731-1400670.

We look forward to meeting you!