Working group Translational Biomarker Development
Research focus and aims:
The main focus of the Translational Biomarker Development working group is the identification and especially validation of novel fluid biomarker candidates for neurological diseases using antibody based methods. We are interested in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, frontotemporal dementias and neuroinflammatory diseases like multiple sclerosis. We strive to implement the novel biomarkers in the clinic for (differential) diagnosis, prognosis, patient stratification or as readouts in clinical trials. Therefore, we assess and validate existing assays but also specialize in the establishment of novel highly sensitive assays for the detection of low abundant fluid biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid and blood. For that purpose we apply different immunoassay systems like ELISA and Western-Blots as well as state-of-the-art technology like single molecule array (Simoa) or microfluidic platforms (Ella and NanoPro).
Our team

PD Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Halbgebauer
Junior Group Leader AG Translational Biomarker Development
Telefon: +49 731 500 63112
Fax: +49 731 500 12 63112
Zentrum für Biomedizinische Forschung (ZBMF)
Helmholtzstr. 8/1
D-89081 Ulm

Badrieh Fazeli
M.Sc. Biology
Zentrum für Biomedizinische Forschung (ZBMF)
Helmholtzstr. 8/1
D-89081 Ulm
Tel.: +49 731 500 63010
Öykü Arslan
(Bachelor thesis)
Sara Botzenhardt
(Bachelor thesis)
Kevin Liese
(MTA, Bachelor thesis)
Niklas Winger
(Medical thesis)
Julia Drung
(Bachelor Thesis)
Lina Kirchgässler
(Bachelor thesis)
Cooperation Partners & Selected Publications
PD Dr. biol. hum. Patrick Öckl
Neuroproteomics and Biomarker Research
DZNE and University Hospital of Ulm
Helmholtzstr. 8/1
89081 Ulm
Prof. Dr. Hayrettin Tumani, PD Dr. Sarah Jesse, Prof. Dr. J. Lewerenz
CSF Laboratory – Autoimmune Laboratory
University Hospital Ulm
Oberer Eselsberg 45
89081 Ulm
PD Dr. Sarah Jesse
Dementia Diseases: Clinical care
University Hospital Ulm
Oberer Eselsberg 45
89081 Ulm
PD Dr. M. Senel, Prof. Dr. H. Tumani
Neuroinflammatory Diseases, Subspecialty Multiple Sclerosis
University Hospital Ulm
Oberer Eselsberg 45
89081 Ulm
Prof. Dr. Markus Otto
Department of Neurology,
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Ernst-Grube-Straße 40
01620 Halle-Saale
Prof. Dr. Lucilla Parnetti
Department of Medicine and Surgery
University of Perugia
Prof. Peter Nilson
Division of Affinity Proteomics, Department of Protein Science,
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SciLifeLab
Stockholm, Sweden
- Fazeli B, Huss A, Gomez de San Jose N, Otto M, Tumani H, Halbgebauer S. Development of an ultrasensitive microfluidic assay for the analysis of Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in blood. Frontiers in molecular biosciences. 2023;10:1175230.
- Halbgebauer S, Steinacker P, Riedel D, Oeckl P, Anderl-Straub S, Lombardi J, von Arnim CAF, Nagl M, Giese A, Ludolph AC, Otto M. Visinin-like protein 1 levels in blood and CSF as emerging markers for Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases. Alzheimer's research & therapy. 2022;14:175.
- Halbgebauer S, Steinacker P, Verde F, Weishaupt J, Oeckl P, von Arnim C, Dorst J, Feneberg E, Mayer B, Rosenbohm A, Silani V, Ludolph AC, Otto M. Comparison of CSF and serum neurofilament light and heavy chain as differential diagnostic biomarkers for ALS. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. 2022;93:68-74
- Halbgebauer S, Steinacker P, Hengge S, Oeckl P, Abu Rumeileh S, Anderl-Straub S, Lombardi J, Von Arnim CAF, Giese A, Ludolph AC, Otto M. CSF levels of SNAP-25 are increased early in Creutzfeldt-Jakob and Alzheimer's disease. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. 2022.
- Halbgebauer S, Abu-Rumeileh S, Oeckl P, Steinacker P, Roselli F, Wiesner D, Mammana A, Beekes M, Kortazar-Zubizarreta I, Perez de Nanclares G, Capellari S, Giese A, Castilla J, Ludolph AC, Zakova D, Parchi P, Otto M. Blood beta-Synuclein and Neurofilament Light Chain During the Course of Prion Disease. Neurology. 2022;98:e1434-e45
- Halbgebauer R*, Halbgebauer S*, Oeckl P, Steinacker P, Weihe E, Schafer MK, Roselli F, Gebhard F, Huber-Lang M, Otto M. Neurochemical Monitoring of Traumatic Brain Injury by the Combined Analysis of Plasma Beta-Synuclein, NfL, and GFAP in Polytraumatized Patients. International journal of molecular sciences. 2022;23. * equal contribution
- Barba L*, Halbgebauer S*, Paolini Paoletti F, Bellomo G, Abu-Rumeileh S, Steinacker P, Massa F, Parnetti L, Otto M. Specific Cerebrospinal Fluid SerpinA1 Isoform Pattern in Alzheimer's Disease. International journal of molecular sciences. 2022;23. * equal contribution.
- Halbgebauer S, Oeckl P, Steinacker P, Yilmazer-Hanke D, Anderl-Straub S, von Arnim C, Froelich L, Gomes LA, Hausner L, Huss A, Jahn H, Weishaupt J, Ludolph AC, Thal DR, Otto M. Beta-synuclein in cerebrospinal fluid as an early diagnostic marker of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. 2021;92:349-56
- Oeckl P, Halbgebauer S, Anderl-Straub S, von Arnim CAF, Diehl-Schmid J, Froelich L, Grimmer T, Hausner L, Denk J, Jahn H, Steinacker P, Weishaupt JH, Ludolph AC, Otto M. Targeted Mass Spectrometry Suggests Beta-Synuclein as Synaptic Blood Marker in Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of proteome research. 2020;19:1310-8
- Abu-Rumeileh S*, Halbgebauer S*, Steinacker P, Anderl-Straub S, Polischi B, Ludolph AC, Capellari S, Parchi P, Otto M. CSF SerpinA1 in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Annals of clinical and translational neurology. 2020;7:191-9. * equal contribution.
- Halbgebauer S, Nagl M, Klafki H, Haussmann U, Steinacker P, Oeckl P, Kassubek J, Pinkhardt E, Ludolph AC, Soininen H, Herukka SK, Wiltfang J, Otto M. Modified serpinA1 as risk marker for Parkinson's disease dementia: Analysis of baseline data. Scientific reports. 2016;6:26145
- Halbgebauer S*, Huss A*, Buttmann M, Steinacker P, Oeckl P, Brecht I, Weishaupt A, Tumani H, Otto M. Detection of intrathecal immunoglobulin G synthesis by capillary isoelectric focusing immunoassay in oligoclonal band negative multiple sclerosis. Journal of neurology. 2016;263:954-60. * equal contribution.
- Halbgebauer S, Haussmann U, Klafki H, Tumani H, Wiltfang J, Otto M. Capillary isoelectric focusing immunoassay as a new nanoscale approach for the detection of oligoclonal bands. Electrophoresis. 2015;36:355-62
Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Halbgebauer
Zentrum für Biomedizinische Forschung (ZBMF)
Helmholtzstr. 8/1
D-89081 Ulm