Laboratory for Molecular Psychosomatics
D. Langgartner, K. Weimer, J. Brunner-Weisser, R. Winkler, M. Mannes, M. Huber-Lang, J.-D. Sterrett, C. A. Lowry, N. Rohleder, B. Bajrami, A. H. Luippold, A. Groß, H. A. Kestler, H. Tost, A. Meyer-Lindenberg, H. Gündel, M. N. Jarczok, S. O. Reber. How pet contact ameliorates adult inflammatory stress responses in individuals raised in an urban environment. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 127, 217-228.
D. Gebauer, T. Schimmele, G. Mazzari, B.T. Krüger, M. Zemui, A. Ignatius, D. Langgartner, M. Haffner-Luntzer, and S.O. Reber (2025). The Sex-Specific Effects of Early Life Adversity and Chronic Psychosocial Stress during Adulthood on Bone Are Mitigated by Mycobacterium vaccae NCTC 11659 in Mice. Neuroimmunomodulation 32, 49-66.
D. Langgartner, A.-L. J. Weiss, M. Amoroso, J. Sterrett, C. A. Lowry, S.O. Reber (2025). Effects of repeated intragastric administrations with heat-inactivated Mycobacterium aurum DSM 33539 on the stress-induced aggravation of dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis in C57BL/6N mice. Front. Neurosci. 18:1488603,
L.W. Desmond, L.M. Dawud, L.R. Kessler, T. Akonom, E.A.H. Hunter, E.M. Holbrook, N.D. Andersen, J.D. Sterrett, D.A. Boateng, B.J. Stuart, L. Guerrero, P-S. Tsai, M. J. Gebert, D. Langgartner, S.O. Reber, M.G. Frank, C.A. Lowry (2025). Protective effects of Mycobacterium vaccae ATCC 15483 against “Western”-style diet-induced weight gain and visceral adiposity in adolescent male mice. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 125: 249-267.
M. Haffner-Luntzer, S.O. Reber, M. Huber-Lang, A. Ignatius (2024). Regeneration at the interface of mental and physical health after trauma. Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering 31:100545.
J. Schiele, G. Mazzari, A. Struck, Y. Bailer, D. Langgartner, S.O. Reber (2024). Chronic sensory contact with subordinated conspecifics promotes splenic glucocorticoid resistance in experimentally wounded C57BL/6N male mice. Nature Sci Reports 14: 10867.
L.W. Desmond, E.M. Holbrook, C.T.O. Wright, C.A. Zambrano, C.E. Stamper, A.D. Bohr, M.G. Frank, B.K. Podell, J.A. Moreno, A.S. MacDonald, S.O. Reber, R. Hernández-Pando, C.A. Lowry (2024). Effects of Mycobacterium vaccae NCTC 11659 and lipopolysaccharide challenge on polarization of murine BV-2 microglial cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25: 474.
T. Vega-Vásquez, D. Langgartner, J.Y. Wang, S.O. Reber, M. Picard, C. Basualto-Alarcón (2024). Mitochondrial morphology in the mouse adrenal cortex: influence of chronic psychosocial stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology 160:106683.
G. Mazzari, C. A. Lowry, D. Langgartner, S. O. Reber (2023). Subcutaneous Mycobacterium vaccae ameliorates the effects of early life adversity alone or in combination with chronic stress during adulthood in male and female mice. Neurobiology of Stress. 9;26:100568.
J. C. Reiners, L. Leopold, V. Hallebach, D. Sinske, P. Meier, M. Amoroso, D. Langgartner, S. O. Reber, B. Knöll (2023). Acute stress modulates the outcome of traumatic brain injury-associated gene expression and behavioral responses. FASEB Journal. 37:e23218.
D. Langgartner, R. Winkler, J. Brunner-Weisser, N. Rohleder, M. N. Jarczok, H. Gündel,K. Weimer and S. O. Reber (2023). COVID-19 vaccination exacerbates ex vivo IL-6 release from isolated PBMCs. Sci Rep. 13: 9496
M.E.A. Tschaffon-Müller*, E. Kempter*, L. Steppe, S. Kupfer, M.R. Kuhn, F. Gebhard, C. Pankratz, M. Kalbitz, K. Schütze, H. Gündel, N. Kaleck, G. Strauß, J. Vacher, H. Ichinose, K. Weimer, A. Ignatius, M. Haffner-Luntzer*, S.O. Reber* (2023). Neutrophil-derived catecholamines mediate negative stress effects on bone. Nature Communications. 14:3262.
D. Langgartner, M. Koenen, S. Kupfer, L. Glogger, L. Kurz, L. G. Perez-Rivas, M. Theodoropoulou, M. Noll-Hussong, S. Vettorazzi, J. Tuckermann and S. O. Reber (2023). Intact GR dimerization is critical for restraining plasma ACTH levels during chronic psychosocial stress. Neurobiol Stress. 24: 100541
D. Langgartner, M. Amoroso, E. Kempter, M. Kustermann, J. Scheurer, C. A. Lowry, G. Strauß and S. O. Reber (2023). Mycobacterium vaccae protects against glucocorticoid resistance resulting from combined physical and psychosocial trauma in mice. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 109: 221-234.
E. Kempter, M. Amoroso, S. Kupfer, L. Lupu, M. Kustermann, J. Scheurer, B. Baumann, T. Wirth, H. Gündel, R. H. Straub, G. Strauß, M. Huber-Lang, D. Langgartner and S. O. Reber (2023). The PMN-MDSC – A key player in glucocorticoid resistance following combined physical and psychosocial trauma. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 108: 148-161.
E. M. Holbrook, C. A. Zambrano, C. T. O. Wright, E. M. Dubé, J. R. Stewart, W. J. Sanders, M. G. Frank, A. S. MacDonald, S. O. Reber and C. A. Lowry (2023). Mycobacterium vaccae NCTC 11659, a Soil-Derived Bacterium with Stress Resilience Properties, Modulates the Proinflammatory Effects of LPS in Macrophages. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24: 5176
E. M. Balint, V. Daniele, D. Langgartner, S. O. Reber, E. Rothermund, H. Gundel, J. Von Wietersheim, T. Buckley and M. N. Jarczok (2023). Heart rate variability predicts outcome of short-term psychotherapy at the workplace. Psychophysiology. 60: 16.
M. R. Kuhn, M. Haffner-Luntzer, E. Kempter, S. O. Reber, H. Ichinose, J. Vacher, A. Ignatius and M. E. A. Tschaffon-Mueller (2022). Myeloid cell-derived catecholamines influence bone turnover and regeneration in mice. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 13: 14.
M. E. A. Tschaffon, S. O. Reber, A. Schoppa, S. Nandi, I. C. Cirstea, A. Aszodi, A. Ignatius and M. Haffner-Luntzer (2022). A novel in vitro assay to study chondrocyte-to-osteoblast transdifferentiation. Endocrine. 75: 266-275.
J. Winter, M. Meyer, I. Berger, M. Royer, M. Bianchi, K. Kuffner, S. Peters, S. Stang, D. Langgartner, F. Hartmann, A. K. Schmidtner, S. O. Reber, O. J. Bosch, A. Bludau, D. A. Slattery, E. H. van den Burg, B. Jurek and I. D. Neumann (2021). Chronic oxytocin-driven alternative splicing of Crfr2α induces anxiety. Molecular Psychiatry.
E. Kempter, M. Amoroso, H. L. Duffner, A. M. Werner, D. Langgartner, S. Kupfer and S. O. Reber (2021). Changes in Functional Glucocorticoid Sensitivity of Isolated Splenocytes Induced by Chronic Psychosocial Stress – A Time Course Study. Frontiers in Immunology. 12.
E. M. Balint, M. N. Jarczok, D. Langgartner, S. O. Reber, S. Endes, A. Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. Funk, J. Klinghammer, S. Campbell, H. Gündel and C. Waller (2021). Heightened Stress Reactivity in Response to an Attachment Related Stressor in Patients With Medically Treated Primary Hypertension. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12.
S. A. Appiah, C. L. Foxx, D. Langgartner, A. Palmer, C. A. Zambrano, S. Braumüller, E. J. Schaefer, U. Wachter, B. L. Elam, P. Radermacher, C. E. Stamper, J. D. Heinze, S. N. Salazar, A. K. Luthens, A. L. Arnold, S. O. Reber, M. Huber-Lang, C. A. Lowry and R. Halbgebauer (2021). Evaluation of the gut microbiome in association with biological signatures of inflammation in murine polytrauma and shock. Scientific Reports. 11: 6665.
M. Amoroso, D. Langgartner, C. A. Lowry and S. O. Reber (2021). Rapidly Growing Mycobacterium Species: The Long and Winding Road from Tuberculosis Vaccines to Potent Stress-Resilience Agents. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22: 12938.
C. T. Wohnhaas, R. Schmid, M. Rolser, E. Kaaru, D. Langgartner, K. Rieber, B. Strobel, C. Eisele, F. Wiech, I. Jakob, F. Gantner, I. Herichova, R. Vinisko, W. O. Böcher, S. Visvanathan, F. Shen, M. Panzenbeck, E. Raymond, S. O. Reber, D. Delić and P. Baum (2020). Fecal MicroRNAs Show Promise as Noninvasive Crohn’s Disease Biomarkers. Crohn's & Colitis 360. 2.
D. Langgartner, C. A. Zambrano, J. D. Heinze, C. E. Stamper, T. S. Böbel,S. B. Hackl, M. N. Jarczok, N. Rohleder, G. A. Rook, H. Gündel, C. Waller, C. A. Lowry and S. O. Reber (2020). Association of the Salivary Microbiome With Animal Contact During Early Life and Stress-Induced Immune Activation in Healthy Participants. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 11.
D. Langgartner, J. Marks, T. C. Nguyen and S. O. Reber (2020). Changes in adrenal functioning induced by chronic psychosocial stress in male mice: A time course study. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 122: 104880.
D. Langgartner, C. A. Lowry and S. O. Reber (2020). „Old Friends“, Immunregulation und Stressresilienz. Nervenheilkunde. 39: 55-66.
D. Langgartner, C. A. Lowry and S. O. Reber (2020). „Old Friends“, Immunregulation und Stressresilienz. Nervenheilkunde. 39: 47-54.
S. Foertsch and S. O. Reber (2020). The role of physical trauma in social stress-induced immune activation. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 113: 169-178.
S. Foertsch, D. Langgartner and S. O. Reber (2020). Abdominal surgery prior to chronic psychosocial stress promotes spleen cell (re)activity and glucocorticoid resistance. Scientific Reports. 10: 6917.
M. Amoroso, E. Kempter, D. Langgartner, P. Gross and S. O. Reber (2020). Inducing a stressed phenotype in healthy recipient mice by adoptively transferring CD4+ lymphocytes from mice undergoing chronic psychosocial stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 122: 104898.
M. Amoroso, A. Böttcher, C. A. Lowry, D. Langgartner and S. O. Reber (2020). Subcutaneous Mycobacterium vaccae promotes resilience in a mouse model of chronic psychosocial stress when administered prior to or during psychosocial stress. Brain Behav Immun. 87: 309-317.
D. Langgartner, U. Wachter, C. Hartmann, M. Gröger, J. Vogt, T. Merz, O. McCook, M. Fink, S. Kress, M. Georgieff, J. F. Kunze, P. L. Radermacher, S. O. Reber and M. Wepler (2019). Effects of Psychosocial Stress on Subsequent Hemorrhagic Shock and Resuscitation in Male Mice. Shock. 51: 725-730.
D. Langgartner, C. A. Lowry and S. O. Reber (2019). "Old Friends", Immunregulation und Stressresilienz. Psychologische Medizin. 30: 4-35
D. Langgartner, C. A. Lowry and S. O. Reber (2019). Old Friends, immunoregulation, and stress resilience. Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology: 1-33.
M. Haffner-Luntzer, S. Foertsch, V. Fischer, K. Prystaz, M. Tschaffon, Y. Mödinger, C. S. Bahney, R. S. Marcucio, T. Miclau, A. Ignatius and S. O. Reber (2019). Chronic psychosocial stress compromises the immune response and endochondral ossification during bone fracture healing via β-AR signaling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 201819218.
S. Foertsch, I. Lackner, B. Weber, A. M. Füchsl, D. Langgartner, E. Wirkert, S. Peters, G. Fois, J. Pressmar, J. M. Fegert, M. Frick, H. Gündel, M. Kalbitz and S. O. Reber (2019). Sensory contact to the stressor prevents recovery from structural and functional heart damage following psychosocial trauma. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 80: 667-677.
M. Amoroso, E. Kempter, T. Eleslambouly, C. A. Lowry, D. Langgartner and S. O. Reber (2019). Intranasal Mycobacterium vaccae administration prevents stress-induced aggravation of dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 80: 595-604.
M. Reichel, C. Rhein, L. M. Hofmann, J. Monti, L. Japtok, D. Langgartner, A. M. Füchsl, B. Kleuser, E. Gulbins, C. Hellerbrand, S. O. Reber and J. Kornhuber (2018). Chronic Psychosocial Stress in Mice Is Associated With Increased Acid Sphingomyelinase Activity in Liver and Serum and With Hepatic C16:0-Ceramide Accumulation. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 9.
D. Langgartner, C. A. Vaihinger, M. Haffner-Luntzer, J. F. Kunze, A.-L. J. Weiss, S. Foertsch, S. Bergdolt, A. Ignatius and S. O. Reber (2018). The role of the intestinal microbiome in chronic psychosocial stress-induced pathologies in male mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 12.
D. Langgartner, A. Palmer, A. Rittlinger, S. O. Reber and M. Huber-Lang (2018). Effects of Prior Psychosocial Trauma on Subsequent Immune Response After Experimental Thorax Trauma. Shock. 49: 690-697.
D. Langgartner, A. M. Füchsl, L. M. Kaiser, T. Meier, S. Foertsch, C. Buske, S. O. Reber and M. A. Mulaw (2018). Biomarkers for classification and class prediction of stress in a murine model of chronic subordination stress. PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science. 13: e0202471.
T. S. Böbel, S. B. Hackl, D. Langgartner, M. N. Jarczok, N. Rohleder, G. A. Rook, C. A. Lowry, H. Gundel, C. Waller and S. O. Reber (2018). Less immune activation following social stress in rural vs. urban participants raised with regular or no animal contact, respectively. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 115: 5259-5264.
M. Armacki, A. K. Trugenberger, A. K. Ellwanger, T. Eiseler, C. Schwerdt, L. Bettac, D. Langgartner, N. Azoitei, R. Halbgebauer, R. Groß, T. Barth, A. Lechel, B. M. Walter, J. M. Kraus, C. Wiegreffe, J. Grimm, A. Scheffold, M. R. Schneider, K. Peuker, S. Zeißig, S. Britsch, S. Rose-John, S. Vettorazzi, E. Wolf, A. Tannapfel, K. Steinestel, S. O. Reber, P. Walther, H. A. Kestler, P. Radermacher, T. F. E. Barth, M. Huber-Lang, A. Kleger and T. Seufferlein (2018). Thirty-eight-negative kinase 1 mediates trauma-induced intestinal injury and multi-organ failure. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, The American Society for Clinical Investigation. 128.
D. Peterlik, C. Stangl, A. Bauer, A. Bludau, J. Keller, D. Grabski, T. Killian, D. Schmidt, F. Zajicek, G. Jaeschke, L. Lindemann, S. O. Reber, P. J. Flor and N. Uschold-Schmidt (2017). Blocking metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 relieves maladaptive chronic stress consequences. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 59: 79-92.
C. V. Perani, D. Langgartner, N. Uschold-Schmidt, A. M. Fuchsl, I. D. Neumann, S. O. Reber and D. A. Slattery (2017). Adrenal gland plasticity in lactating rats and mice is sufficient to maintain basal hypersecretion of corticosterone. Stress-the International Journal on the Biology of Stress. 20: 303-311.
D. Langgartner, D. Peterlik, S. Foertsch, A. M. Füchsl, P. Brokmann, P. J. Flor, Z. Shen, J. G. Fox, N. Uschold-Schmidt, C. A. Lowry and S. O. Reber (2017). Individual differences in stress vulnerability: the role of gut pathobionts in stress-induced colitis. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 64: 23-32.
D. Langgartner, S. Foertsch, A. M. Füchsl and S. O. Reber (2017). Light and water are not simple conditions: fine tuning of animal housing in male C57BL/6 mice. Stress, Taylor & Francis. 20: 10-18.
S. Foertsch, M. Haffner-Luntzer, J. Kroner, F. Gross, K. Kaiser, M. Erber, S. O. Reber and A. Ignatius (2017). Chronic psychosocial stress disturbs long-bone growth in adolescent mice. Disease Models & Mechanisms. 10: 1399-1409.
S. Foertsch, A. M. Füchsl, S. D. Faller, H. Hölzer, D. Langgartner, J. Messmann, G. Strauß and S. O. Reber (2017). Splenic glucocorticoid resistance following psychosocial stress requires physical injury. Scientific Reports. 7: 15730.
D. Schmidt, D. Peterlik, S. O. Reber, A. Lechner and D. N. Mannel (2016). Induction of Suppressor Cells and Increased Tumor Growth following Chronic Psychosocial Stress in Male Mice. PLoS One. 11: e0159059.
S. O. Reber and D. A. Slattery (2016). Editorial: Using Stress-Based Animal Models to Understand the Mechanisms Underlying Psychiatric and Somatic Disorders. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 7.
S. O. Reber, P. H. Siebler, N. C. Donner, J. T. Morton, D. G. Smith, J. M. Kopelman, K. R. Lowe, K. J. Wheeler, J. H. Fox, J. E. Hassell, Jr., B. N. Greenwood, C. Jansch, A. Lechner, D. Schmidt, N. Uschold-Schmidt, A. M. Füchsl, D. Langgartner, F. R. Walker, M. W. Hale, G. Lopez Perez, W. Van Treuren, A. Gonzalez, A. L. Halweg-Edwards, M. Fleshner, C. L. Raison, G. A. Rook, S. D. Peddada, R. Knight and C. A. Lowry (2016). Immunization with a heat-killed preparation of the environmental bacterium Mycobacterium vaccae promotes stress resilience in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 113: E3130-9.
S. O. Reber, D. Langgartner, S. Foertsch, T. T. Postolache, L. A. Brenner, H. Guendel and C. A. Lowry (2016). Chronic subordinate colony housing paradigm: A mouse model for mechanisms of PTSD vulnerability, targeted prevention, and treatment—2016 Curt Richter Award Paper. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 74: 221-230.
C. A. Lowry, D. G. Smith, P. H. Siebler, D. Schmidt, C. E. Stamper, J. E. Hassell, Jr., P. S. Yamashita, J. H. Fox, S. O. Reber, L. A. Brenner, A. J. Hoisington, T. T. Postolache, K. A. Kinney, D. Marciani, M. Hernandez, S. M. Hemmings, S. Malan-Muller, K. P. Wright, R. Knight, C. L. Raison and G. A. Rook (2016). The microbiota, immunoregulation, and mental health: implications for public health. Curr Environ Health Rep. 3: 270-86.
C. Koch, M. S. Bartlang, J. T. Kiehn, L. Lucke, N. Naujokat, C. Helfrich-Forster, S. O. Reber and H. Oster (2016). Time-of-day dependent adaptation of the HPA axis to predictable social defeat stress. J Endocrinol. 231: 209-221.
A. M. Füchsl and S. O. Reber (2016). Chronic Psychosocial Stress and Negative Feedback Inhibition: Enhanced Hippocampal Glucocorticoid Signaling despite Lower Cytoplasmic GR Expression. PLoS One. 11: e0153164.
C. V. Perani, I. D. Neumann, S. O. Reber and D. A. Slattery (2015). High-fat diet prevents adaptive peripartum-associated adrenal gland plasticity and anxiolysis. Scientific Reports, Macmillan Publishers Limited. 5: 14821.,
D. Langgartner, A. M. Füchsl, N. Uschold-Schmidt, D. A. Slattery and S. O. Reber (2015). Chronic subordinate colony housing paradigm: a mouse model to characterize the consequences of insufficient glucocorticoid signaling. Frontiers in Psychiatry, Frontiers Media S.A. 6: 18.
S. O. Reber (2014). Neurobiologische Grundlagen von Stress - Grundlagen der Stressanfälligkeit und der Stressresistenz. Psychische und psychosomatische Gesundheit in der Arbeit. P. Angerer, J. Glaser, H. Gündel, P. Henningsen, C. Lahmann, S. Letzel and D. Nowak, ecomed MEDIZIN, eine Marke der Verlagsgruppe Hüthig Jehle Rehm GmbH. Thema Jahrestagung DGAUM 2013: 133-155
S. Peters, D. A. Slattery, N. Uschold-Schmidt, S. O. Reber and I. D. Neumann (2014). Dose-dependent effects of chronic central infusion of oxytocin on anxiety, oxytocin receptor binding and stress-related parameters in mice. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 42: 225-36.
A. M. Füchsl, I. D. Neumann and S. O. Reber (2014). Stress Resilience: A Low-Anxiety Genotype Protects Male Mice From the Consequences of Chronic Psychosocial Stress. Endocrinology. 155: 117-126.
T. K. Forkwa, I. D. Neumann, E. R. Tamm, A. Ohlmann and S. O. Reber (2014). Short-term psychosocial stress protects photoreceptors from damage via corticosterone-mediated activation of the AKT pathway. Experimental Neurology. 252: 28-36.
M. S. Bartlang, S. A. Savelyev, A. S. Johansson, S. O. Reber, C. Helfrich-Forster and G. B. Lundkvist (2014). Repeated psychosocial stress at night, but not day, affects the central molecular clock. Chronobiol Int. 31: 996-1007.
N. Uschold-Schmidt, D. Peterlik, A. M. Füchsl and S. O. Reber (2013). HPA axis changes during the initial phase of psychosocial stressor exposure in male mice. Journal of Endocrinology. 218: 193-203.
S. Peters, D. A. Slattery, P. J. Flor, I. D. Neumann and S. O. Reber (2013). Differential effects of baclofen and oxytocin on the increased ethanol consumption following chronic psychosocial stress in mice. Addiction Biology. 18: 66-77.
A. M. Füchsl, N. Uschold-Schmidt and S. O. Reber (2013). Chronic psychosocial stress in male mice causes an up-regulation of scavenger receptor class B type 1 protein in the adrenal glands. Stress. 16: 461-468.
A. M. Füchsl, D. Langgartner and S. O. Reber (2013). Mechanisms Underlying the Increased Plasma ACTH Levels in Chronic Psychosocially Stressed Male Mice. PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science. 8: e84161.
B. Czech, I. D. Neumann, M. Muller, S. O. Reber and C. Hellerbrand (2013). Effect of chronic psychosocial stress on nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in mice. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 6: 1585-93
M. Busch, S. Chourbaji, P. Dammann, S. Gerold, A. Haemisch, P. Jirkof, P. Oehlert, A. Osterkamp, S. Ott, S. Peters, K. Spekl, P. P. Tsai and S. O. Reber (2013). Stellungnahme aus dem Ausschuss für Tiergerechte Labortierhaltung zur Einzelhaltung von Mäusen zu Versuchszwecken. Ausschuss für tiergerechte Labortierhaltung, Einzelhaltung von Mäusen zu Versuchstierzwecken. GV-SOLAS: 1-8M
N. Uschold-Schmidt, K. D. Nyuyki, A. M. Füchsl, I. D. Neumann and S. O. Reber (2012). Chronic psychosocial stress results in sensitization of the HPA axis to acute heterotypic stressors despite a reduction of adrenal in vitro ACTH responsiveness. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 37: 1676-1687.
D. A. Slattery, N. Uschold, M. Magoni, J. Bär, M. Popoli, I. D. Neumann and S. O. Reber (2012). Behavioural consequences of two chronic psychosocial stress paradigms: Anxiety without depression. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 37: 702-714.
S. O. Reber (2012). Stress and animal models of inflammatory bowel disease—An update on the role of the hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal axis. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 37: 1-19.
S. Peters, N. Grunwald, P. Rummele, E. Endlicher, A. Lechner, I. D. Neumann, F. Obermeier and S. O. Reber (2012). Chronic psychosocial stress increases the risk for inflammation-related colon carcinogenesis in male mice. Stress. 15: 403-15
K. D. Nyuyki, R. Maloumby, S. O. Reber and I. D. Neumann (2012). Comparison of corticosterone responses to acute stressors: Chronic jugular vein versus trunk blood samples in mice. Stress. 15: 618-626.
K. D. Nyuyki, D. I. Beiderbeck, M. Lukas, I. D. Neumann and S. O. Reber (2012). Chronic Subordinate Colony Housing (CSC) as a Model of Chronic Psychosocial Stress in Male Rats. PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science. 7: e52371.
D. I. Beiderbeck, S. O. Reber, A. Havasi, R. Bredewold, A. H. Veenema and I. D. Neumann (2012). High and abnormal forms of aggression in rats with extremes in trait anxiety – Involvement of the dopamine system in the nucleus accumbens. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 37: 1969-1980.
M. S. Bartlang, I. D. Neumann, D. A. Slattery, N. Uschold-Schmidt, D. Kraus, C. Helfrich-Förster and S. O. Reber (2012). Time matters: pathological effects of repeated psychosocial stress during the active, but not inactive, phase of male mice. Journal of Endocrinology. 215: 425-437.
S. O. Reber, S. Peters, D. A. Slattery, C. Hofmann, J. Schölmerich, I. D. Neumann and F. Obermeier (2011). Mucosal immunosuppression and epithelial barrier defects are key events in murine psychosocial stress-induced colitis. . Brain, Behavior and Immunity. 25: 1153-1161
M. Lukas, I. Toth, S. O. Reber, D. A. Slattery, A. H. Veenema and I. D. Neumann (2011). The Neuropeptide Oxytocin Facilitates Pro-Social Behavior and Prevents Social Avoidance in Rats and Mice. Neuropsychopharmacology, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 36: 2159-2168.
K. M. Hillerer, S. O. Reber, I. D. Neumann and D. A. Slattery (2011). Exposure to chronic pregnancy stress reverses peripartum-associated adaptations: implications for postpartum anxiety and mood disorders. Endocrinology. 152: 3930-40
D. Schmidt, S. O. Reber, C. Botteron, T. Barth, D. Peterlik, N. Uschold, D. N. Männel and A. Lechner (2010). Chronic psychosocial stress promotes systemic immune activation and the development of inflammatory Th cell responses. Brain, Behavior and Immunity. 24: 1097-1104
G. M. Singewald, N. K. Nguyen, I. D. Neumann, N. Singewald and S. O. Reber (2009). Effect of chronic psychosocial stress-induced by subordinate colony (CSC) housing on brain neuronal activity patterns in mice. Stress. 12: 58-69
A. H. Veenema, S. O. Reber, S. Selch, F. Obermeier and I. D. Neumann (2008). Early life stress enhances the vulnerability to chronic psychosocial stress and experimental colitis in adult mice. Endocrinology. 144: 2727-36.
S. O. Reber and I. D. Neumann (2008). Defensive behavioral strategies and enhanced state anxiety during chronic subordinate colony housing are accompanied by reduced hypothalamic vasopressin, but not oxytocin, expression. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1148: 184-95
S. O. Reber, L. Birkeneder, A. H. Veenema, F. Obermeier, W. Falk, R. H. Straub and I. D. Neumann (2007). Adrenal insufficiency and colonic inflammation after a novel chronic psycho-social stress paradigm in mice: implications and mechanisms. Endocrinology. 148: 670-82
S. O. Reber, F. Obermeier, R. H. Straub, W. Falk and I. D. Neumann (2006). Chronic intermittent psychosocial stress (social defeat/overcrowding) in mice increases the severity of an acute DSS-induced colitis and impairs regeneration. Endocrinology. 147: 4968-4976
V. Stefanski, A. Peschel and S. Reber (2003). Social stress affects migration of blood T cells into lymphoid organs. J Neuroimmunol. 138: 17-24