Section for Cognitive Electrophysiology


Leon Bach (Bachelorstudentin) 
Laura Baumgartner, B.Sc. (Masterstudentin) 
Alexander Berger, M.Sc. (Doktorand)0731 500-61533
Franziska Bömer (Doktorandin) 
Nele Kalte (Bachelorstudentin) 

Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Markus Kiefer (Sektionsleiter)

0731 500-61532

Ingo Klaiber, M.Sc. (Doktorand)

0731 500-61486

Carmen Hofmann, M.Sc. (Doktorandin)

0731 500-61533

Elisabeth Noller (Bachelorstudentin) 
Hanna Opitz, B.Sc. (wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) 

Dr. Simon Sanwald (Post-Doktorand)

0731 500-61538

Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Eun-Jin Sim

0731 500-61535

Anja Schikorr B.Sc. (wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) 

Dr. rer. nat. Natalie Trumpp

0731 500-61539

Michelle Voit (Bachelorstudentin) 
Maren Woestmann B.Sc. (Masterstudentin) 

Kathrin Woike, Dipl. Psych. (Doktorandin)

0731 500-61539

Silvia Zischler (EEG-Assistentin)



Research at the Section for Cognitive Electrophysiology at the Department of Psychiatry focuses on the investigation of cognitive processes and their psychopathology in psychiatric disorders using behavioral experiments, high-resolution event-related brain potentials (ERPs), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Within a cognitive neuroscience framework, we combine cognitive psychological experimental design with neurophysiological methods.

The Cognitive Electrophysiology Laboratory is equipped with a 64 channel EEG amplifier which allows recordings of brain electrical activity at a high spatial resolution. Co-registration of the brain electrical sources derived from the surface potentials with structural and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI ) by means of 3D-digitization of the electrode positions on the subject’s scalp can relate scalp recorded activity to a particular neuroanatomical structure. The integration of both techniques combines the advantages of both neuroimaging modalities, the high temporal resolution of ERPs with the high spatial resolution of fMRI. The goal is to determine the time course of activity within brain networks underlying cognitive processes. fMRI experients are conducted in cooperation with the Section for Neuropsychology and functional Neuroimaging at the Department of Psychiatry. TMS experiments that determine the functional role of a brain structure in cognitive processing are performed in cooperation with the Section for Neurostimulation of the Department of Psychiatry.

Major research interests are:

  • semantic memory organization and retrieval (semantic memory
  • organization, masked semantic priming
  • emotion regulation (coping strategies after failure, body image in eating disorder)
  • language (semantic ambiguity resolution, semantic and syntactic aspects of sentence processing)
  • cognitive control (error processing, response inhibition)


The Cognitive Electrophysiology Laboratory is also dedicated to the education of students of Medicine, Psychology, Engineering and the Sciences in Cognitive Neuroscience and its application to Psychiatry. It provides these students with a research environment for conducting their own research within diploma or dissertation projects as well as during internships.


Research groups at the Section

Research group "Structure of semantic memory"

Funded by the German Research Community (DFG) and the European Social Foundation (ESF)

Humans store a considerable amount of conceptual knowledge about objects in semantic memory, a part of long-term memory. On the grounds of selective semantic memory deficits for specific semantic objects categories (e.g., animals or tools) in brain-lesioned patients and subsequently described effects of semantic category on reaction times and brain activation, it has been suggested that such category-specific effect reflect semantic memory structure to some extend. However, it is still a matter of debate, which organizational principles of semantic memory structure underlie these effects. In this research project, we focus on the issue whether distinct knowledge aspects are differentially relevant for semantic categories. We assume that visual knowledge is more relevant for representing objects from natural categories (e.g. animals) while functional-action-related knowledge is more relevant for representing artifactual categories (e.g. tools). Using neurophysiological techniques, we investigate whether category-specific brain activation for real and for artificial, but similarly designed object categories is modulated by the task context probing different knowledge aspects (visual vs. functional-action-related). If we can demonstrate such a modulation and if the modulation is comparable for real and artificial objects, this would strongly strengthen the view that semantic memory is comprised of several subsystems representing knowledge aspects differentially relevant for different object categories. Besides these scientific questions, we collaborate with the Transfer Centre for Neurosciences and Learning in Ulm ( ZNL Ulm) in order to apply our findings for scholastic and occupational education. In a clinical context, we investigate dysfunctional semantic processes in patients with schizophrenia as a possible cause of schizophrenic thought disorder.


Members of the research group

Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Markus Kiefer (Leiter), Tel. +49 (0)731/500-61532

Dr. rer. nat.Natalie Trumpp (wiss. Mitarbeiterin), Tel. +49 (0)731/500-61539


Selected References

"Gehirngerechtes Lernen in der beruflichen Bildung"
Diese Broschüre beschreibt wissenschaftlich fundierte Richtlinien für ein optimiertes Lernen in der beruflichen Bildung. Sie wurde in Kooperation mit Ausbildern der Fa.  Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH in Giengen entwickelt.

Kiefer, M., & Spitzer, M. (2001). The limits of a distributed account of conceptual knowledge. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 5, 469-471.

Kiefer, M. (2005). Repetition priming modulates category-related effects on event-related potentials: Further evidence for multiple cortical semantic systems. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17, 199-211.

Kiefer, M., Sim, E.-J., Liebich, S., Hauk, O. & Tanaka, J. (2007). Experience-dependent plasticity of conceptual representations in human sensory-motor areas. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19, 525-542.

Sim, E.-J. & Kiefer, M. (2005). Category-related brain activity to natural categories is associated with the retrieval of visual features: Evidence from repetition effects during visual and functional judgments. Cognitive Brain Research, 24, 260-273.

Hoenig, K., Sim, E.-J., Bochev, V., Herrnberger, B., & Kiefer, M. (2008). Conceptual flexibility in the human brain: Dynamic recruitment of semantic maps from visual, motor and motion-related areas. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20, 1799-1814.

Kiefer, M., Sim, E.-J., Herrnberger, B., Grothe, J., & Hoenig, K. (2008). The sound of concepts: Four markers for a link between auditory and conceptual brain systems. The Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 12224-12230.

Ansorge, U., Kiefer, M., Khalid, S., Grassl, S., & König, P. (2010). Testing the theory of embodied cognition with subliminal words. Cognition, 116, 303-320.

Hoenig, K., Müller, C., Herrnberger, B., Spitzer, M., Ehret, G., & Kiefer, M. (2011). Neuroplasticity of semantic maps for musical instruments in professional musicians. NeuroImage, 56, 1714–1725.

Kiefer, M., & Pulvermüller, F. (2012). Conceptual representations in mind and brain: Theoretical developments, current evidence and future directions. Cortex, 48, 805-825.

Trumpp, N. M., Kliese, D., Hoenig, K., Haarmaier, T., & Kiefer , M. (2013). Losing the sound of concepts: Damage to auditory association cortex impairs the processing of sound-related concepts. Cortex, 49, 474-486.

Sim, E. J., Helbig, H. B., Graf, M., & Kiefer, M. (2015). When action observation facilitates visual perception: Activation in visuo-motor areas contributes to object recognition. Cerebral Cortex, 25, 2907-2918. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhu087.

Popp, M., Trumpp, N., & Kiefer , M. (2016). Feature-specific event-related potential effects to action- and sound-related verbs during visual word recognition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10:637. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00637.


Regarding these research questions we cooperate with:

Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH
(Werk Giengen, Abteilung Gewerbliche Ausbildung)

Olaf Hauk
(MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, Großbritannien)

Hannah Helbig
(Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Kybernetik, Tübingen)

Friedemann Pulvermüller
(MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, Großbritannien)

Rasha Abdel Rahman
(Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Stefan Schweinberger
(Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena)

Werner Sommer
(Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

James Tanaka
(University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada)

Research Group "Top-Down-Modulation of unconscious perception"

supported by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)

Within the research network "Neuro-cognitive Mechanisms of Conscious and Unconscious Visual Perception" we investigate the functional and neuronal mechanisms underlying the modulatory influences of top-down factors on priming. In classical theories of automaticity, unconscious automatic processes are usually thought to occur autonomously and independently of higher-level top-down factors such as attention, intentions and task sets. However, recent research has challenged this view: There is evidence that a prototypical example of an automatic process, priming elicited by unconsciously perceived masked stimuli, depends on attention and action intentions similar to conscious controlled processes. This demonstrates the necessity to refine the classical concept of automaticity. Based on a gating framework, we assess how previously activated task sets affect priming effects elicited by unconsciously and consciously perceived masked stimuli. A newly developed cueing task allows us to systematically assess within one and the same paradigm the effects (i) of different task sets (e.g., attentional focus on perceptual or semantic word features) (ii) on different forms of priming (e.g., priming based on word meaning or on sensory-motor preparation) (iii) elicited by unconsciously and consciously perceived stimuli, respectively. This research will help us to address the question whether conscious and unconscious perception are governed by the same set of computational principles.


Members of the research group

Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Markus Kiefer (Leiter), Tel. +49 (0)731/500-61532

Alexander Berger, M.Sc. (Doktorand)

Hanna Opitz, B.Sc. (wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) 

Leon Bach (Bachelorstudentin) 

Nele Kalte (Bachelorstudentin) 


Selected References

Kiefer, M., & Spitzer, M. (2000). Time course of conscious and unconscious semantic brain activation. NeuroReport, 11, 2401-2407.

Kiefer, M. (2002). The N400 is modulated by unconsciously perceived masked words: Further evidence for an automatic spreading activation account of N400 priming effects. Cognitive Brain Research, 13, 27-39.

Kiefer, M., & Brendel, D. (2006). Attentional modulation of unconscious 'automatic' processes: Evidence from event-related potentials in a masked priming paradigm. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 184-198.

Kiefer, M. (2008). Bewusstsein. In J. Müsseler (Hrsg.), Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie. 2. völlig neu überarbeitete Auflage (pp. 154-188). Heidelberg: Spektrum, Akademischer Verlag.

Kiefer, M., Martens, U., Weisbrod, M., Hermle, L., & Spitzer, M. (2009). Increased unconscious semantic activation in schizophrenia patients with formal thought disorder. Schizophrenia Research, 114, 79-83.

Kiefer, M., & Martens (2010). Attentional sensitization of unconscious cognition. Task sets modulate subsequent masked semantic priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 139, 464-489.

Kiefer, M., Ansorge, U., Haynes, J. D., Hamker, F., Mattler, U., Verleger, R., & Niedeggen, M. (2011). Neuro-cognitive mechanisms of conscious and unconscious visual perception: From a plethora of phenomena to general principles. Advances in Cognitive Psychology in press.

Martens, U., Ansorge, U., & Kiefer, M. (2011). Controlling the unconscious: Attentional task sets modulate subliminal semantic and visuo-motor processes differentially. Psychological Science, 22, 282-291.

Michael, L., Hesselmann, G., Kiefer, M., & Niedeggen, M. (in press). Distractor-induced blindness for orientation changes and coherent motion. Vision Research.

Ulrich, M., Adams, S. C., & Kiefer, M. (2014). Flexible establishment of functional brain networks supports attentional modulation of unconscious cognition. Human Brain Mapping, 35, 5500-5516.

Kiefer, M., Sim, E. J., & Wentura, D. (2015). Boundary conditions for the influence of unfamiliar non-target primes in unconscious evaluative priming: The moderating role of attentional task sets. Consciousness and Cognition, 35, 342-356.

Kiefer , M., Liegel, N., Zovko, M., & Wentura, D. (in press). Mechanisms of masked evaluative priming: Task sets modulate behavioral and electrophysiological priming for picture and words differentially. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. doi10.1093/scan/nsw167.



Regarding these research questions we cooperate with:

Ulrich Ansorge
(Universität Osnabrück, Osnabrück)

Wilfried Kunde
(Universität Würzburg)

Michael Niedeggen
(Freie Universität, Berlin)

Rolf Verleger
(Universität Lübeck, Lübeck)

Dirk Wentura
(Universität des Saarlandes)

Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Eun-Jin Sim (Leitung)

Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Markus Kiefer (Leitung)

Prof. Dr. Carlos Schönfeldt-Lecuona (Leitung)

Katharina Strecker, B.Sc. (Masterstudentin)

Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Markus Kiefer (Leitung)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kammer (Leitung)

Prof. Dr. Carlos Schönfeldt-Lecuona (Leitung)

Prof. Dr. Christian Montag (Leitung)

Dr. Simon Sanwald (Post-Doktorand)

Franziska Bömer (Doktorandin) 

Elisabeth Noller (Bachelorstudentin) 

Michelle Voit (Bachelorstudentin) 


Journal Articles

2022/Articles in press

Harpaintner, M., Trumpp, N. M., & Kiefer, M.. (in press). Time course of brain activity during the processing of motor- and vision-related abstract concepts: Flexibility and task-dependency. Psychological Research, doi: 10.1007/s00426-020-01374-5.

Kiefer, M., Pielke, L., & Trumpp, N. M. (2022). Differential temporo-spatial pattern of electrical brain activity during the processing of abstract concepts related to mental states and verbal associations. NeuroImage, 252:119036, doi 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119036.

Kühnel, J., Bledow, R., & Kiefer, M. (2022). There is a time to be creative: The alignment between chronotype and time of day. Academy of Management Journal, 65(1), 218-247, doi 10.5465/amj.2019.0020.

Sanwald, S., Widenhorn-Müller, K., GenEmo Research Group, Montag, C., and Kiefer , M. (2022). Primary emotions as predictors for fear of COVID-19 in former inpatients with Major Depressive Disorder and healthy control participants BMC Psychiatry, 22:94, doi 10.1186/s12888-021-03677-2.

Sanwald, S., Montag, C., and Kiefer, M. (in press). Cumulative genetic score of DRD2 polymorphisms is associated with impulsivity and masked semantic priming. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience.


Berger, A., & Kiefer, M. (2021). Comparison of different response time outlier exclusion methods: A simulation study. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:675558, doi 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.675558

Berger, A., Sanwald, S. Montag, C., & Kiefer, M. (2021). The influence of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on mechanisms of semantic priming: Analyses with drift-diffusion models of masked and unmasked priming. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 17(1), 70-87, doi 10.5709/acp-0318-z.

Fernández, S. Ortells, J. J., Kiefer, M., Noguera, C., De Fockert, J. W. (2021). Working memory capacity modulates expectancy-based strategic processing: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Biological Psychology, 159: 108023. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2021.108023

Klaiber, I., & Kiefer, M. (2021). Neuronale Oszillationen als elektrophysiologischer Marker für Defizite der kognitiven Kontrolle bei psychischen Erkrankungen. Nervenheilkunde. 40(2), 13-26, doi 10.1055/a-1300-3619

Kiefer, M., Baumann, M., Huckauf, A., Ernst, M., Herbert, M., & Sauter, M. (2021). Advances in Experimental Psychology. Open Psychology, 3(1), 64-65, doi

Kuhnke, P., Kiefer, M., & Hartwigsen, G. (2021). Task-dependent functional and effective connectivity during conceptual processing. Cerebral Cortex, 31(7), 3475–3493, doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhab026.

Megías, M., Ortells, J. J., Carmona, I., Noguera, C., & Kiefer, M. (2021). Individual differences in working memory capacity modulate electrophysiological correlates of semantic negative priming from single words. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 15:765290 doi 10.3389/fnbeh.2021.765290

Sanwald, S., Widenhorn-Müller, K., Schönfeldt-Lecuona, C., GenEmo Research Group, Montag, C., & Kiefer , M. (2021). Factors related to age at depression onset: The role of SLC6A4 methylation, sex, exposure to stressful life events and personality in a sample of inpatients suffering from major depression. BMC Psychiatry, 21:167.


Carmona, I., Ortells, J. J., Fuentes, L. J., Kiefer , M., & Estévez, A. F. (2020). Implicit outcome expectancies shape memory process: Electrophysiological evidence. Biological Psychology, 157:107987, doi 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2020.107987. 

Carmona, I., Ortells, J. J., Kiefer , M., & Estévez, A. F. (2020). Electrophysiological correlates of the differential outcomes effect in visual short-term memory. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 155, 184-193, doi 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2020.06.010.

Eberhardt, L. V., Pittino, F., Scheins, A., Huckauf, A., Kiefer, M., Kliegl, K. M. (2020). Duration estimation of angry and neutral faces: Behavioral and electrophysiological correlates. Timing & Time Perception, 8(3-4), 254-278, doi 10.1163/22134468-bja10020.

Harpaintner, M., Sim, E.-J., Trumpp, N. M., Ulrich, M. & Kiefer, M. (2020). The grounding of abstract concepts in the motor and visual system: An fMRI study. Cortex, 124, 1-22. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2019.10.014.

Kiefer, M., & Harpaintner, M. (2020). Varieties of abstract concepts and their grounding in perception or action. Open Psychology, 2, 119-137, doi: 10.1515/psych-2020-0104.

Kuhnke, P., Kiefer, M., & Hartwigsen, G. (2020). Task-dependent recruitment of modality-specific and multimodal regions during conceptual processing. Cerebral Cortex, 30(7), 3938-3959. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhaa010.

Kuhnke, P., Beaupain, M. C., Cheung, V. K. M., Weise, K., Kiefer, M., & Hartwigsen, G. (2020). Left posterior inferior parietal cortex causally supports the retrieval of action knowledge. NeuroImage, 219:117041, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117041.

Mayer, C., Waller, S., Budde-Sprengler, N., Braunert, S., Arndt, P. A., Kiefer, M. (2020). Literacy training of kindergarten children with pencil, keyboard or tablet stylus: The influence of the writing tool on reading and writing performance at the letter and word level. Frontiers in Psychology. 10:3054, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.03054.

Sanwald, S, Montag, C., & Kiefer, M. (2020). Depressive emotionality moderates the influence of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on executive functions and on unconscious semantic priming. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 70(5), 699-712, doi: 10.1007/s12031-020-01479-x.

Sanwald, S., Gahr, M., Widenhorn-Müller, K., Schönfeldt-Lecuona, C., Richter, K., Connemann, B. J., Kammer, T., Montag, C., & Kiefer, M. (2020). Relation of promoter methylation of the oxytocin gene to stressful life events and depression severity. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 70(2), 201-211. doi: 10.1007/s12031-019-01446-1.

Sanwald, S., Widenhorn-Müller, K., GenEmo Research Group, Montag, C., & Kiefer , M. (2020). Relation of promoter methylation of the structural oxytocin gene to critical life events in Major Depression: A case control study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 276, 829-838.

Sim, E. J., Harpaintner, M., & Kiefer , M. (2020). Is subliminal face processing modulated by attentional task sets? Evidence from masked priming effects in a gender decision task Open Psychology, 2, 76-89, doi: 10.1515/psych-2020-0006. 



Kiefer, M. (2019). Cognitive control over unconscious cognition: Flexibility and generalizability of task set influences on subsequent masked semantic priming. Psychological Research, 83(7), 1556-1570. doi:10.1007/s00426-018-1011-x.

Kiefer, M., Trumpp, N. M., Schaitz, C., Reuss, H., & Kunde, W. (2019). Attentional modulation of masked semantic priming by visible and masked task cues. Cognition, 187, 62-77, doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2019.02.013.

Popp, M., Trumpp, N. M., & Kiefer, M. (2019). Processing of action and sound verbs in context: An fMRI study. Translational Neuroscience, 10, 200-222, doi 10.1515/tnsci-2019-0035.

Popp, M., Trumpp, N. M., Sim, E.-J., & Kiefer, M. 2019). Brain activation during conceptual processing of action and sound verbs. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 15(4), 236-255, doi 0.5709/acp-0272-4.

Sanwald, S., Widenhorn-Müller, K., Wernicke, J., Sindermann, C., Kiefer, M., Montag, C. (2019). Depression is associated with the absence of sex differences in the 2D:4D ratio of the right hand. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10:483, doi 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00483.

Woike, K., Sim, E-J., Keller, F., Schönfeldt-Lecuona, C., Sosic-Vasic, Z., & Kiefer, M. (2019). Common factors of psychotherapy in inpatients with major depressive disorder: A pilot study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10:463, doi 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00463.



 Harpaintner, M., Trumpp, N. M., & Kiefer, M.. (2018). The semantic content of abstract concepts: A property listing study of 296 abstract words. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:1748. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01748

 Sanwald, S., Montag, C., & Kiefer, M. (2018). Epigenetik der Depression. Nervenheilkunde, 37, 792-798.

 Schneegans, H., Hoenig, K., Ruchsow, M., Spitzer, M., Connemann, B. J., & Kiefer, M. (2018). Semantic ambiguity resolution in patients with bipolar disorder-An event-related potential study. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:270, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00270.

 Trumpp, N. M., & Kiefer, M. (2018). Functional reorganization of the conceptual brain system after deafness in early childhood. PLoS ONE 13(7): e0198894.



Kiefer , M., & Kammer, T. (2017). The emergence of visual awareness: Temporal dynamics in relation to task and mask type. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:315. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00315.

Kiefer , M., Liegel, N., Zovko, M., & Wentura, D. (2017). Mechanisms of masked evaluative priming: Task sets modulate behavioral and electrophysiological priming for picture and words differentially. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. doi10.1093/scan/nsw167.

Kiefer, M., Neff, U., Schmid, M. M., Spitzer, M., Connemann, B. J., & Schönfeldt-Lecuona, C. (2017). Brain activity to transitional objects in patients with borderline personality disorder. Scientific Reports, 7: 13121, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13508-8.

Rinker, T., Shafer, V. L., Kiefer, M., Vidal, N., & Yu, Y. H. (2017). T-complex measures in bilingual Spanish-English and Turkish-German children and monolingual peers. PLoS ONE 12(3): e0171992. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0171992.



Fladung, A. K., & Kiefer, M. (2016). Keep calm! Gender differences in mental rotation performance are modulated by habitual expressive suppression. Psychological Research, 80, 985-996, doi 10.1007/s00426-015-0704-7.

Montag, C., Widenhorn-Müller, K., Panksepp, J., & Kiefer, M. (2016). Individual differences in Affective Neuroscience Personality Scale (ANPS) primary emotional traits and depressive tendencies. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 73, 136-142.

Kiefer , M., & Velay, J. L. (2016). Writing in the digital age. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 5, 77-81.

Ortells, J. J., Kiefer, M., Castillo, A., Megias, M., & Morillas, A. (2016). The semantic origin of unconscious priming: Behavioral and event-related potential evidence during category congruency priming from strongly and weakly related masked words. Cognition, 146, 143-157.

Popp, M., Trumpp, N., & Kiefer , M. (2016). Feature-specific event-related potential effects to action- and sound-related verbs during visual word recognition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10:637. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00637.

Schneider-Hassloff, H., Zwönitzer, A., Künster, A. K., Mayer, C., Ziegenhain, U., & Kiefer, M. (2016). Emotional availability modulates electrophysiological correlates of executive functions in preschool children. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10:299, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00299.

Ulrich M, Kiefer M. (2016). The neural signature of subliminal visuomotor priming: Brain activity and functional connectivity profiles. Cerebral Cortex, 26, 2471-2482.

Zupp, K., Sim., E-J., & Kiefer, M. (2016). Psychobiologische Marker von Depression – Ein kurzer Überblick und Ausblick. Nervenheilkunde, 35, 585-589



Breitmeyer, B. G., Kiefer, M., & Niedeggen, M. (2015). Exploring the visual (un)conscious. Consciousness and Cognition, 35, 178-184.

Hogan, M. J., O’Hora, D., Kiefer, M., Kubesch, S., Kilmartin, L., Collins, P., & Dimitrova, J. (2015). The effects of cardiorespiratory fitness and acute aerobic exercise on executive functioning and EEG entropy in adolescents. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9:538, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00538.

Kiefer, M., Schuler, S., Mayer, C., Trumpp, N. M., Hille, K., & Sachse, S. (2015). Handwriting or typewriting? The influence of pen- or keyboard-based writing training on reading and writing performance in preschool children. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 11, 136-146.

Kiefer, M., Sim, E. J., & Wentura, D. (2015). Boundary conditions for the influence of unfamiliar non-target primes in unconscious evaluative priming: The moderating role of attentional task sets. Consciousness and Cognition, 35, 342-356.

Schönfeldt-Lecuona, C, Keller, F., Kiefer, M., Gahr, M., Plener, P. L., Spitzer, M., Gunst, I. M., Fischer, T, Connemann, B. J., Schmidt, M., M. (2015). Relationship between transitional objects and personality disorder in female psychiatric inpatients – A prospective study. Journal of Personality Disorders, 29, 215-230.

Sim, E. J., Helbig, H. B., Graf, M., & Kiefer, M. (2015). When action observation facilitates visual perception: Activation in visuo-motor areas contributes to object recognition. Cerebral Cortex, 25, 2907-2918. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhu087.

Ulrich, M., Kiefer, M., Bongartz, W., Grön, G., & Hoenig, K. (2015) Suggestion-induced modulation of semantic priming during functional magnetic resonance imaging. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0123686. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123686.

Waller, C., Wittfoth, M., Fritzsche, K., Timm, L., Wittfoth-Schardt, D., Rottler, E., Heinrichs, M., Buchheim, A., Kiefer, M., & Gündel, H. (2015). Attachment representation modulates oxytocin effects on the processing of own child faces in fathers. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 62, 27-35, doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.07.003.



Ansorge, U., Kunde, W., & Kiefer , M. (2014). Unconscious vision and executive control: How unconscious processing and conscious action control interact. Consciousness and Cognition, 27, 268-287.

Rinker, T., Hartmann, K., Smith, E., Reiter, R., Alku, P., Kiefer, M., & Brosch, S. (2014). Kinder mit Spezifischer Sprachentwicklungsstörung: Elektrophysiologische und pädaudiologische Befunde. Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie, 93, 521-527.

Trumpp, N. M., Traub, F., Pulvermüller, F., & Kiefer, M. (2014). Unconscious automatic brain activation of acoustic and action-related conceptual features during masked repetition priming. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26, 352-364.

Ulrich, M., Adams, S. C., & Kiefer, M. (2014). Flexible establishment of functional brain networks supports attentional modulation of unconscious cognition. Human Brain Mapping, 35, 5500-5516.



Brückner, S., & Kiefer, M., & Kammer, T. (2013). Comparing the after-effects of continuous theta burst stimulation and conventional 1Hz rTMS on semantic processing. Neuroscience, 233, 64-71.

Hogan, M., Kiefer, M., Kubesch, S., Collins, P., Kilmartin, L., & Brosnan, M. (2013). The interactive effects of physical fitness and acute aerobic exercise on electrophysiological coherence and cognitive performance in adolescents. Experimental Brain Research, 229, 85-96. DOI 10.1007/s00221-013-3595-0.

Kiefer, M., Morschett, A., Schönfeldt-Lecuona, C., Spitzer, M., & Kammer, T. (2013). Altered time course of unconscious response priming in schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia Research, 150, 590-591.

Trumpp, N. M., Kliese, D., Hoenig, K., Haarmaier, T., & Kiefer , M. (2013). Loosing the sound of concepts: Damage to auditory association cortex impairs the processing of sound-related concepts. Cortex, 49, 474-486.

Trumpp, N. M., Traub, F., & Kiefer, M. (2013). Masked priming of conceptual features reveals differential brain activation during unconscious access to conceptual action and sound information. PLoS ONE 8(5): e65910. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065910.

Ulrich, M., Hoenig, K., Groen, G., & Kiefer M. (2013). Brain activation during masked and unmasked semantic priming: Commonalities and differences. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25, 2216-2229.

Zovko, M., & Kiefer, M., (2013). Do different perceptual task sets modulate electrophysiological correlates of masked visuo-motor priming? Attention to shape and color put to the test. Psychophysiology, 50, 149-157.



Adams, S. C., & Kiefer, M. (2012). Testing the attentional boundary conditions of subliminal semantic priming: The influence of semantic and phonological task sets. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6:241. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00241.

Kiefer, M. (2012). Executive control over unconscious cognition: Attentional sensitization of unconscious information processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6:61, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00061.

Kiefer, M., Adams, S. C., & Zovko, M. (2012). Attentional sensitization of unconscious visual processing: Top-down influences on masked priming. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 8, 50-61.

Kiefer, M., & Pulvermüller, F. (2012). Conceptual representations in mind and brain: Theoretical developments, current evidence and future directions. Cortex, 48, 805-825.

Kiefer , M., & Trumpp, N. M. (2012). Embodiment theory and education: The foundations of cognition in perception and action. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 1, 15-20.

Kiefer , M., Trumpp, N. M., Herrnberger, B., Sim, E.-J., Hoenig, K., & Pulvermüller, F. (2012). Dissociating the representation of action- and sound-related concepts in middle temporal cortex. Brain and Language, 122, 120-125.

Michael, L., Kiefer, M., & Niedeggen, M. (2012). The influence of distracter and target features on distracter induced blindness. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 8, 62-69.



Hoenig, K., Müller, C., Herrnberger, B., Spitzer, M., Ehret, G., & Kiefer, M. (2011). Neuroplasticity of semantic maps for musical instruments in professional musicians. NeuroImage, 56, 1714–1725.

Kiefer, M., Ansorge, U., Haynes, J. D., Hamker, F., Mattler, U., Verleger, R., & Niedeggen, M. (2011). Neuro-cognitive mechanisms of conscious and unconscious visual perception: From a plethora of phenomena to general principles. Advances in Cognitive Psychology , 7, 55-67.

Kiefer, M., Sim, E.-J., Helbig, H. B., & Graf, M. (2011). Tracking the time course of action priming on object recognition: Evidence for fast and slow influences of action on perception. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, 1864–1874.

Martens, U., Ansorge, U., & Kiefer, M. (2011). Controlling the unconscious: Attentional task sets modulate subliminal semantic and visuo-motor processes differentially. Psychological Science, 22, 282-291.

Michael, L., Hesselmann, G., Kiefer, M., & Niedeggen, M. (2011). Distractor-induced blindness for orientation changes and coherent motion. Vision Research, 51, 1781-1787.

Zurawska vel Grajewska, B., Sim, E.-J., Hoenig, K., Herrnberger, B., & Kiefer, M. (2011). Mechanisms underlying flexible adaptation of cognitive control: Behavioral and neuroimaging evidence in a flanker task. Brain Research, 1421, 52-65.



Ansorge, U., Kiefer, M., Khalid, S., Grassl, S., & König, P. (2010). Testing the theory of embodied cognition with subliminal words. Cognition, 116, 303-320.

Fladung, A.-K., Baron, U., Gunst, I., & Kiefer, M. (2010). Cognitive reappraisal modulates performance following negative feedback in patients with major depressive disorder. Psychological Medicine, 40, 1703-1710.

Helbig, H.B., Steinwender, J., Graf, M. & Kiefer, M. (2010). Action observation can prime visual object recognition. Experimental Brain Research, 200, 251-258.

Kiefer, M., & Martens (2010). Attentional sensitization of unconscious cognition. Task sets modulate subsequent masked semantic priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 139, 464-489.

Rinker, T., Alku, P., Brosch, S., & Kiefer, M. (2010). Discrimination of native and non-native vowel contrasts in bilingual Turkish–German and monolingual German children: Insight from the Mismatch Negativity ERP component. Brain and Language, 113, 90-95.

Videsott, G., Herrnberger, G., Schilly, E., Grothe, J., Hoenig, K., Wiater, W., Spitzer, M., & Kiefer, M. (2010). Speaking in multiple languges: Neural correlates of language proficiency in multilingual word production. Brain and Language, 113, 103-112.



Hoenig, K. & Scheef, L. (2009). Neural correlates of semantic ambiguity processing during context verification. NeuroImage, 45, 1009-1019.

Kiefer, M., Martens, U., Weisbrod, M., Hermle, L., & Spitzer, M. (2009). Increased unconscious semantic activation in schizophrenia patients with formal thought disorder. Schizophrenia Research, 114, 79-83.

Martens, U. & Kiefer, M. (2009). Specifying attentional top-down influences on subsequent unconscious semantic processing. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 5, 56-68.

Reuter, M., Montag, C., Peters, K., Kocher, A., & Kiefer, M. (2009). The modulatory influence of the functional COMT Val158Met polymorphism on lexical decisions and semantic priming. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 20 doi:10.3389/neuro.09.020.2009.

Stroth, S., Kubesch, S., Dieterle, K., Ruchsow, M., Heim, R., Kiefer, M. (2009). Physical fitness, but not acute exercise modulates event-related potential indices for executive control in healthy adolescents. Brain Research, 1269, 114-124.


Hoenig, K., Sim, E-J., Bochev, V., Herrnberger, B. & Kiefer, M. (2008). Conceptual flexibility in the human brain: Dynamic recruitment of semantic maps from visual, motion and motor-related areas. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(10), 1799-1814.

Kiefer, M. (2008). Zusammenwirken kognitiver Systeme: Kognitionspsychologische und neurophysiologische Befunde zur Rolle des semantischen Gedächtnisses bei der Informationsverarbeitung. Psychologische Rundschau, 59, 87-97.

Kiefer, M., Sim, E.-J., Herrnberger, B., Grothe, J., & Hoenig, K. (2008). The sound of concepts: Four markers for a link between auditory and conceptual brain systems. The Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 12224-12230.

Ruchsow, M., Grön, G., Kiefer, M, Beschoner, P., Hermle L, Ebert, D., & Falkenstein, M. (2008). Electrophysiological evidence for reduced inhibitory control in depressed patients in partial remission: A Go/Nogo study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 68, 209-218.

Ruchsow, M., Grön, G., Kiefer, M., Buchheim, A., Walter, H., Martius, P., Reiter, M., Hermle, L., Spitzer, M., Ebert, D. & Falkenstein, M. (2008). Response inhibition in borderline personality disorder: Event-related potentials in a Go/Nogo task. Journal of Neural Transmission, 115, 127-133.

Ruchsow M, Groen, G. Kiefer, M., Hermle L, Spitzer, M., & Falkenstein, M. (2008). Impulsiveness and ERP components in a Go/Nogo task. Journal of Neural Transmission, 115, 909-915.

Ruchosw, M., Grön, G. Spitzer, M., Hermle, L., Buchheim, A. & Kiefer, M. (2008). Electrophysiological evidence for a syntactic but not semantic deficit in depressive patients. Journal of Psychophysiology, 22, 121-129.

v. Soden-Fraunhofen, R., Sim, E-J., Liebich, S., Frank, K. & Kiefer, M. (2008). Die Rolle der motorischen Interaktion beim Erwerb begrifflichen Wissens: Eine Trainingsstudie mit künstlichen Objekten. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 22, 47-58.



Bitz, U., Gust, K., Spitzer, & Kiefer, M. (2007). Phonological  deficit in school children is reflected in the mismatch negativity. NeuroReport, 18, 911-915.

Kiefer, M. (2007). Top-down modulation of unconscious 'automatic' processes: A gating framework. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 3, 289-306. Download article

Kiefer, M., Schuch, S., Schenck, W. & Fiedler, K. (2007). Mood states modulate activity in semantic brain areas during emotional word encoding. Cerebral Cortex, 17, 1560-1530.

Kiefer, M., Schuch, S., Schenck, W. & Fiedler, K. (2007). Emotion and memory: Event-related potential indices predictive for subsequent successful memory depend on the emotional mood state. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 3, 363-373. Download article

Kiefer, M., Sim, E.-J., Liebich, S., Hauk, O. & Tanaka, J. (2007). Experience-dependent plasticity of conceptual representations in human sensory-motor areas. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19, 525-542.



Helbig, H.B., Graf, M., Kiefer, M. (2006). The role of action representations in object recognition. Experimental Brain Research.

Kaiser, S., Hill, H., Weiss, O., Markela-Lerenc, J., Kiefer, M., & Weisbrod, M. (2006). N2 event-related potential correlates of response inhibition in an auditory Go/Nogo task. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 61, 279-282.

Kiefer, M. & Brendel, D. (2006). Attentional modulation of unconscious 'automatic' processes: Evidence from event-related potentials in a masked priming paradigm. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 184-198.

Martens, E.U., Schweinberger, S.R., Kiefer, M., Burton,  A.M. (2006). Masked and unmasked electrophysiological repetition effects of famous faces. Brain Research, 1109, 146-157.

Ruchsow, M., Herrnberger, B., Beschoner, P., Grön, G., Spitzer, M. & Kiefer, M. (2006). Error processing in major depressive disorder. Evidence from even-related potentials. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 40, 37-46.

Ruchsow, M., Walter, H., Buchheim, A., Martius, P., Spitzer, M., Kächele, H., Grön, G. & Kiefer, M. (2006). Error-related negativity and response control in patients with borderline personality disorder. Biological Psychology, 72, 133-140.



Hoenig, K., Kuhn, C. K. & Scheef, L. (2005). Functional 3.0-T MR assessment of higher cognitive function: Are there advantages over 1.5-T imaging? Radiology, 234, 860-868.

Hoenig, K., Hochrein, A., Quednow, B. B., Maier, W. & Wagner, M. (2005). Impaired prepulse inhibition in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 57, 1153-1158.

Hoenig, K. & Scheef, L. (2005). Mediotemporal contributions to semantic processing: fMRI evidence from ambiguity processing during semantic context verification. Hippocampus, 15, 597-609.

Kiefer, M. (2005). Repetition priming modulates category-related effects on event-related potentials: Further evidence for multiple cortical semantic systems. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17, 199-211.

Kiefer, M., Ahlegian, M. & Spitzer, M. (2005). Working memory capacity, indirect semantic priming and Stroop interference: Pattern of interindividual prefrontal performance differences in healthy volunteers. Neuropsychology, 19, 332-344.

Kessler, K. & Kiefer, M. (2005). Disturbing visual working memory: Electrophysiological evidence for a role of prefrontal cortex in recovery from interference. Cerebral Cortex, 15, 1075-1087.

Ruchsow, M., Grön, G., Reuter, K., Spitzer, M., Hermle, L. & Kiefer, M. (2005). Error-related brain activity in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and in healthy controls. Journal of Psychophysiology, 19, 298-304.

Ruchsow, M., Spitzer, M., Grön, G., Grothe, J. & Kiefer, M. (2005). Error processing and impulsiveness in normals: Evidence from event-related potentials. Cognitive Brain Research, 24, 317-325.

Sim, E.-J. & Kiefer, M. (2005). Category-related brain activity to natural categories is associated with the retrieval of visual features: Evidence from repetition effects during visual and functional judgments. Cognitive Brain Research, 24, 260-273.


Quednow, B. B., Kühn, K.-U., Hoenig, K., Maier, W. & Wagner, M. (2004). Prepulse inhibition and habituation of acoustic startle response in male MDMA (‘ecstacy’) users, cannabi users, and healthy controls. Neuropsychopharmacology 29, 982-990.

Quednow, B. B., Kühn, K.-U., Stelzenmueller, R., Hoenig, K., Maier, W. & Wagner, M. (2004). Effects of serotonergic and noradrenergic antidepressants on auditory startle response in patients with major depression. Psychopharmacology, 175, 399-406.

Ruchsow, M., Herrnberger, B., Wiesend, C., Spitzer, M. & Kiefer, M. (2004). The effect of erroneous responses on response evaluation in patients with major depression: A study with event related potentials. Psychophysiology, 41, 833-840.

Tanaka, J. W., Kiefer, M. & Bukach, C.M. (2004). A holistic account of the own-race effect in face recognition: Evidence from a cross-cultural study. Cognition, 93, B1-B9.



Erk, S., Kiefer, M., Grothe, J., Wunderlich, A., Spitzer, M. & Walter, H. (2003). Emotional context modulates subsequent memory effect. NeuroImage,18, 439-447.

Scheef, L., Hoenig, K., Kuhl, C. K., Urbach, H., Schild, H. H. & Koenig, R. (2003). Curved-Surface-Projection (CSP): An alternative method to visualize fMRI results in patients. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 24, 1045-1048.

Kaiser, S., Unger, J., Kiefer, M., Markela, J., Mundt, C. & Weisbrod, M. (2003). Executive control deficit in depression: Event-related potentials in a Go/NoGo task. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 122, 169-184.

Ruchsow, M., Trippel, K., Grön, G., Spitzer, M. & Kiefer, M. (2003). Semantic and syntactic processes during sentence comprehension in patients with schizophrenia: Evidence from event-related potentials. Schizophrenia Research, 64, 147-156.

Walter, H., Kiefer, M. & Erk, S. (2003). Content, context and cognitive style in mood-memory interactions. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 7, 433-434.



Hoenig, K., Hochrein, A., Müller, D. J. & Wagner, M. (2002). Different negative priming impairments in schizophrenia and subgroups of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychological Medicine, 32, 459-468.

Kiefer, M. (2002). The N400 is modulated by unconsciously perceived masked words: Further evidence for a spreading activation account of N400 priming effects. Cognitive Brain Research, 13, 27-39.

Kiefer, M. Apel, A., & Weisbrod, M. (2002). Arithmetic fact retrieval and working memory in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 53, 219-227.

Ruchsow, M., Grothe, J., Spitzer, M., Kiefer, M. (2002). Human anterior cingulate cortex is activated by negative feedback: Evidence from event-related potentials in a guessing task. Neuroscience Letters, 325, 203-206.


Jessen, F., Fries, T., Kucharski, C., Nishimura, T., Hoenig, K., Maier, W., Falkai, P. & Heun, R. (2001). Amplitude reduction of the mismatch negativity in first-degree relatives of patients with schizophrenia. Neuroscience Letters, 309, 185-188.

Jessen, F., Kucharski, C., Fries, T., Papassotiropoulus, A., Hoenig, K., Maier, W. & Heun, R. (2001). Sensory gating deficit expressed by a disturbed supression of the P50 event-related potential in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 1319-1321.

Kiefer, M. (2001). Perceptual and semantic sources of category-specific effects in object categorization: Event-related potentials during picture and word categorization. Memory & Cognition, 29, 100-116.

Kiefer, M. & Spitzer, M. (2001). The limits of a distributed account of conceptual knowledge Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 5, 469-471.

Scheider, F., Habel, U., Wagner, M., Franke, P., Salloum, J., Shah, N., Toni, I., Sulzbach, C., Hönig, K., Maier, W., Gaebel, W. & Zilles, K. (2001). Subcortical correlates of craving in recently abstinent alcoholic patients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 1075-1083.


Kiefer, M. & Spitzer, M. (2000). Time course of conscious and unconscious semantic brain activation. NeuroReport, 11, 2401-2407.

Weisbrod, M., Kiefer, M., Marzinzik, F. & Spitzer, M. (2000). Executive control is disturbed in schizophrenia: Evidence from event-related potentials in a Go/Nogo task. Biological Psychiatry, 47, 51-60.


Kiefer, M. & Spitzer, M. (1999). Kognitive Defizite schizophrener Patienten. Nervenheilkunde, 18, 332-337.

Tanaka, J. W., Luu, P., Weisbrod, M. & Kiefer, M. (1999). Tracking the time course of object categorization using event-related potentials. NeuroReport, 10, 829-835.

Weisbrod, M., Kiefer, M., Hill, H. & Spitzer, M. (1999). Der Einsatz evozierter Potentiale zur Untersuchung von Störungen der auditorischen Informationsverarbeitung schizophrener Patienten. Nervenheilkunde, 18, 79-83.

Weisbrod, M., Kiefer, M., Winkler, S., Maier, S., Hill, H., Roesch-Ely, D. & Spitzer, M. (1999). Electrophysiological correlates of direct versus indirect semantic priming in normal volunteers. Cognitive Brain Research, 8, 289-298.

Weisbrod, M., Trage, J., Hill, H., Sattler, H., Maier, S., Kiefer, M., Grothe, J. & Spitzer, M. (1999). Emotional priming in depressed patients. German Journal of Psychiatry, 2, 19-47.



Kiefer, M., Marzinzik, F., Weisbrod, M., Scherg, M. & Spitzer, M. (1998). The time course of brain activations during response inhibition: Evidence from event-related potentials in a Go/Nogo task. NeuroReport, 9, 765-770.

Kiefer, M., Weisbrod, M., Kern, I., Maier, S. & Spitzer, M. (1998). Right hemisphere activation during indirect semantic priming: Evidence from event-related potentials. Brain and Language, 64, 377-408.

Kiefer, M., Weisbrod, M. & Spitzer, M. (1998). Zur funktionellen Neuroanatomie und Psychopathologie des semantischen Gedächtnisses. Psychologische Rundschau, 49, 132-143.


Kiefer, M. & Dehaene, S. (1997). The time course of parietal activation in single-digit multiplication. Mathematical Cognition, 3, 1-30.

Kiefer, M., Mangold-Allwinn, R. & Barattelli, S. (1995). Vom generierten Konzept bis zum enkodierten Wort. Zur Determination der lexikalischen Spezifität von Objektbenennungen. Linguistische Berichte, 159, 381-411.


Books and Book Chapters

Bermeitinger, C., & Kiefer, M. (2012). Embodied concepts. In S. C. Koch, Th. Fuchs, M. Sumna & C. Müller (Eds.), Body memory, metaphor and movement (pp. 121-140). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Kempf, W. & Kiefer, M. (Hrsg.)(2009). Forschungsmethoden der Psychologie. Zwischen naturwissenschaftlichem Experiment und sozialwissenschaftlicher Hermeneutik. Bd. 3: Natur und Kultur. Berlin: Regener.

Kempf, W. & Kiefer, M. (2009). Einleitung. In W. Kempf & M. Kiefer, M. (Hrsg.). Forschungsmethoden der Psychologie. Zwischen naturwissenschaftlichem Experiment und sozialwissenschaftlicher Hermeneutik. Bd. 3: Natur und Kultur. (pp. 7-13). Berlin: Regener.

Kiefer, M. (1998). Zur kortikalen Organisation semantischer Informationsverarbeitung. In U. Kotkamp & W. Krause (Hrsg.), Intelligente Informationsverarbeitung (pp. 201-208). Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag.

Kiefer, M. (1999). Die Organisation des semantischen Gedächtnisses. Bern: Huber.

Kiefer, M. (2002). Bewusstsein. In J. Müsseler & W. Prinz (Hrsg.), Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie (pp. 178-222). Heidelberg: Spektrum, Akademischer Verlag.

Kiefer, M. (2004). Neuropsychologie und Elektrophysiologie kognitiver Defizite schizophrener Patienten. In H. Hippius (Hrsg.), Universitätskolloquien zur Schizophrenie, Bd II (pp. 102-108). Darmstadt: Steinkopf.

Kiefer, M. (2008). Bewusstsein. In J. Müsseler (Hrsg.), Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie. 2. völlig neu überarbeitete Auflage (pp. 154-188). Heidelberg: Spektrum, Akademischer Verlag.

Kiefer, M. (2009). Neurowissenschaftliche Methoden. In W. Kempf & M. Kiefer, M. (Hrsg.). Forschungsmethoden der Psychologie. Zwischen naturwissenschaftlichem Experiment und sozialwissenschaftlicher Hermeneutik. Bd. 3: Natur und Kultur (pp. 207-267). Berlin: Regener.

Kiefer, M. (2017). Bewusstsein. In J. Müsseler & M. Rieger (Eds.), Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie. 3. völlig neu überarbeitete Auflage (pp. 153-182). Berlin: Springer.

Kiefer, M. (2018). Verkörperte Kognition. Die Verankerung von Denken und Sprache in Wahrnehmungs- und Handlungserfahrung. In H. Böttger & M. Sambanis (Eds.), Focus on Evidence II – Netzwerke zwischen Fremdsprachendidaktik und Neurowissenschaften (pp. 31-43). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag.

Kiefer, M., & Barsalou, L. W. (2013). Grounding the human conceptual system in perception, action, and internal states. In W. Prinz, M. Beisert & A. Herwig (Eds.), Tutorials in action science (pp. 381-407). Cambridge: MIT Press.

Kiefer, M. & Hönig, K. (2012). Die Vision einer integrativen Psychologie im Spannungsfeld zwischen Natur- und Kulturwissenschaft. In W. Baros & M. Rost (Hrsg.). Natur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven in der Psychologie (pp. 187-199). Berlin: Regener.

Kiefer, M., Weisbrod, M., Kern, I., Maier, S., & Spitzer, M. (1997). The effect of semantic distance on event-related potentials in normal subjects and schizophrenic patients. In H. Witte, U. Zwiener, B. Schack & A. Doering (Eds.), Quantitative and Topological EEG and MEG Analysis (pp. 169-171). Jena: Druckhaus Mayer GmbH.

Mangold-Allwinn, R., Barattelli, S., Kiefer, M., & Koelbing, H.G. (1995). Wörter für Dinge. Von flexiblen Konzepten zu variablen Benennungen. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Moseley, R., Kiefer , M., & Pulvermüller, F. (2016). Grounding and embodiment of concepts and meaning: A neurobiological perspective. In Y. Coello & M. H. Fischer (Eds.), Foundations of embodied cognition, Volume 1: Perceptual and emotional embodiment. Oxon, U.K: Routledge.

Rinker, T. & Kiefer, M. (2011). The cognitive neuroscience of multilingualism. In W. Wiater & G. Videsott (eds.), New theoretical perspectives in multilingualism research (pp. 43-62). Frankfurt: Peter Lang

Ruchsow, M. & Kiefer, M. (2004). Elektrophysiologische Korrelate von Semantik und Grammatik bei schizophrenen und depressiven Patienten. In H. M. Müller & G. Rickheit (Hrsg.), Neurokognition der Sprache (pp. 143-165). Tübingen: Stauffenburg.

Weisbrod, M., Kiefer, M., Maier, S., Winkler, S., Hill, H., & Spitzer, M. (1997). Difficulty of the auditory oddball paradigm determines P300 topography in schizophrenic patients. In H. Witte, U. Zwiener, B. Schack & A. Doering (Eds.), Quantitative and Topological EEG and MEG Analysis  (pp. 158-160). Jena: Druckhaus Mayer GmbH.

Videsott, G., Herrnberger, B., Schilly, E., Grothe, J., Hoenig, K., Wiater, W., Spitzer, M. & Kiefer, M. (2011). The complex measurement of language(s). In W. Wiater & G. Videsott (eds.), New theoretical perspectives in multilingualism research (pp. 35-41). Frankfurt: Peter Lang

Wietasch, A.K., Kiefer, M. & Spitzer, M. (2007). Neuropsychologie. In: A. Rohde & A. Marneros (Hrsg.), Geschlechtsspezifische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Ein Handbuch. (pp. 305-323) Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.