Fabienne Führmann, M.Sc. Psych., MAS

Ducharme, L., Lo, C., Hier, M., Zeitouni, A., Kost, K., …& Henry, M. (under review). PTSD Coach as an Early Mobile Intervention to Improve Cancer-Related Anxiety and Psychosocial Oncology Uptake in Patients Newly Diagnosed with Head and Neck Cancer: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.

Seifert, J., Maier, H. B., Führmann, F., Bleich, S., Stübner, S., Sieberer, M., ... & Reinhard, M. A. (2022). Pharmacological treatment of major depressive disorder according to severity in psychiatric inpatients: results from the AMSP pharmacovigilance program from 2001–2017. Journal of Neural Transmission, 1-20.

Sieberer, M. G., & Führmann, F. (2022). Bedeutung von Kultur, Inter- und Transkulturalität in der Medizin. In Elsevier Essentials Migration & Gesundheit (pp. 7-10). Urban & Fischer.

Sieberer, M., Jung, P., & Führmann, F. (Eds.). (2021). ELSEVIER ESSENTIALS Migration & Gesundheit. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Seifert, J., Führmann, F., Reinhard, M. A., Engel, R. R., Bernegger, X., Bleich, S., ... & Greil, W. (2021). Sex differences in pharmacological treatment of major depressive disorder: results from the AMSP pharmacovigilance program from 2001 to 2017. Journal of Neural Transmission, 128(6), 827-843.

Seifert, J., Engel, R. R., Bernegger, X., Führmann, F., Bleich, S., Stübner, S., ... & Grohmann, R. (2021). Time trends in pharmacological treatment of major depressive disorder: results from the AMSP Pharmacovigilance program from 2001–2017. Journal of Affective Disorders, 281, 547-556.

Henry, M., Fuehrmann, F., Hier, M., Zeitouni, A., Kost, K., Richardson, K., ... & Frenkiel, S. (2019). Contextual and historical factors for increased levels of anxiety and depression in patients with head and neck cancer: a prospective longitudinal study. Head & Neck, 41(8), 2538-2548.

Ball, F., Fuehrmann, F., Stratil, F., & Noesselt, T. (2018). Phasic and sustained interactions of multisensory interplay and temporal expectation. Scientific reports, 8(1), 1-12.

Henry, M., Rosberger, Z., Ianovski, L. E., Hier, M., Zeitouni, A., Kost, K., ... & Frenkiel, S. (2018). A screening algorithm for early detection of major depressive disorder in head and neck cancer patients post‐treatment: longitudinal study. Psycho‐Oncology, 27(6), 1622-1628.

Ball, F., Michels, L., Fuehrmann, F., Starke, J., & Noesselt, T. (2017). Protective effects of combined audiovisual stimulation on temporal expectations in noisy environments. Journal of Vision, 17(10), 198-198.