Publi­ka­tio­nen all­ge­meine Patho­lo­gie

Roos J, Dahl­haus M, Fun­cke JB, Kus­ter­mann M, Strauss G, Halb­ge­bauer D, Bold­rin E, Holz­mann K, Möl­ler P, Tro­ja­now­ski BM, Bau­mann B, Deba­tin KM, Wabitsch M, Fischer-​Posovszky P. miR-146a regu­la­tes insu­lin sen­si­ti­vity via NPR3. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2021 Mar;78(6):2987-3003. doi: 10.1007/s00018-020-03699-1. Epub 2020 Nov 18. PMID: 33206203; PMCID: PMC8004521.

Schmid T, Maier J, Mar­tin M, Tas­do­gan A, Tausch E, Barth TFE, Stil­gen­bauer S, Blo­eh­dorn J, Möl­ler P, Mel­lert K. U-RT1 - A new model for Rich­ter trans­for­ma­tion. Neo­pla­sia. 2021 Jan;23(1):140-148. doi: 10.1016/j.neo.2020.11.010. Epub 2020 Dec 11. PMID: 33316538; PMCID: PMC7736907.

Hol­ley C, Brei­ning T, Scheit­hauer M, Möl­ler P, Barth TFE. Pri­mä­res extraa­xia­les chon­dro­ides Chor­dom des ante­rio­ren Nasen­sep­tums: Fall­be­richt eines sel­te­nen Chor­doms mit Lite­ra­tur­über­sicht [Pri­mary extra-​axial chon­droid chor­doma of the ante­rior nasal sep­tum: case report of a rare chor­doma with lite­ra­ture review]. HNO. 2021 Mar;69(3):221-228. Ger­man. doi: 10.1007/s00106-020-00957-3. Epub 2020 Oct 23. PMID: 33095325.

See­ling C, Lechel A, Svin­a­renko M, Möl­ler P, Barth TFE, Mel­lert K. Mole­cu­lar fea­tures and vul­nera­bi­li­ties of recur­rent chor­do­mas. J Exp Clin Can­cer Res. 2021 Jul 30;40(1):244. doi: 10.1186/s13046-021-02037-y. PMID: 34330313; PMCID: PMC8325178.

Zahn M, Kalusz­niak B, Möl­ler P, Mari­en­feld R. The PTP1B mutant PTP1B∆2-4 is a posi­tive regu­la­tor of the JAK/STAT signal­ling pathway in Hodg­kin lym­phoma. Car­ci­no­ge­nesis. 2021 Apr 30;42(4):517-527. doi: 10.1093/car­cin/bgaa144. PMID: 33382412; PMCID: PMC8086765.

Wil­der­mann C, Alosa­imi M, Lie­be­nehm S, Jac­obsen EM, Barth TFE, Möl­ler P, Deba­tin KM, Schulz A, Sirin M, Abo­sou­dah IF, Alku­raya FS, Geha RS, Hönig M. Suc­cess­ful hema­to­poie­tic stem cell trans­plan­ta­tion in a 4-1BB defi­ci­ent pati­ent with EBV-​induced lym­pho­pro­li­fe­ra­tion. Clin Immu­nol. 2021 Jan;222:108639. doi: 10.1016/j.clim.2020.108639. Epub 2020 Nov 28. PMID: 33259966.

Alt­haus K, Möl­ler P, Uzun G, Singh A, Beck A, Bet­tag M, Bös­mül­ler H, Gut­hoff M, Dorn F, Pet­zold GC, Hen­kes H, Heyne N, Jumaa H, Krei­ser K, Lim­pach C, Luz B, Maschke M, Mül­ler JA, Münch J, Nagel S, Pötzsch B, Mül­ler J, Schle­gel C, Viar­dot A, Bäz­ner H, Wolf M, Pelzl L, Warm V, Wil­li­nek WA, Stei­ner J, Schneiderhan-​Marra N, Voll­herbst D, Sachs UJ, Fend F, Bak­choul T. Antibody-​mediated pro­co­agu­lant pla­te­lets in SARS-​CoV-2-​vaccination asso­cia­ted immune throm­bo­tic throm­bo­cy­to­pe­nia. Hae­ma­to­lo­gica. 2021 Aug 1;106(8):2170-2179. doi: 10.3324/hae­ma­tol.2021.279000. PMID: 34011137; PMCID: PMC8327736.

Ben­cken­dorff J, Kuchar J, Leit­häu­ser F, Zahn M, Möl­ler P. Use­ful­ness of BATF3 Immu­n­o­hi­sto­che­mis­try in Dia­gno­sing Clas­si­cal Hodg­kin Lym­phoma. Dia­gno­stics (Basel). 2021 Jun 20;11(6):1123. doi: 10.3390/dia­gno­stics11061123. PMID: 34202976; PMCID: PMC8234195.

Uzun G, Alt­haus K, Singh A, Möl­ler P, Zie­mann U, Men­gel A, Rosen­ber­ger P, Gut­hoff M, Pet­zold GC, Mül­ler J, Büch­sel M, Feil K, Hen­kes H, Heyne N, Maschke M, Lim­pach C, Nagel S, Sachs UJ, Fend F, Bak­choul T. The use of IV immu­n­o­glo­bu­lin in the treat­ment of vaccine-​induced immune throm­bo­tic throm­bo­cy­to­pe­nia. Blood. 2021 Sep 16;138(11):992-996. doi: 10.1182/blood.2021012479. PMID: 34166507; PMCID: PMC8444699.

Jachi­mo­wicz RD, Pie­per L, Reinke S, Gon­ta­rewicz A, Plüt­schow A, Haver­kamp H, Frau­en­feld L, Fend F, Over­kamp M, Jochims F, Thorns C, Leo Hans­mann M, Möl­ler P, Rosen­wald A, Stein H, Rein­hardt HC, Borch­mann P, von Tre­sc­kow B, Engert A, Klap­per W. Whole-​slide image ana­ly­sis of the tumor micro­en­vi­ron­ment iden­ti­fies low B-​cell con­tent as a pre­dic­tor of adverse out­come in pati­ents with advanced-​ stage clas­si­cal Hodg­kin lym­phoma trea­ted with BEA­COPP. Hae­ma­to­lo­gica. 2021 Jun 1;106(6):1684-1692. doi: 10.3324/hae­ma­tol.2019.243287. PMID: 32381573; PMCID: PMC8168506.

Jachi­mo­wicz RD, Klap­per W, Glehr G, Mül­ler H, Haver­kamp H, Thorns C, Hans­mann ML, Möl­ler P, Stein H, Reh­berg T, von Tre­sc­kow B, Rein­hardt HC, Borch­mann P, Chan FC, Spang R, Scott DW, Engert A, Steidl C, Alten­buchin­ger M, Rosen­wald A. Gene expression-​based out­come pre­dic­tion in advan­ced stage clas­si­cal Hodg­kin lym­phoma trea­ted with BEA­COPP. Leuke­mia. 2021 Dec;35(12):3589-3593. doi: 10.1038/s41375-021-01314-1. Epub 2021 Jun 10. PMID: 34112956; PMCID: PMC8632672.

Preuss JM, Bur­ret U, Grö­ger M, Kress S, Scheu­erle A, Möl­ler P, Tucker­mann JP, Wep­ler M, Vet­to­razzi S. Impai­red Glu­co­cor­ti­coid Recep­tor Signa­ling Aggra­va­tes Lung Injury after Hemor­rha­gic Shock. Cells. 2021 Dec 30;11(1):112. doi: 10.3390/cells11010112. PMID: 35011674; PMCID: PMC8750862.

Tietz AK, Angst­wurm K, Baum­gart­ner T, Dopp­ler K, Eisen­hut K, Eli­sak M, Franke A, Golom­beck KS, Hand­reka R, Kauf­mann M, Krae­mer M, Kraft A, Lewe­renz J, Lieb W, Mad­le­ner M, Mel­zer N, Moj­zis­ova H, Möl­ler P, Pfef­fer­korn T, Prüss H, Rostásy K, Schne­gels­berg M, Schrö­der I, Sie­ben­brodt K, Sühs KW, Wickel J, Wand­in­ger KP, Ley­po­ldt F, Kuh­len­bäu­mer G; Ger­man Net­work for Rese­arch on Auto­im­mune Ence­pha­li­tis (GENE­RATE). Genome-​wide Asso­cia­tion Study Iden­ti­fies 2 New Loci Asso­cia­ted With Anti-​NMDAR Ence­pha­li­tis. Neu­rol Neu­ro­im­mu­nol Neu­ro­in­flamm. 2021 Sep 28;8(6):e1085. doi: 10.1212/NXI.0000000000001085. PMID: 34584012; PMCID: PMC8479862.

Eiche­nauer DA, Büh­nen I, Kreissl S, Goer­gen H, Fuchs M, von Tre­sc­kow B, Rosen­wald A, Klap­per W, Hans­mann ML, Möl­ler P, Bernd HW, Fel­ler AC, Engert A, Borch­mann P, Hart­mann S. His­to­pa­tho­lo­gi­cal growth pat­terns in pati­ents with advan­ced nodu­lar lymphocyte-​predominant Hodg­kin lym­phoma trea­ted within the ran­do­mi­zed HD18 study: a report from the Ger­man Hodg­kin Study Group. Br J Hae­ma­tol. 2022 Jan;196(1):99-104. doi: 10.1111/bjh.17770. Epub 2021 Aug 15. PMID: 34396513.

Hüb­sch­mann D, Kleinheinz K, Wagener R, Bern­hart SH, López C, Toprak UH, Sun­ga­lee S, Ishaque N, Kretz­mer H, Kreuz M, Was­zak SM, Para­ma­sivam N, Ammer­pohl O, Aukema SM, Beek­man R, Berg­mann AK, Bieg M, Bin­der H, Bork­hardt A, Borst C, Brors B, Bruns P, Car­rillo de Santa Pau E, Cla­viez A, Doose G, Haake A, Karsch D, Haas S, Hans­mann ML, Hoell JI, Hove­stadt V, Huang B, Hum­mel M, Jäger-​Schmidt C, Kers­se­ma­kers JNA, Kor­bel JO, Kube D, Lawe­renz C, Lenze D, Mar­tens JHA, Ott G, Radl­wim­mer B, Rei­sin­ger E, Rich­ter J, Rico D, Rosen­stiel P, Rosen­wald A, Schill­ha­bel M, Stil­gen­bauer S, Stad­ler PF, Martín-​Subero JI, Szc­ze­panow­ski M, War­sow G, Weni­ger MA, Zapatka M, Valen­cia A, Stun­nen­berg HG, Lich­ter P, Möl­ler P, Loeff­ler M, Eils R, Klap­per W, Hoff­mann S, Trüm­per L; ICGC MMML-​Seq con­sor­tium; ICGC DE-​Mining con­sor­tium; BLUE­PRINT con­sor­tium, Küp­pers R, Schles­ner M, Sie­bert R. Muta­tio­nal mecha­nisms sha­ping the coding and non­co­ding genome of ger­mi­nal cen­ter deri­ved B-​cell lym­pho­mas. Leuke­mia. 2021 Jul;35(7):2002-2016. doi: 10.1038/s41375-021-01251-z. Epub 2021 May 5. PMID: 33953289; PMCID: PMC8257491.

Mül­ler S, Mayer S, Möl­ler P, Barth TFE, Mari­en­feld R. Spa­tial dis­tri­bu­tion of immune check­point pro­te­ins in his­to­lo­gi­cal sub­ty­pes of lung ade­no­c­ar­ci­noma. Neo­pla­sia. 2021 Jun;23(6):584-593. doi: 10.1016/j.neo.2021.05.005. Epub 2021 Jun 5. PMID: 34102454; PMCID: PMC8190489.

Arnold F, Gout J, Wiese H, Weis­sin­ger SE, Roger E, Perk­ho­fer L, Wal­ter K, Schei­ble J, Prelli Bozzo C, Lechel A, Ettrich TJ, Azoi­tei N, Hao L, Fürst­ber­ger A, Kamin­ska EK, Spar­rer KMJ, Rasche V, Wiese S, Kest­ler HA, Möl­ler P, Seuf­fer­lein T, Frap­part PO, Kle­ger A. RINT1 Regu­la­tes SUMOy­la­tion and the DNA Damage Response to Pre­serve Cel­lu­lar Homeo­sta­sis in Pan­crea­tic Can­cer. Can­cer Res. 2021 Apr 1;81(7):1758-1774. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-20-2633. Epub 2021 Feb 2. PMID: 33531371.

Gull HH, Kara­dag C, Sen­ger B, Sorg RV, Möl­ler P, Mel­lert K, Stei­ger HJ, Hänggi D, Cor­ne­lius JF. Cipro­flo­xa­cin enhan­ces pho­to­to­xi­city of 5-​aminolevulinic acid media­ted pho­to­dy­na­mic treat­ment for chor­doma cell lines. Pho­to­dia­gno­sis Pho­to­dyn Ther. 2021 Sep;35:102346. doi: 10.1016/j.pdpdt.2021.102346. Epub 2021 May 24. PMID: 34038764.

Wie­den­mann S, Breu­nig M, Merkle J, von Toerne C, Geor­giev T, Moussus M, Schulte L, Seuf­fer­lein T, Sterr M, Lickert H, Weis­sin­ger SE, Möl­ler P, Hauck SM, Hoh­wie­ler M, Kle­ger A, Meier M. Single-​cell-resolved dif­fe­ren­tia­tion of human indu­ced plu­ri­po­tent stem cells into pan­crea­tic duct-​like orga­no­ids on a microwell chip. Nat Bio­med Eng. 2021 Aug;5(8):897-913. doi: 10.1038/s41551-021-00757-2. Epub 2021 Jul 8. PMID: 34239116; PMCID: PMC7611572.

Vahl JM, Wigand MC, Den­kin­ger M, Dall­meier D, Stei­ger C, Welke C, Kuhn P, Idel C, Doe­scher J, von Witz­le­ben A, Brand M, Mari­en­feld R, Möl­ler P, Theodo­raki MN, Greve J, Schuler PJ, Brun­ner C, Hoff­mann TK, Laban S. Incre­a­sing Mean Age of Head and Neck Can­cer Pati­ents at a Ger­man Ter­ti­ary Refer­ral Cen­ter. Can­cers (Basel). 2021 Feb 17;13(4):832. doi: 10.3390/can­cers13040832. PMID: 33671152; PMCID: PMC7922863.

Lein­auer B, Wolf E, Wer­ner M, Baum­hoer D, Brei­ning T, Luebke AM, Maas R, Schult­heiß M, von Baer A, Sufi-​Siavach A, Moritz C, Geiß­ler S, Mel­lert K, Möl­ler P, Barth TFE, Jundt G. H3F3A-​mutated giant cell tumour of bone wit­hout giant cells-​clinical pre­sen­ta­tion, radio­logy and his­to­logy of three cases. His­to­pa­tho­logy. 2021 Nov;79(5):720-730. doi: 10.1111/his.14401. Epub 2021 Jul 21. PMID: 33991114.

Weis­sin­ger SE, Zahn M, Mari­en­feld R, Tess­mer C, Mol­den­hauer G, Möl­ler P. A new relia­ble and highly spe­ci­fic mono­clo­nal anti­body to detect the C-​terminal region of silen­cer of cyto­kine signa­ling 1. Eur J Hae­ma­tol. 2021 Jul;107(1):74-80. doi: 10.1111/ejh.13620. Epub 2021 May 6. PMID: 33714214.

Gru­nen­berg A, Kai­ser LM, Woel­fle S, Schmelzle B, Viar­dot A, Möl­ler P, Barth TFE, Muche R, Drey­haupt J, Rade­rer M, Kie­se­wet­ter B, Buske C. A phase II study of the PI3K inhi­bi­tor cop­an­li­sib in com­bi­na­tion with the anti-​CD20 mono­clo­nal anti­body ritu­xi­mab for pati­ents with mar­gi­nal zone lym­phoma: treat­ment ratio­nale and pro­to­col design of the COUP-1 trial. BMC Can­cer. 2021 Jun 29;21(1):749. doi: 10.1186/s12885-021-08464-6. PMID: 34187401; PMCID: PMC8243426.

Weis­sin­ger SE, Zahn M, Mari­en­feld R, Tess­mer C, Mol­den­hauer G, Möl­ler P. Com­bi­na­tion of two mono­clo­nal anti­bo­dies with SOCS1 N- and C-​terminal bin­ding sites to address SOCS1 sta­tus in B cells and B-​cell lym­phoma. Eur J Hae­ma­tol. 2021 Dec 1. doi: 10.1111/ejh.13730. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34854137.

Hasen­fratz M, Mel­lert K, Mari­en­feld R, von Baer A, Schult­heiss M, Roit­man PD, Aponte-​Tinao LA, Leh­ner B, Möl­ler P, Mech­ters­hei­mer G, Barth TFE. Pro­fi­ling of three H3F3A-​mutated and denosumab-​treated giant cell tumors of bone points to diver­ging pathways during pro­gres­sion and mali­gnant trans­for­ma­tion. Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 11;11(1):5709. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-85319-x. PMID: 33707617; PMCID: PMC7952552.

Pura­nik AD, Dro­main C, Fle­sh­ner N, Sathekge M, Pavel M, Eber­hardt N, Zen­ger­ling F, Mari­en­feld R, Gru­nert M, Pra­sad V. Tar­get Hete­ro­gen­eity in Onco­logy: The Best Pre­dic­tor for Dif­fe­ren­tial Response to Radio­li­gand The­rapy in Neu­ro­en­docrine Tumors and Pro­state Can­cer. Can­cers (Basel). 2021 Jul 19;13(14):3607. doi: 10.3390/can­cers13143607. PMID: 34298822; PMCID: PMC8304541.

Deniz M, Zen­ger­ling F, Gun­delach T, Moreno-​Villanueva M, Bürkle A, Janni W, Bolenz C, Kos­tezka S, Mari­en­feld R, Ben­cken­dorff J, Friedl TWP, Wies­mül­ler L, Rall-​Scharpf M. Age-​related acti­vity of Poly (ADP-​Ribose) Poly­me­rase (PARP) in men with loca­li­zed pro­state can­cer. Mech Age­ing Dev. 2021 Jun;196:111494. doi: 10.1016/j.mad.2021.111494. Epub 2021 Apr 19. PMID: 33887280.

Vahl JM, Wigand MC, Den­kin­ger M, Dall­meier D, Stei­ger C, Welke C, Kuhn P, Idel C, Doe­scher J, von Witz­le­ben A, Brand M, Mari­en­feld R, Möl­ler P, Theodo­raki MN, Greve J, Schuler PJ, Brun­ner C, Hoff­mann TK, Laban S. Incre­a­sing Mean Age of Head and Neck Can­cer Pati­ents at a Ger­man Ter­ti­ary Refer­ral Cen­ter. Can­cers (Basel). 2021 Feb 17;13(4):832. doi: 10.3390/can­cers13040832. PMID: 33671152; PMCID: PMC7922863.

Saal­feld FC, Wen­zel C, Chris­to­pou­los P, Merkelbach-​Bruse S, Reis­sig TM, Laß­mann S, Thiel S, Strat­mann JA, Mari­en­feld R, Ber­ger J, Desuki A, Velt­haus JL, Kauffmann-​Guerrero D, Sten­zin­ger A, Michels S, Herold T, Kra­mer M, Herold S, Tuf­man A, Loges S, Alt J, Joos­ten M, Schmidtke-​Schrezenmeier G, Sebas­tian M, Stephan-​Falkenau S, Wal­ler CF, Wies­weg M, Wolf J, Tho­mas M, Aust DE, Wermke M; Natio­nal Net­work Geno­mic Medi­cine Lung Can­cer (nNGM). Effi­cacy of Immune Check­point Inhi­bi­tors Alone or in Com­bi­na­tion With Che­mo­the­rapy in NSCLC Har­bo­ring ERBB2 Muta­ti­ons. J Tho­rac Oncol. 2021 Nov;16(11):1952-1958. doi: 10.1016/j.jtho.2021.06.025. Epub 2021 Jul 8. PMID: 34245914.

Vogele D, Beck A, Deniz M, Hüner B, Bolenz C, Beer M, Schmidt SA, Kloth C. Sel­te­ner Fall einer abdo­mi­nel­len Raum­for­de­rung bei einer schwan­ge­ren Pati­en­tin [Rare case of an abdo­mi­nal mass in a pregnant pati­ent]. Radio­loge. 2021 May;61(5):483-486. Ger­man. doi: 10.1007/s00117-021-00808-4. Epub 2021 Jan 28. PMID: 33507319.

Laut AK, Dor­ne­burg C, Fürst­ber­ger A, Barth TFE, Kest­ler HA, Deba­tin KM, Bel­tin­ger C. CHD5 inhi­bits metasta­sis of neu­ro­blas­toma. Onco­gene. 2021 Nov 17. doi: 10.1038/s41388-021-02081-0. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34789839.

Rei­ter R, Hoff­mann T, Barth T. Inflam­ma­to­ri­scher myo­fi­bro­blastä­rer Tumor der Stimm­lippe [Inflam­ma­tory myo­fi­bro­blastic tumor of the vocal fold]. Laryn­gor­hi­noo­to­lo­gie. 2021 Dec;100(12):997-998. Ger­man. doi: 10.1055/a-1479-2838. Epub 2021 May 10. PMID: 33971686.

Polish LB, Pritt B, Barth TFE, Gott­stein B, O'Con­nell EM, Gib­son PC. First European Haplo­type of Echi­no­coc­cus mul­ti­lo­cu­la­ris Iden­ti­fied in the United Sta­tes: An Emer­ging Disease? Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Apr 8;72(7):1117-1123. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa245. PMID: 32198510; PMCID: PMC8028098.

Krü­ger J, Groß R, Con­zel­mann C, Mül­ler JA, Koepke L, Spar­rer KMJ, Weil T, Schütz D, Seuf­fer­lein T, Barth TFE, Sten­ger S, Hel­ler S, Münch J, Kle­ger A. Drug Inhi­bi­tion of SARS-​CoV-2 Repli­ca­tion in Human Plu­ri­po­tent Stem Cell-​Derived Inte­sti­nal Orga­no­ids. Cell Mol Gas­tro­en­te­rol Hepa­tol. 2021;11(4):935-948. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2020.11.003. Epub 2020 Nov 10. PMID: 33186749; PMCID: PMC7655023.

Maitz A, Hauss­ner F, Brau­mül­ler S, Hoff­mann A, Lupu L, Wach­ter U, Rader­ma­cher P, Braun CK, Wilke HJ, Vogt M, Igna­tius A, Halb­ge­bauer R, Bettac L, Barth TFE, Huber-​Lang M, Pal­mer A. Temporal-​spatial organ response after blast-​induced expe­ri­men­tal blunt abdo­mi­nal trauma. FASEB J. 2021 Dec;35(12):e22038. doi: 10.1096/fj.202100995R. PMID: 34748229.

Mül­ler JA, Groß R, Con­zel­mann C, Krü­ger J, Merle U, Stein­hart J, Weil T, Koepke L, Bozzo CP, Read C, Fois G, Eise­ler T, Gehr­mann J, van Vuuren J, Wess­be­cher IM, Frick M, Costa IG, Breu­nig M, Grü­ner B, Peters L, Schus­ter M, Lie­bau S, Seuf­fer­lein T, Sten­ger S, Sten­zin­ger A, Mac­Do­nald PE, Kirch­hoff F, Spar­rer KMJ, Walt­her P, Lickert H, Barth TFE, Wag­ner M, Münch J, Hel­ler S, Kle­ger A. SARS-​CoV-2 infects and repli­ca­tes in cells of the human endocrine and exocrine pan­creas. Nat Metab. 2021 Feb;3(2):149-165. doi: 10.1038/s42255-021-00347-1. Epub 2021 Feb 3. PMID: 33536639.

Barth TFE, Casulli A. Mor­pho­lo­gi­cal Cha­rac­te­ristics of Alveo­lar and Cystic Echi­no­coc­co­sis Lesi­ons in Human Liver and Bone. Patho­gens. 2021 Oct 14;10(10):1326. doi: 10.3390/patho­gens10101326. PMID: 34684275; PMCID: PMC8537120.

Breu­nig M, Merkle J, Wag­ner M, Mel­zer MK, Barth TFE, Engleit­ner T, Krumm J, Wie­den­mann S, Cohrs CM, Perk­ho­fer L, Jain G, Krü­ger J, Her­mann PC, Schmid M, Madácsy T, Varga Á, Gri­ger J, Azoi­tei N, Mül­ler M, Wes­sely O, Robey PG, Hel­ler S, Dan­tes Z, Rei­chert M, Günes C, Bolenz C, Kuhn F, Maléth J, Speier S, Lie­bau S, Sipos B, Kus­ter B, Seuf­fer­lein T, Rad R, Meier M, Hoh­wie­ler M, Kle­ger A. Mode­ling plasti­city and dys­pla­sia of pan­crea­tic duc­tal orga­no­ids deri­ved from human plu­ri­po­tent stem cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2021 Jun 3;28(6):1105-1124.e19. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2021.03.005. Epub 2021 Apr 28. PMID: 33915078; PMCID: PMC8461636.

Kelany M, Barth TF, Salem D, Shak­weer MM. Pre­va­lence and Pro­gno­stic Impli­ca­ti­ons of PD-L1 Expres­sion in Soft Tis­sue Sar­co­mas. Pathol Oncol Res. 2021 Jul 1;27:1609804. doi: 10.3389/pore.2021.1609804. PMID: 34276259; PMCID: PMC8280295.

Die­sin­ger T, Laut­wein A, Berg­ler S, Buckert D, Renz C, Dvor­sky R, Buko V, Kirko S, Schnei­der E, Kuchen­bauer F, Kumar M, Günes C, Genze F, Büchele B, Sim­met T, Hasl­beck M, Masur K, Barth T, Müller-​Enoch D, Wirth T, Haeh­ner T. A New CYP2E1 Inhi­bi­tor, 12-​Imidazolyl-1-​dodecanol, Repres­ents a Poten­tial Treat­ment for Hepa­to­cel­lu­lar Car­ci­noma. Can J Gas­tro­en­te­rol Hepa­tol. 2021 Feb 2;2021:8854432. doi: 10.1155/2021/8854432. PMID: 33604316; PMCID: PMC7872744.

Beu­tel AK, Schütte L, Schei­ble J, Roger E, Mül­ler M, Perk­ho­fer L, Kest­ler AMTU, Kraus JM, Kest­ler HA, Barth TFE, Lemke J, Korn­mann M, Ettrich TJ, Gout J, Seuf­fer­lein T, Kle­ger A. A Pro­spec­tive Fea­si­bi­lity Trial to Challenge Patient-​ Deri­ved Pan­crea­tic Can­cer Orga­no­ids in Pre­dic­ting Treat­ment Response. Can­cers (Basel). 2021 May 21;13(11):2539. doi: 10.3390/can­cers13112539. PMID: 34064221; PMCID: PMC8196829.

Grimm J, Krickl J, Beck A, Nell J, Berg­mann M, Tappe D, Grü­ner B, Barth TF, Brehm K. Estab­li­shing and eva­lua­tion of a poly­me­rase chain reac­tion for the detec­tion of Echi­no­coc­cus mul­ti­lo­cu­la­ris in human tis­sue. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2021 Feb 25;15(2):e0009155. doi: 10.1371/jour­nal.pntd.0009155. PMID: 33630840; PMCID: PMC7906421.

Dezsényi B, Dubóczki Z, Strausz T, Csu­lak E, Czoma V, Káposztás Z, Fehérvári M, Somorácz Á, Csi­lek A, Oláh A, Almási K, Pato­nai A, Görög D, Széll Z, Tol­nai Z, Sréter T, Danka J, Auer H, Grü­ner B, Barth TFE, Casulli A. Emer­ging human alveo­lar echi­no­coc­co­sis in Hun­gary (2003-2018): a retro­spec­tive case series ana­ly­sis from a multi-​centre study. BMC Infect Dis. 2021 Feb 10;21(1):168. doi: 10.1186/s12879-021-05859-5. PMID: 33568075; PMCID: PMC7877032.

Stu­deny T, Krat­zer W, Schmid­ber­ger J, Grae­ter T, Barth TFE, Hil­len­brand A. Ana­ly­sis of vas­cu­la­riza­tion in thy­roid gland nodes with superb micro­va­s­cu­lar ima­ging (SMI) and CD34 expres­sion his­to­logy: a pilot study. BMC Med Ima­ging. 2021 Oct 30;21(1):159. doi: 10.1186/s12880-021-00690-5. PMID: 34717558; PMCID: PMC8557585.

Kop­pen T, Barth TFE, Eich­horn KW, Gabri­el­pil­lai J, Kader R, Bootz F, Send T. Alveo­lar Echi­no­coc­co­sis of the Paro­tid Gland-​An Ultra Rare Loca­tion Repor­ted from Wes­tern Europe. Patho­gens. 2021 Apr 3;10(4):426. doi: 10.3390/patho­gens10040426. PMID: 33916650; PMCID: PMC8067166.

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Möl­ler P. Unser Immun­sys­tem – der Staat im Staate [Our immune system-​state within the state]. Patho­loge. 2020 May;41(3):209-210. Ger­man. doi: 10.1007/s00292-020-00777-w. PMID: 32342203.

Fischer-​Posovszky P, Möl­ler P. Das Fett­ge­webe im Fokus des Immun­sys­tems: adi­po­si­ta­s­as­so­zi­ierte Inflam­ma­tion [The immune sys­tem of adi­pose tis­sue: obesity-​associated inflam­ma­tion]. Patho­loge. 2020 May;41(3):224-229. Ger­man. doi: 10.1007/s00292-020-00782-z. PMID: 32253498.

Geh­rin­ger F, Weis­sin­ger SE, Möl­ler P, Wirth T, Ushmo­rov A. Phy­sio­lo­gi­cal levels of the PTEN-​PI3K-AKT axis acti­vity are requi­red for main­ten­ance of Bur­kitt lym­phoma. Leuke­mia. 2020 Mar;34(3):857-871. doi: 10.1038/s41375-019-0628-0. Epub 2019 Nov 12. PMID: 31719683; PMCID: PMC7214272.

Staiger AM, Hos­ter E, Juri­no­vic V, Win­ter S, Leich E, Kalla C, Möl­ler P, Bernd HW, Fel­ler AC, Koch K, Klap­per W, Stein H, Hans­mann ML, Hart­mann S, Drey­ling M, Wei­gert O, Hid­de­mann W, Herfarth K, Rosen­wald A, Engel­hard M, Ott G, Horn H. Localized-​ and advanced-​stage fol­li­cu­lar lym­pho­mas dif­fer in their gene expres­sion pro­files. Blood. 2020 Jan 16;135(3):181-190. doi: 10.1182/blood.2019000560. PMID: 31697802.

Roos J, Dahl­haus M, Fun­cke JB, Kus­ter­mann M, Strauss G, Halb­ge­bauer D, Bold­rin E, Holz­mann K, Möl­ler P, Tro­ja­now­ski BM, Bau­mann B, Deba­tin KM, Wabitsch M, Fischer-​Posovszky P. miR-146a regu­la­tes insu­lin sen­si­ti­vity via NPR3. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2020 Nov 18. doi: 10.1007/s00018-020-03699-1. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33206203.

Wep­ler M, Preuss JM, Merz T, Hart­mann C, Wach­ter U, McCook O, Vogt J, Kress S, Grö­ger M, Fink M, Scheu­erle A, Möl­ler P, Cal­zia E, Bur­ret U, Rader­ma­cher P, Tucker­mann JP, Vet­to­razzi S. Impai­red Glu­co­cor­ti­coid Recep­tor Dime­riza­tion Aggra­va­tes LPS-​Induced Cir­cu­la­tory and Pul­mo­nary Dys­func­tion. Front Immu­nol. 2020 Jan 23;10:3152. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.03152. PMID: 32038649; PMCID: PMC6990631.

Mayer S, Schmidtke-​Schrezenmeier G, Buske C, Rücker FG, Barth TFE, Möl­ler P, Mari­en­feld R. Res­cue of Non-​Informative Cir­cu­la­ting Tumor DNA to Moni­tor the Muta­tio­nal Land­s­cape in NSCLC. Can­cers (Basel). 2020 Jul 16;12(7):1917. doi: 10.3390/can­cers12071917. PMID: 32708545; PMCID: PMC7409026.

Grimm J, Beck A, Nell J, Schmid­ber­ger J, Hil­len­brand A, Beer AJ, Dezsényi B, Shi R, Beer M, Kern P, Henne-​Bruns D, Krat­zer W, Mol­ler P, Barth TF, Grue­ner B, Grae­ter T. Com­bi­ning Com­pu­ted Tomo­gra­phy and His­to­logy Leads to an Evo­lu­tio­nary Con­cept of Hepa­tic Alveo­lar Echi­no­coc­co­sis. Patho­gens. 2020 Aug 4;9(8):634. doi: 10.3390/patho­gens9080634. PMID: 32759781; PMCID: PMC7459611.

Gru­nen­berg A, Kai­ser LM, Woel­fle S, Schmelzle B, Viar­dot A, Möl­ler P, BarthTF, Muche R, Drey­haupt J, Buske C. Phase II trial eva­lua­ting the effi­cacy and safety of the anti-​CD20 mono­clo­nal anti­body obi­nu­tu­zu­mab in pati­ents with mar­gi­nal zone lym­phoma. Future Oncol. 2020 May;16(13):817-825. doi: 10.2217/fon-2020-0071. Epub 2020 Mar 30. PMID: 32223334.

Beck A, Schulte L, Möl­ler P. Die Auto­im­mu­n­en­te­ro­pa­thie beim Erwach­se­nen : Eine sel­tene und schwie­rige, aber rele­vante Dif­fe­ren­zi­al­dia­gnose der chro­ni­schen Diar­rhö [Auto­im­mune ente­ro­pa­thy in adults : A rare and dif­fi­cult but rele­vant dif­fe­ren­tial dia­gno­sis of chro­nic diar­r­hea]. Patho­loge. 2020 May;41(3):230-237. Ger­man. doi: 10.1007/s00292-020-00769-w. PMID: 32239324.

Hol­ley C, Brei­ning T, Scheit­hauer M, Möl­ler P, Barth TFE. Pri­mä­res extraa­xia­les chon­dro­ides Chor­dom des ante­rio­ren Nasen­sep­tums: Fall­be­richt eines sel­te­nen Chor­doms mit Lite­ra­tur­über­sicht [Pri­mary extra-​axial chon­droid chor­doma of the ante­rior nasal sep­tum: case report of a rare chor­doma with lite­ra­ture review]. HNO. 2020 Oct 23. Ger­man. doi: 10.1007/s00106-020-00957-3. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33095325.

Jachi­mo­wicz RD, Pie­per L, Reinke S, Gon­ta­rewicz A, Plüt­schow A, Haver­kamp H, Frau­en­feld L, Fend F, Over­kamp M, Jochims F, Thorns C, Hans­mann ML, Möl­ler P, Rosen­wald A, Stein H, Rein­hardt HC, Borch­mann P, von Tre­sc­kow B, Engert A, Klap­per W. Ana­ly­sis of the tumor micro­en­vi­ron­ment by whole-​slide image ana­ly­sis iden­ti­fies low B cell con­tent as a pre­dic­tor of adverse out­come in advanced-​ stage clas­si­cal Hodg­kin lym­phoma trea­ted with BEA­COPP. Hae­ma­to­lo­gica. 2020 May 7:hae­ma­tol.2019.243287. doi: 10.3324/hae­ma­tol.2019.243287. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32381573.

Rei­nehr M, Miche­loud C, Grimm F, Kro­nen­berg PA, Grimm J, Beck A, Nell J, Meyer Zu Schwa­be­dis­sen C, Fur­rer E, Müll­haupt B, Barth TFE, Depla­zes P, Weber A. Patho­logy of Echi­no­coc­co­sis: A Mor­pho­lo­gic and Immu­n­o­hi­sto­che­mi­cal Study on 138 Spe­ci­mens With Focus on the Dif­fe­ren­tial Dia­gno­sis Bet­ween Cystic and Alveo­lar Echi­no­coc­co­sis. Am J Surg Pathol. 2020 Jan;44(1):43-54. doi: 10.1097/PAS.0000000000001374. PMID: 31567204.

Roger E, Gout J, Arnold F, Beu­tel AK, Mül­ler M, Abaei A, Barth TFE, Rasche V, Seuf­fer­lein T, Perk­ho­fer L, Kle­ger A. Main­ten­ance The­rapy for ATM-​Deficient Pan­crea­tic Can­cer by Mul­ti­ple DNA Damage Response Inter­fe­ren­ces after Platinum-​ Based Che­mo­the­rapy. Cells. 2020 Sep 16;9(9):2110. doi: 10.3390/cells9092110. PMID: 32948057; PMCID: PMC7563330.

Grae­ter T, Eber­hardt N, Shi R, Schmid­ber­ger J, Beer AJ, Beer M, Henne-​Bruns D, Hil­len­brand A, Barth TFE, Grimm J, Krat­zer W, Grue­ner B. Hepa­tic alveo­lar echi­no­coc­co­sis: cor­re­la­tion bet­ween com­pu­ted tomo­gra­phy mor­pho­logy and inflam­ma­tory acti­vity in posi­tron emis­sion tomo­gra­phy. Sci Rep. 2020 Jul 16;10(1):11808. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68624-9. PMID: 32678174; PMCID: PMC7366930.

Polish LB, Pritt B, Barth TFE, Gott­stein B, O'Con­nell EM, Gib­son PC. Echi­no­coc­cus mul­ti­lo­cu­la­ris: First European haplo­type iden­ti­fied in the United Sta­tes: An emer­ging disease? Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Mar 21:ciaa245. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa245. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32198510.

Krü­ger J, Groß R, Con­zel­mann C, Mül­ler JA, Koepke L, Spar­rer KMJ, Weil T, Schütz D, Seuf­fer­lein T, Barth TFE, Sten­ger S, Hel­ler S, Münch J, Kle­ger A. Drug Inhi­bi­tion of SARS-​CoV-2 Repli­ca­tion in Human Plu­ri­po­tent Stem Cell-​Derived Inte­sti­nal Orga­no­ids. Cell Mol Gas­tro­en­te­rol Hepa­tol. 2020 Nov 10:S2352-345X(20)30182-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2020.11.003. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33186749; PMCID: PMC7655023.

Grae­ter T, Shi R, Bao HH, Krat­zer W, Barth TFE, Hil­len­brand A, Henne-​Bruns D, Schmid­ber­ger J, Grue­ner B, Li WX; Echi­no­coc­co­sis Study Group Ulm. Follow-​up in hepa­tic alveo­lar echi­no­coc­co­sis under ben­zi­mid­azole the­rapy using com­pu­ted tomo­gra­phy. Chin Med J (Engl). 2020 Jun 20;133(12):1507-1509. doi: 10.1097/CM9.0000000000000874. PMID: 32568942; PMCID: PMC7339307.

Posovszky C, Barth TFE. Der Darm im Fokus des Immun­sys­tems : Sel­tene Darm­er­kran­kun­gen bei pri­mä­ren Immun­de­fek­ten [The gut: cen­ter of immu­nity : Rare inflam­ma­tory bowel disea­ses cau­sed by immun­ode­fi­ci­en­cies]. Patho­loge. 2020 May;41(3):211-223. Ger­man. doi: 10.1007/s00292-020-00775-y. PMID: 32253499.

Fel­ler­mann M, Huch­ler C, Fech­ter L, Kolb T, Wond­any F, Mayer D, Michae­lis J, Sten­ger S, Mel­lert K, Möl­ler P, Barth TFE, Fischer S, Barth H. Clos­tri­dial C3 Toxins Enter and Into­xi­cate Human Den­dri­tic Cells. Toxins (Basel). 2020 Sep 1;12(9):563. doi: 10.3390/toxins12090563. PMID: 32883045; PMCID: PMC7551598.

Mel­lert K, Ben­cken­dorff J, Leit­häu­ser F, Zim­mer­mann K, Wie­gand P, Fras­ca­roli G, Buck M, Malaise M, Hart­mann G, Bar­chet W, Fürst D, Myti­li­neos J, Mayer-​Steinacker R, Viar­dot A, Möl­ler P. U-DCS:  cha­rac­te­riza­tion of the first per­ma­nent human den­dri­tic sar­coma cell line. Sci­Rep. 2020 Dec

Schmid T, Maier J, Mar­tin M, Tas­do­gan A, Tausch E, Barth TFE, Stil­gen­bauer S, Blo­eh­dorn J, Möl­ler P, Mel­lert K. U-RT1 – a New Model for Rich­ter Trans­for­ma­tion. Neo­ple­sia. 2020 Dec

Grü­ne­wald TG, Alonso M, Avnet S, Banito A, Bur­dach S, Cidre-​Aranaz F, Di Pompo G, Dis­tel M, Dorado-​Garcia H, Garcia-​Castro J, González-​González L, Gri­go­ria­dis AE, Kasan M, Koel­sche C, Krumbholz M, Lecanda F, Lemma S, Longo DL, Madrigal-​Esquivel C, Morales-​Molina Á, Musa J, Ohmura S, Ory B, Pereira-​Silva M, Perut F, Rodri­guez R, See­ling C, Al Shaaili N, Shaa­bani S, Shia­vone K, Sinha S, Tomazou EM, Traut­mann M, Vela M, Versleijen-​Jonkers YM, Vis­gauss J, Zala­cain M, Scho­ber SJ, Lis­sat A, Eng­lish WR, Bal­dini N, Heymann D. Sar­coma treat­ment in the era of mole­cu­lar medi­cine. EMBO Mol Med. 2020 Oct 13;12(11):e11131. doi: 10.15252/emmm.201911131. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33047515; PMCID: PMC7645378.

Frap­part PO, Wal­ter K, Gout J, Beu­tel AK, Morawe M, Arnold F, Breu­nig M, Barth TF, Mari­en­feld R, Schulte L, Ettrich T, Hackert T, Svin­a­renko M, Rös­ler R, Wiese S, Wiese H, Perk­ho­fer L, Mül­ler M, Lechel A, Sainz B Jr, Her­mann PC, Seuf­fer­lein T, Kle­ger A. Pan­crea­tic cancer-​derived orga­no­ids - a disease mode­ling tool to pre­dict drug response. United European Gas­tro­en­te­rol J. 2020 Jun;8(5):594-606. doi: 10.1177/2050640620905183. Epub 2020 Feb 19. Erra­tum in: United European Gas­tro­en­te­rol J. 2020 Oct;8(8):987. PMID: 32213029; PMCID: PMC7268941.

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Reis­ser T, Halb­ge­bauer D, Scheu­rer J, Wolf L, Leit­häu­ser F, Bey­ers­dorf N, Fischer-​Posovszky P, Deba­tin KM, Strauss G. In vitro-​generated alloantigen-​ spe­ci­fic Th9 cells mediate anti­leuke­mia cyto­to­xi­city in the absence of graft-​ versus-​host disease. Leuke­mia. 2020 Jul;34(7):1943-1948. doi: 10.1038/s41375-020-0731-2. Epub 2020 Feb 7. PMID: 32034284; PMCID: PMC7326704.

Scheu­rer J, Reis­ser T, Leit­häu­ser F, Mess­mann JJ, Holz­mann K, Deba­tin KM, Strauss G. Rapamycin-​based graft-​versus-host disease pro­phy­la­xis incre­a­ses the immu­no­sup­pres­si­vity of myeloid-​derived sup­pres­sor cells wit­hout affec­ting T cells and anti-​tumor cyto­to­xi­city. Clin Exp Immu­nol. 2020 Dec;202(3):407-422. doi: 10.1111/cei.13496. Epub 2020 Aug 1. PMID: 32681646; PMCID: PMC7670162.

Kloth C, Brei­ning T, Wowra T, Hönig M, Beck A, Beer M, Schmidt SA. Hepa­to­li­en­ale Can­di­dose als sel­tene Dif­fe­ren­zi­al­dia­gnose dis­se­mi­nier­ter klein­her­di­ger Paren­chym­ver­än­de­run­gen [Hepa­to­li­enal can­di­do­sis as a rare dif­fe­ren­tial dia­gno­sis of dis­se­mi­na­ted small paren­chym lesi­ons]. Dtsch Med Wochen­schr. 2020 Jul;145(13):912-916. Ger­man. doi: 10.1055/a-1164-0043. Epub 2020 Jul 2. PMID: 32615606.

Kloth C, Roß­kopf J, Schmidt SA, Wowra T, Gems R, Beck A, Vogele D. Abdo­mi­nelle Schmer­zen und Anämie eines jugend­li­chen Pati­en­ten [Abdo­mi­nal pain and anae­mia in a young pati­ent]. Radio­loge. 2020 Sep 4. Ger­man. doi: 10.1007/s00117-020-00740-z. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32886160.

Kloth C, Beck A, Wit­tau M, Thaiss WM, Vogele D, Beer M, Schmidt SA. Sel­te­ner Fall eines Pan­kre­as­tu­mors im höhe­ren Lebens­al­ter [Rare case of a pan­crea­tic neo­plasm in an older pati­ent]. Radio­loge. 2020 Nov;60(11):1066-1068. Ger­man. doi: 10.1007/s00117-020-00725-y. PMID: 32705321.

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Loeffler-​Wirth H, Kreuz M, Hopp L, Ara­kelyan A, Haake A, Cogliatti SB, Fel­ler AC, Hans­mann ML, Lenze D, Möl­ler P, Müller-​Hermelink HK, For­ten­ba­cher E, Will­scher E, Ott G, Rosen­wald A, Pott C, Schwae­nen C, Traut­mann H, Wes­sen­dorf S, Stein H, Szc­ze­panow­ski M, Trüm­per L, Hum­mel M, Klap­per W, Sie­bert R, Loeff­ler M, Bin­der H; Ger­man Can­cer Aid con­sor­tium Mole­cu­lar Mecha­nisms for Mali­gnant Lym­phoma. A modu­lar tran­scriptome map of mature B cell lym­pho­mas. Genome Med. 2019 Apr 30;11(1):27. doi: 10.1186/s13073-019-0637-7. PMID: 31039827; PMCID: PMC6492344.

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Mel­lert K, Mar­tin M, Len­n­erz JK, Lüdeke M, Staiger AM, Kreuz M, Löff­ler M, Schmitz N, Trüm­per L, Fel­ler AC, Hart­mann S, Hans­mann ML, Klap­per W, Stein H, Rosen­wald A, Ott G, Zie­pert M, Möl­ler P. The impact of SOCS1 muta­ti­ons in dif­fuse large B-​cell lym­phoma. Br J Hae­ma­tol. 2019 Dec;187(5):627-637. doi: 10.1111/bjh.16147. Epub 2019 Aug 12. PMID: 31407320; PMCID: PMC6899586.

Ott G, Klap­per W, Fel­ler AC, Hans­mann ML, Möl­ler P, Stein H, Rosen­wald A, Fend F. Revi­dierte Fas­sung der 4. Aus­gabe der WHO-​Klassifikation mali­gner Lym­phome : Was ist neu? [Revi­sed ver­sion of the 4th edi­tion of the WHO clas­si­fi­ca­tion of mali­gnant lym­pho­mas : What is new?]. Patho­loge. 2019 Mar;40(2):157-168. Ger­man. doi: 10.1007/s00292-018-0456-4. PMID: 30019203.

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Klap­per W, Fend F, Fel­ler A, Hans­mann ML, Möl­ler P, Stein H, Rosen­wald A, Ott G. Aggres­sive B‑Zell-​Lymphome : Emp­feh­lun­gen des Deut­schen Panels der Refe­renz­pa­tho­lo­gen im Kom­pe­tenz­netz Mali­gne Lym­phome e. V. zum dia­gnos­ti­schen Vor­ge­hen nach der aktu­el­len WHO-​Klassifikation, Update 2017 [Aggres­sive B‑cell lym­pho­mas : Recom­men­da­ti­ons from the Ger­man Panel of Refe­rence Patho­lo­gists in the Com­pe­tence Net­work on Mali­gnant Lym­pho­mas on dia­gno­stic pro­ce­du­res accor­ding to the cur­rent WHO clas­si­fi­ca­tion, update 2017]. Patho­loge. 2019 Mar;40(2):152-156. Ger­man. doi: 10.1007/s00292-018-0440-z. PMID: 29666909.

Wep­ler M, Preuss JM, Merz T, Hart­mann C, Wach­ter U, McCook O, Vogt J, Kress S, Grö­ger M, Fink M, Scheu­erle A, Möl­ler P, Cal­zia E, Bur­ret U, Rader­ma­cher P, Tucker­mann JP, Vet­to­razzi S. Impai­red Glu­co­cor­ti­coid Recep­tor Dime­riza­tion Aggra­va­tes LPS-​Induced Cir­cu­la­tory and Pul­mo­nary Dys­func­tion. Front Immu­nol. 2020 Jan 23;10:3152. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.03152. PMID: 32038649; PMCID: PMC6990631.

Myti­li­neos D, Hoff­mann TK, Brun­ner C, Weiß­in­ger S, Möl­ler P, Doe­scher J. Sub­ku­tane „Perl­schnur“ nach Neck-​Dissection unter adju­van­ter Radia­tio [Sub­cuta­neous for­eign body gra­nu­loma after neck dis­sec­tion and adju­vant radia­tion]. HNO. 2019 Dec;67(12):948-951. Ger­man. doi: 10.1007/s00106-019-0700-0. PMID: 31187149.

Posovszky C, Sirin M, Jac­obsen E, Lorenz M, Schwarz K, Schmidt-​Choudhury A, Rotho­eft T, Schuetz C, Hönig M, Deba­tin KM, Schulz A, Möl­ler P, Barth TF. Per­sis­ting ente­ro­pa­thy and dis­tur­bed adap­tive muco­sal immu­nity due to MHC class II defi­ci­ency. Clin Immu­nol. 2019 Jun;203:125-133. doi: 10.1016/j.clim.2019.04.012. Epub 2019 Apr 24. PMID: 31028919.

Gaebler N, Hag­gen­mül­ler B, Kapapa M, Serra A, Tews D, Fun­cke JB, Brandt S, Ioan­nidis V, Schön M, Möl­ler P, Deba­tin KM, Wabitsch M, Fischer-​Posovszky P. Age- and BMI-​Associated Expres­sion of Angio­ge­nic Fac­tors in White Adi­pose Tis­sue of Child­ren. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Oct 21;20(20):5204. doi: 10.3390/ijms20205204. PMID: 31640116; PMCID: PMC6829445.

Doe­scher J, Weis­sin­ger SE, Schön­stei­ner SS, Lis­son C, Bul­lin­ger L, Barth TF, Leit­häu­ser F, Mueller-​Richter U, Laban S, Hoff­mann TK, Möl­ler P, Len­n­erz JK, Schuler PJ. Cli­ni­cal uti­lity of a protein-​based onco­pa­nel in pati­ents with end- stage head and neck can­cer. Immu­n­o­the­rapy. 2019 Oct;11(14):1193-1203. doi: 10.2217/imt-2019-0041. Epub 2019 Aug 29. PMID: 31462115.

Datz­mann T, Kapapa T, Scheu­erle A, McCook O, Merz T, Unmuth S, Hoff­mann A, Mathieu R, Mayer S, Mauer UM, Röh­rer S, Yilmazer-​Hanke D, Möl­ler P, Nuss­baum BL, Cal­zia E, Grö­ger M, Hart­mann C, Rader­ma­cher P, Wep­ler M. In-​depth cha­rac­te­riza­tion of a long-​term, resus­ci­ta­ted model of acute sub­du­ral hematoma-​ indu­ced brain injury. J Neu­ro­surg. 2019 Dec 20:1-12. doi: 10.3171/2019.9.JNS191789. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 31860806.

Geh­rin­ger F, Weis­sin­ger SE, Möl­ler P, Wirth T, Ushmo­rov A. Phy­sio­lo­gi­cal levels of the PTEN-​PI3K-AKT axis acti­vity are requi­red for main­ten­ance of Bur­kitt lym­phoma. Leuke­mia. 2020 Mar;34(3):857-871. doi: 10.1038/s41375-019-0628-0. Epub 2019 Nov 12. PMID: 31719683; PMCID: PMC7214272.

Wep­ler M, Merz T, Wach­ter U, Vogt J, Cal­zia E, Scheu­erle A, Möl­ler P, Grö­ger M, Kress S, Fink M, Luka­schew­ski B, Rumm G, Stahl B, Geor­gieff M, Huber-​Lang M, Tor­re­grossa R, Whi­te­man M, McCook O, Rader­ma­cher P, Hart­mann C. The Mitochondria-​Targeted H2S-​Donor AP39 in a Murine Model of Com­bi­ned Hemor­rha­gic Shock and Blunt Chest Trauma. Shock. 2019 Aug;52(2):230-239. doi: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000001210. PMID: 29927788.

Posovszky C, Sirin M, Jac­obsen E, Lorenz M, Schwarz K, Schmidt-​Choudhury A, Schütz C, Hönig M, Deba­tin KM, Schulz A, Möl­ler P, Barth TF. Data­set of cli­ni­cal, immu­n­o­his­to­pa­tho­lo­gi­cal and labo­ra­tory fea­tures of pati­ents with MHC II defi­ci­ency suf­fe­ring from ente­ro­pa­thy. Data Brief. 2019 Aug 28;26:104446. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104446. PMID: 31516959; PMCID: PMC6736774.

Böhm MJ, Mari­en­feld R, Jäger D, Mel­lert K, von Witz­le­ben A, Brü­der­lein S, Wit­tau M, von Baer A, Schult­heiss M, Mayer-​Steinacker R, Rücker FG, Möl­ler P, Bul­lin­ger L, Barth TFE. Ana­ly­sis of the CDK4/6 Cell Cycle Pathway in Lei­o­myo­s­ar­co­mas as a Poten­tial Tar­get for Inhi­bi­tion by Pal­bo­ci­c­lib. Sar­coma. 2019 Jan 21;2019:3914232. doi: 10.1155/2019/3914232. PMID: 30804704; PMCID: PMC6360577.

Lüb­be­hü­sen C, Lüke J, See­ling C, Mel­lert K, Mari­en­feld R, von Baer A, Schult­heiss M, Möl­ler P, Barth TFE. Cha­rac­te­riza­tion of Three Novel H3F3A-​mutated Giant Cell Tumor Cell Lines and Tar­ge­ting of Their Wee1 Pathway. Sci Rep. 2019 Apr 23;9(1):6458. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-42611-1. PMID: 31015476; PMCID: PMC6478864.

Rich­ter J, Hütt­mann A, Rekow­ski J, Schmitz C, Gärt­ner S, Rosen­wald A, Hans­mann ML, Hart­mann S, Möl­ler P, Wacker HH, Fel­ler A, Thorns C, Mül­ler S, Dühr­sen U, Klap­per W. Mole­cu­lar cha­rac­te­ristics of dif­fuse large B-​cell lym­phoma in the Posi­tron Emis­sion Tomography-​Guided The­rapy of Aggres­sive Non-​Hodgkin lym­pho­mas (PETAL) trial: cor­re­la­tion with inte­rim PET and out­come. Blood Can­cer J. 2019 Aug 19;9(9):67. doi: 10.1038/s41408-019-0230-8. PMID: 31427567; PMCID: PMC6700149.

Hart­mann C, Grö­ger M, Noir­homme JP, Scheu­erle A, Möl­ler P, Wach­ter U, Huber-​ Lang M, Nuss­baum B, Jung B, Merz T, McCook O, Kress S, Stahl B, Cal­zia E, Geor­gieff M, Rader­ma­cher P, Wep­ler M. In-​Depth Cha­rac­te­riza­tion of the Effects of Ciga­rette Smoke Exposure on the Acute Trauma Response and Hemor­rhage in Mice. Shock. 2019 Jan;51(1):68-77. doi: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000001115. PMID: 29424792.

Hart­mann S, Plüt­schow A, Mot­tok A, Bernd HW, Fel­ler AC, Ott G, Cogliatti S, Fend F, Quintanilla-​Martinez L, Stein H, Klap­per W, Möl­ler P, Rosen­wald A, Engert A, Hans­mann ML, Eiche­nauer DA. The time to relapse cor­re­la­tes with the his­to­pa­tho­lo­gi­cal growth pat­tern in nodu­lar lym­pho­cyte pre­do­mi­nant Hodg­kin lym­phoma. Am J Hema­tol. 2019 Nov;94(11):1208-1213. doi: 10.1002/ajh.25607. Epub 2019 Aug 21. PMID: 31396979.

Geh­rin­ger F, Weis­sin­ger SE, Swier LJ, Möl­ler P, Wirth T, Ushmo­rov A. FOXO1 Con­fers Main­ten­ance of the Dark Zone Pro­li­fe­ra­tion and Sur­vi­val Pro­gram and Can Be Phar­ma­co­lo­gi­cally Tar­ge­ted in Bur­kitt Lym­phoma. Can­cers (Basel). 2019 Sep 25;11(10):1427. doi: 10.3390/can­cers11101427. PMID: 31557894; PMCID: PMC6826697.

Laban S, Gang­kof­ner DS, Holz­in­ger D, Schroe­der L, Eich­mül­ler SB, Zör­nig I, Jäger D, Wich­mann G, Dietz A, Bro­g­lie MA, Herold-​Mende CC, Dyck­hoff G, Boscolo-​ Rizzo P, Ezić J, Mari­en­feld R, Möl­ler P, Kraus JM, Völ­kel G, Kest­ler HA, Brun­ner C, Schuler PJ, Wigand MC, Theodo­raki MN, Doe­scher J, Hoff­mann TK, Paw­lita M, Water­boer T, Butt J. Anti­body Respon­ses to Can­cer Anti­gens Iden­tify Pati­ents with a Poor Pro­gno­sis among HPV-​Positive and HPV-​Negative Head and Neck Squa­mous Cell Car­ci­noma Pati­ents. Clin Can­cer Res. 2019 Dec 15;25(24):7405-7412. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-19-1490. Epub 2019 Aug 23. PMID: 31444248.

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Staiger AM, Alten­buchin­ger M, Zie­pert M, Koh­ler C, Horn H, Hutt­ner M, Hüttl KS, Glehr G, Klap­per W, Szc­ze­panow­ski M, Rich­ter J, Stein H, Fel­ler AC, Möl­ler P, Hans­mann ML, Poe­schel V, Held G, Loeff­ler M, Schmitz N, Trüm­per L, Pukrop T, Rosen­wald A, Ott G, Spang R; Emed Demons­tra­tor Pro­ject; Ger­man High Grade Non- Hodg­kin’s Lym­phoma Study Group (DSHNHL). A novel lymphoma-​associated macro­phage inter­ac­tion signa­ture (LAMIS) pro­vi­des robust risk pro­gno­sti­ca­tion in dif­fuse large B-​cell lym­phoma cli­ni­cal trial cohorts of the DSHNHL. Leuke­mia. 2020 Feb;34(2):543-552. doi: 10.1038/s41375-019-0573-y. Epub 2019 Sep 17. PMID: 31530861.

Gang­kof­ner DS, Holz­in­ger D, Schroe­der L, Eich­mül­ler SB, Zör­nig I, Jäger D, Wich­mann G, Dietz A, Bro­g­lie MA, Herold-​Mende C, Dyck­hoff G, Boscolo-​Rizzo P, Ezic J, Mari­en­feld RB, Möl­ler P, Völ­kel G, Kraus JM, Kest­ler HA, Brun­ner C, Schuler PJ, Wigand M, Theodo­raki MN, Doe­scher J, Hoff­mann TK, Paw­lita M, Butt J, Water­boer T, Laban S. Pat­terns of anti­body respon­ses to non­vi­ral can­cer anti­gens in head and neck squa­mous cell car­ci­noma pati­ents dif­fer by human papil­lo­ma­vi­rus sta­tus. Int J Can­cer. 2019 Dec 15;145(12):3436-3444. doi: 10.1002/ijc.32623. Epub 2019 Aug 26. PMID: 31407331.

Gru­nen­berg A, Möl­ler P, Viar­dot A, Teleanu V, Eier­mann D, Buske C, Barth TF. Unusual trans­for­ma­tion of pri­mary ext­r­ano­dal mar­gi­nal zone B cell lym­phoma of the ute­rus into a nodal fol­li­cu­lar lym­phoma grade IIIB. Ann Hema­tol. 2019 Mar;98(3):797-799. doi: 10.1007/s00277-019-03598-x. Epub 2019 Jan 26. PMID: 30683997.

De Gre­go­rio A, Nagel G, Möl­ler P, Rem­pen A, Schlicht E, Fritz S, Flock F, Kühn T, Thiel F, Fel­ber­baum R, Ebner F, De Gre­go­rio N, Friedl TWP, Wies­mül­ler L, Kuhn P, Schmitt M, Janni W, Rothen­ba­cher D, Huo­ber J. Fea­si­bi­lity of a large multi-​center trans­la­tio­nal rese­arch pro­ject for newly dia­gno­sed breast and ova­rian can­cer pati­ents with affi­lia­ted bio­bank: the BRandO bio­logy and out­come (BiO)-​project. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2020 Jan;301(1):273-281. doi: 10.1007/s00404-019-05395-3. Epub 2019 Nov 28. PMID: 31781887.

Dugge R, Kreipe H, Rosen­wald A, Leh­mann U, Möl­ler P, Barth TFE, Erle­mann R. Coin­ci­dence of lym­pho­matoid gra­nu­lo­ma­to­sis, chro­nic mye­lo­mo­no­cy­tic leuke­mia, and ana­plastic T cell lym­phoma after metho­tre­xate the­rapy for rheu­matoid arthri­tis. Ann Hema­tol. 2019 Feb;98(2):515-517. doi: 10.1007/s00277-018-3434-2. Epub 2018 Jul 7. PMID: 29982850.

Hyper N-​glycosylated SAMD14 and neurabin-​I as dri­ver CNS auto­an­ti­gens of PCNSL
Lorenz Thur­ner, Klaus­Die­ter Preuss, Moritz Bewar­der, Maria Kemele, Nata­lie Fadle, Evi Regitz, Sarah Alt­meyer, Clau­dia Schor­mann, Viola Poe­schel, Marita Zie­pert, Silke Wal­ter, Patrick Roth, Michael Wel­ler, Monika Szc­ze­panow­ski, Wolf­ram Klap­per, Came­lia Mono­ranu, Andreas Rosen­wald, Peter Möl­ler, Syl­via Hart­mann, Mar­tin­Leo Hans­mann, Andreas Macken­sen, Hen­ning Schä­fer, Eli­sa­beth Schorb, Gerald Iller­haus, Rolf Bus­lei, Rai­ner,Maria Bohle, Ste­phan Stil­gen­bauer, Yoo-​Jin Kim and Michael Pfreund­schuh
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[H3F3A muta­ted mul­ti­cen­tric giant cell tumor of bone : A very rare pri­mary bone disease].
Gie­sche JP1, von Baer A2, Brei­ning T3, Mari­en­feld R1, Mel­lert K1, Lüke J1, Schult­heiss M2, Möl­ler P1, Barth TFE4.
Patho­loge. 2018 Sep;39(5):451-456. doi: 10.1007/s00292-018-0460-8.

Advan­ced pati­ent age at dia­gno­sis of dif­fuse large B-​cell lym­phoma is asso­cia­ted with mole­cu­lar cha­rac­te­ristics inclu­ding ABC-​subtype and high expres­sion of MYC.
Paul U1,2, Rich­ter J1,2, Stuhlmann-​Laiesz C2, Kreuz M3, Nagel I1,4, Horn H5,6, Staiger AM5,6, Aukema SM2, Hum­mel M7, Ott G5,6, Spang R8, Rosen­wald A9, Fel­ler AC10, Cogliatti S11, Stein H12, Hans­mann ML13, Mol­ler P14, Szc­ze­panow­ski M2,15, Burk­hardt B16, Pfreund­schuh M17, Schmitz N18, Loeff­ler M3, Trüm­per L19, Sie­bert R1,20, Klap­per W2.
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Coin­ci­dence of lym­pho­matoid gra­nu­lo­ma­to­sis, chro­nic mye­lo­mo­no­cy­tic leuke­mia, and ana­plastic T cell lym­phoma after metho­tre­xate the­rapy for rheu­matoid arthri­tis.
Dugge R1, Kreipe H2, Rosen­wald A3, Leh­mann U2, Möl­ler P1, Barth TFE4, Erle­mann R5.
Ann Hema­tol. 2018 Jul 7. doi: 10.1007/s00277-018-3434-2. [Epub ahead of print]

The Mitochondria-​Targeted H2S-​donor AP39 in a Murine Model of Com­bi­ned Hemor­rha­gic Shock and Blunt Chest Trauma.
Wep­ler M1,2, Merz T1, Wach­ter U1, Vogt J1, Cal­zia E1, Scheu­erle A3, Möl­ler P3, Grö­ger M1, Kress S1, Fink M, Luka­schew­ski B1, Rumm G1, Stahl B1, Geor­gieff M2, Huber-​Lang M4, Tor­re­grossa R5, Whi­te­man M5, McCook O1, Rader­ma­cher P1, Hart­mann C1,2.
Shock. 2018 Jun 20. doi: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000001210. [Epub ahead of print]

Impact of affec­ted lymph nodes on long-​term out­come after sur­gi­cal the­rapy of alveo­lar echi­no­coc­co­sis.
Hil­len­brand A1, Beck A2, Krat­zer W3, Grae­ter T4, Barth TFE2, Schmid­ber­ger J3, Möl­ler P2, Henne-​Bruns D5, Grue­ner B3.
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Amy­loid pre­cur­sor protein-​fragments-containing inclu­si­ons in car­dio­myo­cy­tes with bas­ophi­lic dege­ne­ra­tion and its asso­cia­tion with cere­bral amy­loid angio­pa­thy and myo­car­dial fibro­sis.
Krä­mer LM1, Brett­schnei­der J2, Len­n­erz JK1,3, Wal­cher D4, Fang L5, Rosen­bohm A5, Bal­a­krishnan K1,6, Ben­cken­dorff J1, Möl­ler P1, Just S4, Wil­lem M7, Ludolph AC5, Thal DR8,9,10.
Sci Rep. 2018 Nov 9;8(1):16594. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-34808-7.

Round-​robin test for the cell-​of-origin clas­si­fi­ca­tion of dif­fuse large B-​cell lymphoma-​a fea­si­bi­lity study using full slide staining.
Reinke S1, Rich­ter J2, Fend F3, Fel­ler A4, Hans­mann ML5, Hüttl K6, Oschlies I2, Ott G6, Möl­ler P7, Rosen­wald A8, Stein H9, Alten­buchin­ger M10, Spang R10, Klap­per W2.
Virch­ows Arch. 2018 Sep;473(3):341-349. doi: 10.1007/s00428-018-2367-4. Epub 2018 May 5.

In-​Depth Cha­rac­te­riza­tion of the Effects of Ciga­rette Smoke Exposure on the Acute Trauma Response and Hemor­rhage in Mice.
Hart­mann C1,2, Grö­ger M1, Noir­homme JP1, Scheu­erle A3, Möl­ler P3, Wach­ter U1, Huber-​Lang M4, Nuss­baum B1,2, Jung B5, Merz T1, McCook O1, Kress S1, Stahl B1, Cal­zia E1,2, Geor­gieff M2, Rader­ma­cher P1, Wep­ler M1,2.
Shock. 2018 Feb 8. doi: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000001115. [Epub ahead of print]

GSK3β modu­la­tes NF-κB acti­va­tion and RelB degra­dation through site-​specific phos­pho­ry­la­tion of BCL10.
Abd-​Ellah A1,2, Voogdt C1, Krapp­mann D3, Möl­ler P1, Mari­en­feld RB4.
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Res­to­ring func­tio­nal neu­ro­fi­bro­min by pro­tein trans­duc­tion.
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Sci Rep. 2018 Apr 18;8(1):6171. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-24310-5.

Thirty-​eight-negative kinase 1 media­tes trauma-​induced inte­sti­nal injury and multi-​organ failure.
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YAP Acti­va­tion Dri­ves Liver Rege­ne­ra­tion after Cho­le­sta­tic Damage Indu­ced by Rbpj Dele­tion.
Thare­halli U1, Svin­a­renko M2, Kraus JM3, Kühl­wein SD4, Sze­kely R5, Kiesle U6, Schef­fold A7, Barth TFE8, Kle­ger A9, Schirm­beck R10, Kest­ler HA11, Seuf­fer­lein T12, Oswald F13, Katz SF14, Lechel A15.
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Boos­ting Anti­tu­mor Drug Effi­cacy with Che­mi­cally Engi­nee­red Mul­ti­do­main Pro­te­ins.
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LDHA in Neu­ro­blas­toma Is Asso­cia­ted with Poor Out­come and Its Deple­tion Decre­a­ses Neu­ro­blas­toma Growth Inde­pen­dent of Aero­bic Gly­co­ly­sis.
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Human cystic echi­no­coc­co­sis in Hun­gary (2000-2014): a retro­spec­tive case series ana­ly­sis from a single-​center study.
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U-CH17P, -M and -S, a new cell cul­ture sys­tem for tumor diver­sity and pro­gres­sion in chor­doma.
Jäger D1, Lechel A2, Thare­halli U2, See­ling C1, Möl­ler P1, Barth TFE1, Mel­lert K1.
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Dia­gno­stic value of MRI-​based 3D tex­ture ana­ly­sis for tis­sue cha­rac­te­ri­sa­tion and discri­mi­na­tion of low-​grade chon­dro­sar­coma from enchon­droma: a pilot study.
Lis­son CS1, Lis­son CG1, Flos­dorf K1, Mayer-​Steinacker R2, Schult­heiss M3, von Baer A3, Barth TFE4, Beer AJ5, Baum­hauer M6, Meier R1, Beer M1, Schmidt SA7.
Eur Radiol. 2018 Feb;28(2):468-477. doi: 10.1007/s00330-017-5014-6. Epub 2017 Sep 7.

Bipha­sic syn­ovial sar­coma of the epi­glot­tis: Case report and lite­ra­ture review.
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CK1α over­ex­pres­sion cor­re­la­tes with poor sur­vi­val in colo­rec­tal can­cer.
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Low SOX2 expres­sion marks a dis­tinct sub­set of ade­noid cystic car­ci­noma of the head and neck and is asso­cia­ted with an advan­ced tumor stage.
Thier­auf J(1)(2), Weis­sin­ger SE(3), Veit JA(2), Affol­ter A(1)(4), Lau­re­ano NK(1)(5)(6), Beut­ner D(7)(8), Hei­duschka G(9), Kad­letz L(9), Meyer M(7), Quaas A(10), Plin­kert P(1), Hoff­mann TK(2), Hess J(1)(5).
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Poly­func­tio­na­lity of CD4+ T lym­pho­cy­tes is incre­a­sed after che­mo­ra­dio­the­rapy of head and neck squa­mous cell car­ci­noma.
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[Car­ti­lage, bones, chorda : Mole­cu­lar patho­logy].
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[Notochordal tumors : Benign notochordal tumors and chor­do­mas].
Barth TFE1, von Witz­le­ben A1, Möl­ler P1, Scheil-​Bertram S2,3.
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[New aspects on giant cell tumor of bone].
Lüke J1, Hasen­fratz M1, Möl­ler P1, Barth TFE2.
Patho­loge. 2018 Mar;39(2):125-131. doi: 10.1007/s00292-017-0391-9.

[Pre­sa­cral lesion at the rima ani].
See­ling C1, Hirte C2, Scheu­erle A3, Möl­ler P1, Barth TFE4.
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Lis­son CS, Lis­son CG, Flos­dorf K, Mayer-​Steinacker R, Schult­heiss M, von Baer A, Barth TFE, Beer AJ, Baum­hauer M, Meier R, Beer M, Schmidt SA. Dia­gno­stic value of MRI-​based 3D tex­ture ana­ly­sis for tis­sue cha­rac­te­ri­sa­tion and discri­mi­na­tion of low-​grade chon­dro­sar­coma from enchon­droma: a pilot study. Eur Radiol. 2017 Sep 7. doi: 10.1007/s00330-017-5014-6. [Epub ahead of print] Pub­Med PMID: 28884356.

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Barth TFE, Kraus JM, Laus­ser L, Floss­bach L, Schulte L, Holz­mann K, Kest­ler HA, Möl­ler P. Com­pa­ra­tive gene-​expression pro­fi­ling of the large cell vari­ant of  gastro­in­te­sti­nal marginal-​zone B-​cell lym­phoma. Sci Rep. 2017 Jul 20;7(1):5963. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-05116-3. Pub­Med PMID: 28729720; Pub­Med Cen­tral PMCID: PMC5519735.

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Ricken FJ, Nell J, Grü­ner B, Schmid­ber­ger J, Kal­ten­bach T, Krat­zer W, Hil­len­brand A, Henne-​Bruns D, Depla­zes P, Mol­ler P, Kern P, Barth TFE. Alben­dazole incre­a­ses the inflam­ma­tory response and the amount of Em2-​positive small par­ticles of Echi­no­coc­cus mul­ti­lo­cu­la­ris (spems) in human hepa­tic alveo­lar  echi­no­coc­co­sis lesi­ons. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017 May 25;11(5):e0005636. doi: 10.1371/jour­nal.pntd.0005636. eColl­ec­tion 2017 May. Pub­Med PMID: 28542546; Pub­Med Cen­tral PMCID: PMC5462468.

Staiger AM, Zie­pert M, Horn H, Scott DW, Barth TFE, Bernd HW, Fel­ler AC, Klap­per W, Szc­ze­panow­ski M, Hum­mel M, Stein H, Lenze D, Hans­mann ML, Hart­mann S, Möl­ler P, Cogliatti S, Lenz G, Trüm­per L, Löff­ler M, Schmitz N, Pfreund­schuh M, Rosen­wald A, Ott G; Ger­man High-​Grade Lym­phoma Study Group. Cli­ni­cal Impact of the Cell-​of-Origin Clas­si­fi­ca­tion and the MYC/ BCL2 Dual Expres­ser Sta­tus in Dif­fuse Large B-​Cell Lym­phoma Trea­ted Within Pro­spec­tive Cli­ni­cal Tri­als of the Ger­man High-​Grade Non-​Hodgkin's Lym­phoma Study Group. J Clin Oncol. 2017 Aug 1;35(22):2515-2526. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2016.70.3660. Epub 2017 May 19. Pub­Med PMID: 28525305.

Jäger D, Barth TFE, Brü­der­lein S, Scheu­erle A, Rin­ner B, von Witz­le­ben A, Lechel A, Meyer P, Mayer-​Steinacker R, Baer AV, Schult­heiss M, Wirtz CR, Möl­ler P, Mel­lert K. HOXA7, HOXA9, and HOXA10 are dif­fe­ren­ti­ally expres­sed in cli­val and sacral chor­do­mas. Sci Rep. 2017 May 17;7(1):2032. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-02174-5. Pub­Med PMID: 28515451; Pub­Med Cen­tral PMCID: PMC5435709.

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Hoff­mann TK, Schuler PJ, Laban S, Gräss­lin R, Beer M, Beer AJ, Friebe-​Hoffmann U, Bul­lin­ger L, Möl­ler P, Wie­gel T. Response Eva­lua­tion in Head and Neck Onco­logy: Defi­ni­tion and Pre­dic­tion. ORL J Otor­hi­no­la­ryn­gol Relat Spec.  2017;79(1-2):14-23. doi: 10.1159/000455726. Epub 2017 Feb 24. Pub­Med PMID: 28231577.

Lüke J, von Baer A, Schrei­ber J, Lüb­be­hü­sen C, Brei­ning T, Mel­lert K, Mari­en­feld R, Schult­heiss M, Möl­ler P, Barth TFE. H3F3A muta­tion in giant cell tumour of the bone is detec­ted by immu­n­o­hi­sto­che­mis­try using a mono­clo­nal anti­body against the G34W muta­ted site of the his­tone H3.3 vari­ant. His­to­pa­tho­logy. 2017 Jul;71(1):125-133. doi: 10.1111/his.13190. Epub 2017 Apr 10. Pub­Med PMID: 28211081.

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Weis­sin­ger SE, Frick M, Möl­ler P, Horst BA, Len­n­erz JK. Per­for­mance Testing of RREB1, MYB, and CCND1 Fluo­re­scence In Situ Hybri­diza­tion in Spindle-​Cell and Des­mo­plastic Mel­an­oma Argues for a Two-​Step Test Algo­rithm. Int J Surg Pathol. 2017 Apr;25(2):148-157. doi: 10.1177/1066896916680072. Epub 2016 Nov 30. Pub­Med PMID: 27899693.

Hart­mann C, Haf­ner S, Scheu­erle A, Möl­ler P, Huber-​Lang M, Jung B, Nubaum B,  McCook O, Grö­ger M, Wag­ner F, Weber S, Stahl B, Cal­zia E, Geor­gieff M, Szabó C, Wang R, Rader­ma­cher P, Wag­ner K. The Role of Cystathionine-​γ-Lyase In Blunt Chest Trauma in Ciga­rette Smoke Expo­sed Mice. Shock. 2017 Apr;47(4):491-499. doi: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000000746. Pub­Med PMID: 27685807.

Haf­ner S, Wag­ner K, Weber S, Grö­ger M, Wep­ler M, McCook O, Scheu­erle A, Stahl B, Huber-​Lang M, Jung B, Cal­zia E, Geor­gieff M, Möl­ler P, Frick M, Rader­ma­cher P, Wag­ner F. Role of the Puri­ner­gic Recep­tor P2XR4 After Blunt Chest Trauma in Ciga­rette Smoke-​Exposed Mice. Shock. 2017 Feb;47(2):193-199. doi: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000000726. Pub­Med PMID: 27559703.

Len­n­erz JK, Weis­sin­ger SE, Gers­ten­maier U, Mari­en­feld R, Möl­ler P; net­work pro­ject Mole­cu­lar Mecha­nisms in Mali­gnant Lym­pho­mas. Silen­cer of Cyto­kine Signa­ling 1 gene is not hyper­me­thy­la­ted in dif­fuse large B-​cell lym­phoma. Br J Hae­ma­tol. 2017 Oct;179(1):158-160. doi: 10.1111/bjh.14188. Epub 2016 Jun 15. Pub­Med PMID: 27301865.

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Haf­ner S, Wag­ner K, Weber S, Grö­ger M, Wep­ler M, McCook O, Scheu­erle A, Stahl B, Huber-​Lang M, Jung B, Cal­zia E, Geor­gieff M, Möl­ler P, Frick M, Rader­ma­cher P, Wag­ner F. Role of the Puri­ner­gic Recep­tor P2XR4 After Blunt Chest Trauma in Ciga­rette Smoke-​Exposed Mice. Shock. 2016 Aug 24. [Epub ahead of print].

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Heza­veh K, Klo­et­gen A, Bern­hart SH, Maha­pa­tra KD, Lenze D, Rich­ter J, Haake A, Berg­mann AK, Brors B, Burk­hardt B, Cla­viez A, Drex­ler HG, Eils R, Haas S, Hoff­mann S, Karsch D, Klap­per W, Kleinheinz K, Kor­bel J, Kretz­mer H, Kreuz M, Küp­pers R, Lawe­renz C, Leich E, Loeff­ler M, Mantovani-​Loeffler L, López C, McHardy AC, Möl­ler P, Rohde M, Rosen­stiel P, Rosen­wald A, Schil­ha­bel M, Schles­ner M, Scholz I, Stad­ler PF, Stil­gen­bauer S, Sun­ga­lee S, Szc­ze­panow­ski M, Trüm­per L,  Weni­ger MA, Sie­bert R, Bork­hardt A, Hum­mel M, Hoell JI. Alte­ra­ti­ons of miRNAs and miRNA-​regulated mRNA expres­sion in GC B cell lym­pho­mas deter­mi­ned by inte­gra­tive sequen­cing ana­ly­sis. Hae­ma­to­lo­gica. 2016 Jul 6.

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Len­n­erz JK, Weis­sin­ger SE, Gers­ten­maier U, Mari­en­feld R, Möl­ler P; net­work pro­ject Mole­cu­lar Mecha­nisms in Mali­gnant Lym­pho­mas. Silen­cer of Cyto­kine Signa­ling 1 gene is not hyper­me­thy­la­ted in dif­fuse large B-​cell lym­phoma. Br J Hae­ma­tol. 2016 Jun 1.

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Linear array ultra­sound in low-​grade glioma sur­gery: histology-​based assess­ment of accu­racy in com­pa­ri­son to con­ven­tio­nal intra­ope­ra­tive ultra­sound and intra­ope­ra­tive MRI. 

Acta Neu­ro­chir (Wien). 2015;157(2): 195-206

Cobur­ger J, Scheu­erle A, Thal DR, Engelke J, Hla­vac M, Wirtz CR, König R 


PART, a dis­tinct tauo­pa­thy, dif­fe­rent from clas­si­cal spo­ra­dic Alz­hei­mer disease. 

Acta Neu­ro­pa­thol (Berl). 2015;129(5): 757-62

Jel­lin­ger KA, Alafu­zoff I, Attems J, Beach TG, Cairns NJ, Crary JF, Dick­son DW, Hof PR, Hyman BT, Jack CR, Jicha GA, Knop­man DS, Kovacs GG, Macken­zie IR, Mas­liah E, Mon­tine TJ, Nel­son PT, Schmitt F, Schnei­der JA, Serrano-​Pozo A, Thal DR, Toledo JB, Tro­ja­now­ski JQ, Tron­coso JC, Von­sat­tel JP, Wis­niew­ski T 


Neu­ro­pa­tho­logy and bio­che­mis­try of A? and its aggre­ga­tes in Alz­hei­mer's disease. 

Acta Neu­ro­pa­thol (Berl). 2015;129(2): 167-82

Thal DR, Wal­ter J, Saido TC, Fänd­rich M 


Pro­tein aggre­ga­tion in Alz­hei­mer's disease: A? and ? and their poten­tial roles in the patho­ge­nesis of AD. 

Acta Neu­ro­pa­thol (Berl). 2015;129(2): 163-5

Thal DR, Fänd­rich M 


Impact of amy­loid ? aggre­gate matu­ra­tion on anti­body treat­ment in APP23 mice. 

Acta Neu­ro­pa­thol Com­mun. 2015;3: 41

Bal­a­krishnan K, Rijal Upad­haya A, Stein­metz J, Reich­wald J, Abra­mow­ski D, Fänd­rich M, Kumar S, Yama­guchi H, Wal­ter J, Stau­fen­biel M, Thal DR 


[(18)F]flute­me­ta­mol amy­loid posi­tron emis­sion tomo­gra­phy in pre­cli­ni­cal and sym­pto­ma­tic Alz­hei­mer's disease: spe­ci­fic detec­tion of advan­ced pha­ses of amyloid-​? patho­logy. 

Alz­hei­mers Dement. 2015;11(8): 975-85

Thal DR, Beach TG, Zanette M, Heur­ling K, Cha­kra­barty A, Ismail A, Smith AP, Buck­ley C 


Mutual exacer­ba­tion of per­oxi­some proliferator-​activated recep­tor ? coac­ti­va­tor 1? dere­gu­la­tion and ?-​synuclein oli­go­me­riza­tion. 

Ann Neu­rol. 2015;77(1): 15-32

Esch­bach J, von Einem B, Mül­ler K, Bayer H, Schef­fold A, Mor­ri­son BE, Rudolph KL, Thal DR, Wit­ting A, Weydt P, Otto M, Fau­ler M, Liss B, McLean PJ, Spada AR, Ludolph AC, Weis­haupt JH, Dan­zer KM 


Vali­da­tion of a Manual Pro­to­col for BRAF V600E Mutation-​specific Immu­n­o­hi­sto­che­mis­try. 

Appl Immu­n­o­hi­sto­chem Mol Mor­phol. 2015;23(5): 382-8

Din­ges HC, Cap­per D, Ritz O, Brü­der­lein S, Mari­en­feld R, von Deim­ling A, Möl­ler P, Len­n­erz JK 


Pre­cli­ni­cal Cha­rac­te­riza­tion of Novel Chor­doma Cell Sys­tems and Their Tar­ge­ting by Phar­mo­co­lo­gi­cal Inhi­bi­tors of the CDK4/6 Cell-​Cycle Pathway. 

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von Witz­le­ben A, Goertt­ler LT, Mari­en­feld R, Barth H, Lechel A, Mel­lert K, Böhm M, Korn­mann M, Mayer-​Steinacker R, von Baer A, Schult­heiss M, Fla­na­gan AM, Möl­ler P, Brü­der­lein S, Barth TF 


Echi­no­coc­cus vogeli in immi­grant from Suri­name to the Nether­lands. 

Emerg Infect Dis. 2015;21(3): 528-30

Sti­j­nis K, Dijk­mans AC, Bart A, Bro­sens LA, Mun­tau B, Schoen C, Barth TF, van Gulik T, van Gool T, Gro­busch MP, Tappe D 


Neu­ro­nal redox imba­lance results in alte­red energy homeo­sta­sis and early post­na­tal letha­lity. 

FASEB J. 2015;29(7): 2843-58

Maity-​Kumar G, Thal DR, Bau­mann B, Scharffetter-​Kochanek K, Wirth T 


Cle­arance of amy­loid ?-​protein and its role in the sprea­ding of Alz­hei­mer's disease patho­logy. 

Front Aging Neu­ro­sci. 2015;7: 25

Thal DR 


The PCBP1 gene enco­ding poly(rC) bin­ding pro­tein I is recurrently muta­ted in Bur­kitt lym­phoma. 

Genes Chro­mo­so­mes Can­cer. 2015;54(9): 555-64

Wagener R, Aukema SM, Schles­ner M, Haake A, Burk­hardt B, Cla­viez A, Drex­ler HG, Hum­mel M, Kreuz M, Loeff­ler M, Roso­low­ski M, López C, Möl­ler P, Rich­ter J, Rohde M, Betts MJ, Rus­sell RB, Bern­hart SH, Hoff­mann S, Rosen­stiel P, Schil­ha­bel M, Szc­ze­panow­ski M, Trüm­per L, Klap­per W, Sie­bert R, ICGC MMML-​Seq-Project , "Mole­cu­lar Mecha­nisms in Mali­gnant Lym­pho­mas" Net­work Pro­ject of the Deut­sche Krebs­hilfe , Rich­ter G, Sie­bert R, Wag­ner S, Haake A, Rich­ter J, Eils R, Lawe­renz C, Radom­ski S, Scholz I, Borst C, Burk­hardt B, Cla­viez A, Drey­ling M, Eberth S, Ein­sele H, Frick­hofen N, Haas S, Hans­mann ML, Karsch D, Kneba M, Lis­feld J, Mantovani-​Löffler L, Rohde M, Stad­ler C, Staib P, Stil­gen­bauer S, Ott G, Trüm­per L, Zenz T, Hans­mann ML, Kube D, Küp­pers R, Weni­ger M, Haas S, Hum­mel M, Klap­per W, Kos­tezka U, Lenze D, Möl­ler P, Rosen­wald A, Szc­ze­panow­ski M, Ammer­pohl O, Aukema SM, Bin­der V, Bork­hardt A, Haake A, Heza­veh K, Hoell J, Leich E, Lich­ter P, Lopez C, Nagel I, Pischi­ma­riov J, Radl­wim­mer B, Rich­ter J, Rosen­stiel P, Rosen­wald A, Schil­ha­bel M, Schrei­ber S, Vater I, Wag­ner R, Sie­bert R, Bern­hart SH, Bin­der H, Brors B, Doose G, Eils J, Eils R, Hoff­mann S, Hopp L, Kretz­mer H, Kreuz M, Kor­bel J, Lan­gen­ber­ger D, Loeff­ler M, Radom­ski S, Roso­low­ski M, Schles­ner M, Stad­ler PF, Sun­ga­lee S, Barth TF, Bernd HW, Cogliatti SB, Fel­ler AC, Hans­mann ML, Hum­mel M, Klap­per W, Lenze D, Möl­ler P, Müller-​Hermelink HK, Ott G, Rosen­wald A, Stein H, Szc­ze­panow­ski M, Wacker HH, Barth TF, Behr­mann P, Daniel P, Dier­lammm J, Haralam­bieva E, Har­der L, Hol­ter­hus PM, Küp­pers R, Kube D, Lich­ter P, Martín-​Subero JI, Möl­ler P, Murga-​Peñas EM, Ott G, Pott C, Psche­rer A, Rosen­wald A, Schwae­nen C, Sie­bert R, Traut­mann H, Vock­e­rodt M, Wes­sen­dorf S, Ben­tink S, Ber­ger H, Hasen­cle­ver D, Kreuz M, Loeff­ler M, Roso­low­ski M, Spang R, Stür­zen­ho­f­e­cker B, Trüm­per L, Weh­ner M, Loeff­ler M, Sie­bert R, Stein H, Trüm­per L 


Effects of alte­red expres­sion and acti­vity levels of CK1? and ? on tumor growth and sur­vi­val of colo­rec­tal can­cer pati­ents. 

Int J Can­cer. 2015;136(12): 2799-810

Rich­ter J, Ullah K, Xu P, Alscher V, Blatz A, Pei­fer C, Hale­kotte J, Leban J, Vitt D, Holz­mann K, Baku­lev V, Pinna LA, Henne-​Bruns D, Hil­len­brand A, Korn­mann M, Leit­häu­ser F, Bischof J, Knipp­schild U 


Abnor­mal Para­ple­gin Expres­sion in Swol­len Neu­ri­tes, ?- and ?-​Synuclein Patho­logy in a Case of Hereditary Spastic Para­ple­gia SPG7 with an Ala510Val Muta­tion. 

Int J Mol Sci. 2015;16(10): 25050-66

Thal DR, Züch­ner S, Gie­rer S, Schulte C, Sch­öls L, Schüle R, Syn­of­zik M 


TDP-43 is inter­cel­lu­larly trans­mit­ted across axon ter­mi­nals. 

J Cell Biol. 2015;211(4): 897-911

Fei­ler MS, Stro­bel B, Freisch­midt A, Hel­fe­rich AM, Kap­pel J, Bre­wer BM, Li D, Thal DR, Walt­her P, Ludolph AC, Dan­zer KM, Weis­haupt JH 


Nck adap­tor pro­te­ins modu­late dif­fe­ren­tia­tion and effec­tor func­tion of T cells. 

J Leu­koc Biol. 2015;98(3): 301-11

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Neu­ro­pa­tho­lo­gi­cal assess­ments of the patho­logy in fron­to­tem­po­ral lobar dege­ne­ra­tion with TDP43-​positive inclu­si­ons: an inter-​laboratory study by the Brain­Net Europe con­sor­tium. 

J Neu­ral Transm. 2015;122(7): 957-72

Alafu­zoff I, Pik­ka­rai­nen M, Neu­mann M, Arz­ber­ger T, Al-​Sarraj S, Bodi I, Bog­da­no­vic N, Bugiani O, Fer­rer I, Gelpi E, Gen­tle­man S, Giac­cone G, Gra­eber MB, Hor­to­ba­gyi T, Ince PG, Iron­side JW, Kavant­zas N, King A, Kor­ko­lo­pou­lou P, Kovács GG, Mey­ro­net D, Mono­ranu C, Nils­son T, Par­chi P, Pat­sou­ris E, Revesz T, Rog­gen­dorf W, Roze­mul­ler A, Seil­hean D, Strei­chen­ber­ger N, Thal DR, Whar­ton SB, Kretz­schmar H 


Erra­tum to: Neu­ro­pa­tho­lo­gi­cal assess­ments of the patho­logy in fron­to­tem­po­ral lobar dege­ne­ra­tion with TDP43-​positive inclu­si­ons: an inter-​laboratory study by the Brain­Net Europe con­sor­tium. 

J Neu­ral Transm. 2015;122(7): 973-4

Alafu­zoff I, Pik­ka­rai­nen M, Neu­mann M, Arz­ber­ger T, Al-​Sarraj S, Bodi I, Bog­da­no­vic N, Bugiani O, Fer­rer I, Gelpi E, Gen­tle­man S, Giac­cone G, Gra­eber MB, Hor­to­ba­gyi T, Ince PG, Iron­side JW, Kavant­zas N, King A, Kor­ko­lo­pou­lou P, Kovács GG, Mey­ro­net D, Mono­ranu C, Nils­son T, Par­chi P, Pat­sou­ris E, Revesz T, Rog­gen­dorf W, Roze­mul­ler A, Seil­hean D, Strei­chen­ber­ger N, Thal DR, Whar­ton SB, Kretz­schmar H 


Fron­to­tem­po­ral lobar dege­ne­ra­tion FTLD-​tau: pre­cli­ni­cal lesi­ons, vas­cu­lar, and Alzheimer-​related co-​pathologies. 

J Neu­ral Transm. 2015;122(7): 1007-18

Thal DR, von Arnim CA, Grif­fin WS, Mrak RE, Wal­ker L, Attems J, Arz­ber­ger T 


Thi­amine defi­ci­ency in amyo­tro­phic late­ral scle­ro­sis. 

J Neu­rol Neu­ro­surg Psych­ia­try. 2015;86(10): 1166-8

Jesse S, Thal DR, Ludolph AC 

Inte­gra­tion of gene muta­ti­ons in risk pro­gno­sti­ca­tion for pati­ents recei­ving first-​line immu­n­o­chemo­the­rapy for fol­li­cu­lar lym­phoma: a retro­spec­tive ana­ly­sis of a pro­spec­tive cli­ni­cal trial and vali­da­tion in a population-​based regis­try. 

Lan­cet Oncol. 2015;16(9): 1111-22

Pas­tore A, Juri­no­vic V, Kridel R, Hos­ter E, Staiger AM, Szc­ze­panow­ski M, Pott C, Kopp N, Mura­kami M, Horn H, Leich E, Moc­cia AA, Mot­tok A, Sunka­valli A, Van Hum­me­len P, Ducar M, Enni­shi D, Shulha HP, Hother C, Con­nors JM, Sehn LH, Drey­ling M, Neu­berg D, Möl­ler P, Fel­ler AC, Hans­mann ML, Stein H, Rosen­wald A, Ott G, Klap­per W, Unter­halt M, Hid­de­mann W, Gas­coyne RD, Wein­stock DM, Wei­gert O 


[Mani­fes­ta­tion of rheu­ma­tic disea­ses in the larynx]. 

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Dif­fe­rent bio­lo­gi­cal risk fac­tors in young poor-​prognosis and elderly pati­ents with dif­fuse large B-​cell lym­phoma. 

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Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and cli­ni­cal rele­vance of PD-L1 expres­sion in pri­mary muco­sal mali­gnant mel­an­oma of the head and neck. 

Mel­an­oma Res. 2015;25(6): 503-9

Thier­auf J, Veit JA, Affol­ter A, Berg­mann C, Grü­now J, Laban S, Len­n­erz JK, Grün­mül­ler L, Mauch C, Plin­kert PK, Hess J, Hoff­mann TK 


Taking the next step for­ward - Dia­gno­sing inhe­ri­ted infan­tile cho­le­sta­tic dis­or­ders with next gene­ra­tion sequen­cing. 

Mol Cell Pro­bes. 2015;29(5): 291-8

Herbst SM, Schir­mer S, Posovszky C, Jochum F, Rödl T, Schroe­der JA, Barth TF, Hehr U, Mel­ter M, Ver­meh­ren J 


Loss of ATM acce­le­ra­tes pan­crea­tic can­cer for­ma­tion and epithelial-​mesenchymal tran­si­tion. 

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DNA methy­lome ana­ly­sis in Bur­kitt and fol­li­cu­lar lym­pho­mas iden­ti­fies dif­fe­ren­ti­ally methy­la­ted regi­ons lin­ked to soma­tic muta­tion and tran­scrip­tio­nal con­trol. 

Nat Genet. 2015;47(11): 1316-25

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Haplo­in­suf­fi­ci­ency of TBK1 cau­ses fami­lial ALS and fronto-​temporal demen­tia. 

Nat Neu­ro­sci. 2015;18(5): 631-6

Freisch­midt A, Wie­land T, Rich­ter B, Ruf W, Schaef­fer V, Mül­ler K, Mar­ro­quin N, Nordin F, Hübers A, Weydt P, Pinto S, Press R, Mille­camps S, Molko N, Ber­nard E, Des­nu­elle C, Soriani MH, Dorst J, Graf E, Nord­ström U, Fei­ler MS, Putz S, Boeckers TM, Meyer T, Wink­ler AS, Win­kel­man J, de Car­valho M, Thal DR, Otto M, Bränn­ström T, Volk AE, Kur­sula P, Dan­zer KM, Licht­ner P, Dikic I, Mei­tin­ger T, Ludolph AC, Strom TM, Ander­sen PM, Weis­haupt JH 

?-​Secretase proces­sing of APP inhi­bits neu­ro­nal acti­vity in the hip­po­cam­pus. 

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Sen­si­ti­vity and spe­ci­fi­city of linear array intra­ope­ra­tive ultra­sound in glio­blas­toma sur­gery: a com­pa­ra­tive study with high field intra­ope­ra­tive MRI and con­ven­tio­nal sec­tor array ultra­sound. 

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Cobur­ger J, Scheu­erle A, Kapapa T, Engelke J, Thal DR, Wirtz CR, König R 


GOT1/AST1 expres­sion sta­tus as a pro­gno­stic bio­mar­ker in pan­crea­tic duc­tal ade­no­c­ar­ci­noma. 

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Feld FM, Nagel PD, Weis­sin­ger SE, Welke C, Sten­zin­ger A, Möl­ler P, Len­n­erz JK 


Sup­pres­sor of cyto­kine signa­ling 1 gene muta­tion sta­tus as a pro­gno­stic bio­mar­ker in clas­si­cal Hodg­kin lym­phoma. 

Onco­tar­get. 2015;6(30): 29097-110

Len­n­erz JK, Hoff­mann K, Bubolz AM, Les­sel D, Welke C, Rüt­her N, Viar­dot A, Möl­ler P 


Blunt Chest Trauma in Mice after Ciga­rette Smoke-​Exposure: Effects of Mecha­ni­cal Ven­ti­la­tion with 100% O2. 

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The Golgi-​Localized ?-​Ear-Containing ARF-​Binding (GGA) Pro­te­ins Alter Amyloid-​? Pre­cur­sor Pro­tein (APP) Proces­sing through Inter­ac­tion of Their GAE Domain with the Beta-​Site APP Clea­ving Enzyme 1 (BACE1). 

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MINCR is a MYC-​induced lncRNA able to modu­late MYC's tran­scrip­tio­nal net­work in Bur­kitt lym­phoma cells. 

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Uni­pa­ren­tal Disomy in Soma­tic Mosai­cism 45,X/46,XY/46,XX Asso­cia­ted with Ambi­guous Geni­ta­lia. 

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Phy­sio­lo­gi­cal and Immune-​Biological Cha­rac­te­riza­tion of a Long-​Term Murine Model of Blunt Chest Trauma. 

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Frac­tal and sto­cha­stic geo­me­try infe­rence for breast can­cer: a case study with ran­dom frac­tal models and Quermass-​interaction process. 

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Pri­mary age-​related tauo­pa­thy (PART): a com­mon patho­logy asso­cia­ted with human aging. 

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Pyro­glut­amy­la­ted amyloid-​? is asso­cia­ted with hyper­phos­pho­ry­la­ted tau and seve­rity of Alz­hei­mer's disease. 

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Oli­go­den­dro­glia in cor­ti­cal mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis lesi­ons decre­ase with disease pro­gres­sion, but rege­ne­rate after repea­ted expe­ri­men­tal demye­li­na­tion. 

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Early loss of oli­go­den­dro­cy­tes in human and expe­ri­men­tal neu­ro­mye­li­tis optica lesi­ons. 

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Limi­ted role of free TDP-43 as a dia­gno­stic tool in neu­ro­de­ge­ne­ra­tive disea­ses. 

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Iso­la­ted Whipple's endo­car­di­tis: an unde­re­sti­ma­ted dia­gno­sis that requi­res mole­cu­lar ana­ly­sis of sur­gi­cal mate­rial. 

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FOXO1 repres­sion con­tri­bu­tes to block of plasma cell dif­fe­ren­tia­tion in clas­si­cal Hodg­kin lym­phoma. 

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KIT muta­ti­ons in pri­mary media­s­ti­nal B-​cell lym­phoma. 

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His­to­pa­tho­lo­gi­cal fea­tures and their pro­gno­stic impact in nodu­lar lymphocyte-​predominant Hodg­kin lymphoma-​-a matched pair ana­ly­sis from the Ger­man Hodg­kin Study Group (GHSG). 

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Bio­che­mi­cal stages of amyloid-​? pep­tide aggre­ga­tion and accu­mu­la­tion in the human brain and their asso­cia­tion with sym­pto­ma­tic and patho­lo­gi­cally pre­cli­ni­cal Alz­hei­mer's disease. 

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NF-?B fac­tors con­trol the induc­tion of NFATc1 in B lym­pho­cy­tes. 

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Sprea­ding of Amy­loid, Tau, and Micro­va­s­cu­lar Patho­logy in Alz­hei­mers Disease: Fin­dings from Neu­ro­pa­tho­lo­gi­cal and Neu­ro­ima­ging Stu­dies 

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SUMOy­la­tion attenua­tes the tran­scrip­tio­nal acti­vity of the NF-?B sub­u­nit RelB. 

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A nuclear circularity-​based clas­si­fier for dia­gno­stic dis­tinc­tion of des­mo­plastic from spindle cell mel­an­oma in digi­ti­zed his­to­lo­gi­cal images. 

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Absence of BRAF and KRAS hot­spot muta­ti­ons in pri­mary media­s­ti­nal B-​cell lym­phoma. 

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Leuke­mic stem cells of acute mye­loid leuke­mia pati­ents car­ry­ing NPM1 muta­tion are can­di­da­tes for tar­ge­ted immu­n­o­the­rapy. 

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A dia­gno­stic algo­rithm to distin­guish des­mo­plastic from spindle cell mel­an­oma. 

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Expres­sion and Y435-​phosphorylation of Abel­son inter­ac­tor 1 (Abi1) pro­mo­tes tumour cell adhe­sion, extra­cel­lu­lar matrix degra­dation and inva­sion by colo­rec­tal car­ci­noma cells. 

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Com­pa­ra­tive gene array ana­ly­sis of pro­ge­ni­tor cells from human pai­red deep neck and sub­cuta­neous adi­pose tis­sue. 

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H2S and NO coope­ra­tively regu­late vas­cu­lar tone by acti­vating a neu­ro­en­docrine HNO-​TRPA1-CGRP signal­ling pathway. 

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Bio­psy fin­dings of sym­pto­ma­tic cere­bral X-​linked adre­n­oleucodys­tro­phy and his­to­lo­gi­cal dif­fe­ren­tia­tion from mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis. 

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Tumor detec­tion with 5-​aminolevulinic acid fluo­re­scence and Gd-​DTPA-enhanced intra­ope­ra­tive MRI at the bor­der of contrast-​enhancing lesi­ons: a pro­spec­tive study based on his­to­pa­tho­lo­gi­cal assess­ment. 

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Poten­tial cli­ni­cal impli­ca­ti­ons of BRAF muta­ti­ons in his­tio­cy­tic pro­li­fe­ra­ti­ons. 

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Osteoblast-​specific Krm2 over­ex­pres­sion and Lrp5 defi­ci­ency have dif­fe­rent effects on frac­ture hea­ling in mice. 

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Immu­n­o­hi­sto­che­mi­cal and FISH ana­ly­sis of MDM2 and CDK4 in a dedif­fe­ren­tia­ted extra­skel­etal osteo­s­ar­coma ari­sing in the vas­tus late­ra­lis mus­cle: dif­fe­ren­tial dia­gno­sis and dia­gno­stic algo­rithm. 

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ATA cli­ni­cal gui­de­li­nes for tele­pa­tho­logy. 

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Inva­sion pat­tern and his­to­lo­gic fea­tures of tumor aggres­si­veness cor­re­late with MMR pro­tein expres­sion, but are inde­pen­dent of acti­vating KRAS and BRAF muta­ti­ons in CRC. 

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Navi­ga­ted high fre­quency ultra­sound: descrip­tion of tech­ni­que and cli­ni­cal com­pa­ri­son with con­ven­tio­nal intracra­nial ultra­sound. 

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Cystic Echi­no­coc­co­sis and Hepa­to­cel­lu­lar Car­ci­noma - A Coin­ci­dence? A Case Report 

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Accu­rate pre­ope­ra­tive loca­liza­tion of para­thy­roid ade­no­mas with C-11 methio­nine PET/CT. 

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The pro­gno­stic impact of vari­ant his­to­logy in nodu­lar lymphocyte-​predominant Hodg­kin lym­phoma: a report from the Ger­man Hodg­kin Study Group (GHSG). 

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Recom­bi­nant CD95-Fc (APG101) pre­vents graft-​versus-host disease in mice wit­hout dis­ab­ling anti­tu­mor cyto­to­xi­city and T-​cell func­tions. 

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MYC sta­tus in con­cert with BCL2 and BCL6 expres­sion pre­dicts out­come in dif­fuse large B-​cell lym­phoma. 

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Telo­mere length in man­tle cell lym­phoma. 

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Inter­leu­kin 21-​induced gran­zyme B-​expressing B cells infil­trate tumors and regu­late T cells. 

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TRAIL (TNF-​related apoptosis-​inducing ligand) regu­la­tes adi­po­cyte meta­bo­lism by caspase-​mediated cleavage of PPAR­gamma. 

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Effects of pre­treat­ment hypo­ther­mia during resus­ci­ta­ted por­cine hemor­rha­gic shock. 

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FTO defi­ci­ency indu­ces UCP-1 expres­sion and mito­chon­drial uncou­pling in adi­po­cy­tes. 

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No evi­dence of IGH-​MALT1 trans­lo­ca­tion in the Ma-1 cell line. 

Genes Chro­mo­so­mes Can­cer. 2013;52(6): 591-2

Floss­bach L, Barth TF, Möl­ler P 


High-​resolution geno­mic pro­fi­ling reveals clo­nal evo­lu­tion and com­pe­ti­tion in gastro­in­te­sti­nal mar­gi­nal zone B-​cell lym­phoma and its large cell vari­ant. 

Int J Can­cer. 2013;132(3): E116-27

Floss­bach L, Holz­mann K, Matt­feldt T, Buck M, Lanz K, Held M, Möl­ler P, Barth TF 


Ame­la­no­tic ade­noma. 

Int J Surg Pathol. 2013;21(5): 504-5 

Len­n­erz JK, Lau­wers GY 


Carb­amy­la­ted erythropoietin-​FC fusion pro­tein and recom­bi­nant human ery­thro­poie­tin during por­cine kid­ney ischemia/reper­fu­sion injury. 

Inten­sive Care Med. 2013;39(3): 497-510 

Mat?jková ?, Scheu­erle A, Wag­ner F, McCook O, Matallo J, Grö­ger M, Seifritz A, Stahl B, Vcelar B, Cal­zia E, Geor­gieff M, Möl­ler P, Schel­zig H, Rader­ma­cher P, Simon F 


Chan­ges in cal­ci­to­nin gene-​related pep­tide (CGRP) recep­tor com­po­nent and nitric oxide recep­tor (sGC) immu­n­o­re­ac­ti­vity in rat tri­ge­mi­nal gan­glion fol­lo­wing gly­ce­rol­tri­ni­trate pre­treat­ment. 

J Heada­che Pain. 2013;14(1): 74

Sei­ler K, Nus­ser JI, Len­n­erz JK, Neu­hu­ber WL, Mess­lin­ger K 



J Hepa­tol. 2013;58 1: S132-S132

Gul S, Holz­mann KH, Leit­hau­ser F, Maier H, Bohm B, Strnad P, Sunami Y, Wirth T 


Block boot­strap methods for the esti­ma­tion of the inten­sity of a spa­tial point process with con­fi­dence bounds. 

J Microsc. 2013;251(1): 84-98

Matt­feldt T, Häbel H, Flei­scher F 


Bimo­dal concentration-​response of nico­tine invol­ves the nico­ti­nic ace­tyl­cho­line recep­tor, tran­si­ent recep­tor poten­tial vanil­loid type 1, and tran­si­ent recep­tor poten­tial anky­rin 1 chan­nels in mouse tra­chea and sen­sory neu­rons. 

J Phar­ma­col Exp Ther. 2013;347(2): 529-39

Kichko TI, Len­n­erz J, Eber­hardt M, Babes RM, Neu­hu­ber W, Kobal G, Reeh PW 


Cystic lesi­ons with suspec­ted soft tis­sue infil­tra­tion. 

JAMA Surg. 2013;148(7): 691-2

Weber T, von Baer A, Schult­heiß M, Maier-​Funk C, Lus­ter M, Barth TF, Boehm BO 


Age-​related appearance of den­dri­tic inclu­si­ons in catecho­l­aminer­gic brains­tem neu­rons. 

Neu­ro­biol Aging. 2013;34(1): 286-97

Braak H, Thal DR, Matschke J, Ghe­bre­med­hin E, Del Tre­dici K 


Octamer-​dependent tran­scrip­tion in T cells is media­ted by NFAT and NF-?B. 

Nucleic Acids Res. 2013;41(4): 2138-54

Muel­ler K, Quandt J, Mari­en­feld RB, Weih­rich P, Fied­ler K, Clau­ss­nit­zer M, Lau­men H, Vaeth M, Berberich-​Siebelt F, Ser­f­ling E, Wirth T, Brun­ner C 


STAT6-​mediated BCL6 repres­sion in pri­mary media­s­ti­nal B-​cell lym­phoma (PMBL). 

Onco­tar­get. 2013;4(7): 1093-102

Ritz O, Rom­mel K, Dorsch K, Kelsch E, Melz­ner J, Buck M, Leroy K, Papa­do­pou­lou V, Wag­ner S, Mari­en­feld R, Brü­der­lein S, Len­n­erz JK, Möl­ler P 


SOCS1 muta­tion sub­ty­pes pre­dict diver­gent out­co­mes in dif­fuse large B-​Cell lym­phoma (DLBCL) pati­ents. 

Onco­tar­get. 2013;4(1): 35-47

Schif B, Len­n­erz JK, Koh­ler CW, Ben­tink S, Kreuz M, Melz­ner I, Ritz O, Trüm­per L, Loeff­ler M, Spang R, Möl­ler P 


Absence of FLICE-​inhibitory pro­tein is a novel inde­pen­dent pro­gno­stic mar­ker for very short sur­vi­val in pan­crea­tic duc­tal ade­no­c­ar­ci­noma. 

Pan­creas. 2013;42(7): 1114-9 

Schmid SJ, Glat­zel MC, Welke C, Korn­mann M, Kle­ger A, Barth TF, Fulda S, Len­n­erz JK, Möl­ler P 


[Round robin test for detec­tion of geno­mic aberra­ti­ons in non-​Hodgkin lym­phoma by in situ hybri­diza­tion]. 

Patho­loge. 2013;34(4): 329-34

Barth TF, Floß­bach L, Bernd HW, Bob R, Buck M, Cogliatti SB, Fel­ler AC, Hans­mann ML, Hart­mann S, Horn H, Klap­per W, Kra­dol­fer D, Matt­feldt T, Möl­ler P, Rosen­wald A, Stein H, Thorns C, Ott G 


[Gastric lym­phoma: still an inter­di­sci­pli­nary challenge]. 

Patho­loge. 2013;34(3): 210-4 

Barth TF, Floß­bach L, Möl­ler P 


Abel­son inter­ac­tor 1 (Abi1) in colo­rec­tal can­cer. From syn­ap­tic plasti­city to tumor cell migra­tion 

Patho­loge. 2013;34 2: 189-194 

Stei­nes­tel K, Glasle F, Bru­der­lein S, Stei­nes­tel J, Prop­per C, Mol­ler P 


Per­sis­tent defec­tive mem­brane traf­fi­cking in epi­the­lial cells of pati­ents with fami­lial hemo­pha­go­cy­tic lym­pho­his­tio­cy­to­sis type 5 due to STXBP2/MUNC18-2 muta­ti­ons. 

Pediatr Blood Can­cer. 2013;60(7): 1215-22

Ste­pen­sky P, Bartram J, Barth TF, Lehm­berg K, Walt­her P, Amann K, Phil­ips AD, Berin­ger O, Zur Stadt U, Schulz A, Amro­lia P, Weintraub M, Deba­tin KM, Hoe­nig M, Posovszky C 


Asso­cia­tion of ATP-​binding cas­sette trans­por­ter vari­ants with the risk of Alz­hei­mer's disease. 

Phar­ma­co­ge­no­mics. 2013;14(5): 485-94 

Cascorbi I, Flüh C, Remm­ler C, Hae­nisch S, Faltraco F, Grumbt M, Peters M, Brenn A, Thal DR, War­zok RW, Vogel­ge­sang S 


Alveo­lar echinococcosis-​spreading disease chal­len­ging cli­ni­ci­ans: a case report and lite­ra­ture review. 

World J Gas­tro­en­te­rol. 2013;19(26): 4257-61

Ata­na­sov G, Ben­ckert C, The­len A, Tappe D, Frosch M, Teich­mann D, Barth TF, Wit­te­kind C, Schu­bert S, Jonas S 


[S3-​guideline exocrine pan­crea­tic can­cer]. 

Z Gas­tro­en­te­rol. 2013;51(12): 1395-440

Seuf­fer­lein T, Porz­ner M, Becker T, Budach V, Cey­han G, Espo­sito I, Fiet­kau R, Foll­mann M, Friess H, Galle P, Geiß­ler M, Gla­ne­mann M, Gress T, Hei­ne­mann V, Hohen­ber­ger W, Hopt U, Izbi­cki J, Klar E, Kleeff J, Kopp I, Kull­mann F, Lan­ger T, Lan­grehr J, Lerch M, Löhr M, Lütt­ges J, Lutz M, Mayerle J, Michl P, Möl­ler P, Molls M, Mün­ter M, Noth­acker M, Oettle H, Post S, Reinacher-​Schick A, Röcken C, Roeb E, Sae­ger H, Schmid R, Schmie­gel W, Schoen­berg M, Siveke J, Stuschke M, Tan­n­ap­fel A, Uhl W, Unver­zagt S, van Oor­schot B, Vas­hist Y, Wer­ner J, Yeke­bas E 


[Intra­tho­ra­cic gastric per­fo­ra­tion due to cen­tral dia­phrag­ma­tic her­nia - rare cause of ten­sion pneu­mo­tho­rax and sep­tic shock]. 

Zen­tralbl Chir. 2013;138(3): 348-50

Hof­mann S, Küm­mel A, Hoff­mann W, Barth T, Henne-​Bruns D, Weber T 

  • Natio­nal Insti­tute on Aging-​Alzheimer's Asso­cia­tion gui­de­li­nes for the neu­ro­pa­tho­lo­gic assess­ment of Alz­hei­mer's disease: a prac­ti­cal approach. 
    Acta Neu­ro­pa­thol (Berl). 2012;123(1): 1-11 (Impact(2012)=9.734, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Prac­tice Gui­de­line; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't; Rese­arch Sup­port, N.I.H., Extra­mu­ral) 
    Mon­tine TJ, Phelps CH, Beach TG, Bigio EH, Cairns NJ, Dick­son DW, Duy­cka­erts C, Frosch MP, Mas­liah E, Mirra SS, Nel­son PT, Schnei­der JA, Thal DR, Tro­ja­now­ski JQ, Vin­ters HV, Hyman BT, Natio­nal Insti­tute on Aging , Alz­hei­mer's Asso­cia­tion


  • Natio­nal Insti­tute on Aging-​Alzheimer's Asso­cia­tion gui­de­li­nes for the neu­ro­pa­tho­lo­gic assess­ment of Alz­hei­mer's disease. 
    Alz­hei­mers Dement. 2012;8(1): 1-13 (Impact(2012)=14.483, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't; Rese­arch Sup­port, N.I.H., Extra­mu­ral) 
    Hyman BT, Phelps CH, Beach TG, Bigio EH, Cairns NJ, Car­rillo MC, Dick­son DW, Duy­cka­erts C, Frosch MP, Mas­liah E, Mirra SS, Nel­son PT, Schnei­der JA, Thal DR, Thies B, Tro­ja­now­ski JQ, Vin­ters HV, Mon­tine TJ


  • Neu­ro­mye­li­tis optica lesi­ons may inform mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis hete­ro­gen­eity debate. 
    Ann Neu­rol. 2012;72(3): 385-94 (Impact(2012)=11.193, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Brück W, Popescu B, Luc­chi­netti CF, Markovic-​Plese S, Gold R, Thal DR, Metz I


  • Com­pa­ri­son of cli­ni­cal and surgical-​pathological sta­ging in IIIA non-​small cell lung can­cer pati­ents. 
    Ann Surg Oncol. 2012;19(1): 89-93 (Impact(2012)=4.12, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Com­pa­ra­tive Study) 
    Mueh­ling B, Wehr­mann C, Ober­hu­ber A, Schel­zig H, Barth T, Orend KH


  • Cystic teratoma of the pan­creas. 
    Antican­cer Res. 2012;32(3): 1075-80 (Impact(2012)=1.713, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Review) 
    Scheele J, Barth TF, Wit­tau M, Juchems M, Henne-​Bruns D, Korn­mann M


  • The rela­ti­onship bet­ween sub­cor­ti­cal tau patho­logy and Alz­hei­mer's disease. 
    Bio­chem Soc Trans. 2012;40(4): 711-5 (Impact(2012)=2.587, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Review; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Attems J, Thal DR, Jel­lin­ger KA


  • FOXO1 is a tumor sup­pres­sor in clas­si­cal Hodg­kin lym­phoma. 
    Blood. 2012;119(15): 3503-11 (Impact(2012)=9.06, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Xie L, Ushmo­rov A, Leit­häu­ser F, Guan H, Steidl C, Fär­bin­ger J, Pel­zer C, Vogel MJ, Maier HJ, Gas­coyne RD, Möl­ler P, Wirth T


  • Pyro­se­quen­cing of BRAF V600E in rou­tine samp­les of hairy cell leu­ka­e­mia iden­ti­fies CD5+ vari­ant hairy cell leu­ka­e­mia that lacks V600E. 
    Br J Hae­ma­tol. 2012;157(2): 267-9 (Impact(2012)=4.942, Typ=nicht gelis­tet; Let­ter; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Len­n­erz JK, Klaus BM, Mari­en­feld RB, Möl­ler P


  • Sequen­cing of ped­ia­tric Bur­kitt lym­phoma within the ICGC MMML-​Seq pro­ject 
    Br J Hae­ma­tol. 2012;159 1: 7-7 (Impact(2012)=4.942, Typ=Mee­ting Abs­tract) 
    Rich­ter J, Schles­ner M, Leich E, Burk­hardt B, Hoff­mann S, Szc­ze­panow­ski M, Kreuz M, Lenze D, Bern­hart S, Roso­low­ski M, Hoell J, Lawe­renz C, Jager N, Hut­ter B, Lan­ger­ber­ger D, Ammer­pohl O, Bin­der H, Bork­hardt A, Brors B, Cla­viez A, Pischi­ma­rov J, Drey­ling M, Eils R, Hans­mann ML, Bin­der V, Hor­nig N, Klap­per W, Kor­bel J, Kube D, Kup­pers R, Lich­ter P, Loeff­ler M, Mol­ler P, Pott C, Rosen­wald A, Schrei­ber S, Schil­ha­bel M, Schol­ty­sik R, Stad­ler PF, Traut­mann H, Wagener R, Zenz T, Trum­per L, Rosen­stiel P, Hum­mel M, Sie­bert R, Ger­man ICGC MMML-​Seq-Project


  • Triple-​negative breast can­cer: the impact of guideline-​adherent adju­vant treat­ment on survival-​-a retro­spec­tive multi-​centre cohort study. 
    Breast Can­cer Res Treat. 2012;132(3): 1073-80 (Impact(2012)=4.469, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Mul­ti­cen­ter Study; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Schwent­ner L, Wol­ters R, Koretz K, Wisch­new­sky MB, Kre­ien­berg R, Rott­scholl R, Wöckel A


  • Cryo­bio­psy incre­a­ses the dia­gno­stic yield of endo­bron­chial bio­psy: a mul­ti­centre trial. 
    Eur Respir J. 2012;39(3): 685-90 (Impact(2012)=6.355, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Ran­do­mi­zed Con­trol­led Trial; Mul­ti­cen­ter Study) 
    Het­zel J, Eber­hardt R, Herth FJ, Peter­mann C, Reichle G, Frei­tag L, Dob­ber­tin I, Franke KJ, Stan­zel F, Beyer T, Möl­ler P, Fritz P, Ott G, Schna­bel PA, Kas­ten­dieck H, Lang W, Morresi-​Hauf AT, Szy­rach MN, Muche R, Shah PL, Babiak A, Het­zel M


  • The need to unify neu­ro­pa­tho­lo­gi­cal assess­ments of vas­cu­lar alte­ra­ti­ons in the age­ing brain: mul­ti­centre sur­vey by the Brain­Net Europe con­sor­tium. 
    Exp Geron­tol. 2012;47(11): 825-33 (Impact(2012)=3.911, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Alafu­zoff I, Gelpi E, Al-​Sarraj S, Arz­ber­ger T, Attems J, Bodi I, Bog­da­no­vic N, Budka H, Bugiani O, Eng­lund E, Fer­rer I, Gen­tle­man S, Giac­cone G, Gra­eber MB, Hor­to­ba­gyi T, Höft­ber­ger R, Iron­side JW, Jel­lin­ger K, Kavant­zas N, King A, Kor­ko­lo­pou­lou P, Kovács GG, Mey­ro­net D, Mono­ranu C, Par­chi P, Pat­sou­ris E, Rog­gen­dorf W, Roze­mul­ler A, Seil­hean D, Strei­chen­ber­ger N, Thal DR, Whar­ton SB, Kretz­schmar H


  • Vas­cu­lar demen­tia: dif­fe­rent forms of ves­sel dis­or­ders con­tri­bute to the deve­lo­p­ment of demen­tia in the elderly brain. 
    Exp Geron­tol. 2012;47(11): 816-24 (Impact(2012)=3.911, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't; Rese­arch Sup­port, N.I.H., Extra­mu­ral) 
    Thal DR, Grin­berg LT, Attems J


  • The role of astro­cy­tes in amy­loid ?-​protein toxi­city and cle­arance. 
    Exp Neu­rol. 2012;236(1): 1-5 (Impact(2012)=4.645, Typ=Edi­to­rial Mate­rial; Jour­nal Article; Com­ment; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Thal DR


  • Hep­ci­din is loca­li­sed in gastric parie­tal cells, regu­la­tes acid secre­tion and is indu­ced by Heli­co­bac­ter pylori infec­tion. 
    Gut. 2012;61(2): 193-201 (Impact(2012)=10.732, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Schwarz P, Küb­ler JA, Strnad P, Mül­ler K, Barth TF, Ger­loff A, Feick P, Pey­ssonn­aux C, Vau­lont S, Adler G, Kulak­siz H


  • Expres­sion of the c-Met onco­gene by tumor cells pre­dicts a favorable out­come in clas­si­cal Hodg­kin's lym­phoma. 
    Hae­ma­to­lo­gica. 2012;97(4): 572-8 (Impact(2012)=5.935, Typ=nicht gelis­tet; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Xu C, Plat­tel W, van den Berg A, Rüt­her N, Huang X, Wang M, de Jong D, Vos H, van Imhoff G, Viar­dot A, Möl­ler P, Pop­pema S, Diep­s­tra A, Vis­ser L


  • CGRP and NO in the tri­ge­mi­nal sys­tem: mecha­nisms and role in heada­che gene­ra­tion. 
    Heada­che. 2012;52(9): 1411-27 (Impact(2012)=2.937, Typ=Review; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Mess­lin­ger K, Len­n­erz JK, Eber­hardt M, Fischer MJ


  • Hepa­tic acti­va­tion of IKK/NF?B signa­ling indu­ces liver fibro­sis via macrophage-​mediated chro­nic inflam­ma­tion. 
    Hepa­to­logy. 2012;56(3): 1117-28 (Impact(2012)=12.003, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Sunami Y, Leit­häu­ser F, Gul S, Fied­ler K, Gül­di­ken N, Espen­laub S, Holz­mann KH, Hipp N, Sin­dri­laru A, Luedde T, Bau­mann B, Wis­sel S, Krep­pel F, Schnei­der M, Scharffetter-​Kochanek K, Koch­a­nek S, Strnad P, Wirth T


  • Human B cells dif­fe­ren­tiate into gran­zyme B-​secreting cyto­to­xic B lym­pho­cy­tes upon incom­plete T-​cell help. 
    Immu­nol Cell Biol. 2012;90(4): 457-67 (Impact(2012)=3.925, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Hagn M, Sont­hei­mer K, Dahlke K, Brueg­ge­mann S, Kal­ten­meier C, Beyer T, Hof­mann S, Lunov O, Barth TF, Fabri­cius D, Tron K, Nien­haus GU, Sim­met T, Schre­zen­meier H, Jahrs­dör­fer B


  • Recom­bi­nant CD95-Fc (APG101) pre­vents graft-​versus-host disease in mice wit­hout dis­ab­ling anti-​tumor cyto­to­xi­city and T cell func­tions 
    Immu­no­logy. 2012;137 1: 151-151 (Impact(2012)=3.705, Typ=Mee­ting Abs­tract) 
    Hart­mann N, Mess­mann JJ, Leit­hau­ser F, Kluge M, Fri­cke H, Deba­tin KM, Strauss G


  • Interleukin-​21-​induced gran­zyme B-​expressing B lym­pho­cy­tes regu­late T cells and infil­trate human solid tumors 
    Immu­no­logy. 2012;137 1: 335-335 (Impact(2012)=3.705, Typ=Mee­ting Abs­tract) 
    Hof­mann S, Dahlke K, Sont­hei­mer K, Hagn M, Kal­ten­meier C, Barth TFE, Beyer T, Reis­ter F, Fabri­cius D, Lotfi R, Lunov O, Nien­haus GU, Sim­met T, Kre­ien­berg R, Mol­ler P, Schre­zen­meier H, Jahrs­dor­fer B


  • IkappaB-​Kinases Modu­late the Acti­vity of the Andro­gene Recep­tor in Pro­state Car­ci­noma Cell Lines 
    In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2012;48 1: 31-31 (Impact(2012)=1.289, Typ=Mee­ting Abs­tract) 
    Jain G, Mari­en­feld RB


  • High-​molecular weight A? oli­go­mers and pro­to­fi­brils are the pre­do­mi­nant A? spe­cies in the native solu­ble pro­tein frac­tion of the AD brain. 
    J Cell Mol Med. 2012;16(2): 287-95 (Impact(2012)=4.753, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Upad­haya AR, Lungrin I, Yama­guchi H, Fänd­rich M, Thal DR


    J Hepa­tol. 2012;56 2: S160-S160 (Impact(2012)=9.858, Typ=Mee­ting Abs­tract) 
    Sunami Y, Leit­hau­ser F, Gul S, Fied­ler K, Gul­di­ken N, Espen­laub S, Holz­mann KH, Sin­dri­laru A, Ludde T, Bau­mann B, Wis­sel S, Krep­pel F, Schnei­der M, Scharffetter-​Kochanek K, Koch­a­nek S, Strnad P, Wirth T


    J Hepa­tol. 2012;56 2: S128-S128 (Impact(2012)=9.858, Typ=Mee­ting Abs­tract) 
    Sunami Y, Kokai E, Leit­hau­ser F, Riedl P, Brun­ner C, Gul S, Schirm­beck R, Strnad P, Wirth T


  • Tumor-​infiltrating lym­pho­cy­tes in breast can­cer tis­sue com­prise gran­zyme B-​expressing B cells with cyto­to­xic poten­tial 
    J Immu­nol. 2012;188: - (Impact(2012)=5.52, Typ=Mee­ting Abs­tract) 
    Hof­mann S, Brug­ge­mann S, Beyer T, Barth T, Deiss­ler H, Lotfi R, Kre­ien­berg R, Mol­ler P, Schre­zen­meier H, Jahrs­dor­fer B


  • Cor­re­la­tion of Alz­hei­mer disease neu­ro­pa­tho­lo­gic chan­ges with cogni­tive sta­tus: a review of the lite­ra­ture. 
    J Neu­ro­pa­thol Exp Neu­rol. 2012;71(5): 362-81 (Impact(2012)=4.345, Typ=Review; Jour­nal Article; Review; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't; Rese­arch Sup­port, N.I.H., Extra­mu­ral) 
    Nel­son PT, Alafu­zoff I, Bigio EH, Bou­ras C, Braak H, Cairns NJ, Cas­tel­lani RJ, Crain BJ, Davies P, Del Tre­dici K, Duy­cka­erts C, Frosch MP, Harou­tunian V, Hof PR, Hulette CM, Hyman BT, Iwat­subo T, Jel­lin­ger KA, Jicha GA, Kövari E, Kukull WA, Leve­renz JB, Love S, Macken­zie IR, Mann DM, Mas­liah E, McKee AC, Mon­tine TJ, Mor­ris JC, Schnei­der JA, Son­nen JA, Thal DR, Tro­ja­now­ski JQ, Tron­coso JC, Wis­niew­ski T, Wolt­jer RL, Beach TG


  • Trans­ge­nic expres­sion of intra­neu­ro­nal A?42 but not A?40 leads to cel­lu­lar A? lesi­ons, dege­ne­ra­tion, and func­tio­nal impair­ment wit­hout typi­cal Alz­hei­mer's disease patho­logy. 
    J Neu­ro­sci. 2012;32(4): 1273-83 (Impact(2012)=6.908, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't; Com­pa­ra­tive Study) 
    Abra­mow­ski D, Rabe S, Upad­haya AR, Reich­wald J, Dan­ner S, Staab D, Capetillo-​Zarate E, Yama­guchi H, Saido TC, Wie­der­hold KH, Thal DR, Stau­fen­biel M


  • Pyro­se­quen­cing of BRAFV600E in Rou­tine Samp­les of Hairy Cell Leuke­mia iden­ti­fies CD5+Vari­ant Hairy Cell Leuke­mia That Lacks V600E 
    Lab Invest. 2012;92 1: 350A-351A (Impact(2012)=3.961, Typ=Mee­ting Abs­tract) 
    Len­n­erz JK, Klaus B, Mari­en­feld R, Moel­ler P


  • Pre­ope­ra­tive che­mo­ra­dio­the­rapy and post­ope­ra­tive che­mo­the­rapy with fluorou­ra­cil and oxa­li­pla­tin ver­sus fluorou­ra­cil alone in locally advan­ced rec­tal can­cer: initial results of the Ger­man CAO/ARO/AIO-04 ran­do­mi­sed phase 3 trial. 
    Lan­cet Oncol. 2012;13(7): 679-87 (Impact(2012)=25.117, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Cli­ni­cal Trial, Phase III; Ran­do­mi­zed Con­trol­led Trial; Mul­ti­cen­ter Study; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't; Com­pa­ra­tive Study) 
    Rödel C, Liersch T, Becker H, Fiet­kau R, Hohen­ber­ger W, Hothorn T, Grae­ven U, Arnold D, Lang-​Welzenbach M, Raab HR, Sül­berg H, Wit­te­kind C, Pota­pov S, Staib L, Hess C, Weigang-​Köhler K, Gra­ben­bauer GG, Hoff­manns H, Lin­de­mann F, Schlenska-​Lange A, Fol­precht G, Sauer R, Ger­man Rec­tal Can­cer Study Group , Sauer R, Hohen­ber­ger W, Fiet­kau R, Lah­mer G, Gol­cher H, Klautke G, Hart­mann A, Rau T, Keil­holz L, Hen­ne­king K, Mühl­dor­fer S, Klein S, Stolte M, Staar S, Leh­nert T, Her­ten­stein B, Freys S, Pflü­ger KH, Sendt W, Tey­ssen S, Latz D, Leibl B, Matek W, Gra­ben­bauer G, Alfrink M, Kreczy A, Stro­bel G, Düwel HJ, Bech­stein W, Gog C, Bött­cher HD, Rödel C, Imhoff D, Hans­mann ML, Lin­de­mann F, Hom­brink J, Rei­ter C, Gilg H, Hoch­dör­fer S, Hem­pel D, Brud­ler O, Hein­rich B, Ban­ger­ter M, Rip­per U, Ertl F, Paul W, Rin­gel R, War­ten­berg S, Sla­wik R, Plath M, Freier W, Sie­vers B, Merkle N, Ben­del V, Ben­del M, Lüd­deke A, Bür­rig KF, Tepel J, Fänd­rich F, Kim­mig B, Klöp­pel G, Pauls R, Dunst J, Bruch HP, Wag­ner T, Fel­ler A, Engenhart-​Cabillic R, Roth­mund M, Neu­bauer A, Moll R, Simon-​Becker S, Strauss T, Dühmke E, Hid­de­mann W, Kirch­ner T, Kreis M, Mül­ler M, Wall­michrath J, Schwarz B, Belka C, Scheit­hauer H, Patz M, Hei­ne­mann V, Papyan A, Joka M, Renz B, Groß­ner T, Alberts­meier M, Kauke T, Reu S, Deng­ler R, Krö­ber A, Fürst A, Wir­sching A, Kölbl O, Hof­städ­ter F, Liersch T, Becker H, Hess CF, Rama­dori G, Rothe H, Füzesi L, Schmidt W, Uhl W, Rudat C, Rit­ter P, Stern J, Ada­mietz I, Schnei­der O, Tan­n­ap­fel A, Stauch M, Latz D, Gra­ben­bauer G, Hager T, Ada­mietz I, Cla­eys L, Strum­berg D, Voigt­mann R, Schnei­der O, Zie­ren J, Tan­n­ap­fel A, Sure M, Bartsch D, Hirnle P, Gör­ner M, Raute-​ Krein­sen U, Löh­nert M, Fol­precht G, Sae­ger H, Herr­mann T, Baret­ton G, Gök­kurt E, Trautmann-​Grill K, Heu­che K, Gün­ther H, Stöhl­ma­cher J, Müt­he­rig A, Hamann S, Neu­h­äu­ßer J, Zips D, Dawel M, Man­ger T, Will U, Kloet­zer KH, Heil G, Boltze C, Schmid M, Lang S, Becker G, Riedl S, All­men­din­ger G, Schwen­ger P, Bürkle V, Hahn M, Schuler A, Hoff­manns H, Kania U, Grae­ven U, Krings W, Sis­ter­manns J, Alt­mann S, Küs­ters A, Rös­ler E, Ort­loff P, Dreuw B, Nie­wiera M, Lab­in­ski B, Beck C, Gra­ben­horst U, Lor­dick F, Rosen­berg R, Gei­n­itz H, Zim­mer­mann F, Höf­ler H, Meyer zum Büchen­felde C, Kranz­fel­der M, Mihal­je­vic A, Schlos­ser W, Gnann H, Abele U, Gei­ger M, Dahm H, Strä­ter J, Röm­mele U, Blum M, Kraft K, Fiet­kau R, Klar E, Freund M, Nizze H, Klautke G, Küchen­meis­ter U, Hil­de­brandt G, Lud­wig K, Stei­ner B, Pom­me­renke F, Rad­tke A, Sten­gel B, Krammer-​Steiner B, Fietz T, Ban­hardt U, Gund­lach M, Fell­baum C, Zwi­cker H, Björns­gard M, Lut­ter­bach J, Bar­telt S, Heide J, Thiel C, Scherpe A, Stef­fens CC, Krebs B, Stin­ner B, Bom­mer G, Wil­helm M, Weigang-​Köhler K, Ger­mer C, Albrecht C, Köh­ler J, Rott­mann M, Falge C, Wünsch P, Stuschke M, Grehl S, Fril­ling A, Mar­kus P, Horn D, Omlor G, Ehlers I, Fisch­bein J, Lainka M, Gas­sel HJ, Schrö­der J, Schmid W, See­ber S, Schmie­gel W, Vie­bahn R, Bon­hag H, Reinacher-​Schick A, Schul­mann K, Send­ler A, Ada­mietz I, Schnei­der O, Stern J, Böh­ner H, Tan­n­ap­fel A, Köhne CH, Raab R, Rosien B, Buckisch-​Urbanke E, Will­born K, Weye D, Kers­ten J, Grie­sin­ger F, Raub M, Ruff W, Horn W, Steder M, Wel­zel J, Flach H, Holz­in­ger H, Röscheisen-​Hellkamp B, Roeder-​Bock A, Worm S, Mül­ler A, Henke RP, Klein G, Wulf D, Mül­ler A, Nie­wald M, Schil­ling M, Rübe C, Zeu­zem S, Bohle R, Asper­ger W, Opitz B, Hei­der K, Haupt­mann S, Meyer D, Thal­hei­mer A, Flentje M, Beck­mann G, Ein­sele H, Rei­mer P, Weiß­in­ger F, Müller-​Hermelink H, Fein M, Kunz­mann V, Link K, Tisch­bi­rek K, Prott FJ, Fisseler-​Eckhoff A, Löhr H, Wendt T, Altendorf-​Hofmann A, Sett­ma­cher U, Gharbi A, Höff­ken K, Stall­mach A, Lin­dig U, Katen­kamp D, Lan­gen­scheidt P, Gün­theroth S, Seck­nus R, Rüdi­ger KD, Hahn­feld S, Rei­chen­bach G, Kort­mann RD, Ott R, Schopp­meyer K, Wit­te­kind C, Zuz G, Peu­ser B, Hebart H, Roscher R, Grim­min­ger W, Hack EM, Wagner-​Thiessen E, Ghi­lescu V, Staib L, Geiß­ler M, Dahm H, Strä­ter J, Schil­cher F, Gnann W, Gei­ger M, Grote-​Metke A, Jany R, Röhr­born A, Dürk H, Krae­mer M, Die­bold K, Nie­mann P, Schoen­feld B, Utzig D, Hei­de­cke CD, Lerch M, Döl­ken G, Dom­brow­ski F, Breit­spre­cher R, Fischin­ger J, Schu­bert KH, Hagel C, Richt­ham­mer M, Sar­d­o­schau N, Har­loff M, Gröt­schla T, Pol­lom H, Wein­kauf J, Lütt­ges J, Tzo­nos S, Kubin T, Michl G, Schauer RJ, Gluth-​Stender M, Hagen­rei­ner E, Auber­ger T, Kraus J, Kempf B, Hostege A, Woidy L, Wypior HJ, Spiessl G, Per­manet­ter W, Schmid­konz P, Koh­ler M, Spes J, Roder J, Ross­kopf B, Beyer A, Sch­äf­fer C, Watz D, Ebner V, Sohm M, Baum­gart­ner R, Becker I, Rich­ter T, Mül­ler S, Hahn M, Zieg­ler K, Kott­sie­per H, Schei­ber H, Meyer T, Berndt R, Schie­der H, Tat­sis P, Irm­gart U, Fokuhl W, Sche­ruhn M, Boje H, Gol­lub H, Göb R, Julich G, Hub­rich K, Köst S, Weni­ger J, Bittrich A, Kos­mehl H, Fauser A, Bier­sack H, Rah­mer H, Witt­chen K, Roe­mer E, Lara-​Valverde M, Gulzad N, Sits­kaia X, Maus-​Delgado A, Gün­ther G, Zigou­ris C, Gabor C, Schmitz S, Seve­rin K, Beckurts K, Eypasch E, Meyer S, Klei­mann E, Heiss M, Brock­mann M, Gof­ferje M, Wil­helm T, Heck­mann M, Hin­richs B, Die­nes HP, Szöke A, Eidt S, Budde R, Mel­lin W, Vogel C, Jacobi C, Zonca P, Vehling-​Kaiser U, Greif D, Rex­rodt P, Raab M, Per­manet­ter W, Stei­ge­mann N, Gött­ler B, Schmidt G, Schei­ber H, Meyer W, Zieg­ler K, Berndt R, Dworak O, Hell­fritzsch H, Erler E, Fen­chel K, Berg­häu­ser KH, Kloet­zer KH, Ruf­fert K, Hahn­feld S, Rit­ter U, Wie­gel T, Blum­stein C, Henne-​Bruns D, Adler G, Möl­ler P, Bark­hau­sen K, Stein­mann R, Kraft K, Schneider-​Kappus W, Hansi W, Wan­nack W, Kuntz C, Aly­mov N, Sche­voigt U, Alles JU, Schulz C, Gosen­hei­mer R, Michal W, Kreit­zer J, Wag­ner I, Sei­pelt G, van Kam­pen M, Wend­ling P, Jäger C, Dols S, Bischof W, Kempf B, Wil­kow­ski R, Weber B, Rau HG, Stad­ler J, Pihusch R, Ruelfs C, Högel B, Becker C, Beer M, Betz­ler M, Knipp H, See­gen­schmiedt H, Oppen­kow­ski R, König B, Dimi­trion J, Schmid K, Feld­mann H, Hel­lin­ger A, HArps H, Höff­kes HG, Jas­per­sen D, Dis­tel­rath A, Christl S, Nie­haus J, Debus E, Kal­li­now­ski F, Kas­ten­dieck H, Witt­kow­sky G, Irm­gart U, Süd­hoff T, Kuhn M, Grimm H, Zit­zels­ber­ger M, Wach­ter S, Doebl HT, Nüsse T, Groß P, Schus­ter C, Bor­chert D, Saj­dova T, Schlitt H, Kölbl O, Andree­sen R, Hof­städ­ter F, Hipp M, Wag­ner H, Köl­bel C, Ockert D, Knoll M, Fran­zen S, Dornoff W, Hin­kel­dey K, Kriegs­mann J, Otto M, Krenn V, Her­zog P, Schlem­min­ger R, Koch H, Fischer G, Pucht­ler G, Huff H, Hertrei­ter J, Mer­gen E, Becker I, Rosen­heim P, Obst G, Mall J, Bruns F, Oster­tag H, Kro­na­wit­ter U, Jung C, Schauer RJ, Gluth-​Stender M, Auber­ger T, Stad­ler J, Schil­ling M, Däß­ler KU, Schorcht J, Dwor­zan­ski R, Baret­ton G, Kern J, Jany B, Koebe JG, Flentje M, Müller-​Hermelink H, Stein­bre­cher C, Stau­der H, Hüb­ner G, Sido B, Schlenska-​Lange A, Schenk M, Zim­mer­mann U, Wie­sin­ger H, Koh­ler E, Dietze L, Mainka D, Lei­feld L, Mül­ler G, Spira G, Die­nes HP, Zol­ler M, Har­tung E, Mül­ler G, Diet­rich C, Ott M, Flentje M, Dör­ner A, de Weerth A, Schorp T, Preiss A, Ahrend J, Ver­po­ort K, Zel­ler W, Wie­r­e­cky J, Krüll A, Matnjani G, Case­litz J, Runde V, West­hei­der J, Hoffmann-​Schneider V, Ker­ner H, Poth­mann M, Suder­mann T, Blum I, Acker­mann D, Glag M, Horst E, Reers B, Wal­ter S, Peveling-​Oberhag FJ, Stark U, Berns T, Glag M, Horst E, Sen Gupta R, Wil­lich N, Schül­ler P, Bücker R, Böcker W, Gas­smann P, Löcken A, Ber­del W, Kerk­hoff A, Rudy­kina G, Arndt M, Stü­ber E, Glas­bren­ner G, Bre­mer A, Stöhr G, Orth­ney C, Schmid­ber­ger H, Rös­ler HP, Menig M, Lang H, Gön­ner U, Möh­ler M, Sieb­ler J, Rink A, Kneist W, Jacob-​Heutmann D, Kirk­pa­trick C, Heintz A, Jung M, Gödderz W, Fische­dick AR, Ben­kel P, Sul­kow­ski U, Ler­chen­mül­ler C, Kas­per HU, Hoff­mann M, Horst­mann R, Sera­phin J, Det­ken S, Kuhl­gatz J, Chris­ti­an­sen H, Herr­mann M, Her­mann R, Wolff H, Momm F, Henke M, Ruf G, Baier K, Iller­haus G, Wer­ner M, Opitz O, Steinke B, Hertkorn C, Fuchs G, Mose S, Vier­ling P, Freund U, Gerbl J, Hirsch F, Jakob A, Raute M, Mohr L, Lin­de­mann W, Tietze L, Linz B, Mül­ler M, Jakob A, Hem­pel D, Hoch­dör­fer S, Schön­ber­ger B, Net­te­ler J, Rau H, Düs­sel A, Erck­mann F, Brun­ner E, Rei­ter C, Buck J, Högel B, Soeling U, Hes­ter­berg R, Heim­bu­cher J, Rottmann-​Ickler C, Key­mer R, Glie­sing E, Rüschoff J, von Wei­kers­thal L, Funck R, Späth G, Fah­rig A, Ber­be­rich W, Groß V, Dang-​Lieu B, Dreß­ler W, Spei­del A, Rau W, Buchali A, Papa­do­pou­los T, Schepp­ach W, Breu­nig E, Schip­pers E, Sprinz T, Flentje M, Beck­mann G, Schlag R, Greeve J, Wickermeier-​Dickel M, Schmidt R, Leber H


  • Pyro­se­quen­cing of BRAFV600E in Rou­tine Samp­les of Hairy Cell Leuke­mia iden­ti­fies CD5+Vari­ant Hairy Cell Leuke­mia That Lacks V600E 
    Mod Pathol. 2012;25 2: 350A-351A (Impact(2012)=5.253, Typ=Mee­ting Abs­tract) 
    Len­n­erz JK, Klaus B, Mari­en­feld R, Moel­ler P


  • Recur­rent muta­tion of the ID3 gene in Bur­kitt lym­phoma iden­ti­fied by inte­gra­ted genome, exome and tran­scriptome sequen­cing. 
    Nat Genet. 2012;44(12): 1316-20 (Impact(2012)=35.209, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Rich­ter J, Schles­ner M, Hoff­mann S, Kreuz M, Leich E, Burk­hardt B, Roso­low­ski M, Ammer­pohl O, Wagener R, Bern­hart SH, Lenze D, Szc­ze­panow­ski M, Paul­sen M, Lipin­ski S, Rus­sell RB, Adam-​Klages S, Apic G, Cla­viez A, Hasen­cle­ver D, Hove­stadt V, Hor­nig N, Kor­bel JO, Kube D, Lan­gen­ber­ger D, Lawe­renz C, Lis­feld J, Meyer K, Picelli S, Pischi­ma­rov J, Radl­wim­mer B, Rausch T, Rohde M, Schil­ha­bel M, Schol­ty­sik R, Spang R, Traut­mann H, Zenz T, Bork­hardt A, Drex­ler HG, Möl­ler P, MacLeod RA, Pott C, Schrei­ber S, Trüm­per L, Loeff­ler M, Stad­ler PF, Lich­ter P, Eils R, Küp­pers R, Hum­mel M, Klap­per W, Rosen­stiel P, Rosen­wald A, Brors B, Sie­bert R, ICGC MMML-​Seq Pro­ject , Ammer­pohl O, Cla­viez A, Esser D, Hor­nig N, Klap­per W, Pott C, Rich­ter G, Rich­ter J, Rosen­stiel P, Schil­ha­bel M, Schrei­ber S, Sie­bert R, Hemmrich-​Stanisak G, Szc­ze­panow­ski M, Traut­mann H, Wagener R, Ebert S, Kube D, Meyer K, Trüm­per L, Burk­hardt B, Lis­feld J, Rohde M, Brors B, Eils J, Eils R, Hut­ter B, Jäger N, Kor­bel J, Lawe­renz C, Lich­ter P, Radl­wim­mer B, Radom­ski S, Schles­ner M, Scholz I, Zenz T, Möl­ler P, Lenze D, Hum­mel M, Leich E, Pischi­ma­rov J, Rosen­wald A, Bin­der V, Bork­hardt A, Hoell J, Heza­veh K, Bern­hart SH, Bin­der H, Hoff­mann S, Hopp L, Kreuz M, Lan­gen­ber­ger D, Loeff­ler M, Roso­low­ski M, Stad­ler PF, Hans­mann ML, Küp­pers R, Weni­ger M, Schol­ty­sik R, Spang R, Barth TF, Bernd HW, Cogliatti SB, Fel­ler AC, Hans­mann ML, Hum­mel M, Klap­per W, Möl­ler P, Müller-​Hermelink HK, Ott G, Stein H, Szc­ze­panow­ski M, Wacker HH, Barth TF, Behr­mann P, Daniel P, Dier­lammm J, Haralam­bieva E, Har­der L, Hol­ter­hus PM, Küp­pers R, Kube D, Lich­ter P, Martín-​Subero JI, Möl­ler P, Murga-​Peñas EM, Psche­rer A, Rosen­wald A, Schwae­nen C, Sie­bert R, Traut­mann H, Vock­e­rodt M, Wes­sen­dorf S, Ben­tink S, Ber­ger H, Hasen­cle­ver D, Kreuz M, Loeff­ler M, Roso­low­ski M, Spang R, Stür­zen­ho­f­e­cker B, Trüm­per L, Weh­ner M, Loeff­ler M, Sie­bert R, Stein H, Trüm­per L


  • An ultraviolet-​radiation-independent pathway to mel­an­oma car­ci­no­ge­nesis in the red hair/fair skin back­ground. 
    Nature. 2012;491(7424): 449-53 (Impact(2012)=38.597, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't; Rese­arch Sup­port, N.I.H., Extra­mu­ral) 
    Mitra D, Luo X, Mor­gan A, Wang J, Hoang MP, Lo J, Guer­rero CR, Len­n­erz JK, Mihm MC, Wargo JA, Robin­son KC, Devi SP, Vano­ver JC, D'Ora­zio JA, McMa­hon M, Bosen­berg MW, Hai­gis KM, Haber DA, Wang Y, Fisher DE


  • I?B kina­ses modu­late the acti­vity of the andro­gen recep­tor in pro­state car­ci­noma cell lines. 
    Neo­pla­sia. 2012;14(3): 178-89 (Impact(2012)=5.47, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Jain G, Voogdt C, Tobias A, Spind­ler KD, Möl­ler P, Cro­nauer MV, Mari­en­feld RB


  • Engulf­ment adap­ter PTB domain con­tai­ning 1 inter­acts with and affects proces­sing of the amyloid-​? pre­cur­sor pro­tein. 
    Neu­ro­biol Aging. 2012;33(4): 732-43 (Impact(2012)=6.166, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, N.I.H., Extra­mu­ral) 
    Beyer AS, von Einem B, Schwanzar D, Kel­ler IE, Hell­rung A, Thal DR, Ingels­son M, Maka­rova A, Deng M, Chha­bra ES, Pröp­per C, Böckers TM, Hyman BT, von Arnim CA


  • Gene­tic vari­ants in PSEN2 and cor­re­la­tion to CSF ?-​amyloid42 levels in AD. 
    Neu­ro­biol Aging. 2012;33(1): 201.e9-18 (Impact(2012)=6.166, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Lebe­deva E, Stingl JC, Thal DR, Ghe­bre­med­hin E, Strauss J, Özer E, Bert­ram L, von Einem B, Tumani H, Otto M, Riepe MW, Högel J, Ludolph AC, von Arnim CA


  • Disper­si­ble amy­loid ?-​protein oli­go­mers, pro­to­fi­brils, and fibrils repre­sent dif­fu­si­ble but not solu­ble aggre­ga­tes: their role in neu­ro­de­ge­nera­tion in amy­loid pre­cur­sor pro­tein (APP) trans­ge­nic mice. 
    Neu­ro­biol Aging. 2012;33(11): 2641-60 (Impact(2012)=6.166, Typ=18784910; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Rijal Upad­haya A, Capetillo-​Zarate E, Kos­te­rin I, Abra­mow­ski D, Kumar S, Yama­guchi H, Wal­ter J, Fänd­rich M, Stau­fen­biel M, Thal DR


  • Chi­tinase enzyme acti­vity in CSF is a power­ful bio­mar­ker of Alz­hei­mer disease. 
    Neu­ro­logy. 2012;78(8): 569-77 (Impact(2012)=8.249, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Watabe-​Rudolph M, Song Z, Laus­ser L, Schnack C, Begus-​Nahrmann Y, Scheit­hauer MO, Ret­tin­ger G, Otto M, Tumani H, Thal DR, Attems J, Jel­lin­ger KA, Kest­ler HA, von Arnim CA, Rudolph KL


  • Sen­si­tive and spe­ci­fic immu­n­o­hi­sto­che­mi­cal dia­gno­sis of human alveo­lar echi­no­coc­co­sis with the mono­clo­nal anti­body Em2G11. 
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2012;6(10): e1877 (Impact(2012)=4.569, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Barth TF, Herr­mann TS, Tappe D, Stark L, Grü­ner B, But­ten­schoen K, Hil­len­brand A, Juchems M, Henne-​Bruns D, Kern P, Seitz HM, Möl­ler P, Rausch RL, Kern P, Depla­zes P


  • CD57(high) neu­ro­blas­toma cells have aggres­sive attri­bu­tes ex situ and an undif­fe­ren­tia­ted phe­no­type in pati­ents. 
    PLoS ONE. 2012;7(8): e42025 (Impact(2012)=3.73, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Schlit­ter AM, Dor­ne­burg C, Barth TF, Wahl J, Schulte JH, Brü­der­lein S, Deba­tin KM, Bel­tin­ger C


  • Expres­sion of Abel­son inter­ac­tor 1 (Abi1) cor­re­la­tes with inflam­ma­tion, KRAS muta­tion and ade­no­matous change during colo­nic car­ci­no­ge­nesis. 
    PLoS ONE. 2012;7(7): e40671 (Impact(2012)=3.73, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article) 
    Stei­nes­tel K, Brü­der­lein S, Stei­nes­tel J, Märkl B, Schwe­rer MJ, Arndt A, Kraft K, Pröp­per C, Möl­ler P


  • Appli­ca­tion of digi­tal patho­logy tools. An unusual case of non-​Hodgkin lym­phoma 
    Patho­loge. 2012;33 2: 200-204 (Impact(2012)=0.621, Typ=Article) 
    Meyer ASK, Dal­len­bach FE, Lie­nert G, Mol­ler P, Len­n­erz JK


  • Report of the Mee­ting of the Work­ing Group on Hemato­pa­tho­logy 
    Patho­loge. 2012;33 2: 338-339 (Impact(2012)=0.621, Typ=Article) 
    Mol­ler P,


  • Micro­glial repo­pu­la­tion model reveals a robust homeo­sta­tic process for repla­cing CNS mye­loid cells. 
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012;109(44): 18150-5 (Impact(2012)=9.737, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Var­vel NH, Gra­thwohl SA, Bau­mann F, Lie­big C, Bosch A, Bra­wek B, Thal DR, Charo IF, Hepp­ner FL, Aguzzi A, Gara­schuk O, Ran­so­hoff RM, Jucker M


  • Rapid iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of Leish­ma­nia spp. in formalin-​fixed, paraffin-​embedded tis­sue samp­les by fluo­re­scence in situ hybri­diza­tion. 
    Trop Med Int Health. 2012;17(9): 1117-26 (Impact(2012)=2.938, Typ=Article; Jour­nal Article) 
    Frick­mann H, Alna­mar Y, Essig A, Clos J, Racz P, Barth TF, Hagen RM, Fischer M, Pop­pert S


  • NF-?B signa­ling in pro­state can­cer: a pro­mi­sing the­ra­peu­tic tar­get? 
    World J Urol. 2012;30(3): 303-10 (Impact(2012)=2.888, Typ=nicht gelis­tet; Jour­nal Article; Review; Rese­arch Sup­port, Non-U.S. Gov't) 
    Jain G, Cro­nauer MV, Schra­der M, Möl­ler P, Mari­en­feld RB
  • Matt­feldt T
    A brief intro­duc­tion to computer-​intensive methods, with a view towards appli­ca­ti­ons in spa­tial sta­ti­stics and ste­reo­logy.
    J Microsc. 2011 Apr;242(1):1-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2818.2010.03452.x. Epub 2010 Nov 18
  • Len­n­erz JK, Klaus BM, Mari­en­feld RB, Möl­ler P.
    Pyro­se­quen­cing of BRAF V600E in rou­tine samp­les of Hairy Cell Leu­ka­e­mia iden­ti­fies CD5+ vari­ant Hairy Cell Leu­ka­e­mia that lacks V600E.
    Br J Hae­ma­tol. 2011 Dec 7. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2011
  • Zim­mer­mann K, Len­n­erz JK, Hein A, Link AS, Kacz­ma­rek JS, Del­ling M, Uysal S, Pfei­fer JD, Ric­cio A, Clapham DE.
    Tran­si­ent recep­tor poten­tial cation chan­nel, sub­fa­mily C, mem­ber 5 (TRPC5) is a cold-​transducer in the peri­phe­ral ner­vous sys­tem.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Nov 1;108(44)
  • Pal­ko­witsch L, Mari­en­feld U, Brun­ner C, Eitel­hu­ber A, Krapp­mann D, Mari­en­feld RB.
    The Ca2+-​dependent phos­phatase cal­ci­neu­rin con­trols the for­ma­tion of the Carma1-Bcl10-Malt1 com­plex during T cell receptor-​induced NF-​kappaB acti­va­tion.
    J Biol Chem. 2011 Mar 4;286(9)
  • Hart­mann N, Leit­häu­ser F, Albers C, Duys­ter J, Möl­ler P, Deba­tin KM, Strauss G.
    In vitro-​established alloantigen-​specific CD8+ CTLs mediate graft-​versus-tumor acti­vity in the absence of graft-​versus-host disease.
    Leuke­mia. 2011 May;25(5):848-55
  • Cal­zia E, Szabó C, Schel­zig H, Geor­gieff M, Rader­ma­cher P, Wag­ner F.
    Simon F, Scheu­erle A, Grö­ger M, Stahl B, Wach­ter U, Vogt J, Speit G, Hau­ser B, Möl­ler P, 
    Effects of intra­venous sul­fide during por­cine aor­tic occlusion-​induced kid­ney ischemia/reper­fu­sion injury.
    Shock. 2011 Feb;35(2):156-63.
  • Haag C, Sta­del D, Zhou S, Bachem MG, Möl­ler P, Deba­tin KM, Fulda S.
    Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of c-​FLIP(L) and c-​FLIP(S) as cri­ti­cal regu­la­tors of death receptor-​induced apo­pto­sis in pan­crea­tic can­cer cells.
    Gut. 2011 Feb;60(2):225-37.
  • Oschlies I, Burk­hardt B, Sala­ver­ria I, Rosen­wald A, d'Amore ES, Szc­ze­panow­ski M, Koch K, Hans­mann ML, Stein H, Möl­ler P, Rei­ter A, Zim­mer­mann M, Roso­len A, Sie­bert R, Jaffe ES, Klap­per W.
    Cli­ni­cal, patho­lo­gi­cal and gene­tic fea­tures of pri­mary media­s­ti­nal large B-​cell lym­pho­mas and media­s­ti­nal gray zone lym­pho­mas in child­ren.
    Hae­ma­to­lo­gica. 2011 Feb;96(2):262-8. Epub 2010 Oct 22.
  • Raia V, Schil­ling M, Böhm M, Hahn B, Kowarsch A, Raue A, Sticht C, Bohl S, Saile M, Möl­ler P, Gretz N, Tim­mer J, Theis F, Leh­mann WD, Lich­ter P, Kling­mül­ler U.
    Dyna­mic mathe­ma­ti­cal mode­ling of IL13-​induced signa­ling in Hodg­kin and pri­mary media­s­ti­nal B-​cell lym­phoma allows pre­dic­tion of the­ra­peu­tic tar­gets.
    Can­cer Res. 2011 Feb 1;71(3):693-704. Epub 2010 Dec 2.
  • Pres­neau N, Shalaby A, Ye H, Pil­lay N, Halai D, Idowu B, Tira­bosco R, Whit­well D, Jac­ques TS, Kind­blom LG, Brü­der­lein S, Möl­ler P, Leith­ner A, Liegl B, Amary FM, Atha­na­sou NN, Hogen­doorn PC, Mer­tens F, Szu­hai K, Fla­na­gan AM.
    Role of the tran­scrip­tion fac­tor T (brachyury) in the patho­ge­nesis of spo­ra­dic chor­doma: a gene­tic and functional-​based study.
    J Pathol. 2011 Feb;223(3):327-35. doi: 10.1002/path.2816. Epub 2010 Nov 24.
  • Hahn B, Böhm M, Raia V, Zinn N, Möl­ler P, Kling­mül­ler U, Leh­mann WD.
    One-​source pep­tide/phos­pho­pep­tide stan­dards for accu­rate phos­pho­ry­la­tion degree deter­mi­na­tion.
    Pro­teo­mics. 2011 Feb;11(3):490-4. doi: 10.1002/pmic.201000569. Epub 2011 Jan 13.
  • Giehl K, Bachem M, Beil M, Böhm BO, Ellen­rie­der V, Fulda S, Gress TM, Holz­mann K, Kest­ler HA, Korn­mann M, Menke A, Möl­ler P, Oswald F, Schmid RM, Schmidt V, Schirm­beck R, Seuf­fer­lein T, von Wichert G, Wag­ner M, Walt­her P, Wirth T,
    Adler G.
    Inflam­ma­tion, rege­ne­ra­tion, and trans­for­ma­tion in the pan­creas: results of the Col­la­bo­ra­tive Rese­arch Cen­ter 518 (SFB 518) at the Uni­ver­sity of Ulm.
    Pan­creas. 2011 May;40(4):489-502. Review.
  • Keu­per M, Blü­her M, Schön MR, Möl­ler P, Dzy­a­kan­chuk A, Amrein K, Deba­tin KM, Wabitsch M, Fischer-​Posovszky P.
    An inflam­ma­tory micro-​environment pro­mo­tes human adi­po­cyte apo­pto­sis.
    Mol Cell Endocri­nol. 2011 Jun 6;339(1-2):105-13. Epub 2011 Apr 9.
  • Azoi­tei N, Kle­ger A, Schoo N, Thal DR, Brun­ner C, Pusa­pati GV, Fila­tova A, Genze F, Möl­ler P, Acker T, Kue­fer R, Van Lint J, Baust H, Adler G, Seuf­fer­lein T.
    Pro­tein kinase D2 is a novel regu­la­tor of glio­blas­toma growth and tumor for­ma­tion.
    Neuro Oncol. 2011 Jul;13(7):710-24.
  • Simon F, Scheu­erle A, Grö­ger M, Vcelar B, McCook O, Möl­ler P, Geor­gieff M, Cal­zia E, Rader­ma­cher P, Schel­zig H.
    Com­pa­ri­son of carb­amy­la­ted erythropoietin-​FC fusion pro­tein and recom­bi­nant human ery­thro­poie­tin during por­cine aor­tic bal­loon occlusion-​induced spi­nal cord ischemia/reper­fu­sion injury.
    Inten­sive Care Med. 2011 Sep;37(9):1525-33. Epub 2011 Jul 16.
  • Feyer­abend TB, Wei­ser A, Tietz A, Stas­sen M, Har­ris N, Kopf M, Rader­ma­cher P, Möl­ler P, Beno­ist C, Mathis D, Feh­ling HJ, Rode­wald HR.
    Cre-​mediated cell abla­tion con­tests mast cell con­tri­bu­tion in models of antibody-​ and T cell-​mediated auto­im­mu­nity.
    Immu­nity. 2011 Nov 23;35(5):832-44.
  • Lemke J, Barth TF, Juchems M, Kapapa T, Henne-​Bruns D, Korn­mann M.
    Long-​term sur­vi­val fol­lo­wing resec­tion of brain meta­sta­ses from pan­crea­tic can­cer.
    Antican­cer Res. 2011 Dec;31(12):4599-603.
  • Posovszky C, Lahr G, von Schnur­bein J, Bude­rus S, Findei­sen A, Schrö­der C, Schütz C, Schulz A, Deba­tin KM, Wabitsch M, Barth TF.
    Loss of Ente­ro­en­docrine Cells in Autoimmune-​Polyendocrine-Candidiasis-Ectodermal-Dystrophy (APE­CED) Syn­drome with Gastro­in­te­sti­nal Dys­func­tion.
    J Clin Endocri­nol Metab. 2012 Feb;97(2):E292-300. Epub 2011 Dec 7.
  • Ste­phani J, Akinli AS, von Figura G, Barth TF, Weber T, Hart­mann B, Adler G, von Boyen GB.
    Acute Pan­crea­ti­tis in a pati­ent with hyper­cal­ce­mia due to ter­ti­ary hyper­pa­ra­thy­ro­idism.
    Z Gas­tro­en­te­rol. 2011 Sep;49(9):1263-6. Epub 2011 Sep 1.
  • Schwarz P, Küb­ler JA, Strnad P, Mül­ler K, Barth TF, Ger­loff A, Feick P, Pey­ssonn­aux C, Vau­lont S, Adler G, Kulak­siz H.
    Hep­ci­din is loca­li­sed in gastric parie­tal cells, regu­la­tes acid secre­tion and is indu­ced by Heli­co­bac­ter pylori infec­tion.
    Gut. 2012 Feb;61(2):193-201. Epub 2011 Jul 13.
  • Schmitt M, Neu­bauer A, Grei­ner J, Xu X, Barth TF, Bech­ter K.
    Sprea­ding of acute mye­loid leuke­mia cells by traf­fi­cking along the peri­phe­ral out­flow pathway of cere­bro­s­pi­nal fluid.
    Antican­cer Res. 2011 Jun;31(6):2343-5.
  • Bhat­tach­a­rya N, Die­ner S, Idler IS, Barth TF, Rauen J, Haber­mann A, Zenz T, Möl­ler P, Döh­ner H, Stil­gen­bauer S, Mer­tens D.
    Non-​malignant B cells and chro­nic lym­pho­cy­tic leuke­mia cells induce a pro-​survival phe­no­type in CD14+ cells from peri­phe­ral blood.
    Leuke­mia. 2011 Apr;25(4):722-6. Epub 2011 Jan 18. No abs­tract availa­ble.
  • von Figura G, Hart­mann D, Pauls S, Barth TF, Adler G, Henne-​Bruns D, Kulak­siz H.
    Dif­fi­cult dia­gno­sis of a large cystic retro­pe­ri­to­neal tumor mimi­cking a hepa­tic ori­gin.
    Z Gas­tro­en­te­rol. 2010 Nov;48(11):1301-4. Epub 2010 Nov 1.
  • Elleg­ast J, Barth TF, Schulte M, Bielack SS, Schmid M, Mayer-​Steinacker R.
    Metasta­sis of osteo­s­ar­coma after 16 years.
    J Clin Oncol. 2011 Jan 20;29(3):e62-6. Epub 2010 Nov 1. No abs­tract availa­ble.
  • Floss­bach L, Anto­neag E, Buck M, Sie­bert R, Matt­feldt T, Möl­ler P, Barth TF.
    BCL6 gene rear­ran­ge­ment and pro­tein expres­sion are asso­cia­ted with large cell pre­sen­ta­tion of ext­r­ano­dal mar­gi­nal zone B-​cell lym­phoma of mucosa-​associated lym­phoid tis­sue.
    Int J Can­cer. 2011 Jul 1;129(1):70-7. doi: 10.1002/ijc.25663. Epub 2010 Dec 1.
  • Mueh­ling BM, Paint­ner A, Marx N, Barth TF, Babiak C, Orend KH.
    In vivo study on the expres­sion pat­tern of resis­tin in pati­ents with abdo­mi­nal aor­tic aneu­rysm.
    Vasc Endo­va­s­cu­lar Surg. 2011 Jan;45(1):63-8. Epub 2010 Aug 31.
  • Schwae­nen C, Viar­dot A, Ber­ger H, Barth TFE, Bent­nink S, Döh­ner H, Enz M, Fel­ler AC, Hans­mann M-L, Hum­mel M, Kest­ler HA, Klap­per W, Kreuz M, Lenze D, Loeff­ler M, Möl­ler P, Müller-​Hermelink H-K, Ott G, Roso­low­ski M, Rosen­wald A, Ruf S, Sie­bert R, Spang R, Stein H, Trüm­per L, Lich­ter P, Bentz M, Wes­sen­dorf S for the Mole­cu­lar Mecha­nisms in Mali­gnant Lym­pho­mas Net­work Pro­ject of the Deut­sche Krebs­hilfe.
    Micro­ar­ray based geno­mic pro­fi­ling reveals novel geno­mic aberra­ti­ons in fol­li­cu­lar lym­phoma which asso­ciate with pati­ent sur­vi­val and gene expres­sion sta­tus.
    Genes Chro­mo­so­mes Can­cer 48(1):39-54
  • Gianno­pou­los K, Bueh­ler A, Mer­tens D, Barth TFE, Idler I, Möl­ler P, Krö­ber A, Grei­ner J, Choch­ol­ska S, Dmos­zynska A, Rolin­ski J, Döh­ner H, Stil­gen­bauer S, Schmitt M.
    The can­di­date immu­n­o­the­ra­peu­ti­cal tar­get the recep­tor for hyalu­ro­nic acid media­ted moti­lity (RHAMM) is asso­cia­ted with pro­li­fe­ra­tion and shows pro­gno­stic value in B-​cell chro­nic lym­pho­cy­tic leuke­mia.
    Leuke­mia 23(3):519-27
  • Vog­ler M, Sta­del D, Genze F, Haas T, Jova­no­vic M, Bha­not U, Hasel C, Möl­ler P, Gschwend JE, Sim­met T, Wal­czak H, Deba­tin K-M, Fulda S.
    A com­bi­ned sen­si­ti­zer/indu­cer stra­tegy of XIAP inhi­bi­tion and TRAIL trig­gers apo­pto­sis and cau­ses regres­sion of pan­crea­tic car­ci­noma in vivo.
    Can­cer Res 69(6):2425-34
  • Schmitt A, Barth TFE, Beyer E, Bor­chert F, Rojew­skiM, Chen J, Guil­laume P, Gro­nau S, Grei­ner J, Möl­ler P, Rie­chelmann H, Schmitt M.
    The tumor anti­gens RHAMM and G250/CAIX are expres­sed in head and neck squa­mous cell car­ci­no­mas and eli­cit spe­ci­fic CD8+ T cell respon­ses.
    Int J Oncol 34(3):629-39
  • Möl­ler P, Mayer S, Matt­feldt T, Mül­ler K, Wie­gand P, Brü­der­lein S.
    Sex-​related dif­fe­ren­ces in length and ero­sion dyna­mics of human telo­me­res favour fema­les.
    Aging 1(8):733-39
  • Bernd HW, Zie­pert M, Thorns C, Klap­per W, Wacker HH, Hum­mel M, Stein H, Hans­mann ML, Ott G, Rosen­wald A, Müller-​Hermelink HK, Barth TF, Möl­ler P, Cogliatti SB, Pfreund­schuh M, Schmitz N, Trüm­per L, Höl­ler S, Löff­ler M, Fel­ler AC.
    Loss of HLA-​DR expres­sion and immu­n­ob­lastic mor­pho­logy pre­dict adverse out­come in dif­fuse large B-​cell lym­phoma - ana­ly­ses of cases from two pro­spec­tive ran­do­mi­zed cli­ni­cal tri­als. Ger­man High Grade Non-​Hodgkin's Lym­phoma Study Group (DSHNHL).
    Hae­ma­to­lo­gica 94(11):1569-80
  • Möl­ler P.
    Spre­cher der AG Häma­to­pa­tho­lo­gie der DGP. [Work report of the Hemato­pa­tho­logy Work­ing Group]
    Patho­loge Suppl 2:228-9
  • Simon F, Giudici R, Scheu­erle A, Grö­ger M, Asfar P, Vogt JA, Wach­ter U, Plo­ner F, Geor­gieff M, Möl­ler P, Laporte R, Rader­ma­cher P, Cal­zia E, Hau­ser B.
    Com­pa­ri­son of car­diac, hepa­tic, and renal effects of argi­nine vas­opres­sin and nor­ad­re­na­line during por­cine fecal peri­to­ni­tis: a ran­do­mi­zed con­trol­led trial.
    Crit Care 13(4):R113
  • Hau­ser B, Barth E, Bassi G, Simon F, Grö­ger M, Oter S, Speit G, Plo­ner F, Möl­ler P, Wach­ter U, Vogt JA, Mate­jo­vic M, Cal­zia E, Geor­gieff M, Rader­ma­cher P, May­bauer DM.
    Hemo­dy­na­mic, meta­bo­lic, and organ func­tion effects of pure oxy­gen ven­ti­la­tion during estab­lished fecal peritonitis-​induced sep­tic shock.
    Crit Care Med. 37(8):2465-9
  • Ritz O, Gui­ter C, Cas­tel­lano F, Dorsch K, Melz­ner J, Jais JP, Dubois G, Gau­lard P, Möl­ler P, Leroy K.
    Recur­rent muta­ti­ons of the STAT6 DNA bin­ding domain in pri­mary media­s­ti­nal B-​cell lym­phoma.
    Blood 114(6):1236-42
  • Bha­not UK, Möl­ler P.
    Mecha­nisms of paren­chy­mal injury and signa­ling pathways in ecta­tic ducts of chro­nic pan­crea­ti­tis: impli­ca­ti­ons for pan­crea­tic car­ci­no­ge­nesis.
    Lab Invest. 89(5):489-97. (2009) [Epub ahead of print]
  • Vog­ler M, Wal­czak H, Sta­del D, Haas TL, Genze F, Jova­no­vic M, Bha­not U, Hasel C, Möl­ler P, Gschwend JE, Sim­met T, Deba­tin KM, Fulda S.
    Small mole­cule XIAP inhi­bi­tors enhance TRAIL-​induced apo­pto­sis and anti­tu­mor acti­vity in pre­cli­ni­cal models of pan­crea­tic car­ci­noma.
    Can­cer Res 69(6):2425-34
  • Schmitt A, Barth TF, Beyer E, Bor­chert F, Rojew­ski M, Chen J, Guil­laume P, Gro­nau S, Grei­ner J, Möl­ler P, Rie­chelmann H, Schmitt M.
    The tumor anti­gens RHAMM and G250/CAIX are expres­sed in head and neck squa­mous cell car­ci­no­mas and eli­cit spe­ci­fic CD8+ T cell respon­ses.
    Int J Oncol. 34(3):629-39
  • Gib­cus JH, Tan LP, Harms G, Scha­kel RN, de Jong D, Blok­zijl T, Möl­ler P, Pop­pema S, Kroe­sen BJ, van den Berg A.
    Hodg­kin lym­phoma cell lines are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by a spe­ci­fic miRNA expres­sion pro­file.
    Neo­pla­sia 11(2):167-76
  • Schu­mann C, Lep­per PM, Barth TF, Möl­ler P, Krü­ger S.
    Suc­cess­ful imme­diate cryo­reca­na­liza­tion of a simul­ta­neous high-​grade tra­cheal and bron­chial steno­sis as rare mani­fes­ta­ti­ons of bronchial-​associated lym­phoid tis­sue lym­phoma.
    J Tho­rac Car­dio­vasc Surg. 137(1):e17-9
  • Gianno­pou­los K, Mer­tens D, Büh­ler A, Barth TF, Idler I, Möl­ler P, Krö­ber A, Grei­ner J, Choch­ol­ska S, Dmoszyñska A, Roliñski J, Döh­ner H, Stil­gen­bauer S, Schmitt M.
    The can­di­date immu­n­o­the­ra­peu­ti­cal tar­get, the recep­tor for hyalu­ro­nic acid-​mediated moti­lity, is asso­cia­ted with pro­li­fe­ra­tion and shows pro­gno­stic value in B-​cell chro­nic lym­pho­cy­tic leuke­mia.
    Leuke­mia 23(3):519-27
  • Martín-​Subero JI, Kreuz M, Bibi­kova M, Ben­tink S, Ammer­pohl O, Wickham-​Garcia E, Roso­low­ski M, Rich­ter J, Lopez-​Serra L, Bal­le­star E, Ber­ger H, Agirre X, Bernd HW, Cal­va­nese V, Cogliatti SB, Drex­ler HG, Fan JB, Fraga MF, Hans­mann ML, Hum­mel M, Klap­per W, Korn B, Küp­pers R, Macleod RA, Möl­ler P, Ott G, Pott C, Pro­sper F, Rosen­wald A, Schwae­nen C, Schübe­ler D, Sei­fert M, Stür­zen­ho­f­e­cker B, Weber M, Wes­sen­dorf S, Loeff­ler M, Trüm­per L, Stein H, Spang R, Estel­ler M. Bar­ker D, Hasen­cle­ver D, Sie­bert R for the Mole­cu­lar Mecha­nisms in Mali­gnant Lym­pho­mas Net­work Pro­ject of the Deut­sche Krebs­hilfe.
    New insights into the bio­logy and ori­gin of mature aggres­sive B-​cell lym­pho­mas by com­bi­ned epi­ge­no­mic, geno­mic, and tran­scrip­tio­nal pro­fi­ling.
    Blood 113(11):2488-97
  • Schwae­nen C, Viar­dot A, Ber­ger H, Barth TF, Ben­tink S, Döh­ner H, Enz M, Fel­ler AC, Hans­mann ML, Hum­mel M, Kest­ler HA, Klap­per W, Kreuz M, Lenze D, Loeff­ler M, Möl­ler P, Müller-​Hermelink HK, Ott G, Roso­low­ski M, Rosen­wald A, Ruf S, Sie­bert R, Spang R, Stein H, Tru­em­per L, Lich­ter P, Bentz M, Wes­sen­dorf S. for the Mole­cu­lar Mecha­nisms in Mali­gnant Lym­pho­mas Net­work Pro­ject of the Deut­sche Krebs­hilfe.
    Microarray-​based geno­mic pro­fi­ling reveals novel geno­mic aberra­ti­ons in fol­li­cu­lar lym­phoma which asso­ciate with pati­ent sur­vi­val and gene expres­sion sta­tus.
    Genes Chro­mo­so­mes Can­cer 48(1):39-54
  • Bernd HW, Zie­pert M, Thorns C, Klap­per W, Wacker HH, Hum­mel M, Stein H, Hans­mann ML, Ott G, Rosen­wald A, Müller-​Hermelink HK, Barth TF, Möl­ler P, Cogliatti SB, Pfreund­schuh M, Schmitz N, Trüm­per L, Höl­ler S, Löff­ler M, Fel­ler AC, Ger­man High Grade Non-​Hodgkin's Lym­phoma Study Group (DSHNHL).
    Loss of HLA-​DR expres­sion and immu­n­ob­lastic mor­pho­logy pre­dict adverse out­come in dif­fuse large B-​cell lym­phoma - ana­ly­ses of cases from two pro­spec­tive ran­do­mi­zed cli­ni­cal tri­als.
    Hae­ma­to­lo­gica. 2009 Nov;94(11):1569-80
  • Vog­ler M, Sta­del D, Genze F, Haas T, Jova­no­vic M, Bha­not U, Hasel C, Möl­ler P, Gschwend JE, Sim­met T, Wal­czak H, Deba­tin K-M, Fulda S
    A com­bi­ned sen­si­ti­zer/indu­cer stra­tegy of XIAP inhi­bi­tion and TRAIL trig­gers apo­pto­sis and cau­ses regres­sion of pan­crea­tic car­ci­noma in vivo.
    Can­cer Res 69: 2425-2434
  • Weber T, Cam­me­rer G, Schick C, Sol­bach C, Hil­len­brand A, Barth TF, Henne-​Bruns D, Bla­gieva R, Böhm BO, Reske SN, Lus­ter M
    C-11 methio­nine posi­tron emis­sion tomo­gra­phy/com­pu­ted tomo­gra­phy loca­li­zes para­thy­roid ade­no­mas in pri­mary hyper­pa­ra­thy­ro­idism.
    Horm. Metab. Res. 42(3): 209-14
  • Mueh­ling BM, Toel­kes S, Schel­zig H, Barth TF, Sunder-​Plassmann L
    Tyro­sine kinase expres­sion in pul­mo­nary meta­sta­ses and pai­red pri­mary tumors.
    Inter­act Car­dio­vasc Tho­rac Surg 10(2): 228-31
  • Scheele J, Barth TF, Strass­burg J, Juchems M, Korn­mann M, Henne-​Bruns D
    Der­moid cyst of the pan­creas.
    Int J Colo­rec­tal Dis 25(3): 415-6
  • Juchems MS, Ernst AS, Korn­mann M, Barth TF, Kra­mer K, Brambs HJ, Aschoff AJ
    Value of MDCT in pre­ope­ra­tive local sta­ging of rec­tal can­cer for pre­dic­ting the neces­sity for neo­ad­ju­vant radio­che­mo­the­rapy.
    Rofo 181(12): 1168-74
  • But­ten­schoen K, Kern P, Reu­ter S, Barth TF
    Hepa­tic infe­sta­tion of Echi­no­coc­cus mul­ti­lo­cu­la­ris with exten­sion to regio­nal lymph nodes.
    Lan­gen­becks Arch Surg 394(4): 699-704
  • Drews BH, Barth TF, Hänle MM, Akinli AS, Mason RA, Muche R, Thiel R, Pauls S, Klaus J, von Boyen G, Krat­zer W
    Com­pa­ri­son of sono­gra­phi­cally mea­su­red bowel wall vas­cu­la­rity, his­to­logy, and disease acti­vity in Crohn's disease.
    Eur Radiol 19(6): 1379-86
  • Pan­ni­cke U, Hönig M, Hess I, Frie­sen C, Holz­mann K, Rump EM, Barth TF, Rojew­ski MT, Schulz A, Boehm T, Fried­rich W, Schwarz K
    Reti­cu­lar dys­ge­ne­sis (ale­uko­cy­to­sis) is cau­sed by muta­ti­ons in the gene enco­ding mito­chon­drial ade­ny­late kinase 2.
    Nat. Genet. 41(1): 101-5
  • Utz AC, Hirner H, Blatz A, Hil­len­brand A, Schmidt B, Dep­pert W, Henne-​Bruns D, Fischer D, Thal DR,Leit­häu­ser F, Knipp­schild U
    Ana­ly­sis of cell type-​specific expres­sion of CK1 epsi­lon in various tis­sues of young adult BALB/c Mice and in mam­mary tumors of SV40 T-​Ag-transgenic mice.
    J. Histo­chem. Cyto­chem. 58(1): 1-15
  • Kle­ger A, Bom­mer M, Kunze M, Klaus J, Lei­thae­u­ser F, Wege­ner M, Adler G, Diko­pou­los N
    First repor­ted case of disease: pelio­sis hepa­tis as car­di­nal sym­ptom of Hodg­kin's lym­phoma.
    Onco­lo­gist 14(11): 1088-94
  • Wahl C, Mül­ler W, Leit­häu­ser F, Adler G, Oswald F, Rei­mann J, Schirm­beck R, Seier A, Weiss JM,Proch­now B, Wegenka UM
    IL-20 recep­tor 2 signa­ling down-​regulates antigen-​specific T cell respon­ses.
    J. Immu­nol. 182(2): 802-10
  • Wahl C, Wegenka UM, Leit­häu­ser F, Schirm­beck R, Rei­mann J
    IL-22-​dependent attenua­tion of T cell-​dependent (ConA) hepa­ti­tis in her­pes virus entry media­tor defi­ci­ency.
    J. Immu­nol. 182(8): 4521-8
  • Löh­ler J, Hirner H, Schmidt B, Kra­mer K, Fischer D, Thal DR, Leit­häu­ser F, Knipp­schild U
    Immu­n­o­hi­sto­che­mi­cal cha­rac­te­ri­sa­tion of cell-​type spe­ci­fic expres­sion of CK1delta in various tis­sues of young adult BALB/c mice.
    PLoS ONE 4(1): e4174
  • Kokai E, Voss F, Flei­scher F, Kempe S, Marinko­vic D, Wol­burg H, Leit­häu­ser F, Schmidt V, Deutsch U,Wirth T
    Myc regu­la­tes embryo­nic vas­cu­lar per­mea­bi­lity and remo­de­ling.
    Circ. Res. 104(10): 1151-9
  • Matt­feldt T, Eckel S, Flei­scher F, Schmidt V
    Sta­ti­sti­cal ana­ly­sis of label­ling pat­terns of mam­mary car­ci­noma cell nuclei on his­to­lo­gi­cal sec­tions.
    J Microsc 235(1): 106-18
  • Marmé A, Zim­mer­mann H-P, Mol­den­hauer G, Schorpp-​Kirstner M, Dall­ner C, Keber­lein O, Giersch A, Kret­schmer J, Seib B, Spiess E, Hun­zin­ger A, Merchán F, Möl­ler P, Hahn U, Kurek R, Marmé F, Bas­tert G, Wall­wie­ner D, Ponstingl H
    Loss of Drop1 expres­sion already at early tumor stages in a wide range of human car­ci­no­mas.
    In J Can­cer 123: 2048-2056
  • Pauls S,  Buck AK,  Hal­ter G, Mot­taghy FM,  Muche R, Gerst­ner S, Krü­ger S, Glat­tig G, Sunder-​Plasmann L, Möl­ler P, Brambs H-J, Reske SN
    Per­for­mance of inte­gra­ted[18F]-FDG PET/CT for dif­fe­ren­tia­ting benign and mali­gnant lung lesi­ons - results from a large pro­spec­tive cli­ni­cal trial.
    Mol Image Biol 10: 121-128
  • Dier­lamm J, Murga Penas EM, Ben­tink S, Wes­sen­dorf S, Ber­ger H, Hum­mel M, Klap­per W, Lenze D, Rosen­wald A, Haralam­bieva E, Ott G, Cogliatti SB, Möl­ler P, Schwae­nen C, Stein H,  Löff­ler M, Spang R, Trüm­per L, Sie­bert R,  on behalf of the Deut­sche Krebs­hilfe Net­work Pro­ject
    "Mole­cu­lar Mecha­nisms in Mali­gnant Lym­pho­mas."
    Gain of chro­mo­some region 18q21 inclu­ding the MALT1 gene is asso­cia­ted with the acti­va­ted B-​cell-like gene expres­sion sub­type, incre­a­sed BCL2 gene doseage and pro­tein expres­sion and an unfa­voura­ble pro­gno­sis in dif­fuse large B-​cell lym­phoma.

    Hae­ma­to­lo­gica 93:688-696
  • Bha­not U, Kön­top R, Hasel C, Möl­ler P
    Evi­dence of Notch pathway acti­va­tion in the ecta­tic ducts of chro­nicpan­crea­ti­tis.
    J Pathol 214: 312-319
  • Ritz O, Gui­ter C, Dorsch K, Dusanter-​Fourt I, Wege­ner S, Jou­ault H, Gau­lard P, Cas­tel­lano F, Möl­ler P, Leroy K.
    STAT6 acti­vity is regu­la­ted by SOCS-1 and modu­la­tes BCL-​XL expres­sion in pri­mary media­s­ti­nal B-​cell lym­phoma.
    Leuke­mia 22(11):2106-10
  • Ushmo­rov A, Leit­häu­ser F, Ritz O, Barth TFE, Möl­ler P, Wirth T
    BF-1 exhi­bits tumor sup­pres­sor acti­vity and is fre­quently silen­ced by methy­la­tion in fol­li­cu­lar lym­phoma, dif­fuse large B-​cell lym­phoma, and Bur­kitt's lym­phoma.
    Leuke­mia 22: 1942-1944
  • Fernandez-​Veledo S, Nieto-​Vazques I, de Catro J, Ramos M P, Brü­der­lein S, Möl­ler P, Lorenzo M.
    Hyper­in­su­li­ne­mia indu­ces insu­lin resis­tance on glu­cose and­li­pid meta­bo­lism in a human adi­po­cy­tic cell line: para­krine inter­ac­tion with myo­cy­tes.
    J Clin Endocri­nol Meta­bol 93: 2866-2876
  • Boehm BO*, Möl­ler P*, Högel J, Win­kel­mann BR,  Ren­ner W,  Rosin­ger S,  Seel­horst U,  Well­nitz B, März W,  Melz­ner J, Brü­der­lein S (*equal con­tri­bu­ti­ons)
    Lym­pho­cy­tes of type 2 dia­be­tic women carry a high load of sta­ble chro­mo­so­mal aberra­ti­ons - a novel risk fac­tor for early disease-​related death.
    Dia­be­tes 57: 1-9
  • San­der S, Bul­lin­ger L, Leu­pold E, Bren­ner A, Kienle D, Kat­zen­ber­ger T, Kalla J, Ott G, Müller-​Hermelink H-K, Barth TFE, Möl­ler P, Lich­ter P, Döh­ner H, Stil­gen­bauer S
    Geno­mic aberra­ti­ons in man­tle cell lym­phoma detec­ted by inter­phase fluorescence-​in-situ-hybridization - Inci­cence and cli­ni­co­pa­tho­lo­gic cor­re­la­ti­ons.
    Hae­ma­to­lo­gica 93: 680-687
  • Buck AK, Herr­mann K, Büschen­felde CM, Juweid ME, Bischoff M, Gla­ting G, Wei­rich G, Möl­ler P, Wes­ter HJ, Schneid­hauer K, Dechow T, Peschel C, Schwai­ger M, Reske SN
    Ima­ging bone and soft tis­sue tumors with the pro­li­fe­ra­tion mar­ker [18F]fluoro­de­oxythy­mi­dine.
    Clin Can­cer Res 14: 2970-2977
  • Pauls S, Mot­taghy FM, Schmidt SA, Krü­ger S, Möl­ler P, Brambs H-J, Wun­der­lich A
    Eva­lua­tion of lung tumor per­fu­sion by dyna­mic contrast-​enhanced MRI.
    Magn Reson Ima­ging. 26(10):1334-41
  • Ben­tink S, Wes­sen­dorf S, Schwae­nen C, Roso­low­ski M, Klap­per W, Rosen­wald A, Ott G, Ban­ham AH, Fel­ler AC, Hans­mann M-L, Hum­mel M, Len­zen D, Möl­ler P, Stu­er­zen­ho­f­e­cker B, Loeff­ler M, Tru­em­per L, Stein H, Sie­bert R, Spang R
    Pathway acti­va­tion pat­terns in dif­fuse large B-​cell lym­pho­mas
    Leuke­mia 22: 1746-1754
  • Schwae­nen C, Viar­dot A,  Ber­ger H,  Barth TFE,  Bent­nink S,  Döh­ner H, Enz M, Fel­ler AC, Hans­mann M-L, Hum­mel M,  Kest­ler HA,  Klap­per W, Kreuz M, Lenze D,  Loeff­ler M, Möl­ler P,  Müller-​Hermelink H-K, Ott G,  Roso­low­ski M, Rosen­wald A,  Ruf S,  Sie­bert R, Spang R, Stein H, Trüm­per L, Lich­ter P, Bentz M, Wes­sen­dorf S for the Mole­cu­lar Mecha­nisms in Mali­gnant Lym­pho­mas Net­work Pro­ject of the Deut­sche Krebs­hilfe
    Micro­ar­ray based geno­mic pro­fi­ling reveals novel geno­mic aberra­ti­ons in fol­li­cu­lar lym­phoma which asso­ciate with pati­ent sur­vi­val and gene expres­sion sta­tus.
    Gene Chro­mo­some Can­cer 48: 39-54
  • Brü­der­lein S, Mül­ler K, Melz­ner J, Högel J, Wie­gand P, Möl­ler P
    Dif­fe­rent rates of telo­mere attri­tion in peri­phe­ral lym­pho­cy­tes in a pair of dizy­go­tic twins with hema­to­poie­tic chi­me­rism.
    Aging Cell 7: 663-666
  • Klap­per W, Sze­panow­ski M, Burk­hardt B, Ber­ger H, Roso­lowsk M, Ben­tink S, Schwae­nen C, Wes­sen­dorf S, Spang R, Möl­ler P, Hans­mann ML, Bernd H-W, Ott G, Hum­mel M, Stein H, Loeff­ler M, Trüm­per L, Zim­mer­man M, Rei­ter A, Sie­bert R for the Mole­cu­lar Mecha­nisms in Mali­gnant Lym­pho­mas Net­work Pro­ject of the Deut­sche Krebs­hilfe.
    Mole­cu­lar pro­fi­ling of ped­ia­tric mature B-​cell lym­phoma trea­ted in population-​based pro­spec­tive cli­ni­cal tri­als.
    Blood 112(4):1374-81
  • Buck AK, Bom­mer M, Juweid ME, Glat­ting G, Stil­gen­bauer S, Mot­taghy FM, Schulz M, Kull T,  Bun­jes D, Möl­ler P, Döh­ner H, Reske SN
    First demons­tra­tion of leuke­mia ima­ging with the pro­li­fe­ra­tion mar­ker 18F-​fluordeoxythymidine.
    J Nucl Med 48: 1756-1762
  • San­der S, Bul­lin­ger L, Klap­p­roth K, Kest­ler H, Barth TFE, Möl­ler P, Stil­gen­bauer S, Pol­lack JR, Wirth T
    MYC sti­mu­la­tes EZH2 expres­sion by repres­sion of its nega­tive regu­la­tor miR-26a.
    Blood 112(10):4202-12
  • Gro­chola LF, Greit­her T, Tau­bert H, Möl­ler P, Knipp­schild U, Udel­now A, Henne-​Bruns D, Würl P
    Pro­gno­stic rele­vance of hTERT mRNA expres­sion in duc­tal ade­no­c­ar­ci­noma of the pan­creas.
    Neo­pla­sia 10(9):973-6
  • Barth E, Bassi G, May­bauer DM, Simon F,  Grö­ger M, Öter S,  Speit G, Nguyen CD, Hasel C, Möl­ler P, Wach­ter U, Vogt JA, Mate­jo­vic M, Rader­ma­cher P, Cal­zia E
    Effects of ven­ti­la­tion with 100% oxy­gen during early hyper­dy­na­mic por­cine fecal peri­to­ni­tis.
    Crit Care Med 36: 495-503
  • Gianno­pou­los K, Bueh­ler A, Mer­tens D, Barth TFE, Idler I, Möl­ler P, Krö­ber A, Grei­ner J, Choch­ol­ska S, Dmos­zynska A, Rolin­ski J, Döh­ner H, Stil­gen­bauer S, Schmitt M
    The can­di­date immu­n­o­the­ra­peu­ti­cal tar­get the recep­tor for hyalu­ro­nic acid media­ted moti­lity (RHAMM) is asso­cia­ted with pro­li­fe­ra­tion and shows pro­gno­stic value in B-​cell chro­nic lym­pho­cy­tic leuke­mia.
    Leuke­mia (in press)
  • Strä­ter J, Wies­mül­ler C, Per­ner S, Kue­fer R, Möl­ler P.
    Alpha-​methylacyl-CoA race­mase (AMACR) immu­n­o­hi­sto­che­mis­try in Bar­rett's and colo­rec­tal mucosa: only signi­fi­cant over­ex­pres­sion favours a dia­gno­sis of intra­epi­the­lial neo­pla­sia.
    His­to­pa­tho­logy 52(3):399-402
  • Gro­chola LF, Greit­her T, Tau­bert H, Möl­ler P, Knipp­schild U, Udel­now A, Henne-​Bruns D, Würl P.
    The stem cell-​associated Hiwi gene in human ade­no­c­ar­ci­noma of the pan­creas: expres­sion and risk of tumour-​related death.
    Br J Can­cer 99(7):1083-8
  • Ushmo­rov A, Leit­häu­ser F, Ritz O, Barth TFE, Möl­ler P, Wirth T
    ABF-1 exhi­bits tumor sup­pres­sor acti­vity and is fre­quently silen­ced by methy­la­tion in fol­li­cu­lar lym­phoma, dif­fuse large B-​cell lym­phoma, and Bur­kitt's lym­phoma.
    Leuke­mia 22: 1942-1944
  • Möl­ler P, Mader A, Barth TFBrü­der­lein S
    [U-HO1. A new cell line deri­ved from a pri­mary refrac­tory clas­si­cal Hodg­kin lym­phoma]
    Patho­loge 29 Suppl 2(): 317-8
  • Brock­schmidt C, Hirner H, Huber N, Eis­mann T, Hil­len­brand A, Gia­mas G, Radun­sky B, Ammer­pohl O,Bohm B, Henne-​Bruns D, Kalt­hoff H, Leit­häu­ser F, Trau­zold A, Knipp­schild U
    Anti-​apoptotic and growth-​stimulatory func­tions of CK1 delta and epsi­lon in duc­tal ade­no­c­ar­ci­noma of the pan­creas are inhi­bi­ted by IC261 in vitro and in vivo.
    Gut 57(6): 799-806
  • Niess JH, Leit­häu­ser F, Adler G, Rei­mann J
    Com­men­sal gut flora dri­ves the expan­sion of pro­in­flam­ma­tory CD4 T cells in the colo­nic lamina pro­pria under nor­mal and inflam­ma­tory con­di­ti­ons.
    J. Immu­nol. 180(1): 559-68
  • Popov SW, Mol­den­hauer G, Wotschke B, Brü­der­lein S, Barth TFE, Ritz O, Möl­ler P, Leit­häu­ser F.
    Tar­get sequence acces­si­bi­lity limits activation-​induced cyti­dine dea­mi­nase acti­vity in pri­mary media­s­ti­nal B-​cell lym­phoma.
    Can­cer Res 67: 6555-6564
  • Per­ner S, Hofer M, Kim R, Shah RB, Li H, Möl­ler P, Haut­mann RE, Gschwend JE, Kue­fer R, Rubin MA.
    Prostate-​specific mem­brane anti­gen (PSMA) expres­sion as a pre­dic­tor of pro­state can­cer pro­gres­sion.
    Hum Pathol 38: 696-701
  • Weni­ger MA, Gesk S, Ehr­lich S, Martin-​Subero JI, Dyer MJS, Sie­bert R, Möl­ler P, Barth TFE.
    Fre­quent gains of REL in pri­mary media­s­ti­nal B-​cell lym­phoma coin­cide with nuclear c-Rel accu­mu­la­tion.
    Genes Chro­mo­so­mes Can­cer 46: 406-411
  • Renné C, Wil­len­b­rock K, Martin-​Subero JI, Hinsch N, Döring C, Tiacci E, Klap­per W, Möl­ler P, Küp­pers R, Hans­mann M-L, Sie­bert R, Bräu­n­in­ger A.
    High expres­sion of seve­ral tyro­sine kina­ses and acti­va­tion of the PI3K/AKT pathway in media­s­ti­nal large B cell lym­phoma reveals fur­ther simi­la­ri­ties to Hodg­kin lym­phoma.
    Leuke­mia 21: 780-787
  • Boul­land M-L, Mar­quet J, Molinier-​Frenkel V, Möl­ler P, Gui­ter C, Lasou­dris F, Copie-​Bergman C, Baia M, Gaul­lard P, Leroy K, Cas­tel­lano F.
    Human IL4I1 is a secre­ted  L-​phenylalanine oxi­dase expres­sed by mature den­dri­tic cells which inhi­bits T-​lymphocyte pro­li­fe­ra­tion.
    Blood 110: 220-227
  • Schuetz C, Barbi G, Barth TFE, Hoe­nig M, Schulz A, Möl­ler P, Smeets D, de Greef JC, van der Maa­rel SM, Vogel W, Deba­tin KM, Fried­rich W.
    ICF syn­drome: High varia­bi­lity of the chro­mo­so­mal phe­no­type in asso­cia­tion with clas­si­cal Hodg­kin lym­phoma.
    Am J Med Gene­tics 143A: 2052-2057
  • Wes­sen­dorf S, Barth TFE, Viar­dot A, Muel­ler A, Kest­ler H, Kohl­ham­mer H, Lich­ter P, Bentz M, Döh­ner H, Möl­ler P, Schwae­nen C.
    Fur­ther deli­nea­tion of chro­mo­so­mal con­sen­sus regi­ons in pri­mary media­s­ti­nal B-​cell lym­pho­mas - an ana­ly­sis of 37 tumor samp­les using high reso­lu­tion geno­mic pro­fi­ling (array CGH).
    Leuke­mia 21: 2463-2469
  • Klap­per W, Hos­ter E, Röl­ver L, Schra­der C, Jans­sen D, Tie­mann M, Bernd H-W, Deter­mann O, Hans­mann M-L, Möl­ler P, Fel­ler A, Stein H, Wacker H-H, Par­wa­resch R, Drey­ling M, Unter­halt M, Hid­de­mann W, Ott G.
    Tumor scle­ro­sis but not cell pro­li­fe­ra­tion or WHO grade is a pro­gno­stic mar­ker in advan­ced stage fol­li­cu­lar lym­phoma trea­ted in a pro­spec­tive ran­do­mi­zed study of the Ger­man Low Grade Lym­phoma Study Group (GLSG).
    J Clin Oncol 25: 3330-3336
  • Kienle D, Kat­zen­ber­ger T, Ott G, Saupe D, Bren­ner A, Kohl­ham­mer H, Barth TFE, Höl­ler S, Kalla J, Rosen­wald A, Müller-​Hermelink HK, Möl­ler P, Lich­ter P, Döh­ner H, Stil­gen­bauer S.
    Quan­ti­ta­tive gene expres­sion dere­gu­la­tion in man­tle cell lym­phoma: cor­re­la­tion with cli­ni­cal and bio­lo­gi­cal fac­tors.
    J Clin Oncol 25: 2770-2777
  • Liu G, Gri­man M, Mac­do­nald J, Möl­ler P, Wong-​Staal F, Li Q-X.
    Iso­gin­k­ge­tin enhan­ces adi­ponec­tin secre­tion from human adi­po­cy­tes via a novel pathway invol­ving AMPK.
    J Endocri­nol 194: 569-578
  • Buck AK, Kra­toch­wil C, Glat­ting G, Juweid M, Bom­mer M, Tep­sic D, Vogg ATJ, Matt­feldt T, Neu­maier B, Möl­ler P, Reske SN.
    Early assess­ment of the­rapy response in mali­gnant lym­phoma with the thy­mi­dine ana­lo­gue [18F]FLT.
    Eur J Nucl Med Mol Ima­ging 34: 1775-1782
  • Mader A, Brü­der­lein S, Wege­ner S, Popov S, Müller-​Hermelink H-K, Melz­ner I, Viar­dot A, Möl­ler P.
    U-HO1, a new cell line deri­ved from a pri­mary refrac­tory clas­si­cal Hodg­kin lym­phoma.
    Cyto­ge­ne­tics Genome Res 119: 204-210
  • Barth TFE*, Barth C*, Kest­ler HA*, Michl P, Weni­ger MA, Buch­holz M, Möl­ler P, Gress T.
    Tran­scrip­tio­nal pro­fi­ling sug­gests that secon­dary and pri­mary large cell lym­phoma of the gastro­in­te­sti­nal (GI) tract are blastic vari­ants of GI mar­gi­nal zone lym­phoma.
    J Pathol 211: 305-313
  • Schnei­der­han W, Diaz F, Fun­del M, Zhou S, Siech M, Hasel C, Möl­ler P, Gschwendt JE, Seuf­fer­lein T, Gress T, Adler G, Bachem MG.
    Pan­crea­tic stel­late cells are an important source of MMP-2 in human pan­crea­tic can­cer and acce­le­rate tumor pro­gres­sion in murine xeo­graft model and CAM-​assay.
    J Cell Sci­ence 120: 512-519
  • Klass O, Hoff­mann MH, Lud­wig B, Leit­häu­ser F, Han­ne­kum A
    Images in car­dio­va­s­cu­lar medi­cine. Left ven­tri­cu­lar bron­cho­ge­nic cyst.
    Cir­cu­la­tion 116(16): e385-7
  • Mou­bayed P, Leit­häu­ser F, Bin­der T, Uppen­kamp M, Fel­ler AC
    Two cases of pri­mary mali­gnant NK/T-​cell lym­phoma in the small intes­tine fol­lo­wing an aggres­sive cli­ni­cal course: Mor­pho­lo­gi­cal, immu­n­o­hi­sto­che­mi­cal, and mole­cu­lar ana­ly­sis.
    Leuk. Lym­phoma 48(7): 1451-5
  • Matt­feldt T, Eckel S, Flei­scher F, Schmidt V
    Sta­ti­sti­cal model­ling of the geo­me­try of pla­nar sec­tions of pro­sta­tic capil­la­ries on the basis of sta­tio­nary Strauss hard-​core proces­ses.
    J Microsc 228(Pt 3): 272-81
  • Fischer-​Posovsky P, Hebes­tereit H, Hoff­mann AK, Möl­ler P, Deba­tin K-M, Wabitsch M.
    Role of CD95-​mediated loss of adi­po­cy­tes in auto­im­mune lipo­dys­tro­phy.
    J Clin Endocri­nol Metab 91: 1129-1135
  • Melz­ner I, Bucur AJ, Weni­ger MA, Brü­der­lein S, Dorsch K, Hasel C, Leit­häu­ser F, Ritz O, Dyer MJS, Barth TFE, Möl­ler P.
    Bial­le­lic dele­tion within 16p13.13 inclu­ding SOCS-1 in Kar­pas1106P medis­ti­nal B-​cell lym­phoma line is asso­cia­ted with delayed degra­dation of JAK2 pro­tein.
    Int J Can­cer118: 1941-1944
  • Hum­mel M, Oeschger S, Barth TFE, Lod­denkem­per C, Cogliatti S, Marx A, Wacker H-H, Fel­ler AC, Bernd H-W, Hans­mann M-L, Stein H, Möl­ler P.
    Wothers­poon cri­te­ria com­bi­ned with B-​cell clo­na­lity ana­ly­sis by advan­ced PCR tech­no­logy discri­mi­na­tes cryp­tic gastic mar­gi­nal zone lym­phoma from chro­nic gas­tri­tis.
    Gut 55: 782-787
  • Mayer S, Brü­der­lein S, Per­ner S, Wai­bel I, Hol­den­ried A, Cio­glu N, Hasel C, Matt­feldt T, Vang Niel­sen K, Möl­ler P.
    Sex-​specific telo­mere length pro­files and age-​dependent ero­sion dyna­mics of indi­vi­dual chro­mo­some arms in humans.
    Cyto­gen Genome Res 112: 194-201
  • Weni­ger M, Melz­ner I, Menz CK, Wege­ner S, Bucur AJ, Dorsch K, Barth TFE, Möl­ler P.
    Muta­ti­ons of the tumor sup­pres­sor gene SOCS-1 in clas­si­cal Hodg­kin lym­phoma are fre­quent and asso­cia­ted with nuclear phospho-​STAT5 accu­mu­la­tion.
    Onco­gene 25: 2679-2684
  • Mol­den­hauer G, Popov SW, Wotschke B, Brü­der­lein S, Riedl P, Fis­solo N,  Schirm­beck R, Ritz O, Möl­ler P, Leit­häu­ser F.
    AID expres­sion iden­ti­fies large inter­fol­li­cu­lar B cells as puta­tive pre­cur­sors to mature B cell mali­gnan­cies.
    Blood 107: 2470-2473
  • Ushmo­rov A, Leit­häu­ser F, Sakk O, Wein­häu­sel A, Popov SW, Möl­ler P, Wirth T.
    Epi­ge­ne­tic proces­ses play a major role in B-​cell-specific gene silen­cing in clas­si­cal Hodg­kin lym­phoma.
    Blood 107: 2493-2500
  • Bha­not U, Heyd­rich R, Möl­ler P, Hasel C.
    Sur­vi­vin expres­sion in pan­crea­tic intra­epi­the­lial neo­pla­sia (PanIN): steady incre­ase along the deve­lo­p­men­tal stages of pan­crea­tic duc­tal car­ci­noma.
    Am J Surg Pathol 30: 754-759
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    Mole­cu­lar ima­ging of pro­li­fe­ra­tion in mali­gnant lym­phoma.
    Can­cer Res 22: 11055-11061
  • Reske SN, Blum­stein NM, Neu­maier B, Gott­fried H-W, Fins­ter­busch F, Kocot D, Möl­ler P, Glat­ting G, Per­ner S.
    Ima­ging pro­state can­cer with 11C-​choline PET/CT.
    J Nucl Med 47: 1249-1254
  • Murga Penas EM, Kaw­ad­ler H, Sie­bert R, Frank M, Ye H, Hinz C, Hum­mel M,  Barth TFE, Boke­meyer C, Stein H, Trüm­per L, Möl­ler P, Mary­nen P, Du M-Q, Yang X, Hans­mann ML, Dier­lamm J.
    A novel fusion of the MALT I gene and the microtubule-​associated 4 (MAP4) gene occurs in dif­fuse large B-​cell lym­phoma.
    Genes Chro­mo­so­mes Can­cer 45: 863-873
  • Hum­mel M, Ben­tink S, Ber­ger H, Klap­per W, Wes­sen­dorf S, Barth TFE, Bernd H-W, Cogliatti S, Dier­lamm J, Fel­ler AC, Hans­mann M-L, Haralam­bieva E, Har­der L, Hasen­cle­ver D, Kühn M, Lenze D, Lich­ter P, Martin-​Subero J-I, Möl­ler P, Müller-​Hermelink H-K, Ott G, Par­wa­resch RM, Pott C, Rosen­wald A, Roso­low­ski M, Schwae­nen C, Stür­zen­ho­f­e­cker B, Sze­panow­ski M, Traut­mann H, Wacker H-H, Spang R, Loeff­ler M, Trüm­per L, Stein H, Sie­bert R for the Mole­cu­lar Mecha­nisms in Mali­gnant Lym­pho­mas Net­work Pro­ject of the Deut­sche Krebs­hilfe.
    A bio­lo­gic defi­ni­tion of Bur­kitt´s lym­phoma from tran­scrip­tio­nal and geno­mic pro­fi­ling.
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  • Martin-​Subero JI, Klap­per W, Sot­ni­kova A, Callet-​Bachu E, Har­der L, Bas­tard C, Schmitz R, Groh­mann S, Höpp­ner J, Riemke J, Barth TFE, Ber­ger F, Bernd H-W, Cla­viez A, Gesk S, Frank GA, Kaplan­s­kaya IB, Möl­ler P, Par­wa­resch RM, Rüdi­ger T, Stein H, Küp­pers R, Hans­mann ML, Sie­bert R.
    Chro­mo­so­mal break­points affec­ting immu­n­o­glo­bu­lin loci are recur­rent in Hodg­kin and Reed-​Sternberg cells of clas­si­cal Hodg­kin lym­phoma.
    Can­cer Res 66: 10332-8
  • Weni­ger MA, Pul­ford K, Gesk S, Ehr­lich S, Ban­ham AH, Lyne L, Martin-​Subero JI, Sie­bert R, Dyer MJS, Möl­ler P, Barth TFE.
    Gains of the pro­toon­co­gene BCL11A and nuclear accu­mu­la­tion of BCL11A(XL) pro­tein are fre­quent in pri­mary media­s­ti­nal B-​cell lym­phoma.
    Leuke­mia 20: 1880-1882
  • Leit­häu­ser F, Meinhardt-​Krajina T, Fink K, Wotschke B, Möl­ler P, Rei­mann J.
    Foxp3-​expressing CD103+ regu­la­tory T cells accu­mu­late in den­dri­tic cell aggre­ga­tes of the colo­nic mucosa in murine trans­fer coli­tis.
    Am J Pathol 168: 1898-1909
  • Cogliatti SB, Novak U, Henz S, Schmid U. Möl­ler P, Barth TFE.
    Dia­gno­sis of Bur­kitt´s lym­phoma in due time: a prac­ti­cal approach.
    Br J Hae­ma­tol 134: 294-301
  • Weni­ger MA, Melz­ner I, Menz CK, Wege­ner S, Bucur AJ, Dorsch KMatt­feldt TBarth TFMöl­ler P
    Muta­ti­ons of the tumor sup­pres­sor gene SOCS-1 in clas­si­cal Hodg­kin lym­phoma are fre­quent and asso­cia­ted with nuclear phospho-​STAT5 accu­mu­la­tion.
    Onco­gene 25(18): 2679-84
  • Weni­ger MA, Melz­ner I, Menz CK, Wege­ner S, Bucur AJ, Dorsch KMatt­feldt TBarth TFMöl­ler P
    [Muta­ti­ons of the tumor sup­pres­sor gene SOCS-1 in clas­si­cal Hodg­kin lym­phoma are fre­quent and asso­cia­ted with nuclear phospho-​STAT5 accu­mu­la­tion]
    Verh Dtsch Ges Pathol 90(): 210-5
  • Matt­feldt T
    Pre­dic­tion of the vari­ance of ste­reo­lo­gi­cal volume esti­ma­tes from sys­te­ma­tic sec­tions using computer-​intensive methods.
    J Microsc 222(Pt 3): 166-76
  • Matt­feldt T, Eckel S, Flei­scher F, Schmidt V
    Sta­ti­sti­cal ana­ly­sis of redu­ced pair cor­re­la­tion func­tions of capil­la­ries in the pro­state gland.
    J Microsc 223(Pt 2): 107-19
  • Ritz O, Leit­häu­ser F, Hasel C, Brü­der­lein S, Ushmo­rov A, Möl­ler P, Wirth T.
    Down-​modulation of the inter­nal enhan­cer acti­vity con­tri­bu­tes to abnor­mally low Ig expres­sion in the MedB-1 media­s­ti­nal B-​cell lym­phoma cell line.
    J Pathol  205: 336-348
  • Schnei­ders A, Thiel S, Wink­ler J, Möl­ler P, Koch N.
    Anti­bo­dies gene­ra­ted by a novel DNA vac­ci­na­tion iden­tify the MHC class III encoded BAT2 poly­pep­tide.
    Vac­cine 23: 2540-2550
  • Mara­fioti T, Pozzo­bon M, Hans­mann M-L, Gau­lard P, Barth TFE, Copie-​Bergman C, Rober­ton H, Ven­tura R, Martin-​Subero JI, Pileri SA, Sie­bert R, Hsi E, Möl­ler P, Mason DY.
    Expres­sion pat­tern of intra­cel­lu­lar leukocyte-​associated pro­te­ins in pri­mary media­s­ti­nal B cell lym­phoma.
    Leuke­mia 19: 856-861
  • Strä­ter J, Hinz U, Hasel C, Bha­not U, Mech­ters­hei­mer G, Leh­nert T, Möl­ler P.
    Impai­red CD95 expres­sion pre­dis­po­ses for recur­rence in cura­tively resec­ted colon car­ci­noma: cli­ni­cal evi­dence for immu­no­sel­ec­tion and CD95L media­ted con­trol of mini­mal resi­dual disease.
    Gut 54: 661-665
  • Hasel C, Dürr S, Bauer A, Brü­der­lein S, Tambi T, Bha­not U, Möl­ler P.
    Patho­lo­gi­cally ele­va­ted cyclic hydro­sta­tic  pres­sure indu­ces CD95-​mediated apo­pto­tic cells death in vas­cu­lar endo­the­lial cells.
    Am J Pysiol Cell Phy­siol 289: C312-C322
  • Hasel C, Bha­not U, Maier R, Strä­ter J, Möl­ler P.
    Scle­ro­sing paren­chy­mal regres­sion in chro­nic pan­crea­ti­tis spa­res islets repro­grammed for expres­sion of NFkB and IAPs.
    Lab Invest  85: 1263-1275
  • Buck AK, Het­zel M, Schirr­meis­ter H, Hal­ter G, Möl­ler P, Kra­toch­wil C, Wahl A, Glat­ting G, Mot­taghy FM, Matt­feldt T, Neu­maier B, Reske SN.
    Cli­ni­cal rele­vance of ima­ging pro­li­fe­ra­tive acti­vity in lung nodu­les.
    Eur J Nucl Med Mol Ima­ging 32: 525-533
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    His­to­pa­tho­logy, cell pro­li­fe­ra­tion indi­ces and cli­ni­cal out­come in 304 pati­ents with man­tle cell lym­phoma (MCL): a cli­ni­co­pa­tho­lo­gi­cal study of the European MCL net­work.
    Brit J Hae­ma­tol 131: 29-38
  • Melz­ner I, Bucur AJ, Brü­der­lein S, Dorsch K, Hasel C, Barth TFE, Leit­häu­ser F, Möl­ler P.
    Bial­le­licly muta­ted SOCS-1 impairs JAK2 degra­dation and sus­tains phospho-​JAK2 action in MedB-1 media­s­ti­nal lym­phoma cell line.
    Blood 105: 2535-2542
  • Barth TF, Melz­ner I, Wege­ner S, Bucur AJ, Brü­der­lein SDorsch K, Hasel C, Leit­häu­ser FMöl­ler P
    [Bial­le­lic muta­tion of SOCS-1 impairs JAK2 degra­dation and sus­tains phospho-​JAK2 action in MedB-1 media­s­ti­nal lym­phoma line]
    Verh Dtsch Ges Pathol 89(): 234-44
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    Report: work­shop on media­s­ti­nal grey zone lym­phoma.
    Eur J Hae­ma­tol Suppl 2005 Jul
  • Matt­feldt T, Flei­scher F
    Boot­strap methods for sta­ti­sti­cal infe­rence from ste­reo­lo­gi­cal esti­ma­tes of volume frac­tion.
    J Microsc 218(Pt 2): 160-70
  • Matt­feldt T
    Explo­ra­tive sta­ti­sti­cal ana­ly­sis of pla­nar point proces­ses in microscopy.
    J Microsc 220(Pt 3): 131-9
  • Man­fras BJ, Wei­den­bach H, Beckh K-H, Kern P, Möl­ler P, Adler G, Mer­tens T, Boehm BO
    Oli­go­clo­nal CD8+ T cell expan­si­ons in pati­ents with chro­nic hepa­ti­tis C are asso­cia­ted with liver patho­logy and poor response to inteferon-​α the­rapy
    J Clin Immu­nol 24: 258-271
  • Barth TFE, Mül­ler S, Paw­lita M, Sie­bert R, Rother JU, Mech­ters­hei­mer G, Kitinya J, Bentz M, Möl­ler P
    Homo­ge­nous immu­no­phe­no­type and pacity of secon­dary geno­mic aberra­ti­ons are dis­tinc­tive fea­tures of ende­mic but not of spo­ra­dic Bur­kitt´s lym­phoma
    J Pathol 203: 940-925
  • Kohl­ham­mer H, Schwae­nen C, Wes­sen­darf S, Holz­mann K, Kest­ler HA, Kienle D, Barth TFE, Möl­ler P, Ott G, Radl­wim­mer B, Stil­gen­bauer S, Döh­ner H, Lich­ter P, Bentz M
    Geno­mic DNA-​chip Hybri­diza­tion in t(11;14)-​positive man­tle cell Lym­pho­mas shows a high fre­quency of abbe­ra­ti­ons and allows a refi­ned cha­rac­te­riza­tion of con­sen­sus regi­ons
    Blood 104: 795-801
  • Mara­fioti T, Pozzo­bon M, Hans­mann ML, Ven­tura R, Pileri SA, Rober­ton H, Gesk S, Gau­lard P, Barth TF, Du MQ, Leon­cini L, Mol­ler P, Nat­kunam Y, Sie­bert R, Mason DY
    NFATc1 tran­scrip­tion fac­tor is widely expres­sed in white cells and trans­lo­ca­tes from the cyto­plasm to the nucleus in a sub­set of human lym­pho­mas.
    Br J Hae­ma­tol. 128: 333-342
  • Marinko­vic D, Marinko­vic T, Kokai E, Barth TFE, Möl­ler P, Wirth T
    Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of novel Myc tar­get genes with a poten­tial role in lym­phoma­ge­ne­sis
    Nucl Acid Res 32: 5368-5378
  • Ushmo­rov A, Ritz O, Hum­mel M, Leit­häu­ser F, Möl­ler P, Stein H, Wirth T
    Epi­ge­ne­tic silen­cing of the inter­nal enhan­cer acti­vity con­tri­bu­tes to abnor­mally low Ig expres­sion in the MedB-1 media­s­ti­nal B-​cell lym­phoma cell line
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    Can­cer Immu­nol Immu­n­o­ther. 2004 Dec 31; [Epub ahead of print]
  • Matt­feldt T, Sinn HP.
    Pre­dic­tion of the axil­lary lymph node sta­tus in mam­mary can­cer on the basis of cli­ni­co­pa­tho­lo­gi­cal data and flow cyto­me­try.
    Med Biol Eng Com­put. 42: 733-739
  • Matt­feldt T, Tri­jic D, Gott­fried HW, Kest­ler HA.
    Clas­si­fi­ca­tion of inci­den­tal car­ci­noma of the pro­state using lear­ning vec­tor quan­tiza­tion and sup­port vec­tor machi­nes.
    Cell Oncol. 26: 45-55
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    Bio­lo­gi­cal cha­rac­te­ri­sa­tion of breast can­cer by means of PET.
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    TRAIL and viral infec­tion.
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    Apo­ptose, pro­gram­mier­ter Zell­tod, im Darm­epi­thel: Mecha­nis­men und Per­spek­ti­ven für neue The­ra­pien ent­zünd­li­cher und neo­plas­ti­scher Darm­er­kran­kun­gen.
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  • Scheil-​Bertram S, Hart­wig E, Bru­der­lein S, Melz­ner I, von Baer A, Roess­ner A, Möl­ler P, Schulte M.
    Metachro­nous and mul­ti­ple aneu­rys­mal bone cysts: a rare vari­ant of pri­mary aneu­rys­mal bone cysts.
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  • von Tir­pitz C, Kohn C, Stein­kamp M, Geer­ling I, Maier V, Möl­ler P, Adler G, Reins­ha­gen M
    Lac­tose into­le­rance in active Crohn 's disease -​Clinical value of duo­den­al­lac­tase ana­ly­sis.
    J Clin Gas­tro­en­te­rol 34: 49-53
  • Strä­ter J, Wal­czak H, Pukrop T, von Mül­ler L, Korn­mann M, Mer­tens T, Möl­ler P
    Expres­sion and func­tion of TRAIL and its recep­tors in the nor­mal colo­nic epi­the­lium.
    Gas­tro­en­te­rol 122: 659-666
  • Barth TFE, Rinaldi N, Mech­ters­hei­mer G, Strä­ter J, Alte­vogt P, Möl­ler P
    Meso­the­lial cells in sus­pen­sion expose an enri­ched inte­grin reper­toire capa­ble of cap­tu­ring solu­ble fibronec­tin and larn­i­nin.
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  • Hasel C, Dürr S, Brü­der­lein S, Melz­ner I, Möl­ler P
    A cell-​culture sys­tem for long-​term main­ten­ance ofe­le­va­ted hydro­sta­tic pres­sure with the option of addi­tio­nal ten­sion.
    J Bio­me­cha­nics 35: 579-584
  • Joos S, Menz CK, Wro­bel G, Sie­bert R, Gesk S, Ohl S, Mech­ters­hei­mer G, Trüm­per L, Möl­ler P, Lich­ter P, Barth TFE
    Clas­si­cal Hodg­kin's lyphoma is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by recur­rent copy num­ber gains ofthe short arm of chro­mo­some 2.
    Blood 99: 1381-1387
  • Viar­dot A, Möl­ler P, Högel J, Wer­ner K, Mech­ters­hei­mer G, Ho AD, Ott G, Barth TFE, Sie­bert R, Gesk S, Schle­gel­ber­ger B, Döh­ner H, Bentz M
    Cli­ni­cal cor­re­la­ti­ons of geno­mic gains and los­ses in fol­li­cu­lar lym­phoma.
    J Clin Oncol 20: 4523-4530
  • Fischer P, Möl­ler P, Bindl L, Melz­ner I, Torn­qvist H, Deba­tin K- M, Wabitsch M
    Induc­tion of adi­po­cyte dif­fe­ren­tia­tion by a thiaz­oli­di­ne­dione in cul­tu­red, sub­epi­der­mal, fibroblast-​like cells of an infant with con­ge­ni­tal gene­ra­li­zed lipo­dys­tro­phy.
    J Clin Endocri­nol Metab 87: 2384-2390
  • Tro­bon­jaca Z, Krö­ger A, Sto­ber D, Leit­häu­ser F, Möl­ler P, Hau­ser H, Schirm­beck R, Rei­mann J
    Acti­vating irnrnu­nity in the liver. II. Interferon-​ß attenua­tes NK cell-​dependent liver injury trig­ge­red by liver NKT cell acti­va­tion.
    J Immu­nol 168: 3763-3770
  • Strä­ter J, Hinz U, Wal­czak H, Mech­ters­hei­mer G, Koretz K, Herfarth C, Möl­ler P, Leh­nert T
    Dif­fe­ren­tial expres­sion of TRAIL and TRAIL recep­tors in colon car­ci­noma: TRAIL-​R1 is an inde­pen­dent pro­gno­stic para­me­ter.
    Clin Can­cer Res 8: 3734-3740
  • Copie-​Bergman C, Plon­quet A, Alonso M, Boul­lard M-L, Mar­quet J, Divine M, Möl­ler P, Leroy K, Gau­lard P
    MAL expres­sion in lym­phoid cells: fur­ther evi­dence for MAL as a dis­tinct mole­cu­lar mar­ker of pri­mary media­s­tina1large cell­lym­pho­mas.
    Modern Pathol 15: 1172-1180
  • Melz­ner I, Scott V, Dorsch K, Fischer P, Wabitsch M, Brü­der­lein S, Hasel C, Möl­ler P
    Lep­tin gene expres­sion in human prea­di­po­cy­tes is swit­ched on by matu­ra­tion indu­ced deme­thy­la­tion of dis­tinct CpGs in its pro­xima1 pro­mo­ter region.
    J Biol Chem 227: 45420-45427
  • Barth TFE, Bentz M, Leit­häu­ser F, Stil­gen­bauer S, Sie­bert R, Schlot­ter M, Schlenk RF, Döh­ner H, Möl­ler P
    Patho­ge­nic com­ple­xity of gastric B-​cell lym­phoma.
    Blood 100: 1095-1096, Let­ter
  • Barth TFE, Leit­häu­ser F, Joos S, Bentz M, Möl­ler P
    Media­s­tina1 (thy­mic) B cell lym­phoma: where do we stand?
    Lan­cet Oncol 3: 229-234, Invi­ted Review
  • Gro­nau S, Menz CK, Haut­mann R, Möl­ler P, Barth TFE
    Clo­na­lity ana­ly­sis of a car­ci­no­s­ar­coma of the urinary blad­der by com­pa­ra­rive geno­mic hybri­diza­tion.
    Virch­ows Arch 440: 436-440
  • Leit­häu­ser F, Kra­jina T, Tro­bon­jaca Z, Rei­mann J
    Early events in the patho­ge­nesis of a murine trans­fer coli­tis.
    Pat­ho­bio­logy 70(3): 156-63
  • Wick MJ, Leit­häu­ser F, Rei­mann J
    The hepa­tic immune sys­tem.
    Crit. Rev. Immu­nol. 22(1): 47-103
  • Buck AK, Schirr­meis­ter H, Het­zel M, Von Der Heide M, Hal­ter G, Glat­ting G, Matt­feldt T, Lie­wald F,Reske SN, Neu­maier B
    3-​deoxy-3-[(18)F]fluorothymidine-​positron emis­sion tomo­gra­phy for non­in­va­sive assess­ment of pro­li­fe­ra­tion in pul­mo­nary nodu­les.
    Can­cer Res. 62(12): 3331-4
  • Kue­fer R, Varam­bally S, Zhou M, Lucas PC, Loeff­ler M, Wol­ter H, Matt­feldt T, Haut­mann RE,Gschwend JE, Bar­rette TR, Dunn RL, Chin­naiyan AM, Rubin MA
    alpha-​Methylacyl-CoA race­mase: expres­sion levels of this novel can­cer bio­mar­ker depend on tumor dif­fe­ren­tia­tion.
    Am. J. Pathol. 161(3): 841-8
  • Wol­ter H, Tri­jic D, Gott­fried HW, Matt­feldt T
    Chro­mo­so­mal chan­ges in inci­den­tal pro­sta­tic car­ci­no­mas detec­ted by com­pa­ra­tive geno­mic hybri­diza­tion.
    Eur. Urol. 41(3): 328-34
  • Matt­feldt T, Wol­ter H, Tri­jic D, Gott­fried HW, Kest­ler HA
    Chro­mo­so­mal regi­ons in pro­sta­tic car­ci­no­mas stu­died by com­pa­ra­tive geno­mic hybri­diza­tion, hier­ar­chi­cal clus­ter ana­ly­sis and self-​organizing fea­ture maps.
    Anal Cell Pathol 24(4-5): 167-79
  • Buck A, Schirr­meis­ter H, Kühn T, Shen C, Kal­ker T, Kot­zerke J, Dan­kerl A, Glat­ting G, Reske S,Matt­feldt T
    FDG uptake in breast can­cer: cor­re­la­tion with bio­lo­gi­cal and cli­ni­cal pro­gno­stic para­me­ters.
    Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Ima­ging 29(10): 1317-23
  • Wol­ter H, Gott­fried HW, Matt­feldt T
    Gene­tic chan­ges in stage pT2N0 pro­state can­cer stu­died by com­pa­ra­tive geno­mic hybri­diza­tion.
    BJU Int. 89(3): 310-6
  • Paiss T, Wöhr G, Haut­mann RE, Matt­feldt T, Mül­ler M, Hae­uss­ler J, Vogel W
    Some tumors of the blad­der are poly­clo­nal in ori­gin.
    J. Urol. 167(2 Pt 1): 718-23
  • Strä­ter J, Mariani SM, Wal­czak H, Rücker FG, Leit­häu­ser F, Kram­mer PH, Möl­ler P
    CD95 ligand (CD95L) in nor­mal human lym­phoid tis­sues. A sub­set of plasma cells are pro­mi­nent pro­du­cers of CD95L.
    Am J Pathol 154: 193-201
  • Mol­den­hauer G, Henne C, Kar­hau­sen J, Möl­ler P
    Surface-​expressed inva­ri­ant chain (CD74) is requi­red for inter­na­liza­tion of human leu­co­cyte antigen-​DR mole­cu­les to early endo­so­mal com­part­ments.
    Immu­nol 96: 473-484
  • Bruch J, Wöhr G, Brü­der­lein S, Barbi G, Wol­ter H, Dix­kens C, Matt­feldt T, Möl­ler P, Paiss T, Haut­mann R, Vogel R, Hameis­ter H
    Detailed mar­ker chro­mo­some ana­ly­sis in cell line U-BLC1, estab­lished from transitional-​cell car­ci­noma of the blad­der.
    Int J Can­cer 80: 903-910
  • Cla­es­son MH, Bre­gen­holt S, Bon­ha­gen K, Thoma S, Möl­ler P, Grusby MJ, Leit­häu­ser F, Nis­sen MH, Rei­mann J
    Colitis-​inducing potency of CD4+ T cells in immun­ode­fi­ci­ent, adop­tive hosts depends on their state of acti­va­tion, IL-12 respon­si­veness, and CD45RB sur­face phe­no­type.
    J Immu­nol 162: 3702-3710
  • Mech­ters­hei­mer G, Otano-​Joos M, Ohl S, Ben­ner A, Leh­nert T, Wil­leke F, Möl­ler P, Otto HF, Lich­ter P, Joos S
    Ana­ly­sis of chro­mo­so­mal imba­lan­ces in spo­ra­dic and NFI-​associated peri­phe­ral nerve sheath tumors by com­pa­ra­tive geno­mic hybri­diza­tion.
    Gene Chro­mo­some Can­cer 25: 362-369
  • Paulli M, Strä­ter J, Gia­nelli U, Rous­set M-T, Gam­ba­corta M, Orlandi E, Klersy C, Lavabre-​Bertrand T, Morra E, Man­egold C, Laz­za­rino M, Magrini U, Möl­ler P
    Media­s­ti­nal B-​cell lym­phoma: a study of its mor­pho­lo­gic spec­trum based on 109 cases.
    Hum Pathol 30: 178-187
  • Dueck M, Riedl S, Hinz U, Tan­dara A, Möl­ler P, Herfarth C, Faiss­ner A
    Detec­tion of tenascin-​C iso­forms in colo­rec­tal mucosa, ulce­ra­tive coli­tis, car­ci­no­mas, and liver meta­sta­ses.
    Int J Can­cer 82: 477-483
  • Stil­gen­bauer S, Wink­ler D, Ott G, Schaff­ner C, Leu­polt E, Bentz M, Möl­ler P, Müller-​Hermelink HK, James MR, Lich­ter P, Döh­ner H
    Mole­cu­lar cha­rac­te­riza­tion of 11q dele­ti­ons points to a patho­ge­nic role of the ATM gene in man­tle cell lym­phoma.
    Blood 94: 3262-3264
  • Barth TFE, Döh­ner H, Möl­ler P, Bentz M
    Chro­mo­so­mal aberra­ti­ons in lym­pho­mas of the gastro­in­te­sti­nal tract.
    Leuke­mia Lym­phoma 36: 25-32
  • Ness­ling M, Solinas-​Toldo S, Lich­ter P, Rei­fen­ber­ger G, Wol­ter M, Möl­ler P, Döh­ner H, Bentz M
    Geno­mic imba­lan­ces are rare in hairy cell leuke­mia.
    Gene Chro­mo­some Can­cer 26: 182-183
  • Glas­bren­ner B, Ardan M, Boeck W, Pre­clik G, Möl­ler P, Adler G
    Pro­spec­tive eva­lua­tion of brush cyto­logy of bili­ary stric­tu­res during endoscopic retro­grade cho­lan­gio­pan­crea­to­gra­phy.
    Endoscopy 31: 712-717
  • Glo­eck­ner K, Lei­thae­u­ser F, Lang W, Merz H, Fel­ler AC
    Colo­nic pri­mary large cell lym­phoma with mar­gi­nal zone growth pat­tern pre­senting as mul­ti­ple polyps.
    Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 23(9): 1149-53
  • Schel­lin­ger PD, Som­mer C, Leit­häu­ser F, Schwab S, Storch-​Hagenlocher B, Hacke W, Kiess­ling M
    Epstein-​Barr virus menin­go­en­ce­pha­li­tis with a lymphoma-​like response in an immu­n­o­com­pe­tent host.
    Ann. Neu­rol. 45(5): 659-62
  • Kest­ler HA, Schulé M, Schwen­ker F, Neu­mann H, Matt­feldt T
    [Clas­si­fi­ca­tion of cyto­lo­gi­cal sme­ars of the cer­vix with neu­ro­nal methods]
    Bio­med Tech (Berl) 44(1-2): 17-24
  • Spraul CW, Matt­feldt T, Lang GK
    [Con­junc­ti­val pseu­d­o­lym­phoma in infec­tious mono­nucleosis]
    Klin Monbl Augen­heilkd 215(1): 68-9
  • Siech M, Tripp K, Schmidt-​Rohlfing B, Matt­feldt T, Görich J, Beger HG
    Intra­duc­tal papil­lary muci­nous tumor of the pan­creas.
    Am. J. Surg. 177(2): 117-20
  • Kranz A, Matt­feldt T, Wal­ten­ber­ger J
    Mole­cu­lar media­tors of tumor angio­ge­ne­sis: enhan­ced expres­sion and acti­va­tion of vas­cu­lar endo­the­lial growth fac­tor recep­tor KDR in pri­mary breast can­cer.
    Int. J. Can­cer 84(3): 293-8
  • Rie­chelmann H, Muehl­fay G, Keck T, Matt­feldt T, Ret­tin­ger G
    Total, sub­to­tal, and par­tial sur­gi­cal remo­val of cer­vi­co­facial lymphan­gio­mas.
    Arch. Oto­la­ryn­gol. Head Neck Surg. 125(6): 643-8
  • Beger HG, Treit­schke F, Gan­sauge F, Harada N, Hiki N, Matt­feldt T
    Tumor of the ampulla of Vater: expe­ri­ence with local or radi­cal resec­tion in 171 con­se­cu­tively trea­ted pati­ents.
    Arch Surg 134(5): 526-32